I don't get it.... why not destroy evil?

If being STO is about supporting the free will of others why not destroy those entities who would subsume the free will of others for their own gain?
STO only defends against STS wish to conquer and dominate, to avoid being eliminated and to restore balance, because that is how the Universe works, it needs both polarities. Exterminating STS or "all evil" would be like all positive poles of batteries wanting to exterminate all negative poles. Both need each other, and the Universe need both in balance.
The next maybe it's an important clue:

Q: (L) [The intergenerational nature of abductions] seems to suggest that there is a particular bloodline that is susceptible to…

A: We have told you before: the Nazi experience was a “trial run,” and by now you see the similarities, do you not?

Q: (L) Yes, I do see…

A: Now, we have also told you that the experience of the “Native Americans” vis-à-vis the Europeans may be a precursor in microcosm. Also, what Earthian 3rd density does to Terran 2nd density should offer “food for thought.” In other words, thou art not so special, despiteth thy perspective, eh? And we have also warned that after conversion of Earth humans to 4th density, the Orion 4th density and their allies hope to control you “there.” Now put this all together and what have you? At least you should by now know that it is the soul that matters, not the body. Others have genetically, spiritually and psychically manipulated/engineered you to be bodycentric. Interesting, as despite all efforts by 4th- through 6th-density STO, this “veil remains unbroken.”

Q: (L) Now, the big question is: what are we supposed to do with this information?

A: As with all else, it is not what you should do with it, it is just that you have it.

Q: (L) Is there any possibility of defeating the plans of the 4th-density STS in this project?

A: Is there any possibility of defeating the Spanish Conquistadors and the English, French, Dutch and German “colonists?”

Q: (F) Did they say what I think they said? (L) Yes. That is inexpressibly depressing.

A: And you expected a rose garden?

El experimento de Casiopeo

addition to everything iamthis said (although maybe he more or less said it) your history predisposes you to not only "seeing incoming attacks" but to being primed to see many things that are not attacks, as attacks. This, in turn, predisposes you to create 'self-fulfilling prophecies' where you assume others are "out to get you", and you preemptively respond to non attacks in an aggressive way. This causes others to respond in kind and you then conclude that "see, they were out to get me". This is, in essence, defensive (although it is based on a misperception of attack), but it is certainly not passive. There is quite a lot of that approach from you on this thread you started.
Yesterday I got a call, he said he was from the Nashville sheriff’s department and that they needed to pick me up because they had a signed, (by me) summons to appear in court, and I failed to show up, they gave the court date - August 27. He gave name and badge number. The phone number indeed was from the Nashville Sheriff’s Dept. He said I could go pay a bail bondsman, their bail bondsman a fine and I could avoid criminal proceedings. Scam right? I thought so but was not completely 100% sure. He sounded like a cop to me. He said another officer would be calling back with more instructions if I wanted to go this route.

I was thrown into fear, fear of cops and fear of Murphy’s law. Two of my fears were brought into stark relief. I played along, my doubts grew as they said they needed cash, the second dude called from another number at the sheriff’s dept, gave name and badge number, and said I needed to pay $3,000, and it needed to be in cash. Scam! Other things made me even more suspicious. I asked the guy to hold on just a few minutes, I felt like I had to get agreement with someone that this was an elaborate scam. Talked to my partner, she said yeah, dummy, it’s a scam. That was all I needed, a bit of confirmation. I told the guy , thanks, but no thanks, I was going to take the criminal route and hung up.

Thanks, cosmic mind for such a good lesson, fear is the mind killer.

I was a bit doubtful because I get my mail at my ex’s place, we have a good relationship and that is our family’s home in Nashville for 30 years, but I thought somebody could have gotten their hands on that summons. My ex wouldn’t do something like that, but I don’t know about anyone else. I feel a bit ashamed for not knowing immediately, fear is indeed the mind killer.
A: Now, we have also told you that the experience of the “Native Americans” vis-à-vis the Europeans may be a precursor in microcosm.
The quotes are interesting to me. The idea that “Native Americans” were primitive undeveloped savages in loincloths is quite possibly brainwashing and part of a genocidal justification.
A: Is there any possibility of defeating the Spanish Conquistadors and the English, French, Dutch and German “colonists?”
Same goes for “colonists” narratives. Just another smoke screen told by the victors.
I would like to make a point in following your conversations when I went to search engine selection I found words related to what the Cs may have implied about that help and among the comments I searched there is a commentator who made that suggestion "help is on the way" a little before the August session (July 25 in the predictions and prophecies post) from someone called "Chetofloj".

Any specific reason for singling out that particular post and member? Do you happen to know that member? It's also not clear what is the point you tried to make and what were you searching for. It's all very vague.
Let's say you have power to destroy what you decree as evil, and you go about doing just that, how would this play out exactly?
If the universe is a school that you eventually graduate then after graduation you are taking part in creation. In the process of learning the individuated souls "the students" while learning the information each of them has their own individuated way of response to the lessons being presented. Some might just learn it and be content, some might simply don`t care, some might come up with ideas of how to change/improve creation to give a few examples.
All of this information is collected and with it a more complex/with a higher density of knowledge iteration of the universe is created only for the cycle to start again.
The starting/zero point is the moment of graduation, the source of the change is the will of creation to recreate and evolve itself imbodied by the souls who are in the process of learning/creating.
According to Ra the previous universe was pure STO and although there was progression, because suffering, joy, sadness, happiness were present this were of low intensity, which made progression slow because the entities there lacked as he puts it "a certain panache, gusto for life" a lack of will to create.
Probably some of the entities living there were bored, desponded, yearned for more and the collective information gathered from them gave rise in the next iteration of the universe to the STS element.
The system rebalanced the STS element acted like a speed amplifier giving rise to the "short wave cycle" and through this there was a quantitative leap in the variety of life forms and thus knowledge in the universe.
The greater speed of cycling was gained basically by amplifying emotions.
In this universe the highs of joy, the depth of despair, the peaks of love, the scarring of suffering are so great that makes me think the next jump will be qualitative.
A refinement, maybe a synthesis of the STO and STS paths that will gave rise to a new path and though it an explosion of new possibilities.
I`m very excited and hopeful for the future!
Basically learn all there is, gather all the new knowledge, improve the system. Of course all of this will be "negotiated" between all in order to be balanced.
I believe victim mentality has already been brought up, so I don't wish to repeat things that have already been said. But what I am reading here is a lot of fight (never compromise with evil, disagree with everybody) or flight (escape to eternal puppy world). Isn't there a third option? Learn what you came here to learn, because your higher self will integrate you and wonder why you gave up so easily.

What is the evil? I found the only thing I could do was compromise with it. It's just an issue of scale; like others said there's too much to "destroy." Pretend it's a stupid version of you that thinks it's looking out for you. Maybe that's true, and even if it isn't, why would you want to kill it? It's just someone under mind control, poor thing, right? Are they threatening your life right now? You're still alive, but I don't know. Just breathe, find another thing to learn. Stop boring God by being so attached to something so fleeting.
I wasn`t

Fundamentally yes but it`s good to challenge your beliefs from time to time.
That’s good.
So may be there’s a part of you that’s really afraid that you’ll be destroyed? Or a part of you that lives in fear that it will be discovered?
My very first impression from what you started this post with is that you are projecting out something about you that you don’t like, your own evils, and may be, unknowingly too, that you don’t realise it’s your own inner evils that you have a problem with and so trying/wanting to blame half of the universe as complicit in causing you suffering.

I could be wrong but it’s usually how it works for me. I see something I don’t like or want to change or be different, but it’s not that something that needs evaluation.. it’s me… people, the world, the cosmos.., they are our mirrors, any negative (or positive) response, thought, feeling, I have to my environment is asking me to have a look at why I felt/thought/acted like that.
I feel like I’ve been/I am ‘evil’ in past/congruent/future lives. It’s just a perspective, evil isn’t even a real concept. Coz if I really let myself get into that daydream I don’t feel evil, Im not doing things that are considered evil, in fact it’s not even something that’s considered, it just is what I do, a natural function of being obsessed with myself. And now I’m going to take over your planet, I’m going to make it just how I want it and I’ll do whatever I have to to make it suit my grand vision for myself, not because I’m evil, just because I want to and that’s how it’s done.
Is it evil for me to chop up an animal while saying a little prayer to my God’s giving thanks and praise? Is it evil in satanic ritual though? It’s pretty much the same thing, just different gods.
Evil is subjective.
Evil is subjective.
Interesting post. I would say evil is not even subjective, although it can be expressed subjectively. Evil is like a minus sign. It is the inversion of creativity; a spiraling sucking of information and light into stasis as primal matter, to be recycled as the evolving Universe.

Such phenomena objectively exist. So is 'evil' just semantics? Why use the word "evil" then? Why the intense, visceral dislike of labels? Of hurty words? Perhaps the pathetic incapability of enduring suffering in pursuit of a creative goal and the instantaneous recognition and communication of such to all others via the medium of such words might have something to do with it?

Well, words aren't really needed for communication anyway. Those with eyes to see understand the grandiose rubbish undergoing the death of wishful thinking regardless of the utterance of a single sound, in an eternal, amused concord.
Are people evil, or are they doing evil things? Evil things are definitely done, I don't think anyone will argue that. But is it wrong to label the person evil?
If all you've ever known is a life where you're surrounded by people doing evil things, would that be 'normal' to you? Or are some people (STS oriented) actually attracted to evil acts and commit them for their own entertainment? Perhaps both can be true.

I personally believe that spiders are evil, I have proof and you can't convince me otherwise. They do evil things like dangle in front of my face, appear when I'm naked and vulnerable, and saunter across my ceiling defying gravity and taunting me because they are out of my reach. Obviously I'm kidding and this is only my perspective, but I'm making a point. (Actually that is a lie and spiders are evil.)
Reading the comments gave me the impression that there is a lot of sense of superiority on the part of some who have criticized the boy.
As if they were showing their personal miseries in their capacity as seeming to be teachers.
I imagine that if the Cs are supporting forists like that it is for the good of humanity in some sense.
Unless the source is not what he professes.
But also for few comments I can't perform a witch hunt since (nobody is perfect).
Are people evil, or are they doing evil things? Evil things are definitely done, I don't think anyone will argue that. But is it wrong to label the person evil?
If all you've ever known is a life where you're surrounded by people doing evil things, would that be 'normal' to you? Or are some people (STS oriented) actually attracted to evil acts and commit them for their own entertainment? Perhaps both can be true.

I personally believe that spiders are evil, I have proof and you can't convince me otherwise. They do evil things like dangle in front of my face, appear when I'm naked and vulnerable, and saunter across my ceiling defying gravity and taunting me because they are out of my reach. Obviously I'm kidding and this is only my perspective, but I'm making a point. (Actually that is a lie and spiders are evil.)

You're right in that some people are inducted into evil through childhood trauma. Others are born that way. If you read through the recommended books on psychopathy, there are plenty of examples of psychos from excellent family backgrounds. But they are born as without the capacity for empathy, and have an appetite for power, control, and malevolence. Which is a decent enough way of thinking about evil for me - they are without conscience.

So the distinction between someone's acts and someone's essence only works if you apply normal human standards to all human-looking beings on the planet. We can't apply those standards, though. Some are born as failed OPs. The C's and Laura's research have shown that our planet is plagued by an intraspecies predator which is so successful that very few people even know that they exist, clueless to the havoc they have visited upon the entire population of the planet throughout history. They play on the humanistic philosophical mindset you describe - 'we're all human, we all make mistakes' - as part of their manipulative hypnosis.

So IMO it's not wrong to label someone evil. It's a necessary corrective to an induced hypnosis. We're not all human. As one example, Luis Garavito confessed to murdering 147 boys. His estimated death count is as high as 400. He tortured and raped many prior to killing them. I don't see it as very complicated - that's evil. Maybe even more troubling are the invisible psychopaths. They aren't as explicitly gruesome and rarely get caught or make the news, but the damage is on another scale as they are busily murdering and torturing entire communities, countries, or scheming to enslave the world. Again, I don't see it as very complicated - they're also evil.
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