Iodine and Potassium Iodide

Hello!! Does anybody know whether I can take Iodine (Lugol) while breastfeeding? Thank you

According to Dr. Brownstein, milk is the only source of iodide in the breast-fed infant. At the same time, he says that milk from lactating breasts contain 4 times more iodine than the amount absorbed by the thyroid gland. So I would be careful about experimenting at this stage, specially with doses that might trigger detox symptoms that you can't handle. But yes, people have taken iodine while breastfeeding:

Iodine and Breastfeeding - Safe Or Dangerous Combo?

Is Iodine (Iodoral) Safe While Breastfeeding?

One safe way to experiment would be the heel dosing protocol:

Iodine - The Heel Dosing Technique
According to Dr. Brownstein, milk is the only source of iodide in the breast-fed infant. At the same time, he says that milk from lactating breasts contain 4 times more iodine than the amount absorbed by the thyroid gland. So I would be careful about experimenting at this stage, specially with doses that might trigger detox symptoms that you can't handle. But yes, people have taken iodine while breastfeeding:

Iodine and Breastfeeding - Safe Or Dangerous Combo?

Is Iodine (Iodoral) Safe While Breastfeeding?

One safe way to experiment would be the heel dosing protocol:

Iodine - The Heel Dosing Technique
Thank you, Gaby
Thank you, Gaby
Hi Cristal,

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But I think that Russians are a little crazy about dosing. Because this thing is way more powerful than Lugol's.
Вот что я прочитал про люголь
Элементарный йод обладает выраженными противомикробными свойствами. Для препаратов элементарного йода характерно выраженное местнораздражающее действие на ткани, а в высоких концентрациях - прижигающий эффект. Местное действие обусловлено способностью элементарного йода осаждать тканевые белки. Препараты, отщепляющие элементарный йод, оказывают значительно менее выраженное раздражающее действие, а йодиды обладают местнораздражающими свойствами только в очень высоких концентрациях. Характер резорбтивного действия препаратов элементарного йода и йодидов одинаков.
Вот это о "синем йоде"
"Синий йод" (амилойодин) - это функциональный пищевой продукт, полученный путем включения йода в молекулу высокополимера. При этом йод теряет токсические и раздражающие свойства, но полностью сохраняет свою активность как микроэлемент и антисептик. "Синий йод" применяется для профилактики и устранения дефицита йода, который выражается в хронической усталости, раздражительности, сонливости, в резком наборе или снижения веса. "Синий йод" снижает содержание холестерина в крови, очищает сосуды, повышает активность лейкоцитов и содержание эритроцитов в крови, укрепляет иммунитет, положительно воздействует на гормональную систему в целом.
В данном препарате йод находится в валентном состоянии 1+, которое является более биодоступным, в отличие от традиционных препаратов, в которых йод находится в валентном состоянии 1-. Благодаря этому, "Синий йод" максимально биоактивен и обладает высокой бактерицидной, фунгицидной и гельминтоцидной активностью, обладает регенеративными возможностями, что позволяет его использовать в больших дозах. Гиперфункция щитовидной железы - применяется в малых дозах по нарастающей схеме.
Чуть позже переведу вот это: Применение синего йода, инструкции.

Here's what I read about Lugol
Elemental iodine has a pronounced antimicrobial properties. For preparations of elemental iodine is characterized by a pronounced locally irritating effect on the tissue, and in high concentrations - cauterizing effect. Local action is due to the ability of elemental iodine to precipitate tissue proteins. Drugs, otscheplyayuschie elementary iodine, have a much less pronounced irritant, and iodides have locally irritating properties only in very high concentrations. The nature of resorptive action of preparations of elementary iodine and iodides is the same.
Here is this about " blue iodine"
"Blue iodine" (amyloidin) is a functional food product obtained by incorporating iodine into the molecule of high polymer. In this case, iodine loses toxic and irritating properties, but retains its activity as a microelement and antiseptic. "Blue iodine" is used to prevent and eliminate iodine deficiency, which is expressed in chronic fatigue, irritability, drowsiness, a sharp set or weight loss. "Blue iodine" reduces cholesterol in the blood, purifies blood vessels, increases the activity of leukocytes and red blood cells, strengthens the immune system, has a positive effect on the hormonal system as a whole.
In this drug, iodine is in the 1 + valence state, which is more bioavailable, unlike traditional drugs, in which iodine is in the 1-valence state. Due to this," Blue iodine " is the most bioactive and has a high bactericidal, fungicidal and helminthocidal activity, has regenerative capabilities, which allows it to be used in large doses. Hyperthyroidism - is used in small doses on the increasing scheme.
A little later I will translate this: the Use of blue iodine, instructions.
Just to make it clear, I was not worried about irritating or toxic properties of blue iodine, quite the opposite, I was worried about the detoxifying properties. And I was right about that. Today is the last day of my fourth week of blue iodine protocol, and I'm still going through the detoxification. I feel less need to urinate, so that extreme phase lasted about five days, which was a little bit exhausting, but has now calmed down. I still have to go to bathroom regularly, but less than before. Tomorrow I will increase the dosage again.

My second liquid batch turned out much better than expected. I made almost perfectly homogeneous liquid, so no strainer was needed. The only problem was that if you take it straight, it has a not so pleasant powdery texture, which I solved by mixing the blue iodine with water prior to taking. In that way, the texture is like ordinary water.

One important thing that I realized is that Russians use alcoholic version of iodine when they make the blue iodine, which has less overall iodine than Lugol's. So if you use Lugol's you should use less amount of it than in Russian recipe. So for alcoholic 5 ml, the Lugol's equivalent should be about 3 ml. Or less, if you use corn starch. For this batch I used 2.5 ml and it turned out just fine.
Я привел эти цитаты, как возможное объяснение больших доз препарата. Должен заметить, что сам я еще не пробовал, только собираюсь и, видимо, дозировки справедливы для продукта, продаваемого на этом сайте.

Применение синего йода, инструкции

I cited these quotes as a possible explanation for high doses of the drug. I should note that I have not tried it myself yet, only I am going to and apparently the dosages are fair for the product sold on this site.

Application of blue iodine, instructions
Iodine deficiency, depression, iodine treatment, thyroid treatment, thyroid disease, thyroid cancer, nodular goiter, iodine body
5 ml (teaspoon) / 50 ml water - 1 time a day for 30-40 days, 2-3 times a year.
Intoxication (alcohol, food)
50 ml. of iodine/100 ml. mineral water 2 admission every 30 minutes. In case of alcohol poisoning repeat 2-3 times a day.
12-15 teaspoons in a ratio of 1/1 with water to take inside 3-4 times a day. Sprinkle the solution in the same ratio. In the chronic form to apply for 21 days.
Stomatitis, periodontal disease, alveolitis, jaw cyst, toothache, gum treatment, periodontal treatment
Rinse the mouth until discoloration of the drug 5-8 times a day-2-3 days, in a ratio of water 1/1. In case of toothache, add ½ tsp of salt to the solution.
Tonsillitis, follicular tonsillitis, influenza, tonsillitis
Drink 10 teaspoons of water 3 times a day in a ratio of 1/1. Rinsing with the drug 10-12 times a day until it is completely discolored-3-4 days. Irrigate the nasal cavity.
Chemical burn of esophagus
Drink as quickly as possible after burning 50 ml (10 tsp). Repeat every 15 minutes in 5 receptions until lunch. And every 30 minutes in 5 receptions after. The reception time is 5 days.
Dysentery, colitis of various etiologies, dyspepsia, diarrhea, ulcers of the duodenum and stomach, flatulence, dysbacteriosis.stomach ulcer, stomach treatment, ulcer treatment, gastritis treatment, ulcer symptom,
Drink 50 ml. (20 teaspoons) 5-6 times a day 5-10 days until the full normalization of the chair. After 1-2 days of starting treatment administered (50 ml. blue of iodine in 150 ml. of water) enemas 1 time per day during the treatment period.
Sinusitis, rhinitis, inflammation of the nasopharynx.
Often irrigate the sinuses and nasopharynx, take 3-5 teaspoons with water 3 times a day — 21 days.
Drink 75ml. (15 teaspoons or 5 tablespoons per 100 ml of water) 4 times a day-21 days
Hepatic and pancreatic dysfunction.
Drink 50 ml. (10 teaspoons) in the morning on an empty stomach and at night before bedtime in a ratio of water 1/1. Take 2 weeks
Conjunctivitis, burn to the eyeball, the wound of the eyelids and the eyeball, blattodea, hypertension keratitis, tree and disc keratitis.
Bury 2-3 drops in the conjunctival cavity of the eye 2 times a day. The ratio with purified water-1 a drop pan-blue iodine/5 drops water. The procedure is repeated 2-4 days.
Additionally, burns.
Moisten 5-6 times a day burn surface or apply with a spray every hour. Duration-7-20 days.
Iodine swabs for hemorrhoids. Change as discoloration occurs.
Cracked nipples of nursing mothers
Lubricate 2-3 times a day, leave on the nipple until completely dry-2-3 days.
Puerperal ulcers of the perineum and partial suture on the perineum
After preliminary treatment of the wound surface with hydrogen peroxide and drying, apply the drug without diluting — once a day, 3-4 days.
Trichomoniasis, fungal lesions of the vagina, urethra, cervical canal, prostatitis.
After removal with saline mucus and purulent discharge carefully treated with the drug 3-4 times during one procedure, followed by the use of a vaginal bath of 15-20 ml of the drug daily 5-10 times.
Burns, severe burns, trophic ulcer, burn treatment, burn after, burn degree, treat burn, skin treatment, burn aid, first burn, baby burn,
On the surface is applied 3-5 layers of gauze, heavily soaked Blue with iodine. In most cases, a change of bandage is required, (at night, the bandage is changed to dry) additional irrigation is necessary after its discoloration. When trophic ulcers add ingestion as ulcers.
In case of sunburn, spray Blue Iodine on the affected surface, drying after 7-10 minutes. In case of severe burns (burning, pain when touching), spray Blue iodine during the day: the first hour after the burn 3-4 times, then 2-3 times during the day.
Cosmetic effect
Frequent rubbing of the skin (dilute with cool water 2-5 times) helps to improve the regenerative capabilities of the skin (rejuvenates).
I cited these quotes as a possible explanation for high doses of the drug.

We did talked before in this topic why would anybody want to take high doses of iodine - to kill the bad microorganisms in our bodies. And that is my goal. But before that, you need to go through the detox period. And that is something that Mohnach didn't talk about. He never mentioned any detox. It's possible that he wasn't aware of it, or that he didn't want to speak about any negative side effects of blue iodine that he couldn't explain in a positive way, because he patented the Iodinol. Just like Brownstein didn't talked too much about Lugol's detox side effects, possibly because he promotes Iodoral. Although Brownstein did gave us a great tool for iodine protocol - salted water.

Whatever is the case, the fact is that both of those iodine forms, and especially blue iodine, have a lot of detox side effects. Which disappear over time, but people should be warned about them. And protocols should be adjusted for them.

I should note that I have not tried it myself yet, only I am going to and apparently the dosages are fair for the product sold on this site.

Well, the Ukrainians are selling very mild versions of blue iodine. On the other hand, Russian Iodinol is much stronger. But that version is not officially recommended for human oral use. Although, they are giving it to animals. And the dosages are quite big, which is the reason why they sell it in up to 10 liters canisters!
[U said:
Stomatitis, periodontal disease, alveolitis, jaw cyst, toothache, gum treatment, periodontal treatment[/U]
Rinse the mouth until discoloration of the drug 5-8 times a day-2-3 days, in a ratio of water 1/1. In case of toothache, add ½ tsp of salt to the solution.

I would like to do this treatment but I don't understand the amount of iodine and water we need to do for this one!
Can anyone help me understand it?
PS: I have 5% lugol
Stomatitis, periodontal disease, alveolitis, jaw cyst, toothache, gum treatment, periodontal treatment
Rinse the mouth until discoloration of the drug 5-8 times a day-2-3 days, in a ratio of water 1/1. In case of toothache, add ½ tsp of salt to the solution.
Это написано про продукт с этого сайта 500мл./300руб - в наличии, Синий йод Клуба Первоцвет решает проблему йододефицита, нормализует функцию щитовидной железы, синий йод купить, амилойодин купить теперь можно в России, синий йод,. С люголем, я думаю, надо обращаться по другому. В сообщении #3500 я приводил цитаты, сообщающие о различиях между амилойодином и люголем, йодинолом.

It's written about the product from this site 500мл./300руб - в наличии, Синий йод Клуба Первоцвет решает проблему йододефицита, нормализует функцию щитовидной железы, синий йод купить, амилойодин купить теперь можно в России, синий йод,. I think we should treat Lugol differently. In the message #3500 I quoted, tells about the differences between amyloodinium and Lugol, yodinol.
I would like to do this treatment but I don't understand the amount of iodine and water we need to do for this one!
Can anyone help me understand it?
PS: I have 5% lugol

You shouldn't use Lugol's for that. Youlik was talking about blue iodine which isn't caustic and can be used on skin or mucous membrane.
Today is exactly one month since I started the blue iodine protocol and perhaps is a good time for some recap.

First of all, this thing is certainly more powerful than Lugol's when it comes to detox. This video mentions one of the symptoms that I reported when taking iodine - scratchy soles. It is a symptom of liver issues, which I confirmed on other websites.

So today I took a little break from iodine, and bought some omega 3 eggs which I'm going to drink to get some choline and DHA as a bonus.

Second thing is that, so far, I'm not impressed with the microbicidal potential of this version of iodine. Perhaps it is stronger than Lugol's, but still not enough.

However, I searched more about that and I found something interesting. Here is a patent from 1992. You can read the original here. He mentions several other iodine patents, one of them is by Mohnach.

Here are the most interesting quotes:

It is generally recognized that proteinaceous materials destroy the biocidal effectiveness of iodine and iodophors such as PVP-I. This factor has been considered a major impediment to the use of iodine and iodophors in the presence of large amounts of biological materials. Albumin has been identified as having an extremely high capability of deactivating the biocidal power of iodine and iodophors. (...)

The fundamental problem is that, heretofore, it has not been possible to kill pathogenic microbes in blood without doing substantial injury to blood cells - red blood cell hemolysis being an ever present problem.

The teachings of the prior art suggest that neither elemental (diatomic) iodine nor complexed iodine would be an effective and reliable biocide in a fluid or in a body, e.g. blood, packed or concentrated cells, organs, etc. in which massive amounts of protein are be available to react with the iodine.

Starch-iodine-hydrogen peroxide (Starch-I-H2O2) is, to the best of applicant's knowledge, a new composition of matter. (...)

There is a distinct synergism as to the biocidal power of starchiodine-hydrogen peroxide. The iodine, it is believed, acts most directly on microorganisms, being converted to iodide. The iodide is then converted to iodine by the peroxide, and again kills the microorganisms. The hydrogen peroxide is also biocidal directly, but is believed to be very much less of a factor than the iodine. It has been discovered, however, that starch-iodine-hydrogen peroxide is more effective biocidally that either starch iodine or starch hydrogen peroxide alone, having comparable amounts of iodine and hydrogen peroxide, respectively, in the starch. Far lower concentrations of iodine are necessary to accomplish a total kill of virus or bacteria than would be required using povidone iodine or another form of iodine.

This is a problem that I wrote about before. Mohnach himself confirms that starch-iodine, and even his Iodinol, are inactivated in protein rich environments. That could be the reason why he never recommended it for any systemic infection.

Of course, this patent also doesn't deal with oral consumption, but since neither of the elements are poisonous when taken orally, in reasonable amounts, I think it is worth a try. Now I just need to figure out what is the best way to make it.
Thank you Persej for info about hydriodic acid ! Will read it.
After ten days of Lugol on bread at breakfast: nothing happened, no change in my mood, sleep, etc. Neither detox symptoms.
Today, I dropped 1 Lugol drop into a glass of hot liquid made of 1/2 teaspoon of flour boiling in water : the color immediately became a wonderfull deep blue! It was very beautiful to look at. So, I'll adopt your recipe :-)

I'll also 2) read the documents you provided on hydriodic acid and 2) search on glycogen-iodine if time allows me that.
Today, I dropped 1 Lugol drop into a glass of hot liquid made of 1/2 teaspoon of flour boiling in water : the color immediately became a wonderfull deep blue! It was very beautiful to look at.

Yes, this patent uses that feature for swimming pool disinfection. But this sentence was quite funny to read:

The disinfection of swimming pools with free chlorine is practically universal, but chlorine irritates the eyes and, as habitual smokers know, it also affects the sensory receptors of the mouth and nose so that the aroma of a pool-side cigarette seems to be unpleasantly altered.

I can't imagine anybody writing something like that in the present day. Such person would immediately lose their job! :lol:

So, I'll adopt your recipe :-)

Just remember to use starch and not flour. And don't use more than 2 ml of Lugol's, because I found out that in Russia they use diluted version of alcoholic iodine which has only 50% of ethanol, not 96%. So the content of potassium iodide is also double less.

In the meantime I started drinking tea made from wall germander. I remembered that when I was young I had some stomach issues, where my stomach would stop working and nothing could pass through it, not even a water. I tried all kinds of things but nothing helped. It happened two times and it was very painful. I was drinking a lot of sugar drinks at that time so that could be the cause.

But the third time I was at my aunt's home, and when I complained about it she made me a tea from this plant and the pain very quickly disappeared and my stomach started working like nothing happened. After that I told my mother that from now on we have to always have this tea in our home, because it was like a miracle to me.

It's interesting that I cannot find much about it in English, and some websites even say that it can be hepatoxic, but in my country it is famous for quite the opposite effect. They say that it regenerates the liver, gallbladder and pancreas. Although in the end they say that:

You should be cautious with this plant and strictly adhere to the instructions, as it may cause symptoms like hepatitis in susceptible persons.

I don't know what is that about, but I like it. When I was younger it was very bitter to me, but since I stopped putting sugar in coffee and tea, my taste changed, so now I really like it's bitterness. I use one teaspoon per cup.
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