Iodine and Potassium Iodide

Perceval said:
Just a question for those who might know while I try to find the answer myself, but if iodine is effective at removing metals from the organs/cells etc. does it actually help to eliminate them, or does it just remove them from the organs/cells and dump them in the bloodstream or somewhere?


Short answer: It just remove them...

Long answer:
Heavy Metal Toxicity and Detoxification Protocol

Today, probably more than any time in the history of man we are exposed to an incredible plethora of toxic elements. Heavy metals such as mercury, lead, cadmium, and aluminum, are in our food, water, atmosphere, vaccines, and especially our dental fillings. Pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, antibiotics, and hormones are in most of the food we eat unless you eat organic. Processed foods are full of preservatives and other chemicals which if consumed non-diluted would most certainly be fatal. Finally, many of the containers we routinely use are full of chemicals that can leach into the foodstuffs they are designed to hold. All in all, regardless of how things appear, we pretty much live in a toxic soup.

Below I have outlined a 5 step detox process. Each step will be explained in detail:

1. Remove internal sources (amalgam fillings) and avoid further exposure.
2. Mobilize sequestered toxic metal out of the cells and into your blood.
3. Chelate (bind up) these mobilized toxic metals in your bloodstream.
4. Re-mineralize the blood.
5. Support the effected organs-Thyroid, Liver, and Kidneys


Step 2

The most effective way to mobilize the heavy metals from the body’s cells is to use a special 2 phase approach that includes a combination of:

1. Iodine
2. Selenium
3. Zinc
4. Silica, and
5. Sulfur
6. A pinch of sea salt

A good dose is 15 drops each of the above listed elements taken together with at least 8 ounces of water to start. Once daily take15 drops of each of these minerals in their concentrated form as are available from Eidon Inc. After 15 minutes move onto stage two which will now chealate the mobilized heavy metals.

Step 3

Ten to fifteen minutes after taking the minerals, you want to take a proven chelator such as EDTA. Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA), DMPS and DMSA are

also used for chelation, but EDTA and ALA seem to be the easiest on the system while still being effective. There are numerous EDTA and ALA supplements on the market. In the Eidon program we recommend the EDTA called Essential Daily Defense by Longevity Plus. It is a comprehensive blend designed to support the body while the heavy metal binding and excretion are taking place. This phase of the detoxification process is literally binding up all of the minerals in ones blood stream and carrying them to the liver and kidneys for excretion. The time frame involved in this process is variable but I feel it encompasses approximately 1 to 2 hours.

Step 4

Consequently, it is important to replenish the mineral content of the bloodstream with a well-blended liquid mineral supplement. This is why we recommend a dose of Eidon’s Multiple Mineral supplement approximately 2 hours after the EDTA. By then, the heavy metal binding has taken place and the kidneys and liver are hard at work removing the released toxins as well as other essential minerals. This step replenishes the bloodstream quickly making it easy on the body to maintain proper blood mineral homeostasis.


Step 5

Recommended in the Eidon heavy metal detoxification program are support supplements for all three of these organs.

Thyroid glandular — provides you with T3 and T4 hormones to maintain adequate levels of cellular energy during the detoxification process.

Milk thistle tincture — provides you with herbal liver support so that you do not overstress this essential detoxification organ as it does its magic to neutralize the toxins mobilized by the minerals and captured by the EDTA.

Dandelion tincture — supports the kidneys as they are definitely stressed during this process. These supplements should always be taken either before or after commencing this protocol. They can be taken all at once but either 1 hour before or at least 2 hours after the EDTA. It doesn’t matter when, just that it is accomplished.

Source _

It will be better to read all the above material... :cool2: :cool2: :cool2:

And for the Kidneys here is a list of foods that support them... (I particularly use Lemon Juice, Ginger, Turmeric and baking Soda or Sodium Bicarbonate this last one ALKALINISES a lots your stomach)...

Here are the foods that will help you cleanse your kidneys:

Lemon juice
Dandelion tea
Marshmallow root
Nettle tea
Red clover
Pumpkin seeds
Blackcurrent juice
Cranberry juice
Baking soda! (Yes, it seems that baking soda could actually be quite efficient to prevent decline of kidney function.)



Pss edited to make some formating and corrections...
Perceval said:
Just a question for those who might know while I try to find the answer myself, but if iodine is effective at removing metals from the organs/cells etc. does it actually help to eliminate them, or does it just remove them from the organs/cells and dump them in the bloodstream or somewhere?

Well, there is this bit:

In a case study Dr. Brownstein discusses, baseline urine testing for the presence of mercury revealed little or no mercury release. This meant that mercury was being stored by the body in tissues and organs, in turn leading to the symptoms described above. After supplementation with 50mg of iodine for one day, urine testing revealed the presence of over 20ug of mercury in the urine. This is the same urine that was previously stored binding with the iodine and in turn being excreted. Testing after 30 days of supplementation showed that this had dropped to 10ug as the body successfully worked through the stored mercury in the body.

Since urine is formed in the kidneys through a filtration of blood, it is safe to assume that the metals enter the blood stream. But perhaps some also get neutralized by chelation.
Perceval said:
Oxajil just mentioned to me that she remembers reading somewhere that for people will low body fat (like me) toxins are more likely to be stored in the organs. So I'm wondering if my slightly enlarged liver wasn't evidence of this. If so, when I took fairly high doses of iodine, it might have precipitated a mobilization of metals out of my liver and other organs etc. resulting in my symptoms.

This is interesting. Is there any fundamental difference in detoxing between skinny and fat people? Does it take longer or more effort to detox from organs?

I am on 56mg of Iodine now, still with no clear effects, and my body fat is practically zero, so I wonder if there could be a connection.
Perceval said:
Well, after taking a second dose (5grams) of activated charcoal this morning, within a few hours I seem to have moved on to a chest infection of some sort: burning sensation in the chest when coughing. I'll be glad when all of this is over. :(

Thats what i felt too Perceval, when i had my terrible flu like illness...burning sensation in the chest every time i coughed, and even smoking was very difficult. But its much much better now after 2 weeks. I guess Mercury detox is rather unpleasant.. :(

Only solution i guess is to rest and relax and continue the detoxing, and with time the body's mercury's levels will decrease, as we start to leach it out through urine and body fluids.

Hope you feel better soon.
Merci pour tous vos commentaires si intéressants...
Perceval, je vous souhaite d'aller mieux très vite...
Bon courage à tous...

Thank you for all your comments so interesting ...
Perceval, I hope you get better soon ...
Good luck everyone...
Perceval said:
Just a question for those who might know while I try to find the answer myself, but if iodine is effective at removing metals from the organs/cells etc. does it actually help to eliminate them, or does it just remove them from the organs/cells and dump them in the bloodstream or somewhere?

I guess that its excreted by kidneys in urine. At least part of it.
_ said:
Clinical experience by Dr. David Brownstein, one of the leading advocates for the role of iodine supplementation in health and author of the book “Iodine, Why You Need It, Why You Can’t Live Without It”, has shown just how effective iodine supplementation can be.

In a case study Dr. Brownstein discusses, baseline urine testing for the presence of mercury revealed little or no mercury release. This meant that mercury was being stored by the body in tissues and organs, in turn leading to the symptoms described above. After supplementation with 50mg of iodine for one day, urine testing revealed the presence of over 20ug of mercury in the urine. This is the same urine that was previously stored binding with the iodine and in turn being excreted. Testing after 30 days of supplementation showed that this had dropped to 10ug as the body successfully worked through the stored mercury in the body.

_ said:
Dr. Abraham noted that in some patients the excretion of lead, cadmium and mercury increased several fold after only one day of iodine supplementation and that increased aluminum excretion was noted about a month after beginning supplementation. Orthoiodosupplementation induces a detoxification reaction in some patients with high bromide levels.

A newly discovered oxidant defense system is found in the free radical scavenging capacity of thyroid hormones Thyroxine, reverse-T3 and iodothyronines seem to be important as antioxidants and inhibitors of lipid peroxidation[xx],[xxi] and is more effective than vitamin E, glutathione and ascorbic acid.[xxii] Doctors involved in the chelation of children with neurological conditions need to take notice and start treating them with iodine as a primary not secondary form of treatment.

Mercury is the most toxic non radioactive poison on earth
and has the capability to destroy all biological life and
activity either through a slow torturous death or a quick one.
It qualifies as an intense systemic poison meaning it has
its effect which is remote from the site of entry into the body.

Dr. Brownstein indicates that iodine is also a chelator of mercury and had tested quite carefully the amounts removed.[xxiii] Mercury not only poisons the nervous system and digestive tract, it can also poison the thyroid gland. There are 4 iodine binding sites or receptors on the thyroid gland. These receptors bind with the iodine we get from our diet. The iodine enters the thyroid and activates it. If the thyroid is not absorbing enough iodine it will not be fully activated and the body's temperature will be abnormally low. Mercury from dental fillings can migrate to the thyroid gland and sit on one or more of the thyroid's 4 iodine receptors blocking the iodine from reaching the receptors and activating the thyroid. When this happens iodine is not absorbed in normal amounts by the thyroid gland. The result is low body temperature or hypothyroidism.

Thanks to the continued promotion of mercury fillings by the American Dental Association and conventional dentists, consumers continue to be poisoned by this heavy metal that's intentionally placed into their mouths. There's so much mercury currently being put into the mouths of humans that the total volume of mercury being dumped into the environment from mercury fillings is nearly equal to that emitted by coal plants. Combine the two sources of mercury with a diet high in fish, which are contaminated with mercury and add a year’s flu vaccine that also has mercury in it and we have a huge problem that health officials are not addressing at all.

Several mechanisms are utilized to remove mercury from the body. In order for these detoxification mechanisms to work properly, numerous essential minerals like Iodine, Zinc, Sulfur, Selenium, and Silica stimulate the excretion of mercury. Unfortunately, the average person’s daily intake of Iodine is not high enough to protect them from mercury. The National Health and Nutrition Survey undertaken by the CDC showed iodine levels falling over 50% in the last 30 years. In 1940 the average American got 800 micrograms of iodine in their diet. In 1995 we averaged 135 micrograms; an 83% decline! Eating seafood and seaweed can keep your dietary levels in the healthy range. Supplementing with iodine can offer additional help in maintaining these healthy levels of iodine.

Transdermal Magnesium Therapy

One concern with traditional allopathic chelation therapy in general is that chelating agents are not as specific as we would like and are likely to remove essential trace minerals as well as toxic metals. Mercury drastically increases the excretion of magnesium and calcium from the kidneys.[xxvii] Both mercury itself and the drugs used to chelate mercury have a strong impact on mineral levels.

Magnesium protects cells from aluminum, mercury, lead, cadmium, beryllium and nickel. Magnesium protects the cell against oxyradical damage and assists in the absorption and metabolism of B vitamins, vitamin C and E, which are anti-oxidants important in cell protection. Data demonstrates a direct action of glutathione both in vivo and in vitro to enhance intracellular magnesium and a clinical linkage between cellular magnesium, GSH/GSSG ratios, and tissue glucose metabolism.[xxviii] According to Dr. Russell Blaylock, low magnesium is associated with dramatic increases in free radical generation as well as glutathione depletion and this is vital since glutathione is one of the few antioxidant molecules known to neutralize mercury.[xxix]

“For every molecule of pesticide that your body' detoxifies, you throw away or use up forever, a molecule of glutathione, magnesium and more,” says Dr. Sherry Rogers who goes on to say that, “Your body uses nutrients to make this glutathione and it uses up energy as well. Every time we detoxify a chemical, we use up, lose, throw away forever, a certain amount of nutrients.

So maybe an extra Magnesium will help or some hot bath with added Magnesium chloride in it.
Konstantin said:
So maybe an extra Magnesium will help or some hot bath with added Magnesium chloride in it.

It really does help. I've been doing magnesium baths after the FIR sauna and find it very helpful.

It looks like iodine is a very effective chelator indeed.
Although it is very rough on you, Perceval, your experience may help others (as you said earlier in another thread). Hang in there! I know you will, but I would like to encourage you a bit. :)

I have been off iodine for about 4 days and I start to feel worse. Yesterday I had back pain and felt nauseous after taking some 5-HTP in the morning (it was an experiment). I still feel as if I am coming down with the flu or something. Somehow I feel so dumbed down. It seems as if I can't think straight, but I am not sure whether it has to do with this protocol.

I still have three amalgam fillings, so I am going to make an appointment with my dentist very soon.

In the beginning of this year I had some health issues and I went to see a chiropractor many times. During this time I used my FIR blanket every day (it helped with my aches and pains), but now I think that these visits plus the blanket may have caused some serious detoxification effects. My lymphatic system was sluggish and I had all kinds of small lumps on the side of my left leg which have disappeared.
Even now when I don't really sweat in my blanket (80 minutes at 38 degrees C. I feel nauseous and very tired afterwards).

I have some chlorella and French clay here. I will take some and see whether that helps and report back.
Just a note to be careful with taking organic clay internally as it has the potential to precipitate formation of kidney stones. Few days should be ok, but not more then that.
Today, instead of taking my Lugol's, I've taken EDTA (2x) and - if I'm not imagining things - all negative symptoms that started with the iodine protocol have now disappeared. Worth trying, IMO.
Aragorn said:
Today, instead of taking my Lugol's, I've taken EDTA (2x) and - if I'm not imagining things - all negative symptoms that started with the iodine protocol have now disappeared. Worth trying, IMO.

Definitely worth trying Aragorn, please keep us up to date on any developments. If the cause of the symptoms Joe and others have experienced is due to large amounts of heavy metals being released into the bloodstream, then maybe alternating between the two protocols should be considered, starting with a round of iodine to remove mercury from the organs and cells and then follow up with EDTA to chelate those toxic metals in the bloodstream and remove them from the body more quickly. FWIW.
Eboard10 said:
Aragorn said:
Today, instead of taking my Lugol's, I've taken EDTA (2x) and - if I'm not imagining things - all negative symptoms that started with the iodine protocol have now disappeared. Worth trying, IMO.

Definitely worth trying Aragorn, please keep us up to date on any developments. If the cause of the symptoms Joe and others have experienced is due to large amounts of heavy metals being released into the bloodstream, then maybe alternating between the two protocols should be considered, starting with a round of iodine to remove mercury from the organs and cells and then follow up with EDTA to chelate those toxic metals in the bloodstream and remove them from the body more quickly. FWIW.

From what Mariowil7 posted above, then it appears as though the EDTA should be taken 10-15 minutes after the iodine, selenium etc has been taken so as to remove what has been released from the cells. So it doesn't necessarily mean to stop iodine one day in order to chelate the heavy metals. At least that is how I read it:
Mariowil7 said:
Step 3

Ten to fifteen minutes after taking the minerals, you want to take a proven chelator such as EDTA. Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA), DMPS and DMSA also used for chelation, but EDTA and ALA seem to be the easiest on the system while still being effective.
What if EDTA neutralizes the iodine?

I was searching about this and found some weird chemical explanations, but the following stands out:


EDTA inhibits lactoperoxidase-catalyzed iodide oxidation by acting as an electron-donor and interacting near the iodide binding site.

"Kinetic studies indicate that EDTA competitively inhibits iodide oxidation by acting as an electron donor."

Just in case, I would take it far away from the iodine dose, like before going to bed. Same with DMSA which is more specific for mercury. EDTA is mostly for lead. The DMSA dose of 100-200mg every two nights is better tolerated than the standard protocol which calls for 200mg three times per day for three days. This last protocol can be very hard to tolerate.

FWIW. Best to make sure that the improvement in symptoms is from chelation and not from neutralizing iodine.
Aeneas said:
From what Mariowil7 posted above, then it appears as though the EDTA should be taken 10-15 minutes after the iodine, selenium etc has been taken so as to remove what has been released from the cells. So it doesn't necessarily mean to stop iodine one day in order to chelate the heavy metals. At least that is how I read it:
Mariowil7 said:
Step 3

Ten to fifteen minutes after taking the minerals, you want to take a proven chelator such as EDTA. Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA), DMPS and DMSA also used for chelation, but EDTA and ALA seem to be the easiest on the system while still being effective.

Thanks for pointing this out Aeneas, taking EDTA/DMSA after iodine is definitely more effective. I was also thinking in terms of those who have more severe detox or heavy metal reactions to iodine to take a break on regular intervals, like 5 days on, 2 days off where one would take EDTA to get rid of the metals still circulating.

ADDED: Just saw Gaby's post above which answers the question.
Eboard10 said:
Aeneas said:
From what Mariowil7 posted above, then it appears as though the EDTA should be taken 10-15 minutes after the iodine, selenium etc has been taken so as to remove what has been released from the cells. So it doesn't necessarily mean to stop iodine one day in order to chelate the heavy metals. At least that is how I read it:
Mariowil7 said:
Step 3

Ten to fifteen minutes after taking the minerals, you want to take a proven chelator such as EDTA. Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA), DMPS and DMSA also used for chelation, but EDTA and ALA seem to be the easiest on the system while still being effective.

Thanks for pointing this out Aeneas, taking EDTA/DMSA after iodine is definitely more effective. I was also thinking in terms of those who have more severe detox or heavy metal reactions to iodine to take a break on regular intervals, like 5 days on, 2 days off where one would take EDTA to get rid of the metals still circulating.
As Gaby just pointed out it could be that EDTA neutralises iodine and she therefore suggests to take it well apart from the iodine intake. And if I understand it correctly, then one would only do this if symptoms of heavy mercury/metal detox is burdening the system. Staying below the individual threshold with Lugol/KI and the iodine will do the detox over time, unless one gets symptoms that indicate otherwise.
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