Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT): General information and discussion of Home Units

How is your experience with hard shell? I am assuming you are using normal oxygen concentrator- does the flow suffer a lot with increased pressure?
For the hard shell (2.0 ATA) it's a two-stage compression process. First the O2 concentrator compress the O2 (around 1.5 ATA, my guess) second the compressor compress to more 2.0 ATA. As a result we have about 6 l/mn flow rate at 2.0 ATA.
For those still thinking about getting their own hbot. Macypan have an offer this month (April). Hard shell is down from $24k USD to $15K USD and the larger soft shell (now with oversized viewing window) is down from 5100 USD to 3100 USD (and that's before the additional group discount we've been getting). See attached pdf for more.
How much is the group discount? When requesting the discount, do we say FOTCM group? Also, will Macy Pan write the purchase price lower for customs?
How is your experience with hard shell? I am assuming you are using normal oxygen concentrator- does the flow suffer a lot with increased pressure?

Hard shell is good for the large window and if you have the space, and if you want higher than 1.5ATA, but other than that, the larger sized soft shell is comparable. It comes with end and side frames that keep the tube shape when deflated, which is nice for getting in without any messing around or material lying on you). Oxygen flow in both naturally decrease as pressure goes up, but at full pressure there is still enough oxygen coming through to provide a full breath for everyone here and at the farm.
How much is the group discount? When requesting the discount, do we say FOTCM group? Also, will Macy Pan write the purchase price lower for customs?

We're going to order another one for group use, so if you or anyone else is planning on getting one this month, the best thing would be to let me know and I'll negotiate and group discount for all. And yes, they reduce the value on the customs slips so that in the event there are any customs charges they are not too much, like 100-200 bux. They can't write too low a value because that might alert customs. Like a large 50lb box with a value of $50 would raise a few eyebrows.
We're going to order another one for group use, so if you or anyone else is planning on getting one this month, the best thing would be to let me know and I'll negotiate and group discount for all. And yes, they reduce the value on the customs slips so that in the event there are any customs charges they are not too much, like 100-200 bux.
Awesome! I would like to order a soft-sided HBOT. I see the sale is only on the 5L concentrator/1.3 ata. I would prefer the 10L concentrator and a minimum 1.5 ata softside. Let me know what you can negotiate. I'm past due on getting one of these. Thank you, Joe!
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Awesome! I would like to order a soft-sided HBOT. I see the sale is only on the 5L concentrator/1.3 ata. I would prefer the 10L concentrator and a minimum 1.5 ata softside. Let me know what you can negotiate. I'm past due on getting one of these. Thank you, Joe!

ok, I'll ask how much more the 1.5ATA and 10L concentrator are. I'll actively assume there must be a deal on that too! Will let you know.
Am I remembering correctly, that pressures below 1.5 ata will not kill fungus, bacteria and viruses? I had wanted to get the sitting type for easier use for my mom, but they are not made above 1.4 ata.

Whatever price you can negotiate, @Joe , I’m gonna want the 10l concentrator and 1.5 ata soft side and whatever A/C and extras that may be needed. Maybe if a couple 2 or 3 of us want the same one, it’ll help with cost.
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Am I remembering correctly, that pressures below 1.5 ata will not kill fungus, bacteria and viruses?

You remember correctly but this statement is not really reliable. Here is a comment from hyperbaric expert on the subject:

I heard 1.3 ATA can cause bacteria/mold to form. Is this true?
No, there is no valid support for this claim. There are many reports stating this myth; however, they all originate from one statement in the textbook Hyperbaric Medicine, page 143. Not only is there no reference for this statement, but there is no clinical data or research supporting this claim. Moreover, the claim does not even have any logistical basis, as they say that “1.5 ATA is antibacterial while 1.3 ATA will cause bacteria to grow.” There is no magic number (or amount of oxygen) that turns the body from being susceptible to bacteria growth into strongly killing bacteria. It should be noted that this statement was written at a time when there was a lot of animosity towards m-HBOT, and it was actually coming from within the hyperbaric community. As time went on, much of this animosity has now turned to respect for m-HBOT as it has survived 20 years of scrutiny and id gaining more scientific support as the years go by.

Source: FAQ – @Hyperbaric Experts
I had wanted to get the sitting type for easier use for my mom, but they are not made above 1.4 ata.

I am also leaning towards 1.5 ata and above because certain conditions need very long treatment times that can be shortened by higher pressure.

Sitting type chambers with 1.5 ata and 10l oxygen are available from other producers. One possibility is Zoy-Tech:

Two sizes are available.

Some more producers:

- Ningbo Kqd Plastic Tech: They have a monoplace chamber that can reach at least 1.7 ata:

- Flexpert: Nice range of chambers with easy entry, all available with 1.5 ata and 10l oxygen. Excellent communication. The only downside is that they mostly sell to traders with 10 units minimum order. However they offer samples of 1 unit at higher price, of course. I will attach their catalogue. A new one with additional products will be published soon.

- Lannx Biotech: 1.5 ata chambers are available. Contact person: Zoe. My communication with her was okay.

Please note that the inclusion of the frame will double the shipping cost. They suggest to get it locally.


What I learned so far is that

- prices on Alibaba are not reliable. It is really necessary to get a quotation

- 1.5 ata chambers are quite easy to get now. However, some are still advertised as 1.3 ata. Lower pressure means less risk for the producer. If you order a chamber make sure that 1.5 ata is specified.


  • Flexpert product catalogue.pdf
    3.7 MB · Views: 2
@Lilou @Regulattor @broken.english

Do you have a preference for a sitting or lying chamber? If one is cheaper than the other, would you go with the cheaper?

I have a user group in mind. My user candidates are elderly, not at their best state of health, and some, including myself, are claustrophobic. Some also have some balancing problems due to their health problems.

This is why my chamber preferences might slightly differ from other peoples'.

My priorities are:

- easy entry and exit
- sufficient space for claustrophobic people
- price

In my above post I have linked some chambers that seem to be suitable. In general I prefer the sitting type chambers. There are foldable chairs for this chambers(accessories) that can be adjusted to a sitting or semi-lying position according to personal preferences.

Further I prefer chambers with vertical zippers. I have some hope that they can be equipped with additional sealings so they can reach higher pressures, closer to 2.0 ata. This is my own idea and it is early days but at least one company, Flexpert, have their own designers and are willing to adjust their product.

My current favourites are the first two chambers from the Flexpert catalogue (attached above), the wheelchair chamber and the vertical cylinder.
@Joe I prefer 10 L concentrator and 1.5 ata. After more thought, I suppose I'd prefer the lying type. My mom had her hip replaced and doesn't have to have the sitting type necessarily. I haven't seen 1.5 ata from Macy Pan in the sitting type.

Thanks for all your research @broken.english . I did go for an HBOT session locally this past October. It was a hard-shell, 1.5 ata. The lady who set it up, told me the internal pressure gage would reach a certain value (can't remember now what it was) but it never reached that value. I wondered if the pressure was set to something less than 1.5 because of this.

Fast forward, I developed a cold sore on my upper lip shortly after the session. I'd no sooner get one lesion almost healed and then another one would form. In the month following this session, I had FIVE cold sores. It was miserable and I hadn't had a cold sore since I came down with Covid and prior to Covid, it had been years. I concluded that the ata was less than 1.5 and I had just fed the virus. I could be wrong, but I decided I wouldn't purchase anything less than 1.5 ata because of my experience.
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