I don't get it.... why not destroy evil?

So, we live in a reality where we are slaves. Slowly we are waking up. Soon we will band together and start building alternative social system while ignoring the ones who desire to keep us enslaved. Inevitably they will attack us.... of course I want them dead I don`t want me and my friends to be slaves or be killed as an example.
Is this feeding into an STS system? What are the alternatives?

Bad example he killed hundreds just to get there.
You can't kill all the predators anyway. There will always be new ones. Are you going to go on a permanent killing spree in perpetuity? You have to learn how to protect yourself with knowledge while predators also exist, so that they cannot defeat you.
My 2 cents on it:
After all the things that have been said in this thread, I was missing one thing (sorry if it has been said, but after 11 pages of reading I may overseen it). We don't need a gun to shot shoot the evil, what we need is the knowldge of using the word "NO" in healthy way. This will destroy the evil in your life.
... isn't it to begin with against the free will of others to "destroy" or "kill" them? I am sorry, I only read quickly over four or five pages of comments, maybe someone else had this, but how can I be STO when I want to kill or destroy peeps? Even though "they" do evil stuff, am I the one to decide over their lives (or not)?
... isn't it to begin with against the free will of others to "destroy" or "kill" them? I am sorry, I only read quickly over four or five pages of comments, maybe someone else had this, but how can I be STO when I want to kill or destroy peeps? Even though "they" do evil stuff, am I the one to decide over their lives (or not)?
Very well written, @bianca etezete.
I’ve been attempting to formulate a similar response, and you’ve nailed it.
I do have an incident I’d like to share.
I experienced a happening, during the covidiot lockdowns, that illustrates another aspect of this “killing evil” thought form, though to a lesser degree.

We live a short distance from a beautiful Pacific Ocean bay, and it became our “noncompliance neighbourhood meeting place” for the local resistance group, lol.

Once in a while tho’, a “believer” would show up.
So, one evening this rather loopy young woman in full “Covid idiocy attire” mask, gloves and face shield, (at the BEACH) was standing on the path waving her arms around, and swirling her scarf in the air over her head, and muttering, as I approached.

As I walked past her, she remarked “I’ve cast a spell, I’ve studied with the most powerful of Witches, and ALL the bacteria is now gone from the Bay! I’ve killed the evil, the water is safe, now!”

My years spent studying natural sciences, biology and ecology, wanted to describe to her, how many life forms in the bay depended upon the ecosystem of “bacteria”.
How much death and devastation would happen, IF that was true.
How dare she think “killing ALL the bacteria” was a good thing!

So, what do you think I said?

Absolutely nothing.
I smiled, nodded (the ol’smile 😊and wave, ploy!👋🏻) and walked right past her, down to the water.
Poor thing.
She was stupid, delusional, full of fear, and so full of false beliefs and self importance there was nothing to say.
No context, no knowledge, no foundation.
Not my monkey, and NOT my circus!

Unless respectfully “ASKED” I’m observing, reporting, learning, experiencing and living, to the best of my abilities.
Hopefully, @Darius1234 can grasp the depth and breadth of the knowledge and integrity found here in the Forum.
It’s a very knowledgeable place to be.
Darius1234, I think what you suggest in the form a question (can destroying STS be STO?) implies somewhat a physically-oriented perspective rather than a spiritual one. It sounds like "3D thinking". Healing & protection of physical being is something, but healing and protection of soul/spirit is more primary. As a principle, bodies are born and die but souls don't. And what most heals, protects, advances a soul is more and deeper true knowledge / awareness. The biggest or deepest "fight" between STS and STO isn't physical but spiritual (awarenes/knowledge based).

To me, your emphasis on physically eliminating STS implies a kind of spiritual blockage, that is, a blockage in knowledge/awareness. You don't trust the utmost truth. You don't love & enjoy it because you're not aware of it enough due to the blockage, which I also suffer. I mean, to the extent I think and act under the influence of STS programs/lies, I don't trust the truth enough to have a deep appreciation, peace and love of eternal life & existence, even if we are living in the so-called Matrix. I'm trying to face and overcome this problem/blockage. Not easy but I see nothing else to do.

We are under so much attack and torture, we suffer a lot. And as others also pointed, this is also what causes us to question everything, question deeper and deeper so that we gradually wake up from dreams/nightmares of lies and remember the biggest and simplest truths of existence through our "higher-centers". More or less, this takes us above 3D (STS-contaminated) thinking when it does.

I think the physical diet protocol you said you would announce can be beneficial. But your love and enjoyment of existence can make even more healing effects on yourself and others around you who are more or less receptive to it.
Very well written, @bianca etezete.
I’ve been attempting to formulate a similar response, and you’ve nailed it.
I do have an incident I’d like to share.
I experienced a happening, during the covidiot lockdowns, that illustrates another aspect of this “killing evil” thought form, though to a lesser degree.

We live a short distance from a beautiful Pacific Ocean bay, and it became our “noncompliance neighbourhood meeting place” for the local resistance group, lol.

Once in a while tho’, a “believer” would show up.
So, one evening this rather loopy young woman in full “Covid idiocy attire” mask, gloves and face shield, (at the BEACH) was standing on the path waving her arms around, and swirling her scarf in the air over her head, and muttering, as I approached.

As I walked past her, she remarked “I’ve cast a spell, I’ve studied with the most powerful of Witches, and ALL the bacteria is now gone from the Bay! I’ve killed the evil, the water is safe, now!”

My years spent studying natural sciences, biology and ecology, wanted to describe to her, how many life forms in the bay depended upon the ecosystem of “bacteria”.
How much death and devastation would happen, IF that was true.
How dare she think “killing ALL the bacteria” was a good thing!

So, what do you think I said?

Absolutely nothing.
I smiled, nodded (the ol’smile 😊and wave, ploy!👋🏻) and walked right past her, down to the water.
Poor thing.
She was stupid, delusional, full of fear, and so full of false beliefs and self importance there was nothing to say.
No context, no knowledge, no foundation.
Not my monkey, and NOT my circus!

Unless respectfully “ASKED” I’m observing, reporting, learning, experiencing and living, to the best of my abilities.
Hopefully, @Darius1234 can grasp the depth and breadth of the knowledge and integrity found here in the Forum.
It’s a very knowledgeable place to be.
I can fully understand you and your way of dealing with that stage of dilusion. Most peeps do not know about "Aeroplankton", and even those who know do sometimes not fully understand what that means. It means around 40 000 Microorganisms in a space the size of a qubic centimeter. Every single cubic centimeter! If we were in the position to kill them all, we would be dead within days - altogether. we can be thankful about the fact that bacteria CAN BECOME RESISTANT. Stephen Harrod Buhner, a Herbalist who died I think in 2022, showed clearly how bacteria and their pathways are important for us. It is like "weather". Deal with it, it is there, and choose your clothing accordingly... Know what I mean?
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"To the other point, I don’t think our purpose is to suffer, but suffering just happens to exist in this realm we currently occupy. I don’t think it’s our job to fix the car by removing the engine or the wheels. It’s not going to go anywhere." (BHelmet)

If a car engine is dead or the wheels are flat, it's not going to go anywhere anyways. It has to be somebody's job to fix the car by replacing engine or wheels so that the car can go someplace.
What I meant to say is that suffering/the existence of evil is a key component of our environment here. It doesn’t seem like it can be changed out or fixed and if it was, it wouldn’t be the same fundamental car.
I can fully understand you and your way of dealing with that stage of dilusion. Most peeps do not know about "Aeroplankton", and even those who know do sometimes not fully understand what that means. It means around 40 000 Microorganisms in a space the size of a qubic centimeter. Every single cubic centimeter! If we were in the position to kill them all, we would be dead within days - altogether. we can be thankful about the fact that bacteria CAN BECOME RESISTANT. Stephen Harrod Buhner, a Herbalist who died I think in 2022, showed clearly how bacteria and their pathways are important for us. It is like "weather". Deal with it, it is there, and choose your clothing accordingly... Know what I mean?
Don’t mean to derail this thread, but for a visual of what @bianca etezete and I are discussing, this photo of a drop of seawater microfauna is only magnified 25 times.
There are cyanobacteria, zooplancton, worms, fish eggs, crab larvae and a host of other bacteria.
Which ones are “evil” and deserve to be obliterated, I wonder?
Crédits 📸: David Liittschwager
Can you tell me where the starting/zero point is - the source of this change?
If the universe is a school that you eventually graduate then after graduation you are taking part in creation. In the process of learning the individuated souls the students while learning the information each of them has their own individuated way of response to the lessons being presented. Some might just learn it and be content, some might simply don`t care, some might come up with ideas of how to change/improve creation to give a few examples.
All of this information is collected and with it a more complex/with a higher density of knowledge iteration of the universe is created only for the cycle to start again.
The starting/zero point is the moment of graduation, the source of the change is the will of creation to recreate and evolve itself imbodied by the souls who are in the process of learning/creating.
According to Ra the previous universe was pure STO and although there was progression, because suffering, joy, sadness, happiness were present this were of low intensity, which made progression slow because the entities there lacked as he puts it "a certain panache, gusto for life" a lack of will to create.
Probably some of the entities living there were bored, desponded yearned for more and the collected information gathered from them gave rise in the next iteration of the universe to the STS element.
The system rebalanced the STS element acted like a speed amplifier giving rise to the "short wave cycle" and through this there was a quantitative leap in the variety on life forms and thus knowledge in the universe.
The greater speed of cycling was gained basically by amplifying emotions.
In this universe the highs of joy, the depth of despair, the peaks of love, the scarring of suffering are so great what I think the next jump will be qualitative.
A refinement, maybe a synthesis of the STO and STS paths that will gave rise to a new path and though it an explosion of new possibilities.
I`m very excited and hopeful for the future!
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... isn't it to begin with against the free will of others to "destroy" or "kill" them? I am sorry, I only read quickly over four or five pages of comments, maybe someone else had this, but how can I be STO when I want to kill or destroy peeps? Even though "they" do evil stuff, am I the one to decide over their lives (or not)?

We can feel evil, desire evil, hate, want to kill another out of a "sense of justice", etc. because we have "the predator's mind"... STS through STO. We are united with them, because that's how they have configured us, that's why the important thing of acquiring knowledge to know how to discern which thoughts and actions correspond to each one and thus make a conscious choice. And even more, to know why the world is the way it is according to the actions and thoughts of other human beings in different circumstances like the one we are observing now and boy is it impressive to see that dynamic.

It is difficult to accept that even the murder of a person corresponds to a karmic lesson, but not being able to accept it, is part of that internal learning struggle between feeding and not feeding the predator's mind but without ceasing to see that that mind is not something "outside of us", it is with us, it is us.

The reality is not like in the movies that with "destroy the bad guy" the evil ends and we all live in peace and happiness. And yet, there is always a continuation of a new "evil", right? that is, the cycle never ends because there must be a balance, just as we are recently witnessing what happened with Donald Trump.

An example that I was observing recently, is how photographers who take pictures of wildlife are forbidden to interfere in the natural cycle of the animals they observe. Can you imagine that predatory animals are isolated or killed to prevent them from eating the rest?can you contemplate how that would affect the rest of the ecosystem for believing that something good is done by "saving" them? There are those who know the impact that this would entail and respect it, some might even be indifferent because they are dealing with animals, but there would be others who, by letting themselves be carried away by their emotions, would point to predators as evil beings who should not live, also disrespecting life and the existential contribution they add to the preservation of wildlife.

It is difficult to just observe, but when you understand that every event in life corresponds to an underlying lesson both in the individual of each person and in an entire country, you stop suffering and tormenting yourself of why things are not as one wants, precisely because the "as one wants" is contrary to your nature in case you have developed the consciousness to understand that lesson. And when you are on that opposite path, "life" or the universe will respond to you according to your development/advancement.
If someone ever ends up in a place where they have to defend themselves, there’s a good chance that more knowledge would have sent them down a different time-line. However, past karma may play a role in some interactions - karmic payback of some sort. I suppose being careful and thoughtful in our actions so as not to accumulate more ‘STS karma’ while striving to gain positive karma through the work: like putting someone on the step behind oneself instead of in the ditch is advisable.
We all mess up in so many different ways, and trying to determine the needs of others is a trap. Everyone is unfathonable if you think about all the dimensions and densities, past lives and whatever else makes up the soul, and that goes for the collective soul of organic portals too I guess. But you know people by their actions.

My mom used to say it’s ok to take a little sh*t off somebody, sometime, but if they start feeding it to you with a toothpick, it’s time to do something about it - nip it in the bud.
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