Iodine and Potassium Iodide

Gaby said:
Z said:
[...]Lithium interacts with Iodine
Large amounts of iodine can decrease thyroid function. Lithium can increase iodine's effects on the thyroid. Taking iodine along with lithium might decrease the thyroid function too much. Do not take large amounts of iodine if you are taking lithium.

My first question would be, what did they understood as "signs and symptoms" of hypothyroidism? If the TSH got elevated, we know that is not necessarily an indication of hypothyroidism when first starting iodine. Then, if the person was depressed, it sounds like s/he was showing "symptoms" of hypothyroidism even before starting the iodine.

Gaby do you have any information or source on interaction of Iodine and Lithium, my main concern is that Iodine may disable the effect of Lithium. This relative has been stable and doing very well for years on lithium, as soon as lithium stops all hell breaks loose so this is definitely something not to take lightly.
Yesterday during cold shower I came up with idea that taking iodine could in some way facilitate and/or accelerate cold adaptation. After a quick search I found the following abstract:

Cold adaptation and thyroid hormone metabolism.

Resting oxygen consumption and energy expenditure is sensitive to slight alterations in thyroid function. This means that timing and magnitude of cold adaptation would to some extent depend on thyroid function. Local thyroid hormone metabolism is important for energy expenditure and dissipation of heat in special tissues. Recruitment of brown adipocytes and upregulation of uncoupling protein 1 in mitochondria depends on high tissue T3 concentrations. Most of this T3 is derived from local 5' deiodination of T4. Brown fat is vital for cold exposed mice and rats, and may be important for temperature adaptation in human neonates. The role of thyroid hormone metabolism in adult human cold adaptation has not been finally clarified. Hypothetically, cold exposure may enhance T3 production by deiodination of T4 in skeletal muscle, which may enhance heat production in muscle via a change in muscle fiber type. Another hypothetical possibility is recruitment of brown adipocytes embedded in white adipose tissue in human adults. Understanding cold adaptation in human adults may lead to development of new drugs against obesity.

Source: _

I will try to find more later on...
luke wilson said:
Lilou said:
luke wilson said:
Simple question: the 5 drops of Lugols 12% solution, how are they to be taken? Straight onto your mouth or into water then drink the water? Also, is it all 5 drops at once, like lets say in the morning for example?

LUGOL’S Dosing using 12% (if using 5%, double)
Normal weight person, no sickness: 5 drops per day.

Apologies for the simple questions.

Most definitely taken in water. I would split the dose. Maybe 3 drops in water in the morning and two in early afternoon. And don't forget the salt water and the cofactors, which can be taken with the Lugol's. Only the Vit C needs to be a couple of hours after the Iodine.

What about the 3 drops of iodine in the salt water? That works, yes? I would most probably take the remaining 2 drops in the evening, after work. Vit C a couple of hours after the Iodine, check!

Thanks a lot.

Definitely take the iodine in water.

Also, take the salt water separately first thing when you get up and then after the iodine dose(s) - like an hour. That gives the iodine time to get in there and start working on unhooking the bromines and fluorines and turning them loose in the blood. At that point, the salt water goes into the blood and hooks up with the bromines/fluorines and carries them out through the kidneys. Maybe you don't want to hook your sodium chloride bits up with the iodine bits so as to leave each free to do their work?

Also, agree: don't take the iodine after 4 pm or it can interfere with sleeping.
Laura said:
Definitely take the iodine in water.

Also, take the salt water separately first thing when you get up and then after the iodine dose(s) - like an hour. That gives the iodine time to get in there and start working on unhooking the bromines and fluorines and turning them loose in the blood. At that point, the salt water goes into the blood and hooks up with the bromines/fluorines and carries them out through the kidneys. Maybe you don't want to hook your sodium chloride bits up with the iodine bits so as to leave each free to do their work?

Also, agree: don't take the iodine after 4 pm or it can interfere with sleeping.

Laura, is taking iodine after breakfast and after lunch ok if we are to take it twice a day or are they too close to each other?
s-kur said:
Hope it helps :) Do you have code ЛП-000474 for your solution?

Nope, it's by another pharmaceutical factory in Ukraine. Here's the link.

Also, since it is best to take niacinamide and not simply nicotinic acid, need to look for it somewhere. We only have it in injection form here. Plenty of time to do research in the meantime.
Eboard10 said:
Laura said:
Definitely take the iodine in water.

Also, take the salt water separately first thing when you get up and then after the iodine dose(s) - like an hour. That gives the iodine time to get in there and start working on unhooking the bromines and fluorines and turning them loose in the blood. At that point, the salt water goes into the blood and hooks up with the bromines/fluorines and carries them out through the kidneys. Maybe you don't want to hook your sodium chloride bits up with the iodine bits so as to leave each free to do their work?

Also, agree: don't take the iodine after 4 pm or it can interfere with sleeping.

Laura, is taking iodine after breakfast and after lunch ok if we are to take it twice a day or are they too close to each other?

Sounds okay to me.
Z said:
Gaby do you have any information or source on interaction of Iodine and Lithium, my main concern is that Iodine may disable the effect of Lithium. This relative has been stable and doing very well for years on lithium, as soon as lithium stops all hell breaks loose so this is definitely something not to take lightly.

Physicians always use the "vademecums" of their own country for this information. I think that the ones online are very good and exhaustive, although I have found that sometimes other versions (i.e. Wikipedia or my Spanish vademecum) contain more warnings or side effects for certain drugs. Sometimes the opposite applies. We can thank Big Pharma for that.

This one looks very good:


You can sign up to medscape for free. It says that there is synergism with lithium and iodine, so actually, a lower dose might be necessary. The interaction with iodine is considered to be "minor" or non-significant.

Any hypothyroidism attributed to iodine should be put in context. Did TSH rise and T3 and T4 remained normal? Could "hypothyroidism symptoms" be attributed to detox reactions? Were hypothyroidism symptoms present before starting the iodine?

You can check at medscape if the cofactors are included as an interaction with lithium.
Merci à tous et toutes pour tous vos commentaires et liens...
Désolée pour Chu... J'espère que cela va vite aller mieux...
J'ai donc commencé ce matin 1/2 cuillerée de sel de Guérande (Bretagne) dans un verre d'eau chaude au lever
Puis après avoir petit déjeuner avec un thé et un Kiwi pour Vitamine C j'ai pris 5 gouttes de Lugol 12% dans un verre d'eau (pas très bon goût) et sensations bizarres dans l’œsophage et estomac ...
Je vais prendre ces doses pendant 3 jours et voir comment cela se passe...
Me conseilleriez vous de faire ce traitement 2 fois par jour ?...
Je n'ai pas encore reçu la suite de ma commande...

Thank you to everyone for all your comments and links ...
Chu sorry ... I hope it will get better soon ...
So I started this morning 1/2 teaspoon of sea salt (Britain) in a glass of hot water at sunrise
Then after breakfast with tea and Vitamin C for a Kiwi I took 5 drops of Lugol 12% in a glass of water (not very good taste) and odd sensations in the esophagus and stomach ...
I'll take these doses for 3 days and see how it goes ...
I advise you to do this treatment two times a day? ...
I have not yet received the result of my order ...
For anyone who finds it difficult to understand the relationship between iodine, other halides such as bromide, flouride and chloride, and then salt, here is as very simple way of putting it:

Imagine the whole system is a movie theatre.

1. The Iodine Family plans to go on a night out to the movies (Fulfill their needed function in the body). They have pre-booked their seats in advance and plan to sit on the front row (Thyroid, ovaries etc)

2. When they arrive at the movie theatre, they are shocked to see that the Halide Family (bromide, fluoride etc) are sat down in the seats that the Iodine family already booked in advance (halides attached to iodine receptor sites). This is a bit of a nuisance.

3. They Iodine Family shows their pre-book tickets to the Halide Family and politely asks for them to change seats (releasing halides from the receptor sites into the bloodstream etc).

4. The Halides are frustrated by this occurence and are reluctant to swap seats, but eventually they get up out of their seat to allow the Iodines to take their place - only to realise that there are no more seats left in the movie theatre.

5. Now the The Halides are seatless, they begin to complain, causing a big disruption (Detox reactions - lethargy, spots, muscle pain, headache etc) and are a problem for everyone else who is sat down in the movie theatre. Because of this, people alert security.

6. Along come the Sodium Chloride security guards who grab hold of each of the Halide Family and drag them out of the movie theatre one by one (Chloride binds to other 'free floating' halides in the system which are later excreted by the system).

7. Now everyone is sat in the allocated seats, and people can begin to enjoy the movie without disruption - The body as a whole can function more efficiently.

This might be helpful if someone is finding it difficult to understand :)
Merci Keyhole votre explication est d'une grande limpidité...

Keyhole thank you your explanation is of great clarity ...
PERLOU said:
Then after breakfast with tea and Vitamin C for a Kiwi I took 5 drops of Lugol 12% in a glass of water (not very good taste) and odd sensations in the esophagus and stomach ...
I'll take these doses for 3 days and see how it goes ...
I advise you to do this treatment two times a day? ...
I have not yet received the result of my order ...

I think I would start off with a lower dose, like 2 drops for a few days, and then 3 for a few days, and so on - until you reach the level that feels right.
from my little research from where to buy lugol's iodine where i live(in Italy), it seems without a medical prescription it's not possible(becuase by the italian law iodine in high doses is considered as poison), except the one which is only 2%, lugol's iodine 2% which theoreticaly i can buy it from an online shop, i will go to the drug store today and will find out if i can get the iodine without medical prescription, otherwise will have to get the prescription. :cry:
Merci Laura, je vais suivre vos conseils dès demain matin car c'est trop tard pour aujourd'hui...

Laura thank you, I'll follow your advice tomorrow morning because it's too late for today ...

Andre, je vous remets le lien de Laura où j'ai pu me procurer Iodine Lugol 12 % sur Amazone :

Andre, I commend you Laura link where I could get me 12% Iodine Lugol Amazon: redirect = true ref_ = oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s01
Andre' said:
from my little research from where to buy lugol's iodine where i live(in Italy), it seems without a medical prescription it's not possible(becuase by the italian law iodine in high doses is considered as poison), except the one which is only 2%, lugol's iodine 2% which theoreticaly i can buy it from an online shop, i will go to the drug store today and will find out if i can get the iodine without medical prescription, otherwise will have to get the prescription. :cry:

Have you tried ebay? That is often a solution for "strict custom controls".
I´m clueless here, maybe my iodine depletion might be part of the answer.

Yesterday I got the iodine at 15% from Bob´s Best. It says iodine content per drops is 7,62 mg in a bottle of 50 ml. It´s this one:

Now when I compare it with the Lugol that seems to be the one which is mostly used by the forumers, the label says Lugol 5% contains 6,25 mg per drop in a 30 cl bottle. I don´t understand the correlation between both concentration, 5% and 15%, since both keep having roughly the same iodine content. Could someone help me with this?

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