I don't get it.... why not destroy evil?

The problem that I see with eliminating “evil” is that we’ve tried this many times and it has only led to more suffering. Think of the emotional manipulation in America after 9/11. People were signing up for the military to go actively fight “evil”. The obvious problem is that we are always acting from ignorance to varying degrees depending on personal efforts to actually understand an issue. There have been revolutions of all sorts, wars, countless nefarious acts of all sorts all perpetrated by people who felt justified because they were fighting evil.

It seems to me that fighting evil in an external way that exerts your will over others is likely (maybe always) just going to be another manifestation of STS and last time I checked you can’t fight fire with fire. I’m not trying to make the point that there is never a time for physical confrontation. Obviously self defense is fine.

I can think of countless views and positions I’ve held in the past where I absolutely felt like I was on the right side only to find out later I had everything backwards. It seems a bit hard to fight evil if I’m just going to look back and realize I fought the wrong fight.

I think the only way to fight evil the STO way would be to fight it within ourselves via the work. All the bad stuff out there in the world lives within all of us so if we want a better world the best we can do is become better people. From there we may have a chance to help which is done by giving knowledge to those who ask.
Indeed, the first petty tyrant , that anyone has to face when "doing" the work is oneself.
I guess modes of attack could include pain, addiction, hypnotism, noise, stampedes, depression, systemic or natural evil (or disharmony), other people or oneself lashing out.

Then the solutions, respectively, may be: Remove the source of pain or avoid getting into the conflict. Defend yourself.

Discipline yourself (low-carb...) and find productive habits.

Divert attention or redirect emotions, try to remember the present reality.

Get some shooting headphones and wear them upside down. More metaphorical noise may be countered by healthy music, true information, being quietly disgusted and wishing idly for reciprocity?

Shared suffering (multiple reports or multiple combatants may stop an assault from multiple people), or else removing dependence on one's location or position (get out of there when possible).

A different perspective. For instance, I would think "I am here forever, so it's pointless to feel depressed about it all." Someone else might have to think the opposite, that justice will prevail or that they will create a new universe.

Cultivate patience, where you can.

Don't lash out. Remember that you may be being as stupid as whom you're lashing out against. Remember your future (have "long-term thinking")

Sorry if this went on. I was doing my best to merge philosophy and practice, not projecting my miseries. At least, hopefully not excessively.
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