I don't get it.... why not destroy evil?

The reality is not like in the movies that with "destroy the bad guy" the evil ends and we all live in peace and happiness. And yet, there is always a continuation of a new "evil", right? that is, the cycle never ends because there must be a balance, just as we are recently witnessing what happened with Donald Trump.
I agree. Also (I've mentioned this before, somewhere else) even if, somehow the "Evil" was unnaturally "disappeared" from the earth classroom, the "Teachers" would simply correct the imbalance in the classroom, and evil would being to appear again.

Having said that, as the C's have said, it is imbalanced toward more evil at this time, so as the also say, the house needs to be cleaned out.
Having said that, as the C's have said, it is imbalanced toward more evil at this time, so as the also say, the house needs to be cleaned out.
Yes. The C's say the world is rapidly balancing (that is, STO influences increase) but this also causes the PTB to become more desparate and aggressive as the "change" approaches.

(Ennio) Getting back to knowledge and communication... Is there any particular area of knowledge that people should be focusing on?

A: Self knowledge and ones own weaknesses.
Don’t mean to derail this thread, but for a visual of what @bianca etezete and I are discussing, this photo of a drop of seawater microfauna is only magnified 25 times.
There are cyanobacteria, zooplancton, worms, fish eggs, crab larvae and a host of other bacteria.
Which ones are “evil” and deserve to be obliterated, I wonder?

That's a great pic and good analogy IMO. I'd say all of those critters are violating the free will of others in some way. So maybe they should all be destroyed?
Okay, this is making more sense now. I'm sorry to hear about all that. I can see how anything remotely resembling passivity would be a major red flag in that context. I'm glad you shared, and also glad you made it out on the other side. And also glad that you made it here to the forum! Apologies if my other replies were on the gruff side.

It may be a challenge, but it would be important to consider that while you may have cured your CFS/ME, you have not cured yourself of your childhood experience and its effects on your perception. That's my read of the energy with which you are speaking.

For me, trauma was hard-wired into my neural circuits. This formed a distorted 'lens' through which I saw the world. People who have undergone significant trauma often have a really hard time Seeing past this 'lens' of trauma, which shows a world that is only danger, violence, fear, violation, and nothing more. It IS possible to See beyond it and experience life differently, but it requires a ton of self-work to undo that programming and find the way forwards. It also requires that we let go of our suffering eventually, which as Gurdjieff said, is one of the hardest things for a person to do, mainly because it is quite literally lodged in the body. I know I'm still a work in progress on that one.

Then there's another level of difficulty - when someone who has been traumatized comes across the information of the C's, they seem to confirm that yes, it IS a jungle out there, you DO need to always expect attack, you can't trust your own mind, as you can be easily manipulated and attacked even in that realm that seems most intimate - the one between our ears! So that's a recipe for constant nervous system overload.

So what do we do?

If we can't trust our own minds, it is imperative to network, as you are doing. It's the best kind of activity there is, as it helps us See beyond that lens of trauma. There is also active psycho-education AKA reading books about healing trauma and letting go of negative emotions and changing our core beliefs. Knowledge Protects, as the saying goes. Have you looked into the psychology books like Pete Walker's Complex PTSD, or Healing Developmental Trauma?

Then there are more somatic exercises like EE, and somatic exercises in Rosenberg's Accessing the Healing Power of the Vagus Nerve, as well as somatic exercises in Peter Levine's In An Unspoken Voice. All of these can help release negative emotions from the body and bring about a ventral vagal state. This brings your nervous system out of its frozen trauma mode and into a healthier and more relaxed state, allowing you to experience life differently.

This relaxed state doesn't mean passivity, either. A friend of mine was saying the other day he was worried about relaxing, because he felt like if he let his guard down for one second, everything would go kaflooey. Hyper-vigilance is a tough habit to break. I know from first hand experience. It can be very hard to develop Faith, and Trust the Universe, and hold that FRV in a world gone mad. It is possible, tho, to find a balance between that trust and a protective sort of vigilance.

I've seen that when I'm relaxed and my nervous system is in good shape I feel more capable of making good decisions, can See more clearly, and am thus better able to fend off attacks. And each time we return to ventral vagal state, our nervous system becomes more resilient and able to withstand shocks. Because yes, there is still evil everywhere. But that's not ALL there is. The experience is sort of like the volume knob gets turned down on it all. And the volume knob gets turned up on the possibilities for learning, for exploration, enjoyment of beauty, and even love. I don't think we should ever give up on love. So a certain amount of passivity can be very healing. I think this is what the C's said when they meant that sometimes 'Being needs to catch up with Doing.'

So all that to say, perhaps your conceptions of active and passive should just be thrown out the window for a little while. Because these conceptions are also likely a form of attack, based on the lens through which you're currently looking. 'Activity' does not need to be reduced to 'destroying evil'. Activity can also be wonderfully Creative, in the sense of acting on behalf of your own destiny. I think that's one of the best defences against attack, as well - asking yourself what your deepest dreams are, and then taking step by step towards them, evil and interference be damned.
Thank you Iamthatis for your wise replies. I sure need this atm. So I AM also grateful to Darius1234 for starting his thread, as we all need nearly continual reminders about our state of mind, beliefs, and inner tranquility.
WE are still hit in every direction and this will increase and so much wisdom and knowledge is needed to first recognize, then circumnavigate the situations that hit out of the blue, cannot be predicted, and also the plans of the tptb that are ramping up their plans on us and humanity. Particularly us due to us being semi awake and aware and able to inform others about these plans, well in advance. (We already know the C's have told us they use this platform and others for publicizing their schemes, thus deflating their chances off success).

Coping throughout the 'targetting', such as being incarcerated for speaking out in the UK and elsewhere now, can be hugely difficult. Yet do we succumb and keep quiet? Is this passivity hugely necessary now i the coming times? For our own 'safety'? This being 'external consideration' of a personal safety issue?

Anything that can help us to maintain the 'Happy-Go-Lucky' positivity mentality and actions that the C's have advised us as being our natural right and modus to practice and exemplify is sacrosanct. Our best protection, and these threads help us try to keep this balance. The same with the 'How are you Feeling' thread.

It sure is a jungle out there, and this thread is timely to read bearing in mind I have just posted the Smart technology can kill you thread!
it requires 360 vision 24/7/365 to remain situationally aware, awake and alert. Yet still things get through despite our knowledge protecting us. However, I guess a lot more would get through without this knowledge. Yet do we know if the average person has actually more obstacles to deal with than we do? It reminds me of the 6 of Swords tarot card. We seem to get more swords and stabs in our back than most others from what I am witnessing. Just my 2 cents. x
I`m debating cause is seems my only choice is to live in a defensive stance where I use my knowledge to see incoming attracts and hope that in the next life ill get to reincarnate in a better world where evil doesn`t reach me. This is passive.

Okay, this is making more sense now. I'm sorry to hear about all that. I can see how anything remotely resembling passivity would be a major red flag in that context. I'm glad you shared, and also glad you made it out on the other side. And also glad that you made it here to the forum! Apologies if my other replies were on the gruff side.

In addition to everything iamthis said (although maybe he more or less said it) your history predisposes you to not only "seeing incoming attacks" but to being primed to see many things that are not attacks, as attacks. This, in turn, predisposes you to create 'self-fulfilling prophecies' where you assume others are "out to get you", and you preemptively respond to non attacks in an aggressive way. This causes others to respond in kind and you then conclude that "see, they were out to get me". This is, in essence, defensive (although it is based on a misperception of attack), but it is certainly not passive. There is quite a lot of that approach from you on this thread you started.
If being STO is about supporting the free will of others why not destroy those entities who would subsume the free will of others for their own gain?
Destroying anything in order to mold the world to your desires is definitely STS

Ultimately even the desire itself to just change things so they align with your wants is STS, even if not acted upon.
After reading a few posts in this thread, I realized that the question this Darius guy is asking is nothing new under the sun. It has already been seen many times, be it reality or fiction, to hear the question: If God is light and love, why does he allow evil?

Here in the group we already know the answer and it was given to him.

But his insistence on his point of view only denotes what has happened to many when, for example, they have a great loss or their life is miserable to unbearable heights... they blame creation for all their ills.

And as far as I know, as the C's have said: Life experiences reflect how one interacts with God. Those who are asleep are those of little faith in terms of their interaction with the creation.
Personally, I had a hard time understanding it. Until one day you realize that only you and no one else is responsible not only for yourself, but for the reading you make of reality. Because all the suffering that you can go through is designed so that you can increase the scope of vision, both of what happens in the outside world and inside, by this same quality of the interaction between the creator and the created. By increasing the scope of your vision you simply increase the scope of your free will, you have better information to make choices and can therefore see with some anticipation what the results of a series of choices will be.

As such, you navigate reality and can avoid evil. Destroying it is impossible but you can dodge the bullet.

Ok, this is not new what I am saying for the forum. But maybe it is for Darius1234.
I love this! I think every one of us start out as victims...life gives us lessons to teach us that we are not victims but in reality the co-creators of our reality. Few that walk this earth will actually grasp this. I also see it is a journey/process, you don't simply wake up one day and shake off being a victim - it takes a ton of effort and a ton of re-programing. There is not a single soul on this planet that can "enlighten" another soul to this paradigm shift... proselytizing for any reason only causes harm. Those that truly seek will receive answers.
Ultimately even the desire itself to just change things so they align with your wants is STS, even if not acted upupon.
Hi Dekel, This is interesting cause it kinda raises a paradox for me, as in a way aren't we wanting to change things by raising awareness through sharing of all this information and truth via books social media etc? (To those who are receptive i guess) .. Butterfly wings?

Although I see the main battle as being totally about changing from within first, from the spiritual, like, i have the right to destroy the evil within myself. And externally only in self defence.

I mean, STO don't seem to intervene directly but they do provide information and knowledge to those who ask, and they ask because they need help and/or want to change things for the better?
But the information provided does change things for the better, by changing ourselves, sharing truths etc.

If that makes sense. . :)
Hi Dekel, This is interesting cause it kinda raises a paradox for me, as in a way aren't we wanting to change things by raising awareness through sharing of all this information and truth via books social media etc? (To those who are receptive i guess) .. Butterfly wings?

Although I see the main battle as being totally about changing from within first, from the spiritual, like, i have the right to destroy the evil within myself. And externally only in self defence.

I mean, STO don't seem to intervene directly but they do provide information and knowledge to those who ask, and they ask because they need help and/or want to change things for the better?
But the information provided does change things for the better, by changing ourselves, sharing truths etc.

If that makes sense. . :)
I think this is a specific issue for STS entities moving to STO.

Because we know that "want" is an STS concept. So how does one navigate it ?

I tend to think that becoming STO is like a natural process rather than something you decide to "do". Sorta of like caterpillars going into the chrysalis. They can't force it to happen earlier than it will.

At some point the futility of "want" becomes so apparent that it gradually falls away. And then moving to STO is more about certain behaviors ceasing after that, as opposed to trying to do something.
Hi Dekel, This is interesting cause it kinda raises a paradox for me, as in a way aren't we wanting to change things by raising awareness through sharing of all this information and truth via books social media etc?
The difference seems to be between being guided by our Higher Self (eg. "soul urges") and on the other hand any kind of egotistical wanting. In other words, as Degel said, when we do what is natural to us from our core being, there does not need to be any wanting as such.
I just read something in another thread that gave me an idea. It was regarding the C's saying that "help is on the way" and someone wrote that perhaps some of that help is joining the forum.
To change the perspective on Darius123 what if he is part of the help?

Maybe he is here to challenge us, to see what beliefs we are still clinging to, and to stir things up to help with change...? If someone ruffles your feathers, you need to ask yourself "why?". Are they 'hitting a nerve', or 'pushing your buttons'? Are they forcing you to face something that you think you already have figured out and you're good with it?

Just trying to see different possibilities because nothing can be proven, lol.
I would like to make a point in following your conversations when I went to search engine selection I found words related to what the Cs may have implied about that help and among the comments I searched there is a commentator who made that suggestion "help is on the way" a little before the August session (July 25 in the predictions and prophecies post) from someone called "Chetofloj".
In addition to everything iamthis said (although maybe he more or less said it) your history predisposes you to not only "seeing incoming attacks" but to being primed to see many things that are not attacks, as attacks. This, in turn, predisposes you to create 'self-fulfilling prophecies' where you assume others are "out to get you", and you preemptively respond to non attacks in an aggressive way. This causes others to respond in kind and you then conclude that "see, they were out to get me". This is, in essence, defensive (although it is based on a misperception of attack), but it is certainly not passive. There is quite a lot of that approach from you on this thread you started.
Indeed. People need to try to be assertive instead of either passive or aggressive. In order to do that, a person needs knowledge but most importantly, self awareness, otherwise their emotions get control of them and they react.... either passively or aggressively. Then, they try and justify whatever they're doing by saying it's some kind of a 'virtue'. I suppose it could be a kind of manipulation as well as a desire to ignore faults within themselves that they DON'T wish to see. But it is their free will to do that, and we can't 'make' them self examine, despite warnings and/or good advice.

This is what 'gets my goat' and frustrates the hell out of me. That old saying.... 'you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.' Despite seeing the problem, I still get angry about it. Especially in the context of the current Israeli manipulations/abominations.

I'm seeing a lot of the angry, 'frothing at the mouth', 'take arm against a sea of troubles' emotional reactions on another forum I frequent. They can't see that they're being manipulated into either aggression or passivity. Playing into the hands of those in charge (STS).
If the universe is a school that you eventually graduate then after graduation you are taking part in creation. In the process of learning the individuated souls the students while learning the information each of them has their own individuated way of response to the lessons being presented. Some might just learn it and be content, some might simply don`t care, some might come up with ideas of how to change/improve creation to give a few examples.
All of this information is collected and with it a more complex/with a higher density of knowledge iteration of the universe is created only for the cycle to start again.
The starting/zero point is the moment of graduation, the source of the change is the will of creation to recreate and evolve itself imbodied by the souls who are in the process of learning/creating.
According to Ra the previous universe was pure STO and although there was progression, because suffering, joy, sadness, happiness were present this were of low intensity, which made progression slow because the entities there lacked as he puts it "a certain panache, gusto for life" a lack of will to create.
Probably some of the entities living there were bored, desponded yearned for more and the collected information gathered from them gave rise in the next iteration of the universe to the STS element.
The system rebalanced the STS element acted like a speed amplifier giving rise to the "short wave cycle" and through this there was a quantitative leap in the variety on life forms and thus knowledge in the universe.
The greater speed of cycling was gained basically by amplifying emotions.
In this universe the highs of joy, the depth of despair, the peaks of love, the scarring of suffering are so great what I think the next jump will be qualitative.
A refinement, maybe a synthesis of the STO and STS paths that will gave rise to a new path and though it an explosion of new possibilities.
I`m very excited and hopeful for the future!
I am confused by what you’re trying to get across.

So you accept and agree that there needs to be balance and this is done by having positive and negative in duality, but you started this thread about wanting to kill evil things. :mad: :huh::umm:

Well I guess it's good to know all the critters are there before I decide to go swimming in the ocean, but after seeing that picture i think I would rather go swimming in an indoor chlorine pool.
What if I told you...all those “critters” are the reason ocean water tastes...salty!
Those little microscopic beings are literally “ the salt of the earth”, lol!
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