Iodine and Potassium Iodide

Its because i read about fibrosis of the lungs, coming about with pulmonary hypertension, and remembering reading here of cystic fibrosis reacting to Iodyne. There is no diagnosis yet in my case.
I had to visit ER Christmas 2018 with a acute pneumonia, but they did not help much, gave me a puffer/steroids, wich i do not want to use before a decent diagnosis. There were problems before that with being out of breath. Had bronchitis ever since.

I'm sorry and I really hope you don't get the diagnosis of fibrosis. In that case, I don't think iodine would help. In conventional medicine, this disease is considered incurable. Fortunately, we have alternative approaches. Maybe that would be something:

There is therapy (organotherapy) here in Germany. It is based on the homeopathic principle, but with the use of animal organ cells. The membrane receptors on the cell surfaces recognize the active substances on the basis of a specific amino acid sequence and then take them into the cell interior. Interestingly, this signaling system is species-non-specific. The target organ enriches what it needs!

The preparations themselves are processed and possibly homeopathically potentized organ extracts. However, they usually have such a potency (dilution) that traces of the starting materials can still be detected. So it is not a classic homeopathic application.

However, the therapeutic approach is not limited to the diseased organ. Rather, functionally related organs and organ systems should be treated such as: inner ear, auditory nerve, auditory pathway, auditory center (= auditory organ) for tinnitus, hearing loss or dizziness.

The organs are enabled to repair themselves, to regenerate and to perform their functions again. Regulating and regenerating factors from healthy cells enable "sick" cells to retrieve their existing genetic potential and to heal themselves.

Fortunately in Germany there are (still) at least two providers of this method: the company Vitorgan® and the company Dyckerhoff with the (formerly) regenerated agents.

Preparation idea for the Vitorgan company
These agents are administered subcutaneously or i.m. once or several times a week. Injected or sprayed orally via an applicator and this is done for about 4 - 6 weeks. Unfortunately you have to be at least a veterinarian to order the remedies online. Or you ask a pharmacy if they order it for you.

Preparation ideas for the company Dyckerhoff (regeneration)
I would take regeneration with connective tissue, vascular wall, adrenal gland, thyroid and of course the lungs.
A doctor or pharmacist can order the products there directly. In the appendix I send a summary. Unfortunately it is only in German.


Wow thank you. Gonna theck that out.
Stumbled on this last night: Past research has shown that the majority of patients with the inherited form of pulmonary hypertension, which is also the most lethal, carry a mutation in the gene BMPR2. Whether the mutation plays a role in causing the disease has been unclear. Surprisingly, 80 percent of people with the mutation don't get the disease and remain perfectly healthy, Nicolls said. Based on previous research into inflammation in the lungs, the Stanford researchers hypothesized that an inflammation-producing pathway may provide the second "hit" that triggers the mutation to cause the disease in certain patients. To test the theory, the researchers developed a rat model with a mutation in the BMPR2 gene. They followed the rats for a year, and found that the animals remained healthy. Yet when the rats were injected with a virus carrying the 5LO enzyme that triggered temporary lung inflammation, they developed pulmonary hypertension. /// "Asthma, a bad flu, temporary types of lung injury from bacterial or virus infections—all can be 5LO-mediated," Tian said. "This type of inflammation normally has a pretty short life span. But in these rats, even after the injected virus died, the damage to the endothelial cells in the lining of the blood vessels continued. The cells become the bad player, and they continued to proliferate the inflammation." Inflammation triggers silent mutation to cause deadly lung disease, study shows
Wow thank you. Gonna theck that out.
Stumbled on this last night: Past research has shown that the majority of patients with the inherited form of pulmonary hypertension, which is also the most lethal, carry a mutation in the gene BMPR2. Whether the mutation plays a role in causing the disease has been unclear. Surprisingly, 80 percent of people with the mutation don't get the disease and remain perfectly healthy, Nicolls said. Based on previous research into inflammation in the lungs, the Stanford researchers hypothesized that an inflammation-producing pathway may provide the second "hit" that triggers the mutation to cause the disease in certain patients. To test the theory, the researchers developed a rat model with a mutation in the BMPR2 gene. They followed the rats for a year, and found that the animals remained healthy. Yet when the rats were injected with a virus carrying the 5LO enzyme that triggered temporary lung inflammation, they developed pulmonary hypertension. /// "Asthma, a bad flu, temporary types of lung injury from bacterial or virus infections—all can be 5LO-mediated," Tian said. "This type of inflammation normally has a pretty short life span. But in these rats, even after the injected virus died, the damage to the endothelial cells in the lining of the blood vessels continued. The cells become the bad player, and they continued to proliferate the inflammation." Inflammation triggers silent mutation to cause deadly lung disease, study shows

This is very interesting. Based on this information, you could at least prevent with the appropriate nutritional supplements:

  • Vitamin C
  • Carotenoids
  • Curcumin
  • Alpha lipoic acid
  • Vitamin D3
  • Selenium
  • Melatonin

I think you can try the iodine protocol at any time. I just wanted to say with the first answer that it won't completely solve your problem. But it's worth a try. I wish you all the best and hope for a good diagnosis. 🙌
This is very interesting. Based on this information, you could at least prevent with the appropriate nutritional supplements:

  • Vitamin C
  • Carotenoids
  • Curcumin
  • Alpha lipoic acid
  • Vitamin D3
  • Selenium
  • Melatonin

I think you can try the iodine protocol at any time. I just wanted to say with the first answer that it won't completely solve your problem. But it's worth a try. I wish you all the best and hope for a good diagnosis. 🙌
Doing that, especially the Melatonin helps when i wake up short of breath. An old friend gave me a link to a good doctor, that gave some hope. I have to cross out other possibilities first, especially Candida and Iron.
Can my seven years old son use lugol? He often has tonsilitis.
I have read some good results using lugol for children. I wonder if anybody used it and recomendations of dosage for children
Can my seven years old son use lugol? He often has tonsilitis.
I have read some good results using lugol for children. I wonder if anybody used it and recomendations of dosage for children

The only thing I found is from this online book about iodine:

#9: Lugol’s Iodine, Apple Cider Vinegar, Honey and Water Has a Calming Effect on Adults and Children [Dr. DeForest Clinton Jarvis] In his book, Arthritis and Folk Medicine, Dr. Jarvis explains that Lugol’s iodine added to a mixture of apple cider vinegar, honey and water, has a calming effect on children that have a race horse disposition (i.e. tantrums and high-strung behavior) and adults whose problems make it diffiicult to sleep at night.

The recipe for children:
• glass of water
• one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar
• 2 drops of Lugol’s
I can remember that in this thread the dosage in children was discussed. Unfortunately I can't find it anymore.
The only thing I found is from this online book about iodine:

#9: Lugol’s Iodine, Apple Cider Vinegar, Honey and Water Has a Calming Effect on Adults and Children [Dr. DeForest Clinton Jarvis] In his book, Arthritis and Folk Medicine, Dr. Jarvis explains that Lugol’s iodine added to a mixture of apple cider vinegar, honey and water, has a calming effect on children that have a race horse disposition (i.e. tantrums and high-strung behavior) and adults whose problems make it diffiicult to sleep at night.

The recipe for children:
• glass of water
• one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar
• 2 drops of Lugol’s

I can remember that in this thread the dosage in children was discussed. Unfortunately I can't find it anymore.
Thank you for your research. I will also search this thread more.
Hey @cope , I was wondering if you are aware of the nebulization protocol mentioned here, they mention good results for pulmonary conditions.

And @motherofrsd, I've heard of people using Lugol's for children, but I would be very careful with the dosage, maybe keep it very small, just one or two drops, perhaps?

Another thing that you could do is just asking him to gargle a solution made of just a few drops of Lugol's with water, instead of drinking it. And I would also check the sodium bicarbonate thread here, which seems safer for children. I've found that gargling some sodium bicarbonate with water is also helpful when you have a sore throat and/or canker sores.

I think that nebulizations could also be good for children. I used to have tonsillitis very often as a child, but it was also related to sinus issues so the doctor prescribed nebulizations at that time. Again, dosages will certainly vary for children, so please check if there's a specific protocol for children before doing it.

Finally, what does his diet look like? I ask because with time, I came to realize that what caused me to have tonsillitis and sinus inflammation so often was chronic inflammation, probably due to intolerance to some foods, so that's probably something you could explore as well.
I have been taking Iodoral brand 50 mg, which contains 20mg iodine, and 30mg iodide few years now. And taking up to 150mg, but then I got pains in my throat that had to reduce until 50mg per days.
The color of this tablets have been somewhat light orange to yellow.

But, this new same brand I got last month was white color. And amazon review section, lots people wondering about that.
I am thinking, because iodine color is somewhat dark brown, so if the products contained some iodine in there, should be shows some color.
Or they forgot to put iodine, so completely white color meant, maybe just iodide.
So, anyway I will not buy that brand again.
Can my seven years old son use lugol? He often has tonsilitis.
I have read some good results using lugol for children. I wonder if anybody used it and recomendations of dosage for children
I administer Lugols on my kid since birth - before he went to nursery (1 year old) I usually put 2 drops 5% Lugols (+ magnesium chloride) in bath every day and when he started attending nursery I rub it on his heels every morning (3-6 drops, 5% Lugols) + same in bath. When he's sick or looks like he's getting sick I increase the dosage to 15-30 drops/day, divided 2-4 dosages a day.
He has zero issues with health and when he's sick (which is rare), Lugols eliminates elevated body temperature and brings back appetite and energy usually within hours. It works so well sometimes, it's like a miracle. He is now 4 years old.
After doing some searching through this thread, I didn't find anything pertaining to Air Disinfection by Iodine Vapor.
Very few hits came back when I searched Google, most references were more than 75+ years old.
Here's an interesting one from the British Medical Journal, Correspondence, May 11, 1946:
Air Disinfection by Iodine Vapour
SIR,-Your annotation on air disinfection (April 20,p.614) dealt with a subject of very great importance. I was particularly interested in the work of Drs. Stone and Burnet, who found that iodine vapour in weak concentration (0.1 part in 1,000,000) inactivated the virus of influenza. I made the same discovery in a practical way thirteen years ago. In December, 1932, 1 iodized the air in all the Chesterfield Corporation buses by my method. A month later a very severe epidemic of influenza spread over the country. About the middle of January half the police force were off duty in this town; about 60 hospital nurses were in bed with the complaint; and the industrial life of the community could be carried on only with great difficulty. But the bus employees were prac-tically immune-only 6 away through illness out of 300. The transport manager was so impressed by the result of this iodine experiment that he decided to adopt the method permanently, That was done, and each year the iodine diffusers are renewed. The cost, which is small, he regards as an economic proposition. He tells me that never once in all these years has any bus service had to be curtailed from the absence of the necessary staff through illness. I wonder if any other bus undertaking in the country can say that.-I am, etc.,Kenwood, Chesterfield.

Using some references from above quote, came across this!

Strong Evidence Suggests BioLargo’s FDA Approved Novel Iodine Disinfection Technology Could Soon Be The Breakthrough To Prevent And Treat COVID-19
Mar. 28, 2020 12:49 PM

  • After 30 million people died from the 1918 Influenza Pandemic, 25 years of research demonstrated that Iodine was the most effective agent against influenza type viruses.
  • Thyroid Review published, Iodine: The Forgotten Weapon Against Influenza Viruses. The full paper is embedded in the article below.
  • WHO informs that Influenza virus is similar to COVID-19.
  • Iodine has been long forgotten, discarded, and avoided because at full strength it is also highly toxic to healthy tissue as well as to viruses.
  • BioLargo developed a proprietary formula that delivers full-strength iodine but with zero toxicity supported by independent studies and by an FDA Approval for its first Advanced Wound Care product. [ do you think they re-discovered Lugol's?]
  • There is strong evidence that iodine can be used to spray masks and Personal Protection Equipment to make them more effective and to enable reuse.
  • There is strong evidence that iodine misting can be used in hospitals and areas of social gathering to prevent the spread of influenza viruses such as COVID-19.
  • There is strong evidence that iodine at safe levels can be taken internally to saturate mucous membranes to kill influenza viruses such as COVID-19 and help prevent and even treat the disease.
  • To repeat: BioLargo’s unique formulated iodine can now be delivered at FULL strength and with ZERO toxicity.
Almost overnight, our world has changed and we are all under attack from an unseen but deadly enemy. COVID-19 must be dealt with swiftly before it claims millions of lives beyond what it has already claimed. Red tape and lengthy government regulations must be hastily reduced or eliminated to examine and implement all possible solutions. There is no time to spare!
For over a decade, BioLargo, Inc. (BLGO-OTCQB) has known that iodine is a powerful broad spectrum disinfectant, but that at full strength, it is also very toxic and can destroy healthy cells as well as the pathogens that it targets.
After years of R&D, the company has succeeded in developing a proprietary new breed of iodine that can now deliver full-strength with ZERO toxicity that has been demonstrated in independent testing and that is supported by a recent FDA Approval for their game-changing Advanced Wound Care product.
The first signs of recognition of BioLargo’s novel disinfection technology as a potential tool for the fight against COVID-19 came recently when BioLargo announced that the Canadian government who is keenly aware of BioLargo’s new iodine, expressed full support for them to begin making hand sanitizers for Canada. The Canadians understand the power and the safety of BioLargo’s iodine because they have already provided BioLargo with over 70 government grants for this remarkable technology.
You'll need to go to article to view links within the quote.

Anyone looking for a stock that's gonna skyrocket? OSIT.
I have been taking Iodoral brand 50 mg, which contains 20mg iodine, and 30mg iodide few years now. And taking up to 150mg, but then I got pains in my throat that had to reduce until 50mg per days.
The color of this tablets have been somewhat light orange to yellow.

But, this new same brand I got last month was white color. And amazon review section, lots people wondering about that.
I buy Iodoral from Dr. Brownstein and Lugol's directly from J Crow, and I avoid Amazon partly because of the counterfeit and tampered products on Amazon.

I administer Lugols on my kid since birth - before he went to nursery (1 year old) I usually put 2 drops 5% Lugols (+ magnesium chloride) in bath every day and when he started attending nursery I rub it on his heels every morning (3-6 drops, 5% Lugols) + same in bath.
Thank you! I didn't know what to do with the kids who can't swallow the Iodoral pill and don't know why I never put 2 and 2 together. I will put drops on their skin.
I administer Lugols on my kid since birth - before he went to nursery (1 year old) I usually put 2 drops 5% Lugols (+ magnesium chloride) in bath every day and when he started attending nursery I rub it on his heels every morning (3-6 drops, 5% Lugols) + same in bath. When he's sick or looks like he's getting sick I increase the dosage to 15-30 drops/day, divided 2-4 dosages a day.
He has zero issues with health and when he's sick (which is rare), Lugols eliminates elevated body temperature and brings back appetite and energy usually within hours. It works so well sometimes, it's like a miracle. He is now 4 years old.
Super tip. Thank you. How do you rub the lugol? I have always brown fingers after rubbing.
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