Iodine and Potassium Iodide

Persej said:
BTW I noticed that the red label on my Lugol’s bottle became very dark. Does that mean that iodine went through the bottle? If so is it still safe to drink? The bottle has a number 1 on the bottom which means that it is a PET plastics.

Toxins from plastics are one of the things we are trying to detox so you certainly don't want the iodine to be contaminated with that stuff when you're using it. Definitely find a glass dropper bottle or something for it. How about a whiskey decanter with the ground glass lid? No non-glass objects will come in contact with the iodine or it's vapor.
Just wanted to thank RedFox and Luc for their posts attempting to verbalize the psychological and emotional aspects of the iodine protocol. It's subtle and hard to put a finger on. I actually feel kind of blah a lot of the time, but it's been great for work in terms of being present and focused and not getting distracted. For those who don't know, I wait tables. I find myself not writing down orders more often because it's not necessary. Makes for a nice short cut. It just seems easier doing the job in general which means I'm less stressed, which means I can relate to and have fun with the customers. Which means better tips. But having said that, there are some days when I just don't want to be there. That happened when I took two days off from the iodine. I had a strong feeling of; I can't handle another minute of this pointless job! That went away after I started back on the iodine, however. Anyway, I particularly related to how Luc described what he has been experiencing.
SeekinTruth said:
Hard to say if the improvement of the heart rate was detoxing/chelating of halogens or fixing an electrolyte imbalance - maybe both.

Yes. Maybe I already had some electrolyte imbalance and detox just made things worse.

I would keep iodine in a plastic bottle. Can you transfer it to a dark glass bottle?

Yes, I have an empty bottle from wild oregano oil. I will transfer it there.

Joe said:
Sounds like detox, and the salt water helping, since it flushes toxins from the body, fits also.

Yes, it does fit the detox profile. From now on I will drink the salt water twice a day, in the morning and in the evening and see if that will help.
Today I got the mild headache again, which is the same feeling as before, while on iodine, so I know that's the iodine doing something. It is interesting how this time it started immediately, even though I had a two week brake from iodine. Perhaps my glands are already full of iodine and now my body is fully ready for detox.

monotonic said:
Toxins from plastics are one of the things we are trying to detox so you certainly don't want the iodine to be contaminated with that stuff when you're using it. Definitely find a glass dropper bottle or something for it. How about a whiskey decanter with the ground glass lid? No non-glass objects will come in contact with the iodine or it's vapor.

Yes, I will transfer it to glass bottle. Thank you everybody. :)
Though it's not huge, I experienced a change for the better with the iodine. I took high doses (8 drops 10% solution twice daily) for a few days, then dropped it down. More recently, I took only 2 drops for a few days but the excessive urination was driving me crazy so I took a few days off. The first two off days the peeing was still bad but on the 3rd day it normalized. I've taken 3 drops the past 2 days and today I took 4 drops. Still no pee party which is a huge relief. It was quite annoying.

I wonder if it means that I've peed out a bunch of toxins and they are now gone or at least greatly decreased so I don't have to run to the toilet every hour (or less).
Joe said:
Interesting report on the anti-fungal treatment. It's amazing how those critters are smart enough to hang on! I think a longer spell of an anti-fungal like nystatin or fluconazol might be necessary, although you could try something like kolorex (horopito extract) to see if it could take care of what remains since you've already gone the nystatin route.

I personally wouldn't bother waiting 3 months to start the HM detox, although if that fits into your schedule the I suppose you could hang on. I'd be interested in your experience with the cilantro drops, chlorella and ALA though (you might want to try R-ALA). I'm planning on testing out that protocol after I'm done with the DMSA.

Not sure what your budget is, but you can get enough DMSA (3 bottles of 50 caps) for about 5 rounds at 900mgs (3x300mgs a day) for 63USD at this link.

Kolorex... that's a new one to me. I'll check it out. I did do the Nystatin for about 4-5 months, which I believe should have been a long enough treatment. Many report that Nystatin is helpful but not powerful enough for some cases.

The only place I thought you could get DMSA due to the new FDA regulations was where the smallest portion you can get is 25g for $180 (I guess that's a pretty incredible deal actually if the dose is in mg). I've just read some pretty adamant warnings about the use of DMSA and damage it can cause so I'll have to read up on this thoroughly before going that route.
I was reading about this and most sources agree DMSA is safe if used in lower doses . The main danger is in depleting Zn and Copper from the body and they recommend supplementing these when taking DMSA. In addition many sources say that you should avoid ALA with DMSA until you have cleared the bulk of mercury from the the rest of the body, only then you should focus on pulling the mercury from nerve tissue. They also say that foods high in Sulphur should be avoided when taking DMSA. I still have a lot of reading to do before jumping on DMSA train.
Merci Altair et Laura pour vos réponses et commentaires...
Laura : If you are taking sugar in your tea, forget about the glycine because the sugar cancels the beneficial effects of the glycine.
Je ne prends aucun sucre, je prends une petite cuillère à café de glycine pour sucré mon thé le matin ainsi que le selenium,
Altair and Laura thank you for your answers and comments ...
I take no sugar, I take a teaspoon of coffee to glycine in my sweet tea in the morning ...

Laura : If you are only taking a few drops in a small amount of water, you shouldn't need to mask the taste. In fact, the vinegar tastes worse than the diluted iodine!
Je m'étais habituée avec quelques gouttes de vinaigre de cidre bio dans un grand verre d'eau mais ce matin suivant vos recommandations j'ai pris Lugol 12% 5 gouttes dans un demi verre d'eau sans rien d'autre et je n'ai pas apprécier le goût...
I got used with a few drops of apple cider vinegar in a bio glass of water but this morning following your recommendations I took my 5 iodine drops in a half glass of water with nothing and I don ' did not enjoy the taste ...

OK pour la vitamines C vers 15h et le magnésium au coucher...
• Lugol 12% à 3h du matin dans un verre d'eau sans rien
• ½ cuillère à café de sel marin Celtic dans un grand verre d'eau chaude au lever
• 1 cuillerée à café Glycine dans mon thé pour le sucré au petit déjeuner sans autre sucre que je ne mange jamais
• 1 cuillerée à café Vitamine C dans un verre d’eau vers 15h
• 1 comprimé de charbon Marie au petit déjeuner et 2 au déjeuner le midi puis 1 avant de dormir
• 1 comprimé sélénium avant de dormir
• 1 comprimé Vitamine B3 complexe avant de dormir
• 1 comprimé magnésium 300 avant de dormir

OK for around 15h vitamins C and magnesium at bedtime ...
• 12% Lugol at 3am in a glass of water with nothing
• ½ teaspoon of Celtic sea salt in a large glass of hot water at sunrise
• 1 tablespoon Glycine coffee in my tea for sweet breakfast with no sugar that I never eat
• 1 teaspoon Vitamin C in a glass of water around 15h
• 1 tablet of coal Marie at breakfast and lunch 2 lunch and 1 before sleep
• 1 tablet before sleeping selenium
• Complex 1 tablet before sleeping Vitamin B3
• 300 mg 1 tablet before sleeping
PERLOU said:
OK pour la vitamines C vers 15h et le magnésium au coucher...
• Lugol 12% à 3h du matin dans un verre d'eau sans rien
• ½ cuillère à café de sel marin Celtic dans un grand verre d'eau chaude au lever
• 1 cuillerée à café Glycine dans mon thé pour le sucré au petit déjeuner sans autre sucre que je ne mange jamais
• 1 cuillerée à café Vitamine C dans un verre d’eau vers 15h
• 1 comprimé de charbon Marie au petit déjeuner et 2 au déjeuner le midi puis 1 avant de dormir
• 1 comprimé sélénium avant de dormir
• 1 comprimé Vitamine B3 complexe avant de dormir
• 1 comprimé magnésium 300 avant de dormir

OK for around 15h vitamins C and magnesium at bedtime ...
• 12% Lugol at 3am in a glass of water with nothing
• ½ teaspoon of Celtic sea salt in a large glass of hot water at sunrise
• 1 tablespoon Glycine coffee in my tea for sweet breakfast with no sugar that I never eat
• 1 teaspoon Vitamin C in a glass of water around 15h
• 1 tablet of coal Marie at breakfast and lunch 2 lunch and 1 before sleep
• 1 tablet before sleeping selenium
• Complex 1 tablet before sleeping Vitamin B3
• 300 mg 1 tablet before sleeping

Directement après se lever le matin (directly after getting up) ->
½ cuillère à café de sel marin Celtic dans un grand verre d'eau (½ teaspoon of Celtic sea salt in a large glass of hot water)

Directement après le petit-déjeune (directly after breakfast) ->
Chardon-Marie (milk thistle), 1 comprimé vitamine B3 (200mg), 1 comprimé vitamine B2 (200mg), 1 comprimé sélénium (200 microgram), Lugol dans un verre d'eau (in a glass of water)

Directement après le déjeuner (directly after lunch) -> Chardon-Marie (milk thistle)

vers 14h-15h ->1 cuillerée à café Vitamine C dans un verre d’eau (1 teaspoon Vitamin C in a glass of water around 14h-15h)

vers 17h -> Lugol dans un verre d'eau (in a glass of water)

Directement après le dîner (18h-19h, directly after dinner) ->
Chardon-Marie (milk thistle), 1 comprimé vitamine B3 (200mg), 1 comprimé vitamine B2 (200mg)

Avant de dormir (at bedtime) -> magnésium (300-600 mg)
Altair said:
vers 17h -> Lugol dans un verre d'eau (in a glass of water)

I personally take Lugols only once a day in the morning. I wouldn't recommend Lugol's in the afternoon, especially after 4 pm, as it might keep you from sleeping at night (as it does to me). Even if the dosage is small, I only take 2 drops of 15% Lugol's.

Regarding the leg cramps, I have an opposite reaction to most people with the potassium supplements. I get the cramps when I take potassium. I noticed it every time I took the supplement so I stopped. I probably don't need it. I read online that both excess and absence of potassium can cause the cramps. When I used to have leg cramps more often (especially during the keto-transition) it was the extra salt and the magnesium that helped the most.
Alana said:
Altair said:
vers 17h -> Lugol dans un verre d'eau (in a glass of water)

I personally take Lugols only once a day in the morning. I wouldn't recommend Lugol's in the afternoon, especially after 4 pm, as it might keep you from sleeping at night (as it does to me). Even if the dosage is small, I only take 2 drops of 15% Lugol's.

Regarding the leg cramps, I have an opposite reaction to most people with the potassium supplements. I get the cramps when I take potassium. I noticed it every time I took the supplement so I stopped. I probably don't need it. I read online that both excess and absence of potassium can cause the cramps. When I used to have leg cramps more often (especially during the keto-transition) it was the extra salt and the magnesium that helped the most.

You are right. I didn't know how to combine the second Lugol's dosis with Vitamin C at 15:00. Perlou wrote here (,13371.msg623729.html#msg623729) she takes 5 drops of 12% Lugols daily. Do you think it can be taken at once in the morning? I also use 12% but not more than 4 drops at once (two times a day).
Z said:
I was reading about this and most sources agree DMSA is safe if used in lower doses . The main danger is in depleting Zn and Copper from the body and they recommend supplementing these when taking DMSA. In addition many sources say that you should avoid ALA with DMSA until you have cleared the bulk of mercury from the the rest of the body, only then you should focus on pulling the mercury from nerve tissue. They also say that foods high in Sulphur should be avoided when taking DMSA. I still have a lot of reading to do before jumping on DMSA train.

This was my general impression too. I have no specific information to share, just remembering when doing my initial cursory reading on it I remember saying to myself "Oh, better make sure I really know what I'm doing when I get to this point..." My fears may be unfounded, I just haven't done all the research yet.
Perlou's responses are really frustrating. I don't know if it is a language problem or what, but how can somebody keep getting stuff so wrong when it is so simple?
PERLOU said:
• 12% Lugol at 3am in a glass of water with nothing

Do you wake up at 3 am in the morning :huh: I guess it is entirely possible depending on your job or schedule.

In any case, drinking your salted water upon waking (before anything else) really does help.
mk1154 said:
This was my general impression too. I have no specific information to share, just remembering when doing my initial cursory reading on it I remember saying to myself "Oh, better make sure I really know what I'm doing when I get to this point..." My fears may be unfounded, I just haven't done all the research yet.

I think we discussed some of the heavy metal chelation contradictions in the forum thread on DMSA. Some people are really against supplements like ALA which nevertheless has numerous benefits.

What I like about DMSA is that it was very well researched and tried in countless of children. There are numerous documented testimonials which are discussed in several health books. For instance, "Detoxification and Healing" by Sidney Baker and most recently "Why Can't I Get Better" by Richard Horowitz.

But as the Autism Research Institute disclaimer says:

Disclaimers for parents and family members:

Many families are treating their autistic children with therapies similar to those listed in this monograph without involving a physician or other health care provider. That most of them do so without any adverse consequences is a testament to the safety of the drugs and supplements used. However, DMSA, DMPS and some of the supplements present a small but non-zero risk of serious side effects. Life, in general, is a series of risks; the risk of serious side effects can be reduced by careful medical monitoring during treatment.

This document is a physician's reference for heavy metal chelation in children:

Quite a number of us tried that protocol, as quoted from Sidney Baker's book "Detoxification and Healing". The DMSA protocol was like PMS on steroids for me, but I felt much better after doing it. I knew it was something helpful and that needed to be done at some point again. That is why I have the supplement on stock.
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