I don't get it.... why not destroy evil?

I wrote the following when I was about twelve or fourteen years old:

"I think, therefore I am."

But... am I existence or am I thought?

If I die...

Does my existence die?

Does my thought die?

Isn't thought the true existence?
What is told about thoughts in the Ra-Cassiopaea cosmology is the source of "the greatest inspiration", I think.

When we will solve all our deep problems, we will do it by our "thoughts" alone, essentially. All problems are caused by "thoughts" and solved by "thoughts", eventually.
Yet were not 4D STS said to be (sometime) pets of higher density STS?
Yeah, the C's say bigfoots are the slaves and pets of Lizzies, who, in turn, are the slaves and, sometimes, pets of Orion STS. I'm not sure what Orion STS refers to specifically, but here I take it to be higher 4D STS, like Nordic 4D STS.

Or are the masters of reptilians also 4D or 5D?
If I remember right, Ra says 5D STS teaches 4D STS and command their armies. I think, technically, both Lizzies and Nordic 4D STS are voluntary slaves/students of 5D STS.

Do not 6D STS sometimes abduct people?
I don't think so, I don't remember reading anything like that in the Ra and Cassiopaea materials. I don't think that 5D STS will abduct humans either. I think there may be exceptions but the rule is that they won't, probably. They wouldn't concern themselves with that. They don't need to abduct people, I suppose.

Are we to understand that as disunified thought experiments by 5D or 6D?
Can you clarify or rephrase it, please?

Perhaps our higher selves (assuming their existence of course) are playing around with scenarios, and some of it happens to become real for us?
Like what?

Can I even think about these things without my head exploding?
Don't torture yourself. Growing positivity should be our first concern, I believe.
I'm not sure if could distinguish a 4D attack from a 5D attack.
After I said that, I remembered the attack that almost caused me to commit suicide:

Yeah, I think that could have been a 5D STS attack.
Can you clarify or rephrase it, please?

Like what?
Both of my questions refer to the 6D abductions, which I think are convincingly debunked by you and @Nienna . I was searching for what I may have been remembering, but only found something about even Nordics rarely abducting people (and when they do so, it is permanent).

From what I might recall, though, there was something about someone being taken aboard a UFO and having a forced encounter with a woman, but I must have read this too many years ago for the memory to be accurate. I believe it may have something to do with a case John Keel came across, but no matter.

That said, I do wonder if 5D and 6D play a lot with imagination, constantly coming up with creative scenarios, if that helps to clarify anything.
Both of my questions refer to the 6D abductions, which I think are convincingly debunked by you and @Nienna . I was searching for what I may have been remembering, but only found something about even Nordics rarely abducting people (and when they do so, it is permanent).

From what I might recall, though, there was something about someone being taken aboard a UFO and having a forced encounter with a woman, but I must have read this too many years ago for the memory to be accurate. I believe it may have something to do with a case John Keel came across, but no matter.

That said, I do wonder if 5D and 6D play a lot with imagination, constantly coming up with creative scenarios, if that helps to clarify anything.
That was in Brazil , the Antonio Villas Boas case , i think is what you are referring to , but that has no, "direct " bearing , on 5 or 6th . linky
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