Iodine and Potassium Iodide

Jean d`arc said:
My question would be : Is it worth a try to initiate an iodine therapy ? What is the dosage should be ? Which supplements could additionally take ?

Iodine is good to repair myelin, but I would start slow just like everybody else due to the possibility of troubleshooting from detox symptoms. Keep in mind that mercury toxicity could be an underlying factor in myelitis. I would start with one single drop of iodine of a lower percentage lugol every two days and see how that goes. If there are no bromide detox symptoms, she could take it every day and/or increase by 2 drops the dose of iodine. But I would definitely stay very low because it is only after 2-3 weeks that the symptoms of mercury detox become more overt.

If she improved with cortisone, there seems to be a strong autoimmune component which could be due to a virus and many other factors including dietary ones such as iodine deficiency and gluten intolerance. If it was a bacteria, it would have been much worse with cortisone.

Due to the background, taking all the cofactors will be important: riboflavin, niacinamide, but also the other ones (vitamin C, NAC, magnesium, selenium, salted water). I would also take B1 and be ready for a potential chelation protocol in case mercury detox symptoms get out of hand.

My 2 cents!
PERLOU said:
Merci Laura et Astair pour vos commentaires...
Je suis désolée pour mes réponses frustrantes, je vais relire vos prescriptions...
Je me réveille toutes les nuits vers 3h du matin c'est pourquoi je prends mon Lugol 12% - 5 gouttes dans un verre d'eau mais je me recouche ensuite pour me réveiller vers 6/7 heures et là je prends mon eau chaude salée...
Je ne parle pas anglais et me sers des traducteurs Google pour vous comprendre...
Merci pour votre patience...

Laura and Astair thank you for your comments ...
I'm sorry for my frustrating answers, I'll read your prescriptions ...
I wake up every night around 3am so I take my Lugol 12% - 5 drops in a glass of water but I then go back to bed to wake me up to 6/7 hours and then I take my warm salt water ...
I do not speak English and am using Google translator to understand you ...
Thank you for your patience...

Bonjour Perlou,
je pense qu'il est tres important de bien dormir, c'est la base de la santé. Si vous vous réveillez a 3 heures du matin, il faut essayer de rester au lit quitte a ne pas dormir mais dans la totale noirceur. Il y a un lien très important avec beaucoup d'information sur le sommeil ici, au forum. Essayez de le lire et de au moins suivre les informations de base: dormir dans une chambre totalement noire, sans aucun appareil electronique dans la chambre et manger au moins 4 heures avant le coucher.

I think it is very important to have a good sleep, it is a basic of a good health. I you wake up at 3 in the morning, you should try to stay in bed even if you don't sleep but in total darkness. There is a thread with good information about sleeping in this forum. Try to read it and follow the basic information: sleep in a total darkness without any electric devise in the room et eat your supper almost 4 hours before going to bed.

Il y a une difference entre se réveiller et se lever. C'est quand on se lève qu'il est temps de débuter le protocole: eau salée, iode, etc. C'est très important. Durant la nuit il faut dormir ou se reposer mais ce n'est pas le temps de prendre l'iode.

La nuit c'est pour dormir et si vous avez de la difficulté il faut remédier à cela et c'est pas compliqué! J'espère que ça va aller Perlou! et n'hésitez pas a demander si vous ne comprenez pas.

There is a difference between waking up and raising up. It is when we start the day that we enter the protocole: salt water, iodine, etc. It is very important. During the night we have to sleep, it is not the time to take the iodine. I hope all will be well Perlou! Dont hesitate to ask for any information.

Ceci est le link pour le sujet du sommeil.// This is the link for the thread about sleeping well:,21286.0.html
loreta said:
One question: it is ok if we take one drop one day one day not? I think Gaby is doing this, maybe I am wrong. So one day we take a drop, with co-factors. the next day just the co-factos. etc. Is it ok?

Yes, that is okay. If you are having detox reactions, skipping the iodine for one day will help to clear out what was mobilized.

I can tolerate now 6 drops of iodine on alternative days.

I am very sorry for the bad experiences and painful ones that some members had. I hope everything will be ok for everybody!

Me too :)
Gaby said:
loreta said:
One question: it is ok if we take one drop one day one day not? I think Gaby is doing this, maybe I am wrong. So one day we take a drop, with co-factors. the next day just the co-factos. etc. Is it ok?

Yes, that is okay. If you are having detox reactions, skipping the iodine for one day will help to clear out what was mobilized.

I can tolerate now 6 drops of iodine on alternative days.

I am very sorry for the bad experiences and painful ones that some members had. I hope everything will be ok for everybody!

Me too :)

Thank you Gaby! We prefer to be slow with iode, take our time to see, slowly like a tortoise if it is necessary. And then little by little push a little. Patience is the mot d'ordre. The same iode we are taking push us to be patient, I think so, :)
ge0m0 said:
Alana said:
Regarding the leg cramps, I have an opposite reaction to most people with the potassium supplements. I get the cramps when I take potassium. I noticed it every time I took the supplement so I stopped. I probably don't need it. I read online that both excess and absence of potassium can cause the cramps. When I used to have leg cramps more often (especially during the keto-transition) it was the extra salt and the magnesium that helped the most.

I've tried all of the above when it comes to cramps. Nothing has helped for long. The best relief I had was from a myofascial release/energy work massage. There's a lot going on there, and it seems that a delicate balance is needed. I also wonder about lower legs and feet being sort of a toxin-sink, due to both gravity and electromagnetism/grounding effects. Mabe it's not that delictate of a balance at all under normal, healthy conditions, but the effects of toxins, and maybe particularly Hg, causes the system to go haywire. After all I have tried to relieve chronic cramping, it will be interesting to see how this works out.
Regarding cramps, if you haven't tried, then I would suggest Boron. I read about it in a thread on the forum and decided to give it a try in early september 2015, as I had been suffering from cramps in the lower legs for the last 5 years (since going paleo) and without finding relief from magnesium or potassium. I started with 3 mg and after a few days increased to 9mg per day (3 times 3mg spread out throughout the day) and stayed on it for 3 months. It really did the the trick and I haven't woken up at night due to cramps since. There has been a couple of close calls but that has been very mild. Since starting the iodine protocol, I have added salt water every morning, and that is helping even more to create a balance again AND to detox.

There is this excerpt from the thread:
Due to their content of boron, borax and boric acid have basically the same health effects, with good antiseptic, antifungal, and antiviral properties but only mild antibacterial action. In plants as well as animals boron is essential for the integrity and function of cell walls, and the way signals are transmitted across membranes.

Boron is distributed throughout the body with the highest concentration in the parathyroid glands, followed by bones and dental enamel. It is essential for healthy bone and joint function, regulating the absorption and metabolism of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus through its influence on the parathyroid glands. With this boron is for the parathyroids what iodine is for the thyroid.

Boron deficiency causes the parathyroids to become overactive, releasing too much parathyroid hormone which raises the blood level of calcium by releasing calcium from bones and teeth. This then leads to osteoarthritis and other forms of arthritis, osteoporosis and tooth decay. With advancing age high blood levels of calcium lead to calcification of soft tissues causing muscle contractions and stiffness; calcification of endocrine glands, especially the pineal gland and the ovaries; arteriosclerosis, kidney stones, and calcification of the kidneys ultimately leading to kidney failure. Boron deficiency combined with magnesium deficiency is especially damaging to the bones and teeth.

So adding boron to the daily diet, seems to be a good habit to start along with all the other good habits suggested like iodine and selenium and salt water etc.
I found some interesting text on the Edgar Cayce web page about leukemia and iodine .


The whole process of the disease was said to be caused by a glandular disturbance from unbalanced chemical reactions in the body (2456, cf. 2621 - Hodgkin's). This could point toward a biochemical cause of the disease. The reading specifically mentions iodine deficiency. This could be the rationale for advising iodine trichloride (Atomidine) as a gland stimulant. In 1174-1 the thyroid gland was mentioned in particular. A lack of proper activity of the structural portions of the body (3000-3) could refer to the red blood cell-producing capacity of the marrow, especially the ribs (which are mentioned specifically). These portions of the body could in turn be affected by the glands. Mention was also made of the activity having become static in the cerebrospinal system centers which control the marrow production from the ribs (2456-2). Apparently an attempt was made in the treatment to stimulate these centers through ultraviolet and infrared light as well as manual massage.

The order of cause and effect was indicated most clearly in [2456], in which a lack of iodine in the system was said to cause an imbalance in the glandular forces which in turn caused an "Infection" (or overabundance of white blood cells) in the spleen. This "infection" in turn caused a disruption of the anabolic-catabolic balance of the body and what the readings described as a "dryness or hardness" of the lymph along the ribs and spine. Disturbance of the anabolic-catabolic balance then presumably was what affected the marrow and the control of the production of red blood cells via the cerebrospinal centers. The liver was supposed to provide factors which aided the manufacture of red blood cells. The mechanism of these cause-and-effect relations was not described.

Iodine is one of the basic substances which the readings saw as essential to the body and its function. Thus in [2208] we see the "lack of the cells becoming activated upon by the iodine - that is a part of the structural activity through the system." And in [3003] this particular leukemia arose "from the lack of proper activity of the structural portions of the body, especially through ribs and the spleen and pancreas to react with the digestive activities of the body."

On the basis of the hypothesis just suggested, a method of treatment which was proposed in reading 2208-1 becomes of interest. One cc of tincture of iodine mixed with some blood taken from the patient and this added to the next transfusion would bring about a cure, if it were to be repeated in the proper sequence. Animal experimentation is suggested in order to establish proper dosages and proper balance for therapy, but the reading indicates that these methods would be effective in treating any individual case of such nature (myelogenous leukemia). If such a therapy were to be developed "it will be found that there will be the ability to reduce the percentages of such cases more than 50%."

Iodine trichloride (Brand name: Atomidine): The dose was to be started with one to two drops in half a glass of water and then increased stepwise until 5 to 15 drops were being given. The drug was then stopped for 5 to 10 days when the process was to be repeated. (534, 2456, 3616, cf. 2621 - Hodgkin's)

One of the most interesting ideas is that a basic lack of iodine interferes with the proper functioning of the endocrine glands and, therefore, affects the biochemistry of the body to cause the disturbance of the spleen and bone marrow which in turn affect the numbers of both red blood and white blood cells. This suggests a basic biochemical cause of the disease. Controlled clinical experiments could be conducted to test the value of a treatment regimen consisting of combinations of the most frequently suggested types of treatment in the leukemia readings: ultraviolet light with green glass, infrared light, Atomidine for gland stimulation, and additions to the diet (i.e., liver, beef juice, and orange juice).
loreta said:
What we feel is a sort of pain, but very light, in the head, sometimes in the front of the head, but nothing very painful, just this. And it last maybe one hour.

I also feel sometimes the mild pain in the head. But it stops when I drink some liquid.

One question: it is ok if we take one drop one day one day not? I think Gaby is doing this, maybe I am wrong. So one day we take a drop, with co-factors. the next day just the co-factos. etc. Is it ok?

You can also try to take another glass os salt water in the evening. I take mine before the dinner and I had no problems with my heart in the last two nights. So it seems to be helping.
First, I'd like to agree with loreta :) This thread has been amazing and educational, and I make sure to follow it everyday, and it's really nice that the group is here to give advice and recommendation and help each other out. My condolence and best wishes to those going through a tough time, and I hope you all get well and continue sharing you're experiences. :hug:


I finally started the iodine this week after a couple of weeks of introducing co-factors and the saline solution. I bought a multi-vit/mineral with Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Vitamin B6, Folate, Vitamin B12, Biotin, Zinc, Copper, Selenium, Manganese, Chromium, Molybdenum, Riboflavin, Phosphate, Boron, Coenzyme CoQ10.

I didn't necessarily want all of these vitamins, as some I get from another source, but I can't individually buy all the minerals and co-factors separately, (due to money) so I settled for this as it was the best I could find that had everything I wanted. I do take extra vitamin C as this multi-vitamin doesn't have a nice dosage. I dislike that it has vitamin A and D because I'm also taking Chlorella, which has a large dosage of both. I also add some milk thistle drops to my chlorella mixed in cold water.

I continue to take magnesium at night but no probiotics just yet, although I plan on adding it in the near future.

I don't take my saline water in the morning due to the fact that time in the morning doesn't allowing me enough distance between the saline and iodine, so I usually take 2 drops of 2% lugol's after breakfast in a little shoot glass of water around 6 o'clock. At 8 or 9, at work, I'll make myself some saline water (I think of it as coffee :P). After lunch at 12ish I take half my dosage of the multi-vitamin. On my way out of work, I take some vitamin C (afternoon pick me up?), and when I get home I make myself a chlorella mix. An hour before bed I take the second half of my multi-vitamin and then 30 minutes later I take my magnesium.

Prior to starting the iodine but still doing the co-factors, I really saw a boost in energy and brain fog. I have yet to notice any effects from the iodine itself except this strange hard throbbing on my left axilla and left underarm that comes and goes throughout the day. It's really strange because it's right near my heart and feels like a strong rapid heart beat (but it's not my heart!) and it last a couple of minutes.

I'll continue for a while with 2 drops of 2% in the morning for a while before increasing.
A small update:

Lugol 5% - 2 drops a day (12,50mg).

I am now around 1 month and 14 days on Lugol's with no co-factors except salt in the morning. Only when I feel really down and weak I take vit c. Before sleeping pro-biotics and magnesium.

So far all the symptoms I have encounterd:

- lots of vivid and interesting dreams . Note: when I take 2 days off lugols. i dont have any vivid dreams, whenever I start I get them that following night.
- Only a few times sensed a weird light headache.
- Having to pee 2/3 times in the middle of the night around 02:00 and 04:00

other then that nothing really noteworthy to report.
Regarding MCT oil: I tried this brand

I have experienced wonderful results. This one is more expensive than others but for me it has really helped. Better memory, easier to relate to others and a deep rich feeling of well-being. If you know anyone who has dementia in any form or has lost joy in their life this is definitely worth a try. It is said to feed the brain with ketones better than coconut oil. Might also be worth a try with those afflicted with autism.

Just wanted to share my experience with this product in hopes that it could benefit others.

Bo said:
I am now around 1 month and 14 days on Lugol's with no co-factors except salt in the morning. Only when I feel really down and weak I take vit c. Before sleeping pro-biotics and magnesium.

fwiw I think you should be taking selenium too, as it protects the thyroid and is needed to create/convert thyroid hormones.
n addition to its affiliation with iodine, selenium is responsible for other regulatory functions within the thyroid. Selenium deficiency leads to the exacerbation of Graves, Hypothyroidism, Hashimoto’s and other thyroid disorders. Recent studies have shown that selenium supplementation can reduce serum levels of T4, Free T4, and Reverse T3 (See links below). To explain, the thyroid produces hydrogen peroxide during the production of T4. While some hydrogen peroxide is essential for proper functioning, excessive amounts of it can lead to high T4 production which results in a lower T3 availability. Too much hydrogen peroxide will also cause cell destruction. Selenium as GPx anti-oxidant breaks down excessive hydrogen peroxide and as a TRx prevents cell damage and necrosis of thyrocytes.
Konstantin said:
If i dont receive this Lugol then i will order Iodine crystals and Potassium iodide from Amazon

You can get the Idorol tablets, either 12.5mg or 50mg, from iHerb. They are basically Lugol in tablet form
loreta said:
There is something in this threat that is almost magical, I don't know how to explain. Maybe because this is a thread where all a "team" is participating, all together, all listening and trying to do something in a team, a change with a team. I love this threat. So much information not just for the protocol but also from people, everyone giving, and this is really a gift, his or her experiences, their "vécu". We learn thanks to others and we do an exercise of listening, paying attention, and also paying attention to our bodies.

I've been thinking this as well. -In particular, rolling around in my mind is the question (and the answer) "Why didn't we do this earlier?"

Laura said:
Session Date: November 21st 2015

Q: (L) Well, why the hell didn't you tell us about this before?! [laughter]

A: Would you have believed it? Also, it is a very good thing that you have gone through various programs already or you would have been one of those that takes years to normalize and you would have lost heart and quit too soon.

Q: (L) So it came at the right time.

(Galatea) Everything happens when it's meant to happen.

A: Yes

Q: (Galatea) Is there any other miracle cure out there that you haven't told us about?

A: No.

Q: [laughter] (Galatea) Just making sure!

(nicklebleu) We've been doing different things, and we've researched a lot of different aspects of health. All the things help some people, but others don't see much benefit, like for example the ketogenic diet. I'm still trying to figure out what is the overarching problem in health or bad health in general. Does it in the end come down to toxicity, and everything else flows on from that? Like infection, autoimmune disease, inflammation, degenerative diseases... Is the final problem toxicity, and everything else only comes from that?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Toxicity. It's the terrain, not the microbe. I was reading that deficiency of iodine in any tissue can cause problems with that area of the body. If you are deficient you might have dry mouth, dry eyes, inability to sweat, brain fog, nodules in the skin like are common with arthritis, fibrosis and fibroids, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue and on and on the list goes. The major thing is the failure of the immune system allowing so-called autoimmune conditions to develop.

These iodine experiments and the resulting protocol/s being settling on have some pretty hard and sudden kicks to them which the low-carb/ketogenic diet did not.

-I felt sick from time to time as my body adjusted from burning sugar to burning fat, but that process had a predictable experience curve which was easy to understand and thus navigate. "I eat too much fat and I feel nauseous. Clearly, my body needs to adjust and increase the metabolic factors necessary to digest all this bacon!" With iodine and co-factors, we are dealing with much more abstract concepts requiring a level of awareness which goes beyond actions and feelings of the visceral, animal, "Eating this feels bad" nature.

Iodine is like the next skill level up.

Also, the Keto-experiment opened up the huge problem of dealing with public resistance to animal-eating, exposing the deep programs and propaganda intertwined with human grain agriculture. The lies stuck out and the logical results were loud and telling, and I think that journey prepared us for Iodine perhaps more than we might realize...

Iodine, without having done the prep-work, would I think have been much harder to approach even as a simple concept. -The self-proclaimed "Anti-Quack" sites are filled fevered pitch fear mongering, which, combined with the kinds of painful results we have been experiencing with iodine would I think have created much more resistance to the simple idea a few years ago versus now. Today our confidence in the networking and observation process has grown quite strong.


Quick update regarding my own iodine progress...

I'm taking my first night off from iodine; yesterday I had a major headache which pretty much shut me down. -I'm fairly certain that it has to do with posture and work-related stuff. I know how to sit and exercise and change positions regularly to keep head aches away, but it's a tight rope. If I slip even a bit... I foolishly spent a couple of hours in a couch with a work folder and got lost in it and didn't respect that my shoulders and back and neck hated every second of it. I can't get away with that sort of thing the way I used to when I was in my twenties, boy! So.., Wham! 24 hours of headache is a pretty good bio-feedback lesson in self-respect.

In any case, in my efforts to mitigate the pain, I flushed my system with Vit C and saltwater, and did a bunch of yoga and even took a hot bath. It all helped, and now I'm feeling that giddy sort of relief where the pain is 98% gone, but you can sense it lurking around the edges. In any case, I figured it would be a good time to take a break from iodine.

Reading earlier about others dealing with head aches, I am reminded that I know an amazing Osteopath in town, and that it is probably time once again to schedule an appointment. It's expensive, though! $120 a session? I don't go until it genuinely hurts to be alive.


So I've not been smoking for a bit more than a week now. It was very easy to stop; I have no cravings at all. I wonder if the iodine has replaced whatever it was that the nicotine was filling in for in terms of thyroid function, as others have suggested?

Though, I don't think I was ever really one who worked best with tobacco; it numbed my emotions which have always been a very rich landscape for me. I found tobacco helpful when certain fears, horrors and general negative stimuli became overwhelming. -Like, "Yeah, I KNOW! I'm DOING something about it. But back off! Too much emotion! It's paralyzing me!" When life stabilized, I found that I just kept on smoking because it was enjoyable and addictive and perhaps filling some need in the thyroid.
Merci Altair et Loretta pour vos commentaires et explications...
Je prends du Lugol 12% - 5 gouttes depuis un bon mois maintenant, il y a seulement une semaine que je le prends à 3h du matin car je suis toujours réveillée à cette heure là et j'ai cru comprendre qu'il fallait le prendre le plus loin possible de la Vitamine C...
Je prends souvent un kiwi le matin au petit déjeuner donc de a vitamine C, c'est pourquoi j'avais cru bien faire de prendre mon Lugol à 3h du matin...
Je vais suivre votre protocole...
Merci pour votre lien que je vais aller voir cependant je précise que même en me réveillant la nuit je dors au moins 6/7h voir un peu plus en tout...
Merci encore pour vos bons soins...

Altair and Loretta thank you for your comments and explanations ...
I take Lugol 12% - 5 drops for some months now, there is only one week that I take at 3am because I am still awake at that hour there and I understand the need to take as far as possible Vitamin C ...
I often take a kiwi in the morning so breakfast is vitamin C, which is why I thought it best to take my Lugol at 3am ...
I will follow your protocol ...
Thank you for your link I'm going to see even though I said that when I woke up at night I sleep at least 6 / 7am see a little more at all ...
Thank you again for your care ...
I've been getting hungry again the last few days and eating more between breakfast and dinner (really strange feeling after 5 years of never being hungry in ketosis). Still on 7 drops of 6% Lugol's twice a day. Still feeling good and sleeping better.

The cofactors still haven't arrived, so I'm still taking the B-complex, D3, calcium/magnesium/zinc combo, potassium occasionally, K2, vitamin C, and Milk Thistle. When the B2, niacinamide, boron, and better selenium arrive, I'll take those and after a while take the B-complex every few days and see how it goes. Right now I'm eating 1 Brazil nut a day, alternating with a selenium yeast tablet every other day.
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