Iodine and Potassium Iodide

Divide By Zero said:
monotonic said:
It seems after I took a total of about 1g of iodine over three months, my tolerance suddenly decreased. Right now I'm experimenting with 1 drop every other day, or 2 days on one day off, etc.

It might be that you got to the optimal level and the body has enough?

I've been fighting an on and off sinus issue (odd since I rarely get sinus issues) that came up with this up and down weather change in the northeast US. I have upped dosing to approx 6 drops a day with no side effects.

Hey, have you tried the method used in this article? Might be worth a shot?
A small report.

I am taking some lugol since almost 4 months now.

I have the 15% solution.

After an initial big brain fog on the 4th day at 1 drop a day I did take a 5 or 6 days break.

Then I did take 1 drop every 3 or 4 days. I had extreme hungers. I went from 2 meals a day to 3, and then to 5. I began to take some L Tyrosine and that helped. I then was back to 3 meals a day.
Having still brain fog (but very much lighter) I started to take the co-factors.

At some point I noticed that I had put on some weight and 2 weeks ago I decided to go back to 2 meals a day. During 2 days I ate 2 small meals a day. It was incredibly hard. Then I got back to my usual 2 bigger meals a day and I haven't so much hunger since then. And my scales says I lost some of the previously gain weight.

Now I take a portion of a drop (one half or one third) every 3 or 4 days. I have also add 5 mg Lithium Orodate a day and I take 1 or 2 tsp. of chorella powder, 1 or 2 tsp. of spirulina and 1 or 2 tsp. of coriander seed every day.
Yupo said:
I have been taking very small amounts of iodine (strong Lugol's), less than a drop about every other day in filtered water. The acne flare is just unbelievable. I am 14 years out of menopause. :(
I am remembering now that I quit using iodized salt altogether years ago, avoided crustaceans too, because of acne flares.
I listened to the podcast about iodine last week. Great show! Most interesting about theobromine. Yikes.
I have started putting the tiny bit on the skin of my foot on alternate days, instead of drinking it.
Good news is that I feel really warm (normal!). Usually I have pretty bad cold intolerance.
For example, in summer I like to go sit in my hot car during lunch just to get warm from the 74F A/C at the office.
Another thing I have noticed is that I seem to be more productive at work, keeping up with paperwork better, not feeling exhausted so much. Moods are generally good and stable.


I kind of cringe when I hear "filtered water" because fluoride can only be removed by using special filters. I am glad you are trying iodine as a detox but maybe you should check out the effects of fluoride too as Gaby mentioned here. And there are other references in this thread that underscore the importance of avoiding fluoride.

But I commend you for at least doing your best to give it your best shot at gaining more knowledge about the possible benefits of the iodine protocol. We are all challenged to learn where the toxins are being foisted upon us.

Fluoride is not only found in toothpaste but our drinking water and bottled water too. FWIW
Finished six rounds of DMSA. When I push the Iodine too high and get detox symptoms, I wasn't sure if it was HM's or bromide that was causing it. Then I read in a post on the iodine workshop group that bromide was used as a sedative. When a lot of bromide is being flushed out of the tissues into the system it causes a headachey sedated effect. That describes what happens to me so I'm pretty sure I have bromide in my system. Don't think I was too bad with HM toxicity.

Pretty much done with the first 2 ounce bottle of 5% Lugols
Guille said:
Divide By Zero said:
monotonic said:
It seems after I took a total of about 1g of iodine over three months, my tolerance suddenly decreased. Right now I'm experimenting with 1 drop every other day, or 2 days on one day off, etc.

It might be that you got to the optimal level and the body has enough?

I've been fighting an on and off sinus issue (odd since I rarely get sinus issues) that came up with this up and down weather change in the northeast US. I have upped dosing to approx 6 drops a day with no side effects.

Hey, have you tried the method used in this article? Might be worth a shot?

Thanks G for this! In reading, I wonder if latent fungus in my system is being battled. The drastic weather change again on Sunday hit me hard, but today as it stabilized, my nose cleared up!

If its not fungal, it's these crazy earth changes that are messing with us!
Domagoj said:
At first I went with about 50 mg a day and after a while I had a pretty nasty herx episode with cold, rashes, tremors and acne. Kinda stopped for a couple weeks there. Then I realized this isn't working, I'm gonna have to up the dosage. So, I started with 200 mg a day with salt water 1 tsp split into two to three times a day. I immediately felt better. That was about a month and a half ago. Right now, I'm on 600 mg of Iodine a day and I feel better than I have in a long while. Don't plan to go more than about 800 orally. A LOT more will, energy, mental sharpness and quite a bit more productive.

I'm glad there are others who also experimented with higher dosages. I'm taking 5% lugola daily since Christmas - starting wit 50 mg, and next few days 100 mg, and since then 150-250 mg 1-2 times daily, depending on meals (it's hard to take it two times after meal, when there is only one meal a day).
Initially I avoided more than 350 mg a day, since I noticed very moderate signals from kidneys then (probably some toxins were released). So I've been using about 300 mg daily for a month, and last weekend I took 3x250 two days in a row.
Maybe I stop a bit to explain why did I needed it for. In 2006 I was vaccinated against Hepatitis B, and then had terrible pains in the spine - I was almost paralysed for two weeks, 2 months couldn't work. The pains diminished, but some days were better, some worse. In 2009 I started reading LIFE WITHOUT BREAD thread, and eliminated about 99% of wheat from my diet. It really helped. I had no more strong pains in spine, it sometimes hurt a bit, but never was hard enough to be a problem. So I reallu was satisfied with knowledge I found here.
Then few things happened - C's mentioned Iodine, my crazy friend started to take Lugola in gigantique doses (she mixed drops with milligrams), I read article about amoeba infection, and finally I connected it with this paper:


Then I took 50mg. All the joint paints were gone for a whole day!!! Maybe almost whole day. So I took 100 mg next day. And I felt even better. Taking 250 mg daily I noticed, when decreasing to 150 - it wasn't enough to keep my spine perfect. With 150 I sometimes woke up in the morning feeling some kind of clutch in the spine. So I split the dosage, and took 2x150-200. It was ok, no more morning pains, but... But the clutch on the kidneys appeared. So there was easy solution for this - salt solution. It tasted good, because I love salt. Especially pink one.
And it helped for the pain. When I noticed last week that 500 mg had no effect on my kidneys, in search of totally curing doses I experimented with those 750 mg dosage daily and it appeared new effect - high inflow of energy. But I mean - really high. Usually I'm too lazy to write on forum in English, I prefer my native language, since I can be more accurate. So here I am, writing ;) Next thing - I don't drink coffee or tea, even don't smoke nicotine - I don't like the accelerating effect. But, taking 750 mg of Iodine gave me such a boost like a pernament coffee drinking. And it isn't unpleasent for me. Just enjoying new oceans of energy.

(I'm 43 years old)
What about manganese? Iodide solutions detox from manganese, although it is considered profitable for humans. And reading article ( about fluoride classified as a neurotoxin, I found that:

"The summary goes on to state that six additional developmental neurotoxicants have also now been identified: manganese, fluoride, chlorpyrifos, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, tetrachloroethylene, and the polybrominated diphenyl ethers. The authors added that even more of these neurotoxicants remain undiscovered."
Persej said:
I just found this small article in my local daily newspaper. :)

The same article appeared today on our most popular website:

Well, I would say that we can definitely change the reality around us. Although, not by imagining things, but by working on SOTT. :)
They changed the link:
Michał said:
What about manganese? Iodide solutions detox from manganese, although it is considered profitable for humans. And reading article ( about fluoride classified as a neurotoxin, I found that:

"The summary goes on to state that six additional developmental neurotoxicants have also now been identified: manganese, fluoride, chlorpyrifos, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, tetrachloroethylene, and the polybrominated diphenyl ethers. The authors added that even more of these neurotoxicants remain undiscovered."


Thanks for the link it has many good related references. One of them is about Fluoride and some talk about diabetes and other new research studies on various diseases.

I would think Iodine/Iodide would help with manganese or most toxins in general but that is just my guess.

It is good to know you have been able to use higher doses of 5% Lugol's with good results and no noticeable negative side effects. :)
Here is my update from past week on topical iodine ( heel dosing )

02-04-2016 - I feel very hungry. I ate about 500 g fatty pork meat for lunch and i`m still hungry. Feel hungry all day. Probably a Bromine detox symptom.
04-04-2016 - 1 drop lugol 2.5% solution on left heel
Insomnia, feel very stressed, can't calm the mind, Depression.
05-04-2016 - 1 drop lugol 1 % solution on right heel. Sore throat.
06-04-2016 - 1 drop lugol 1 % solution on left heel
No reaction, Good night sleep with dreams.
07-04-2016 - 1 drop lugol 1 % solution on right heel
No reaction.
08-04-2016 - 1 drop lugol 1 % solution on left heel
No reaction.

Now i`m taking 2 days off and from Monday i`ll repeat heel dosing next week with 1% lugol.
I eliminated the culprits from my IgG food panel test two days ago when I received the results. I'm also taking up to 800mg-1 gram of DMSA three days a week. This last dose is high, so I don't recommend it unless you tolerate it. I'm aiming to decrease my mercury levels which are +20 times above the maximum allowed.

Now I'm finally feeling that I'm dropping the inflammatory weight. Since starting iodine, my muscles feel stronger and I have more energy, but I kept adding weight. Now I'm finally starting to feel lighter in terms of inflammatory water retention.

I also noticed that my IgE allergies have decreased significantly since I did the antibiotic protocol. Before I started iodine, I was already able to tolerate foods like garlic and onions which I was unable to tolerate before. I think the iodine help to reinforce the tolerance. As for the IgG intolerances, no luck. The main culprits were eggs followed by gluten grains, all dairy, chocolate, cashews, pistachios and black pepper.
Gaby said:
Now I'm finally feeling that I'm dropping the inflammatory weight. Since starting iodine, my muscles feel stronger and I have more energy, but I kept adding weight. Now I'm finally starting to feel lighter in terms of inflammatory water retention.

Well, since starting on the iodine I also added a few kilos and have trouble getting rid of them. It feels really strange because these days I exercise regularly and my energy expenditure is at least the same as before, if not more. But it's like I feel puffed. Maybe also related to water retention, don't know. In any case, so you say that it is related to inflammation that is being triggered by iodine? Since I am not sure if I can make an IgG test where I am now at the reasonable price (will look into it), would doing elimination diet as an alternative would somehow help the matter?
Gaby said:
I eliminated the culprits from my IgG food panel test two days ago when I received the results. I'm also taking up to 800mg-1 gram of DMSA three days a week. This last dose is high, so I don't recommend it unless you tolerate it. I'm aiming to decrease my mercury levels which are +20 times above the maximum allowed.

Now I'm finally feeling that I'm dropping the inflammatory weight. Since starting iodine, my muscles feel stronger and I have more energy, but I kept adding weight. Now I'm finally starting to feel lighter in terms of inflammatory water retention.

I also noticed that my IgE allergies have decreased significantly since I did the antibiotic protocol. Before I started iodine, I was already able to tolerate foods like garlic and onions which I was unable to tolerate before. I think the iodine help to reinforce the tolerance. As for the IgG intolerances, no luck. The main culprits were eggs followed by gluten grains, all dairy, chocolate, cashews, pistachios and black pepper.

I still cant understand why so much people have a strong IGG reaction to Eggs.I always thought that eggs are "super food", packed with fats, proteins and almost no carbs.
I suppose that all eggs intolerance are for chicken eggs. Maybe the IGG will be different with different eggs.
Then i tried to get a picture of a paleo man some 20 000 years ago i try to think if humans in that time have eat eggs like we are today.If we know that most of the land was under an ice, then it was not so easy to find eggs and eat them every day.

Or the main culprit for a strong IGG reation to eggs are those "modern" eggs and chicken which are full with chemicals and lack of many important nutrients. ? :umm:

Or eggs are just one of those foods that re not very well tolerated by many people and that is the end of the story.
So another of " my believes" that eggs are super food are believes again.
Keit said:
Well, since starting on the iodine I also added a few kilos and have trouble getting rid of them. It feels really strange because these days I exercise regularly and my energy expenditure is at least the same as before, if not more. But it's like I feel puffed. Maybe also related to water retention, don't know. In any case, so you say that it is related to inflammation that is being triggered by iodine?

It is not necessarily the iodine per se, but all the toxins released during the detox process which promotes inflammatory retention in fatty tissues. Some people have increased hunger. If you are eating the same as before, then one way to deal with it is by decreasing the dose of iodine in order to release less toxins. Then, you can enhance detox through other means, i.e. saunas, supplements, etc.

In order to remove inflammatory foods, doing an elimination diet would certainly help. At least remove the big culprits which includes eggs in the classic elimination diet. That means the fat bombs will have to go.
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