Iodine and Potassium Iodide

dugdeep said:
You can also just eat it. Making a cilantro pesto or chimichurri works too :)
Extracts, like herbal tinctures, are probably more effective, though.

I put a bunch of cilantro in my guacamole. A combination of avocados + garlic + cilantro + lemons + salt... It tastes very good :)
For those of you who are incorporating chlorella/cilantro into your detox regimen, I found this info on chlorella dosing at the National Integrated Health Associates website :) (_ Sorry for the weird formatting. It's from a pdf (does anyone know an efficient way to translate these into easier-to-share text blocks? I found a random program online that sort of worked this time...)

Dosing with Chlorella/Cilantro for Neurotoxin Elimination

Removing neurotoxins from your bowel is critical for successful treatment of
heavy metal, toxic chemical, chronic infection detoxification as well as endogenous
toxins that are produced by the “bad” bugs in the bowel and exogenous toxins that we
eat. Toxicity, specifically neurotoxicity, is one of the root causes of all chronic diseases.
The importance of binding neurotoxins and removing them in the feces is outlined in the
end “Understanding Neurotoxins…”

Chlorella is our food of choice for detoxing the bowel and body, because it is not
only a great chelator but a very important food supplying many vital nutrients required to
detox and change your internal body chemistry (or internal milieu) to a healthier
environment. Other alternatives to bowel detox of neurotoxins are apple pectin, Zeolite,
chitosan, charcoal, clay and cholestyramin.

Chlorella is both a chelator – moving heavy metals out of the body and a mobilizer,
moving mercury and other heavy metals from deeper stores to more readily removal
areas. We use in it both capacities.
• There are three strategies to dosing chlorella:
i. Low dose: .25 – 1 gram with meals: this dose will bind mercury and
other heavy metals in the food that you eat (i.e. mercury in fish).
ii. Mobilizing dose: 3-9 grams per day; the dose could be taken all at
once or divided with meals, at night. (See below).
iii. Chelating dose: 2-3 times the mobilizing dose - to be used during
chelation days.
• There are two strategies concerning when and how much chlorella to dose
i. Take the entire mobilizing dose at one time once or twice a day 1
hour away from food. This is the best strategy for gut detox because
it concentrates the chlorella in the gut, scrubbing the heavy metals
from the biofilm, gut lining and the pathogens. This strategy is often
used earlier in the detox treatment, when bowel functional restoration
is important.
ii. Once the gut and extra cellular connective tissues have been detoxed
for at least 1 month (for some longer), chlorella and cilantro are used
for the most effective detox combination. The strategy is to take
chlorella 30-60 minutes before meals and/ or at night before bed
followed by cilantro. This strategy will be most effective in removing
neurotoxins that are detoxed in the liver and delivered to the bowel
from the bile.

Chlorella is very complimentary with other detox agents and support agents, which
can be used for more efficient and effective detox.
· Processed (nanonizing chlorella products):Matrix Metals, NDF, Metal Free
· Vitamin C and antioxidants, Ecklonia Cava; Minerals and electrolytes
· Sulfur products: MSM, DL Methionine, taurine, garlic, NAC
· Zeolites: Alli-thiamin
· Phospho lipids with Ca EDTA …
· Chelating agents: DMPS, DMSA, Na EDTA, D-Penicillamine, glutathione
The following is instructions to follow when dosing chlorella

Your Maintenance dose of chlorella is: ________g/ day.
Chlorella dose:
1. 45-60 min. prior to cilantro dose;
2. with the meals
3. or at bed for brain detox.
All Vitamin C supplements at end of meal, or another meal
Note: If fish oils are taken, you may want to take with chlorella.
Mobilizing phase: 10-14 days prior to your scheduled chelation appointment, start
your maintenance dose of Chlorella.
• The most important strategy is to take the Chlorella, how and when is
secondary. Make life as simple as possible
• It is best for some to start slow with chlorella ½ -1 gram at first and add ½ to
1 gram per day until you have obtained your recommended mobilizing dose.
• In the early phases of detox, it is best to take your dose away from food by
at least one hour and entire dose can be taken at one time. This will detox the
GI better than if chlorella is eaten with meals
• If you have GI disturbance with chlorella, divide your dose and take with
meals. Although this will provide less bowel detox action, but it may be
easier on the stomach.
• When mobilizing mercury with chlorella and cilantro, it is best to take
your dose (divided) chlorella dose 45-60 min. prior to your meal; then your
cilantro with the meal. If fish oils are taken, it is best to take the fish oils with
the chlorella. Vitamin C will inactivate the action of chlorella and cilantro,
therefore do not supplement Vitamin C at that meal or take as far away from
the chlorella or cilantro doses. That is why we recommend taking Vitamin C
at the end of the meal or best at another meal. .
• Fish oils may contain mercury. Therefore it is advisable to dose your
chlorella with the fish oils (to bind the mercury). Fish oils are an important
strategy to rehabilitate the membranes, which are always a problem in all
chronic health issues.
• Chewing the chlorella is the best because saliva will tag the chlorella
naturally (with monoclonal antibodies) and delivered to the most receptive

If you have continued problems with chlorella, try adding cellulose (an
enzyme able to be purchased- health food store). If still a problem, switch to
Porpha-zyme, or one of the clatherating agents (NDF, PCA, Metal Free)
The gut is the major route for heavy metal detoxification, therefore the gut
must be functioning well with (hopefully multiple bowel movements per
day). If not, re-absorption of the mercury is likely to occur.

Chelating phase: The day prior to your chelation appointment double or triple the
dose, and continue the doubled dose the day of the chelation and the day after.
• This is a chelation dose of chlorella is designed to move the mercury out
(through the bowel).
• This dosing can be used as a naturopathic chelation by itself, or in
conjunction with other chelation methods (i.e. DMPS, DMSA, EDTA, D-
Penicillimine), which has been shown to greatly enhance the yield.
• The day after the chelation we usually schedule a vitamin and mineral IV with
glutathione, which is also a chelator with a slightly different action. The
chelation dose of chlorella is extended to cover the day of this therapy.
• The detox spa can greatly enhance the detox of neurotoxins - mercury and
other heavy metals, toxic chemicals chronic infection neurotoxins…. It is best
to do detox spa procedures the day after the IV chelation. The procedures to
consider are:
1. Lymphatic treatment – KLM (micro-current), massage, Chi machine
2. Skin detox: Infra- red sauna or ozone steam; Mercury vapor lamp
3. Bowel: colonics
4. Detox foot baths: Toxaway, Aqua Chi, BEFE; stimulates the kidney
and liver meridian at the feet to effectively increase toxin elimination
activity of both organs. There is also direct active lymphatic excretion
of toxins across the soles of the feet. This devise is always used during
the chelation day.
2. Post-chelation phase: For 3-5 days after the finish of the chelating dose take the
mobilizing dose in divided dosages with meals.
• To bind the mercury from its release in the liver
• This is the time to do gall bladder flushes and to take additional GI binders
3. Stabilization phase: Don’t take the maintenance dose until the start of the next
• If eating fish or other mercury contaminated products, take ½ -1 grams of
chlorella with meal to bind the mercury.

Understanding the elimination of neurotoxins using chlorella/ cilantro

Chlorella is a very important food for detoxifying all neurotoxins from the bowel.
Chlorella is the only intelligent chelator, very effectively removes neurotoxins but also a
whole and complete natural food supplying a rich source of amino acids, essential fatty
acids, B-12 and vitamins and minerals. Some consider Chlorella to be one of the best
natural foods available, it is by far the largest health food eaten by more people world-
wide. Neurotoxins include: (i) toxic heavy metals (mercury, lead cadmium, aluminum…); (ii) toxic chemicals (phthalates and other plasticizers; benzene, stirene,
formaldehyde, dioxin, insecticides, solvents, PCB’s…) (iii) biodoxins from chronic
infections (lyme, botulinum, parasites, clamydia, TB, fungus, candida, virus to name a
few), and (iv) other endogenous and exogenous neurotoxins (foods, preservatives,
cosmetics, bad gut bugs).

Neurotoxins are not excreted easily; Neurotoxins are naturally excreted from the
bowel via the liver and bile. Unfortunately neurotoxins are naturally and mostly re-
absorbed in the bowel by its vast nervous complex (enteric nervous system) and then
redistributed into first the liver then to the brain, peripheral nerves, cellular membranes
fat or other bodily compartments.

To effectively remove the neurotoxin, they need to be effectively bound in the
upper part of the small intestine, when the bile is secreted during digestion. Chlorella
eaten with food or dosing chlorella 1 hour prior to a cilantro dose will bind the neurotoxin
in the bile with the chlorella and carry it out in the feces. Cilantro causes the liver to
release the bile. Cilantro is also an important source of organic selenium, a very
important mineral in heavy metal detox.

The action of cilantro is quick (about 20 min). Cilantro mobilizes mercury and
other neurotoxins from the cell membranes but does not chelate (or pull them out well).
Therefore an important detox strategy is to have chlorella on board at the time of
mobilization (taking cilantro) to more effectively chelate the metals out.
Chlorella is a major nutrient in Heavy Metal Detoxification
A. General comments:
♦ Chlorella is the most studied nutrient (2000 pier reviewed articles mostly
♦ Can be used prior to Hg filling removal [1-2 weeks] and is part of the pre-
dental protocol. It won’t remove Hg from fillings (like other chelating
agents), so it can be used safely with Hg fillings in the mouth (pre-dental
♦ Binds heavy metals in the gut, and from the blood circulating through the
bowel wall. The clatherating agents or HM binding peptides appear to pass
through the bowel and enter the blood stream and extra cellular spaces. It
does not cross the brain barrier.
♦ Chlorella binds strongly to all Heavy Metals and therefore can become
contaminated with HM easily; some sources appear to be contaminated;
quality is important.
♦ Can be used as a mobilizing agent or chelating agent depending upon the
♦ Chlorella is an excellent food for detox, complete source of amino acids,
B12, essential fatty acids and good mineral source; green foods are very
good for gut health and alkalizing the body; it has anti bacterial and viral
properties, and enhances growth hormone.
♦ There are two species of chlorella that are important for detox:
♦ C. pyreneidosa is better for the absorption of toxins, but harder to
digest, ♦ C. vulgaris has a higher amount of chlorella growth factor content, is easier to digest but less metal binding capability

Detox properties of Chlorella (most in pier review)
• Anti-viral – CMV and other herpes V
• Toxin binding (muco-polysaccharide membrane) – toxic metals,
environmental toxins (use for Toxic Chemical detox concurrently)
• Repairs and activates the body’s detoxification functions:
o Dramatically increases reduced glutathione
o Various peptides restore coeruloplasmin and
• Sporopollein effective in binding neurotoxins (as effective as
cholestyramin) and more effective in binding toxic metals than any other
natural substance
• Lipids (12.4%) of alpha and gamma linoleic acid – for membrane and
peroxisomes rehabilitation.
• Methyl-cobalamin – important in any nervous system detox and
• Chlorella growth factor – detox but not well understood (specific peptides
for every toxic mental)
• Porphyrins in chlorophyll have strong mental binding effect; Chlorophyll
activates the PPAR receptor on the nucleus of the cell, which is
responsible for peroxisome coding (turn on the gene), opening the cell
wall (important for all detox procedures), normalizing insulin resistance
and more. Note that medical drugs that activate the PPAR receptor
(pioglaiazone) effective in treatment of breast and prostate cancer.
• Super nutrient: 50-60% amino acid (good for vegetarians), methyl-
cobalamine, minerals, vitamins, chlorophyll
• Immune system tonic
• Restores bowel flora by reducing the heavy metal binding on the
pathogenic bacteria and fungus, thereby reducing their competitive
advantage with the beneficial bacteria
• Digestive aid
• “Alkalinizing agent” Klinghardt
By Mark McClure, DDS, FAGD, Doctor of Integrative Medicine
National Integrated Health Associates, 5225 Wisconsin Ave, Suite 402, Washington DC, 20015

(202) 237-7000
Joe said:
t's a bit early but 10-undecanoic acid seems to be a great way to handle candida. I've been using Thorne Research's Formula SF722 from amazon.

Thanks, I didn't know that one. I'll give it a try.
-though most importantly I guess, I have to stop eating the junk that candida loves (no slips),
...I still haven't found a good place to buy organic meat here. (southern Spain) The organic meat I can buy online is stripped of fat (and quite expensive), and buying the fat apart is not the same, (though better than nothing) In case anybody knows a good place to buy organic meat (preferably pork) in southern Spain, I'd be very happy to get the info.

Good to hear you are better Joe :)
dugdeep said:
mkrnhr said:
Kay Kim said:

So it's a tea. Thanks Kay Kim!

You can also just eat it. Making a cilantro pesto or chimichurri works too :)
Extracts, like herbal tinctures, are probably more effective, though.

It was mentioned earlier in the thread that it is best to have a liquid extract (alcohol or glycerine) because some of the beneficial detox agents may be removed/destroyed when it is dried and sprinkled on food or put in capsules. The reviews on liquid Cilantro extracts generally say that it is very effective, so I would be careful with the dosage.
I've been ill since sunday now, experimenting with ever higher nuke doses, and have finally taken a day off work just to get this thing killed, rest up and heal. Thankfully I have not had any massive detox reactions like Joe's experience (glad to hear you are getting better by the way). I have noticed that the virus is progressing faster through the stages than it normally would.

My default progress when getting a cold/flu virus is 1 day of sore throat, 3-4 days of sinus problems, and finally 2-3 weeks of chest infection, coughing etc. This time I can feel it trying to go onto my lungs, but it's like my body is battling it off, not letting it get to that final stage which would put me out of action physically for another week or two. Starting to get a brighter mood and some energy back also. Not out of the woods yet, but so far iodine gets 2 thumbs up yet again :thup:
mkrnhr said:
Kay Kim said:
How to make Cilantro Tea,

So it's a tea. Thanks Kay Kim!

Well, I suppose it can be a tea, but the most common way to use cilantro for HM detox is to buy some cilantro tincture drops and take them with chlorella. There are several products on the market that combine the two (and a few other detoxy ingredients) in a dropper bottle.
Miss.K said:
Joe said:
t's a bit early but 10-undecanoic acid seems to be a great way to handle candida. I've been using Thorne Research's Formula SF722 from amazon.

Thanks, I didn't know that one. I'll give it a try.
-though most importantly I guess, I have to stop eating the junk that candida loves (no slips),
...I still haven't found a good place to buy organic meat here. (southern Spain) The organic meat I can buy online is stripped of fat (and quite expensive), and buying the fat apart is not the same, (though better than nothing) In case anybody knows a good place to buy organic meat (preferably pork) in southern Spain, I'd be very happy to get the info.

Yes, cutting way back on sugar and carbs is a requirement while you're trying to deal with candida. Just remind yourself that it is not forever. The thing is, if you can handle a low carb/sugar diet for a couple of months while you tackle the candida, you'll effectively be nuking your sugar cravings too, so when you "go back" on sugar and carbs, you'll naturally keep it very low anyway.

If you're in southern spain then you should be able to easily find a good source of jamon serrano. Pata negra or jamon iberico de cebo (or bellota) being the mostly natural fed types.
I've been taking Cilantro/Chlorella tincture for 5 days now and have noticed the sebaceous cysts on my arms and legs have softened and lessened in size. Some are almost completely gone away. I've had these cysts most of my adult life and have had prolly a dozen others removed over the years. Other than the cysts I'm not feeling any other detox symptoms. :)
Just a note about candida. As far as I understand, if it is systemic (i.e. not just an overgrowth in the gut), then it will be able to feed on ketones. There's been some discussion of this on the forum (probably Keto thread and this iodine thread too). The Perfect Diet folks have had a bunch of data about it if one wants to search for it and track it down. The reason I mention systemic candida is because, as far as I know, there shouldn't be any ketones in the GI tract or very, very small amounts (maybe some intestinal microbes may produce some?). Just thought I'd mention it as it came up recently in this thread as I was catching up.
Just a quick testimonial for the anti-viral effects of iodine: I caught a cold a couple of weeks ago, which was probably the first cold with notable acute symptoms that I've had in quite a while (however through working with an applied kinesiologist I've had and eliminated viruses that didn't really have any notable symptoms), so I thought I'd try iodine to nuke it. The cold was minor, so more of a nuisance--mostly it was one stuck and runny nasal passage.

I had been muscle tested by a professional applied kinesiologist to take between 10-18 drops of lugol's 2% (so 25-45mg) per day. When having the virus, I self tested to confirm that it was a virus, then that the iodine would eliminate it, then for an amount: I got 36 drops or 90mg, so twice my normal maximum dosage. I had the feeling that it would take two days--the first dosage cleared my nose a bit and stopped the running significantly. The second knocked it back some more, then I did the two follow up doses the next day and felt like it was gone. I retested and got no virus present anymore, then resumed my normal dosage (16 drops = 40mg).

For comparison: the times when I had a virus and worked with the applied kinesiologist, he basically gave me a supplement that was a system supporter (some high quality vitamins and some anti-viral herbs), and both times I used this from him, I think it took weeks to eliminate the virus (I think 1 month for the first one and two weeks for the second).

Can't say how long the virus would have lasted without the iodine, but it certainly was gone fast with it!
Oxajil said:
I thought I'd share a little update and some good news! I've been taking iodine for about two months now with some breaks in between, I started out with six drops (plus one potassium iodide), but noticed that it gave me symptoms such as depression and anxiety several hours after intake, though it would go away the day after and on some days after three to four hours. Still, I decided to go for three drops for now and take a break from iodine for two or three days each week. I still get those symptoms but they're not as severe as when I took a higher dose. Something seems to be happening, so that's a good thing, and journaling a bit before going to bed seems to help with that.

As for the good news, as some might know, I've been struggling with a viral infection (herpes zoster ophthalmicus/herpes simplex) in my right eye that would occasionally flare up. I've been dealing with it for about five to six years now with ups and downs. When I went to the eye doctor with Chu last week, we were surprised to learn that the eyedoctor said that he is seeing improvement in my eye; blood vessels have decreased, and there is a lot less inflammation. He was quite surprised and said it was a miracle! Before, he seemed hopeless, and mentioned surgery as a possibility when things get worse. I was really relieved when I heard that things are taking a turn for the better. I think that the low doxy protocol, the antibiotics protocol, and now the iodine protocol have all been contributing to this improvement. I think that in some cases (like mine) it can take a couple of years before there are some visible changes! But it is definitely worth it.

When I was inflamed, I gained some weight, in total about 10kg. I gradually lost it all with the low doxy and the antibiotics protocol, and now with the iodine intake, it seems that my body continues to get rid of inflammation. All in all, I'm hopeful about my eye condition, and maybe continuing to take iodine will lead to an eyesight improvement. I wouldn't have been able to get a result like this without Laura, everyone at the Chateau, and this forum's great support and help! Maybe for those dealing with health issues, it can help to know that even if you don't see immediate results, keeping at it, and doing your best, sharing and asking for help here, will eventually lead to visible improvements. And I'm sure that 'below the surface' something is happening, even if you don't see it right away!


I am so happy for you! congratulations.

Just tell some experience I had with my dog Blacky. He had a big infection in the mouth, some two weeks ago. He started to have a gumboil that appeared inside in mouth and even his snout was swollen on one side. He is a dog that has very, extremely bad teeth because he almost not eat during all his life. I started to clean his gums with water with iodine, 3 to 4 drops. 3 times a day. In two days is swollen dissipated. No more a snout swollen also. with the iodine water I gave to him an homeopathic antibiotic. End of this story: I cured the gumboil of my dog in two days thanks to the iodine. ;D

My story is a little story but maybe it can helped other dogs owners. Thanks to everyone for your insights! we, my husband and me, continue with the protocol like little snails but we continue.
Nancy2feathers said:
I've been taking Cilantro/Chlorella tincture for 5 days now and have noticed the sebaceous cysts on my arms and legs have softened and lessened in size. Some are almost completely gone away. I've had these cysts most of my adult life and have had prolly a dozen others removed over the years. Other than the cysts I'm not feeling any other detox symptoms. :)
That's good to know, likewise re sebaceous cysts, I will give Cilantro/Chlorella a go. I have some Chlorella tablets.
Thank you all for sharing your experiences with iodine.
I have been taking Iodine since November, and I haven't had any cold, even though everyone around me is sick. I feel very energetic and clear-minded.

I have a question:
Do you think Iodine and Potassium Iodide taken during a radiation therapy will benefit or interfere with the treatment?
Should the dosage be increased or diminished during a radiation treatment?
Joe said:
Thanks Solie, overall I'm feeling better, although its been hard to gauge the progress since I've been on regular DMSA cycles, which are hard enough in themselves and tend to muddy the waters on the symptoms from the iodine etc.

My taking DMSA (200mg a day for three days) was challenging as well. I expected it to be easier than it has been because I had done the year-long Sidney Mcdonald Baker protocol some time ago and thought most of of the HM was out. But I had wobbly legs, low energy, low mood, achiness etc; the symptoms/effects kicking in after only one cycle - not four. Maybe my cells "remembered" what to do from the first time? But anyway, I'll be starting chlorella/cilantro in place of the DMSA...

Joe said:
The overt anxiety seems to be gone (crosses fingers!) but I'm still dealing with a kind of depression and a 'bleak' or hopeless view of things that seems to be fear-based or fear of judgment-based. It's very interesting to watch it just appear out of nowhere for a while and then suddenly disappear. It also gives an insight into the fact that human perception can be very subjective and 'fickle'. This in turn gives lots of opportunity to practice just pushing ahead with things (or through them) despite how I feel, a kind of 'doing what 'it' doesn't like' in the knowledge that what 'it' likes at any given moment is subjective and transitory and really just a matter of choice.

I've been observing something similar I think. My thoughts and feelings seem to be cycling through optimism/hopefulness and negativity/uselessness. Sometimes it's just like a switch gets thrown and, voila, I'm in this or the other state. And yes, it seems for those difficult times the only thing to do is to make the efforts to push through and just keep on going. Focusing outward does seem to help and recognizing "yes, I do feel like crap right now but for good reason". Sometimes I just concentrate on breathing and that seems to help as well.

Right now I'm taking 3 drops a day of 10% Lugols and think I will drop down to 2 drops a day. I'm hoping that the weeks of doing 12 or 16 drops have already gone a long way towards achieving the intended effects. And speaking of intended effects, maybe we can optimize whatever dosage of iodine or chlorella we choose to take with the request and with meditating on the thought that it do exactly what it needs to to help us achieve maximum benefits. Or something like that.
Nancy2feathers said:
I've been taking Cilantro/Chlorella tincture for 5 days now and have noticed the sebaceous cysts on my arms and legs have softened and lessened in size. Some are almost completely gone away. I've had these cysts most of my adult life and have had prolly a dozen others removed over the years. Other than the cysts I'm not feeling any other detox symptoms. :)

Interesting Nancy. Are you using a premade mixture? If so, what brand, and how many drops?
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