Iodine and Potassium Iodide

Laura said:
Intermittant massage therapy is also useful. Not just a "feely good" massage, but a good therapist who knows different modalities and maybe can come to your home for the treatment.

I whole-heartedly second this statement. I have been getting treatment for chronic cramping, mostly in lower legs and feet. I also avoided what I thought would be necessary hip surgery. The pain progressed for a couple of years until I could not lay on my left side and my mobility was restricted. After a few treatments the hip pain was completely gone and has been for months.

I am now considering that the chronic cramping is due to HM toxicity, and particularly Hg. I had a massage treatment on my lower legs on Tuesday of last week. At the time I was taking about 60mg Iodine per day, with the other cofactors. By Wednesday my leg cramps were the most painful I have every experienced, and that was also when I had a severe bout of depression (which subsided in less than 24 hours without reducing my Iodine, but I did increase salt loading). My wife helped me also by using a rolling pin on my calf muscles for over an hour. At first touch she could barely apply pressure and I would scream, but we eventually worked through it. Based on my experience I am thinking my lower legs are somehow serving as a dumping site for Hg. FYI all but one, tiny amalgam filling have been removed over the years. I was waiting for this last one removed. I am getting DMSA soon and after I go through a few rounds of that, continuing the iodine and re-mineralization and some more massage therapy, I will get that last filling removed. I have tried numerous healing therapies to address the chronic cramping going on 15+ years, and none have worked. This will be quite an accomplishment.
ge0m0 said:
I am now considering that the chronic cramping is due to HM toxicity, and particularly Hg. I had a massage treatment on my lower legs on Tuesday of last week. At the time I was taking about 60mg Iodine per day, with the other cofactors. By Wednesday my leg cramps were the most painful I have every experienced, and that was also when I had a severe bout of depression (which subsided in less than 24 hours without reducing my Iodine, but I did increase salt loading). My wife helped me also by using a rolling pin on my calf muscles for over an hour. At first touch she could barely apply pressure and I would scream, but we eventually worked through it. Based on my experience I am thinking my lower legs are somehow serving as a dumping site for Hg. FYI all but one, tiny amalgam filling have been removed over the years. I was waiting for this last one removed. I am getting DMSA soon and after I go through a few rounds of that, continuing the iodine and re-mineralization and some more massage therapy, I will get that last filling removed. I have tried numerous healing therapies to address the chronic cramping going on 15+ years, and none have worked. This will be quite an accomplishment.

When your legs (or anywhere) start cramping, why don't you try taking a potassium tablet along with a multi-mineral supplement and a trace minerals supplement. Finish off with 600 or 700 mg of magnesium glycinate before bed. That always works for me.
Laura said:
I'm really wondering about this depression thing that so many have reported particularly since the Cs talked about it as all being connected to the endocrine system and that this system is your connection to higher densities/etc.

I haven't had the depression part other than the general depression that we get here doing the work we do day after day. But that's pretty normal and I'm able to get through it and have some bright spots now and then.

So what is going on, I wonder? Is the depression that some of you feel a sort of awakening/tapping into the emotional center that is otherwise somnolent?

A little update - I'm taking 3-4 drops lugol's a day now, along with the supplements (2xVit B + Selen + Zinc + Vit D + Vit C), and I now only have very slight detox syndromes (if at all).

Emotionally, there are very interesting things happening. On the one hand, there are less mood swings and more emotional stability for both of us (my wife does the protocol as well, only she takes 5-6 drops) - less snapping/arguing, better ability to deal with things, more calmness, more 'continuity' of little I's... Also, energy levels are generally up, though not always.

On the other hand, interestingly, there are moments of very low energy and (relatively mild) depressive states. I kind of feel that there's a heightened connection to the higher emotional center, but I can't be sure of course. I feel as if my emotions are less 'filtered', like I can see more clearly. But this also connects with the depressive states - indeed, dissociation doesn't work as it used to! Even when I dissociate, it's as if a part of myself, a part of my mind knows what's going on and keeps me connected to reality. It's as if I can't escape the universe giving me hints... As if I can't escape the universe's offer to dance as much as I could before. It's really interesting.

For example, I can feel a certain rhythm of energies that I wasn't aware of that much before. Suddenly, I will feel the need to get something done, and simultaneously become aware of the energy I have at my disposal to do so. And I know it's the exact right time to do it, and do it now. Even if I don't want to! Of course, I have the option to deny it, but a part of me seems to know that I loose an opportunity. So I kind of tend to 'bite through'. And if in the process another little I takes control and tries to prevent me from this (for example, just the other day I felt really afraid and in panic), often there is this part of me that seems aware of what's going on. There is clarity. And so I just do it anyway (or at least more often than I used to).

Connected to this, on the other hand, if I feel low in energy, I kind of feel less guilty. I even started taking short naps (maybe 30min) during the day if I feel down/tired, and it actually works! If I manage to 'release' all these thoughts and aspirations and become accepting of the current energies, I get calm and relaxed and oftentimes the productive energy actually comes back! Before, I just couldn't bring myself to do this, and couldn't relax - which is rather stupid, because it's much better to relax and renew the energy than to force yourself to not relax while getting nothing productive done. Heck, it's even better to be relaxed and get nothing done than it is to be tense and get nothing done!

In other words, it feels like I'm more accepting of the energies going on around me. There's this spike, this opportunity to do something specific? Got it - let's do it, it's the right thing to do, and the only thing, and there is no other choice. Feeling low? Okay, let's take a nap. It's okay. It's the right choice now. Missed an opportunity due to stubbornness/laziness? Not good. It's depressing me. I get irritable. But still, it's okay. Let's take the next one that is presented to me.

Also, there were moments of depressing clarity. For example, I listened to a podcast interview with a technical guy (a brilliant guy) talking about his biography and electronic inventions. And suddenly the realization hit me of how true it is that our world is entirely mechanical - as Gurdjieff said, you can have a brilliant career, but still everything is mechanical. I could literally see in my mind the 'unseen' paths that people just follow in the illusion they are actually deciding their fate. Unless we struggle with this unseen world, which is extremely difficult, we get just pushed forward by unseen forces. We do everything the easy way. We just follow along, because it's more convenient, and it's the only way we know. That way, nothing can ever make a difference. Humanity is one huge zero-sum game. This is horrible.

On another occasion, after a talk with a friend of mine (we don't have much contact), it dawned on me just how thoroughly entrapped humanity is. Even intelligent, critical people can't escape it. It's so horrible. All it takes is one psycho/narcissist, be it a partner, "friend", parent or sibling to drain someone to spiritual death. To block someone's perception. All those programs! All those traps! All those details, colors and fine shapes! Where to begin!? It's crazy.

The C's said:

"When you begin to separate limiting emotions based on assumptions from emotions that open one to unlimited possibilities, that means you are preparing for the next density."

Is that what it feels like? To separate limiting emotions like panic, crazy little I's trying to prevent you from doing the right thing etc. from 'higher' emotions like the universe's hand to offer you a dance, like the feeling that here's an opportunity you should take, or like acceptance of the paralysis we can feel due to the state of ourselves and the world?

I really don't know, and it's hard to say if all of these experiences are connected to Iodine or something else or both, and I hope what I wrote makes sense. It's just that some things seem different. I'm not sure what to make of all this.
Laura said:
When your legs (or anywhere) start cramping, why don't you try taking a potassium tablet along with a multi-mineral supplement and a trace minerals supplement. Finish off with 600 or 700 mg of magnesium glycinate before bed. That always works for me.

I, as well, have bouts of foot, hand, leg and arm cramping. I am on the iodine protocol, with the minerals and do take the mag glycinate and potassium tabs. Mag glycinate is the only one I seem to tolerate but only in small quantities. I use a spray of magnesium oil and water (about 50/50) when I feel a cramp coming on. I also purchased a magnesium gel that does the same thing but messier. I have sublingual tablets beside my bed that sometimes seem to help. In addition, I recently began soaking my feet in hot water with magnesium flakes, baking soda and Povidone Iodine solution for about 15 minutes which also allows a skin absorbtion. I have also done this as a bath. (FYI: When a foot cramp or leg cramp first starts, it is important to immediately stand on your feet. It reduces the pain, the progress of the cramp and the upright weight baring on your feet seems to work towards relief.)

With all of this in my bag of tricks...I still have many, many cramps. When I was on the sheeple diet, I ate dark green veggies a couple times a week and didn't have these problems. I surmise my body just absorbs these better than the pills. (??)

I am wondering if there are any other ideas as to how to abate the cramps or revamp my digestive tract to allow for supplements to work better, or shall I incorporate dark greens a couple times per week? I would appreciate any help with this.
KJN said:
I am wondering if there are any other ideas as to how to abate the cramps or revamp my digestive tract to allow for supplements to work better, or shall I incorporate dark greens a couple times per week? I would appreciate any help with this.

Have you tried potassium as Laura suggested? For cleansing/cleaning toxins from the gut, have you tried chlorella/spirulina? Do you have any symptoms of candida/yeast overgrowth, however mild?
Joe said:
KJN said:
I am wondering if there are any other ideas as to how to abate the cramps or revamp my digestive tract to allow for supplements to work better, or shall I incorporate dark greens a couple times per week? I would appreciate any help with this.

Have you tried potassium as Laura suggested? For cleansing/cleaning toxins from the gut, have you tried chlorella/spirulina? Do you have any symptoms of candida/yeast overgrowth, however mild?

Yeah, the pure potassium seems to be what is needed. And then, the supplemental multi-minerals and trace minerals.

Also very important to take probiotics at night just before bed with the magnesium. Bacillus coagulans.
Another thing good for cramps and older legs: The Chi Machine
KJN said:
I am wondering if there are any other ideas as to how to abate the cramps or revamp my digestive tract to allow for supplements to work better, or shall I incorporate dark greens a couple times per week? I would appreciate any help with this.

Multi-minerals usually does the trick, but it is possible that nutrients are not getting into the cells.

L-carnitine (500mg two to three times per day) is the favored supplement to eliminate cramps during ketoadaptation. It takes fatty energy into the mitochondria. I was speculating that cramps in those who are correcting their thyroid function with iodine could be due to an increased demand on L-carnitine, even in those who are already "ketoadapted".

I could be wrong, but nevertheless, it wouldn't hurt to keep it in mind:


Carnitine is an essential nutrient for transporting fuel (mostly fatty acids) into the cellular “furnaces” known as mitochondria.15,16 As muscle cells burn fatty acids in a wasteful response to increased thyroid activity, carnitine turnover is dramatically increased,17 using up cellular stores of carnitine while potentially contributing to the increased urinary losses at the same time.18
Laura said:
Also very important to take probiotics at night just before bed with the magnesium. Bacillus coagulans.

I also used to have leg cramps before I started taking magnesium every day. I've been taking it before bed for several months now and have no cramps anymore. But I have a question: most local magnesium brands (I've tried three of them) instruct taking magnesium with food. This sounds a bit confusing to me, because I normally don't eat before bed, so I'm taking my magnesium pills with water only. I didn't have any problems with such approach so far, but still a bit puzzled and concerned, if I'm doing the right thing. Why should it be taken with food and is it important at all?
I just finished the whole thread! Wow that was a doozy -- what trove of useful information though.

Armed with all of this I am ready to begin my own iodine therapy. I have a general plan that I'd like to run by you all first.

My symptoms: dry, flaky scalp, perpetually peeling toes and fingers, cold hands & feet. When my symptoms are flaring I have a general sense of depression.

What I've done: a stool test showed I had a higher than normal levels of unknown fungus living in my gut. I proceeded with a Rx anti-fungal (diflucan) which showed a DRAMATIC improvement in skin. A second round of this had little effect. Perhaps I've become immune. Several months later I took on a comprehensive gut repair protocol, liver/immune supplementing & anti-fungal treatments with natural herbs and lots of Nystatin (another pharmaceutical anti-fungal). This worked for about 80% of my symptoms, but would not fix everything 100%. I've had my amalgam fillings removed ~2 months ago and have been waiting to do heavy metal detox until 3 months after (I read this in Cutler's book I think). The idea was to kill off as much of the fungus as I could and then do heavy probiotics to re-establish balance. Like I said this worked pretty well, but has not healed me completely. My symptoms are nothing serious compared to others, but I am determined nonetheless. I have read a lot on the curezone forums about how a longer treatment of the strong anti-fungals is needed a lot of the time, but I can't find a doctor to prescribe me several months of that and I can't really afford to buy it on the eBay market.

What I am planning: a gradual and slow iodine protocol + cofactors if needed. From previous posts it is my understanding that iodine is a mobilizer (but not a chelator) and I'll need a chelator in conjunction to move the HM out of my body. Seems like the chelator of choice is DMSA, but it's pretty expensive and I'm a little scared of it. I already have chorella, ALA, cilantro & zeolite and I plan to use these as detox symptoms present themselves.

I've also read some about using Borax as an anti-fungal so I was considering that as well, but will probably try the iodine first.

Also, while not keto, my diet is simple and clean. Bone broth, fatty meats, ghee, fresh herbs and some vegetables (turnip, green beans, peas, bok choy, celeriac, rutabaga). I make this into a soup/stew and eat it for most of my meals. I would like to start introducing more foods again, especially eggs.
Joe said:
Have you tried potassium as Laura suggested? For cleansing/cleaning toxins from the gut, have you tried chlorella/spirulina? Do you have any symptoms of candida/yeast overgrowth, however mild?

I take potassium daily, it affects stomach and gut. I have not tried Chlorella/Spirulina. I don't think I have candida now, but it is likely I did before Keto diet.

I will add probiotics (Bacillus coagulans) before bed as suggested with the mag. I muscle tested out for trace minerals but that could be a false test result. I will check for supplemental multi-minerals with peeps here.

Will look up the Chi machine...and see what we have in L Carnitine.

Many thanks. I will post back in a few days having tried these suggestions.
Siberia said:
Laura said:
Also very important to take probiotics at night just before bed with the magnesium. Bacillus coagulans.

I also used to have leg cramps before I started taking magnesium every day. I've been taking it before bed for several months now and have no cramps anymore. But I have a question: most local magnesium brands (I've tried three of them) instruct taking magnesium with food. This sounds a bit confusing to me, because I normally don't eat before bed, so I'm taking my magnesium pills with water only. I didn't have any problems with such approach so far, but still a bit puzzled and concerned, if I'm doing the right thing. Why should it be taken with food and is it important at all?

Nope, don't take it with food as it neutralizes stomach acid and slows digestion.
KJN said:
Will look up the Chi machine...and see what we have in L Carnitine.

Here's a video that shows how it works when using it. I wonder if that'd help people who sit at a desk all day, some people get leg pains from too much use, I get them from not enough! I might give it a try.

mk1154 said:
I just finished the whole thread! Wow that was a doozy -- what trove of useful information though.

Armed with all of this I am ready to begin my own iodine therapy. I have a general plan that I'd like to run by you all first.

My symptoms: dry, flaky scalp, perpetually peeling toes and fingers, cold hands & feet. When my symptoms are flaring I have a general sense of depression.

What I've done: a stool test showed I had a higher than normal levels of unknown fungus living in my gut. I proceeded with a Rx anti-fungal (diflucan) which showed a DRAMATIC improvement in skin. A second round of this had little effect. Perhaps I've become immune. Several months later I took on a comprehensive gut repair protocol, liver/immune supplementing & anti-fungal treatments with natural herbs and lots of Nystatin (another pharmaceutical anti-fungal). This worked for about 80% of my symptoms, but would not fix everything 100%. I've had my amalgam fillings removed ~2 months ago and have been waiting to do heavy metal detox until 3 months after (I read this in Cutler's book I think). The idea was to kill off as much of the fungus as I could and then do heavy probiotics to re-establish balance. Like I said this worked pretty well, but has not healed me completely. My symptoms are nothing serious compared to others, but I am determined nonetheless. I have read a lot on the curezone forums about how a longer treatment of the strong anti-fungals is needed a lot of the time, but I can't find a doctor to prescribe me several months of that and I can't really afford to buy it on the eBay market.

What I am planning: a gradual and slow iodine protocol + cofactors if needed. From previous posts it is my understanding that iodine is a mobilizer (but not a chelator) and I'll need a chelator in conjunction to move the HM out of my body. Seems like the chelator of choice is DMSA, but it's pretty expensive and I'm a little scared of it. I already have chorella, ALA, cilantro & zeolite and I plan to use these as detox symptoms present themselves.

I've also read some about using Borax as an anti-fungal so I was considering that as well, but will probably try the iodine first.

Also, while not keto, my diet is simple and clean. Bone broth, fatty meats, ghee, fresh herbs and some vegetables (turnip, green beans, peas, bok choy, celeriac, rutabaga). I make this into a soup/stew and eat it for most of my meals. I would like to start introducing more foods again, especially eggs.

Interesting report on the anti-fungal treatment. It's amazing how those critters are smart enough to hang on! I think a longer spell of an anti-fungal like nystatin or fluconazol might be necessary, although you could try something like kolorex (horopito extract) to see if it could take care of what remains since you've already gone the nystatin route.

I personally wouldn't bother waiting 3 months to start the HM detox, although if that fits into your schedule the I suppose you could hang on. I'd be interested in your experience with the cilantro drops, chlorella and ALA though (you might want to try R-ALA). I'm planning on testing out that protocol after I'm done with the DMSA.

Not sure what your budget is, but you can get enough DMSA (3 bottles of 50 caps) for about 5 rounds at 900mgs (3x300mgs a day) for 63USD at this link.
Laura said:
Siberia said:
Laura said:
Also very important to take probiotics at night just before bed with the magnesium. Bacillus coagulans.

I also used to have leg cramps before I started taking magnesium every day. I've been taking it before bed for several months now and have no cramps anymore. But I have a question: most local magnesium brands (I've tried three of them) instruct taking magnesium with food. This sounds a bit confusing to me, because I normally don't eat before bed, so I'm taking my magnesium pills with water only. I didn't have any problems with such approach so far, but still a bit puzzled and concerned, if I'm doing the right thing. Why should it be taken with food and is it important at all?

Nope, don't take it with food as it neutralizes stomach acid and slows digestion.

Oh, I see now, thank you very much for clarifying this Laura! Will continue taking it with water then. :)
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