Iodine and Potassium Iodide

Alright, folks. I'm still working on reading the thread in full, but I'm getting there. I do have a couple of questions:

I understand it's silly to go into this with amalgam fillings, but in my financial state I can't get mine replaced in the near future. Should I scrap the endeavor, or would cofactors protect?

Also, I've read about a couple of types of selenium. What type do you guys recommend? Is one better or more effective than another?

Until I hear back, I will be drinking salt water like a fish
Alana said:
Regarding the leg cramps, I have an opposite reaction to most people with the potassium supplements. I get the cramps when I take potassium. I noticed it every time I took the supplement so I stopped. I probably don't need it. I read online that both excess and absence of potassium can cause the cramps. When I used to have leg cramps more often (especially during the keto-transition) it was the extra salt and the magnesium that helped the most.

I've tried all of the above when it comes to cramps. Nothing has helped for long. The best relief I had was from a myofascial release/energy work massage. There's a lot going on there, and it seems that a delicate balance is needed. I also wonder about lower legs and feet being sort of a toxin-sink, due to both gravity and electromagnetism/grounding effects. Mabe it's not that delictate of a balance at all under normal, healthy conditions, but the effects of toxins, and maybe particularly Hg, causes the system to go haywire. After all I have tried to relieve chronic cramping, it will be interesting to see how this works out.

On another note, I have been noticing my tongue getting a little pasty. I guess the folks at SoTT have noticed the same thing.

My intuition there was both toxin-load and dehydration, and the article listed those items in bold (perhaps thanks to SoTT's editorial staff). It seems this process requires much more than normal hydration. I'm about 1.5 to 2 times normal water intake and urine is still quite colorful and the mouth dries out quickly.
pinkfreud said:
Alright, folks. I'm still working on reading the thread in full, but I'm getting there. I do have a couple of questions:

I understand it's silly to go into this with amalgam fillings, but in my financial state I can't get mine replaced in the near future. Should I scrap the endeavor, or would cofactors protect?

Also, I've read about a couple of types of selenium. What type do you guys recommend? Is one better or more effective than another?

Until I hear back, I will be drinking salt water like a fish

How many amalgams? How long have you had them?
Hello pinkfreud,

Page 8, reply #112 by Laura,
'Iodine removes Mercury and other metals. Don't worry if you have amalgam fillings'
Kay Kim said:
Hello pinkfreud,

Page 8, reply #112 by Laura,
'Iodine removes Mercury and other metals. Don't worry if you have amalgam fillings'

Actually, I think the iodine is a protective factor for those who still have amalgams. Back then, people with amalgams were doing DMSA just to help palliate the toxic load.

If resources are short, I would remove one mercury amalgalm at a time (per month, minimum) through a normal dentist, making sure s/he uses a suction device. A detox protocol will be most helpful too.

Let's not forget how evil mercury is:

Detoxify or die! Environmental toxicity and the endocrine glands

It has been well documented that mercury is an endocrine system disrupting chemical in animals and people, disrupting function of the pituitary gland, thyroid gland, enzyme production processes, and many hormonal functions at low levels of exposure. People with high mercury levels in their bodies have more hormonal disturbances, immune disturbances, recurring fungal infections, hair loss and allergies. Hormones that are most often affected by mercury are thyroid, insulin, estrogen, testosterone, both anterior and posterior pituitary, and adrenaline. Almost all hormones have binding sights capable of connecting to metabolic cofactors, but mercury can bind here, too. Mercury frequently has a stronger affinity for these binding sites than the normal activators; even though the hormone is present in the bloodstream, it may not be able to act as it is supposed to act.

Mercury (especially mercury vapor or organic mercury) rapidly crosses the blood-brain barrier and is stored preferentially in the pituitary gland, thyroid gland, hypothalamus, and occipital cortex in direct proportion to the number and extent of dental amalgam surfaces.[...]

Mercury blocks thyroid hormone production by occupying iodine-binding sites and inhibiting hormone action even when the measured thyroid levels appears to be in the proper range. [...]

The pituitary gland controls many of the body's endocrine system functions and secretes hormones that control most bodily processes, including the immune system and reproductive systems. One study found mercury levels in the pituitary gland ranged from 6.3 to 77 ppb, while another found the mean levels to be 30 ppb, levels found to be neurotoxic (toxic to nerves) and cytotoxic (kills cells). Amalgam fillings, nickel and gold crowns are major factors in reducing pituitary function. The posterior pituitary hormone joins forces with the thyroid in influencing emotions. Posterior pituitary hormone is really two hormones, oxytocin and vasopressin. High blood pressure is related to the function of the posterior pituitary hormone vasopressin. It is a short trip for mercury vapor to leave a filling, and travel into the sinus, and then travel an inch through very porous, spongy tissues to the pituitary gland. Mercury is detected in the pituitary gland in less than a minute after placing amalgam in teeth of test animals.
pinkfreud said:
Alright, folks. I'm still working on reading the thread in full, but I'm getting there. I do have a couple of questions:

I understand it's silly to go into this with amalgam fillings, but in my financial state I can't get mine replaced in the near future. Should I scrap the endeavor, or would cofactors protect?

Also, I've read about a couple of types of selenium. What type do you guys recommend? Is one better or more effective than another?

Until I hear back, I will be drinking salt water like a fish

You should be ok. I still have 2 amalgams. Both of them are on parts of the teeth that my last dentist said might weaken/break the tooth if removed. I decided to wait at the time. Soon I will go to a holistic dentist to see what she says about it.

The lethargy that I used to have changed to on and off with iodine and this week it is pretty much completely gone! I feel reborn! My moods also stabilized, though I still have anger issues on the commute (so many people seem to drive blind- that's driving in the city!).

I'm also doing well with the cold. I used to have on/off cold sensitivity that was hard to narrow down. It felt like I was going crazy to be fine in sub zero, only to feel cold an hour later or vice versa. It made the outdoor aspect of my job tough!
pinkfreud said:
I understand it's silly to go into this with amalgam fillings, but in my financial state I can't get mine replaced in the near future. Should I scrap the endeavor, or would cofactors protect?

FWIW, I have 8 amalgam fillings, and I've gone up to 1000mg of Iodine without any problems.
Not that it means that you can do the same, but I'm just saying it for the record.
Hello there,
I have a question for iodine therapy . I have a patient with myelitis , that inflammation of the spinal cord with stove formation height TH 4. myelitis is indeed preferably caused by viruses , fungi, bacteria and heavy metals .
She received a few days cortisone what the symptoms have eased somewhat . What remains is numbness from the chest down and now incipient motor weakness in his left leg . My question would be : Is it worth a try to initiate an iodine therapy ? What is the dosage should be ? Which supplements could additionally take ?

Thank you
On 4 th of December i ordered Lugols solution form ebay and all cofactors from iherb.( i cant order from amazon from Macedonia ). Cofactors arrive in 3 weeks which is a pretty fast for Macedonia. I`m still waiting for the Lugols to arrive and i doubt that it ever will but i will wait until end of this month.

I`ve read complete topic " Iodine and Potasum Iodide, and Lynn Farrows and Dr.Brownstein book. While waiting for the Lugols to arrive i found an alcoholic Lugols tincture in one local pharmacy. It contains Iodine, Potassium iodide and some ethanol. Its for a topic use. The problem is that the concentration of Iodine and potassium iodide in the solution is unknown. Its not declared on the bottle.

I decided to take risk and try to use this solution orally for a couple of times. Few days ago 30 minutes after a salted water in the morning and after a breakfast i took 1 drop in a small glass of water. After a while i took all co factors. No reaction at all.

Next day same procedure but now 2 drops. Only reaction that i have was a frequent urination and depression.

Next day i decided not to take iodine. Because i dont know the concentration of the solution i took few days off the iodine. Depression gradually went away. I took my salted water every day.

Then after 2-3 days off i took 2 drops again .Again just a depression, but not as heavy as the first time.Again few days off.

I dont plan to use it more then once or twice a week for now or maybe i`ll cancel that too until i get my alcohol free Lugol solution with declared concentration

Mental clarity slightly increased while taking iodine.

I contacted the ebay seller ( its from USA ) and by tracking number the last information i can get is that is leaved from Jamaica to Europe on 15 December. So its jammed somewhere in Europe i guess.

If i dont receive this Lugol then i will order Iodine crystals and Potassium iodide from Amazon to my brother address in Australia , and then he will sent me the ingredients by post to my address in Macedonia. All than procedure will take another month minimum, but its the only way i can get this Lugols solution.
If i dont receive this Lugol then i will order Iodine crystals and Potassium iodide from Amazon to my brother address in Australia , and then he will sent me the ingredients by post to my address in Macedonia. All than procedure will take another month minimum, but its the only way i can get this Lugols solution.

Konstantin, maybe you could try to order here:

Merci Laura et Astair pour vos commentaires...
Je suis désolée pour mes réponses frustrantes, je vais relire vos prescriptions...
Je me réveille toutes les nuits vers 3h du matin c'est pourquoi je prends mon Lugol 12% - 5 gouttes dans un verre d'eau mais je me recouche ensuite pour me réveiller vers 6/7 heures et là je prends mon eau chaude salée...
Je ne parle pas anglais et me sers des traducteurs Google pour vous comprendre...
Merci pour votre patience...

Laura and Astair thank you for your comments ...
I'm sorry for my frustrating answers, I'll read your prescriptions ...
I wake up every night around 3am so I take my Lugol 12% - 5 drops in a glass of water but I then go back to bed to wake me up to 6/7 hours and then I take my warm salt water ...
I do not speak English and am using Google translator to understand you ...
Thank you for your patience...
PERLOU said:
Merci Laura et Astair pour vos commentaires...
Je suis désolée pour mes réponses frustrantes, je vais relire vos prescriptions...
Je me réveille toutes les nuits vers 3h du matin c'est pourquoi je prends mon Lugol 12% - 5 gouttes dans un verre d'eau mais je me recouche ensuite pour me réveiller vers 6/7 heures et là je prends mon eau chaude salée...
Je ne parle pas anglais et me sers des traducteurs Google pour vous comprendre...
Merci pour votre patience...

Laura and Astair thank you for your comments ...
I'm sorry for my frustrating answers, I'll read your prescriptions ...
I wake up every night around 3am so I take my Lugol 12% - 5 drops in a glass of water but I then go back to bed to wake me up to 6/7 hours and then I take my warm salt water ...
I do not speak English and am using Google translator to understand you ...
Thank you for your patience...


Depuis quand tu prends du Lugol 12%? (For how long have you been taking Lugol 12%?)
Peut-être il faut que tu procèdes plus lentement et que tu prends moins que 5 gouttes du Lugol 12%? (Perhaps you should proceed more slowly and take less than 5 drops of 12% Lugol?)
Ne prends pas du Lugol dans la nuit parse qu'il te dynamise et il peut aussi causer tes problèmes de sommeil! (Don't take Lugol's at night since it energizes you and can also cause your sleeping problems!)

J'ai changé un peu la proposition du protocole. (I have changed a bit the suggested protocol):

Directement après se lever le matin (directly after getting up) ->
½ cuillère à café de sel marin Celtic dans un grand verre d'eau (½ teaspoon of Celtic sea salt in a large glass of hot water)

Directement après le petit-déjeune (directly after breakfast) ->
Chardon-Marie (milk thistle), 1 comprimé vitamine B3 (200mg), 1 comprimé vitamine B2 (200mg), 1 comprimé sélénium (200 microgram), Lugol dans un verre d'eau (in a glass of water)

Directement après le déjeuner (directly after lunch) -> Chardon-Marie (milk thistle)

vers 14h-15h ->1 cuillerée à café Vitamine C dans un verre d’eau (1 teaspoon Vitamin C in a glass of water around 14h-15h)

vers 17h -> Lugol dans un verre d'eau (in a glass of water)

Directement après le dîner (18h-19h, directly after dinner) ->
Chardon-Marie (milk thistle), 1 comprimé vitamine B3 (200mg), 1 comprimé vitamine B2 (200mg)

Avant de dormir (at bedtime) -> magnésium (300-600 mg)
istina said:
If i dont receive this Lugol then i will order Iodine crystals and Potassium iodide from Amazon to my brother address in Australia , and then he will sent me the ingredients by post to my address in Macedonia. All than procedure will take another month minimum, but its the only way i can get this Lugols solution.

Konstantin, maybe you could try to order here:


Thank you Istina

I ordered 2 bottles from 30 ml Lugols 5% sollution. It was 20.5 Euro for one bottle and 23.5 for 2 bottles, so i ordered 2. It was cheaper that way.
So, now i have to wait for the order to arrive. :)
pinkfreud said:
Alright, folks. I'm still working on reading the thread in full, but I'm getting there. I do have a couple of questions:

I understand it's silly to go into this with amalgam fillings, but in my financial state I can't get mine replaced in the near future. Should I scrap the endeavor, or would cofactors protect?

Also, I've read about a couple of types of selenium. What type do you guys recommend? Is one better or more effective than another?

Until I hear back, I will be drinking salt water like a fish

I, too, have around half dozen mercury amalgams, and I haven't had anything but positive results from the protocol (that doesn't mean you will have the same results, but just to say that it's not off limits if one has amalgam fillings). Also, the PDF Guidelines for Iodine Supplementation that was earlier in the thread says no problem if you have amalgams as the mercury load will be greatly helped by the iodine supplementation. Just get the amalgams removed whenever you can, I guess. But in the meantime, you can try the protocol.
There is something in this threat that is almost magical, I don't know how to explain. Maybe because this is a thread where all a "team" is participating, all together, all listening and trying to do something in a team, a change with a team. I love this threat. So much information not just for the protocol but also from people, everyone giving, and this is really a gift, his or her experiences, their "vécu". We learn thanks to others and we do an exercise of listening, paying attention, and also paying attention to our bodies.

So Claude and me started to take again Logol, 5% one drop. What we feel is a sort of pain, but very light, in the head, sometimes in the front of the head, but nothing very painful, just this. And it last maybe one hour. A lot of energy and absence of fear, of fear of the future I mean. Our futur is not very well, we have money problems and also some Spanish bureaucratic problems but instead of paniquing, my usually sort of reaction, I just wait. I did what I have to do, now I can not do anymore. In a sort of way. This is fantastic because thanks to iodine it seems we can control some stress. Also for me, before starting really the protocol I had a sort of pressure on my throat, something very annoying that put me under stress a lot. These pain and pressure disappear completely. I think I needed iodine very much. My husband had a lot of dreams, at night, something new also. He was always not dreaming. This is a good sign. We fight less (we used to fight like dog-cat). :)

One question: it is ok if we take one drop one day one day not? I think Gaby is doing this, maybe I am wrong. So one day we take a drop, with co-factors. the next day just the co-factos. etc. Is it ok?

I am very sorry for the bad experiences and painful ones that some members had. I hope everything will be ok for everybody!

Thanks to everybody for this strange and rich experience.
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