Iodine and Potassium Iodide

Keit said:
Oxajil said:
Hm, I couldn't find anything that explicitly said that iodine can cross the blood-brain barrier. But it is concentrated in the brain; how could it get there otherwise? :huh:

Very strange. Russian sources that I saw say that it can't cross it, unless you inject it directly into a cerebral fluid. It has to do with molecular structure and mass of the substance. They say that intact barrier would stop it, along with other substances such as specific antibiotics (penicillin is one of them).

But, perhaps it is possible for specific areas of the brain, such as hippocampus? Because one of the sources talks about the ability of the blood-brain barrier to allow specific substances to enter and accumulate in some areas but not in others. And hippocampus is one of those areas.

I read some of the blogposts of dr Jack Kruse (_, and he mentions how important is to ingest iodine contained in living organisms (oysters, small cold water ocean fish, algae).

Therefore I strated approx. 1,5 month ago with:
- chlorella powder (1 teaspoon before breakfast) and cilantro tincture (20 drops in water, after breakfast - as recommended by dr. Klinghardt), with the rest of the iodine protocol as usual.
- twice a week I ate marinated herrings (put them in water first to get rid of extra vinegar), and also some seaweed twice per week.

Have to mention that I had no detox symptoms apart from a very smelly urine (chlorella and cilantro both shuttle the toxins via urine provided you drink enough(salty) water, which I did) and a reactivation of rheumatoid arthritis symptoms in my right knee, but this also disappeared after a few days.

My bio-resonance measurements indicated radical improvement regarding all parameters- I had severe Calcium loss, memory loss, vascular elasticity problems among others, which now are very much improved. Yesterday I had a magneto-resonance test also which confirmed the results.

Maybe you should also include some of these natural sources of iodine which are more easier processed by our organism?

Hope this helps
Hello guys!

My update with the protocol: I took Iodine for 10 days 12% and 3 or 2 drops depending how I was feeling. My symptoms were like others have mentioned, irritability, my face was puffy, mood swings, and the really bad hunger, EE helped a lot, although the anxiety didn't go away, practicing EE daily did help, also at around 6 pm i started to get super tired.. i suspended my Iodine intake for a while. But since a member of the forum mentioned chlorella to me as a possible ssource for heavy metal detox and I see some of you have mentioned it too, i did a research on it. Found out it was used also as an antidepressant, and has lots of benefits:

So for now im taking chlorella 3 times a day with salted water too, i'll jump back on the protocol but starting with a much more lower dose. As far as the chlorella experience i've had a boost of energy, better digestion, and no more bad hunger, the only thing that has jumped to me is that i've had a twitching in my left eye, almost every day and constantly, could this be something to do with the detox?

What i've read about all this changes we experienced psychological talking, I came to a thought, that maybe as we are all working on self development and having lots of feelings, (or in my case) dealing with old narratives, this could be accentuated with our Iodine protocol.

And Joe i hope u are doing better! It sounded like a really bad experience.
Hi Padme,

The twitching in your eye is probably due to the bromine detox. That's a classic symptom. I'd keep up the salt and other co-factors until it resolves and then start again at 1 drop of Lugol's and see how you do.

Padme90 said:
What i've read about all this changes we experienced psychological talking, I came to a thought, that maybe as we are all working on self development and having lots of feelings, (or in my case) dealing with old narratives, this could be accentuated with our Iodine protocol.

That has been my experience as well. Old narratives, forgotten memories and lots of emotions, old and new. The protocol gives us more to Work with in dealing with our machine, I think. Onward! :)
I just finished watching an interview with Dr. Chris Shade, who specializes in heavy metal detox protocols here Revised Protocol for Detoxing Your Body from Mercury Exposure. Unfortunately, I didn't get a chance to watch his presentation link, which is 3 hours long, but did summarize the interview portion as best I could. He gets pretty technical at times so I may or may not have interpreted what he said correctly at times.

He talks quite a bit about the different kinds of mercury that could be stored in the body from organic to inorganic mercury. Inorganic mercury for example may be measured low in the urine, but that could also translate to having very high amounts in the blood. So if there is a lot of toxicity retention then it needs to pass the kidneys and come out in the urine.

He recommends working on getting kidney function operating properly before moving mercury out of the body, I assume because the kidneys will transfer the metals from the bloodstream and into the urine where it can actually leave the body. He also talks a bit about how some people have a very difficult time ridding their bodies of metal and mercury toxicity and goes on to explain that for some reason, mercury will have a half-life of around 40 days for some people, but will take as long as 120 days for others.

This may have to do with the glutathione system, not glutathione specifically, because when that system of proteins and enzymes are working optimally, a person can live with a certain amount of mercury without much toxic effect. This is because glutathione will bind to metals and move them out of the body with the help of certain enzymes and protein transports.

He recommends, especially for particularly susceptible people, to take liposomal glutathione and whey protein in order to receive the precursors for these enzymes and proteins. Also, phosphatidyl choline to help repair cell membranes which can be damaged from the stress of free radicals from metals and the removal of them. A group of plant chemicals called polyphenolic antioxidants like green tea extract, pine bark extract and haritaki are supposed to be helpful in up-regulating glutathione systems and if I understood him correctly, that when detoxing occurs, there is a slight irritation of the cell that provokes a reaction that can cause free-radicals to form, and that for especially chemically sensitive people, polyphenolic's were a bit more gentler at not irritating the body as much as a sulfur compound for a mercury poisoned person.

When talking about Chlorella, he said it does two things when interacting with the gut. One, it prevents metals from being absorbed or reabsorbed in the intestine and it helps keep those metals away from the epithelium in the intestine, which metals can irritate if left unchecked. So by taking the Chlorella it prevents the irritation and inflammation. And that if there is inflammation/irritation of the gut, then this slows down the transport process which slows down detoxification. There is some controversy about Chlorella having mercury or metals in it because it comes from the sea, but Dr. Shade said he has done testing on it and that there is about 1 part per billion worth of Mercury in it, and that it usually is well binded to the Chlorella, so there is little to no chance of it leaking into the gut because it's an inorganic form of mercury, not a methyl form.

Unfortunately, he never touches on Iodine or DMSA/EDTA in the interview.

I've started taking Phosphatidyl Choline again yesterday and will be looking into getting some Chlorella and giving that a shot and see how it goes. I have started taking Iodine too, but am being very gentle with it and started at 1 drop of the 5% before bed. I'd much rather deal with detox reactions while sleeping then throughout the day. Like Woodsman pointed out, I have noticed some intense dreams. I did feel pretty good with the 1 drop, so I upped it to 2, and noticed the first night I had a lot of anxiety and couldn't fall asleep, and woke up feeling sluggish and depressed. I even slept for 9 1/2 hours today. So I might try one or two more nights on the 2 drops, and if this continues, scale it back to 1 drop.
Some interesting information here. Btw, in researching, I've seen repeated mention of "Zeolite". Has anyone heard of it or does anyone have experience of it?

Chelation vs Mobilisation - What to Take and When

As a general rule, one can classify Chelating Agents into two broad categories, chelators of heavy metals and mobilisers of heavy metals, although there is clearly overlap between the two in several cases.

Chelators bind with a heavy metal and allow its excretion from the body either via the kidneys or liver, or both. Mobilisers tend to draw out heavy metals from inside the cells, from the bones and from the brain (across the blood brain barrier) that most chelating agents are not able to access).

Mobilisers are however not particularly effective at maintaining the bond with the heavy metals or at protecting the body from the adverse effects of the heavy metals they bind with and tend to redistribute the heavy metals around the body (if taken in a relatively too high dosage), and are not generally excreted very efficiently. Mobilising agents rely on the Glutathione in the body to bind with the heavy metals and carry them out of the body via the liver and digestive tract. Although some of the heavy metals mobilised are excreted from the body, the excretion rate is much lower in comparison to actual effective chelating agents.

Mobilisers that cross the blood-brain barrier tend to remove heavy metals from the brain when there the concentration of heavy metals is higher in the brain than in the rest of the body, but also carry heavy metals into the brain if the concentration is higher outside the brain. This is why it is important not to take a mobilising agent at the start of a detoxification programme [Iodine is a serious mobilizer! DOH!] and focus on chelation to start with, to ensure that the concentration of heavy metals in the body is much lower than it is in the brain, so that when you start using a mobilising agent, you are drawing heavy metals out of the brain and tissues at a controlled rate and not building up toxicity in an already toxified body nor carrying heavy metals into the brain (rather than out of it).

It makes sense when using a mobilising agent to also use a chelating agent at the same time that is effective at chelating the metals released by the mobilising agent, i.e. Mercury and Arsenic usually. Otherwise heavy metals can build up from being mobilised without being well chelated out of the body. Whilst it is not strictly necessary to use a chelating agent to help 'mop up' the heavy metals released with mobilising agents, it is highly recommended to avoid adverse symptoms and effects.

Lead is not generally mobilised using mobilising agents, and this is why a slightly different chelation strategy is required for Lead, as it will take much longer to remove from the body and after the initial 'mop up' period with EDTA or other chelating agents, it may be best to pace oneself and take the chelating agent less frequently, relying on the body to naturally liberate more lead over time (or assisting the process of displacing it from the bones out with a mineral such Calcium or Strontium).

Glutathione is a weak chelating agent and there may be some reabsorption of heavy metals in the digestive tract, which is why it is recommended to take an absorbant when using a mobilising agent, and also in general, as even with bonafide chelating agents, the Glutathione pathway will still be removing heavy metals from the body via the gut. Mobilisers are best taken in conjunction with bonafide chelating agents (rather than relying on the Glutathione pathway alone), so that anything they mobilise can be more effectively bonded with an removed from the body (with the minimum of reabsorption). It is probably best to avoid the most powerful mobilisers until one has chelated for a number of months first. Mobilisers are mainly used for Mercury, which is fat-soluble (in the Methyl-form) and tends to accumulate in the cells, tissues and organs of the body. Mobilisers are generally not necessary for heavy metals such as Lead which tends to remain in the bloodstream and readily accessible compartments of the body.

A third category is a combination of the two categories of chelating agent and mobilising agent, and I have labelled it 'Mobilsing/Chelating Combination Products'. This is essentially a product that contains both chelating agent(s) and mobilising agent(s), to draw out heavy metals from the tissues and to help chelate them out of the body. This is essentially the same as taking a chelating agent with a mobilising agent. As stated above, it is probably advisable to use a chelating agent for a period of time before using a powerful mobilising agent or mobilising/chelating combination product, or unnecessariliy adverse symptoms may be experienced. Examples of each of the three categories are listed below.

Here's a list of chelating, mobilizing and combination substances.

Chelating Agents:

+ EDTA**
+ DMSA**
+ DMPS**
+ OSR** ((I used this for a month while I was in Austin))
+ Pectasol - Modified Citrus Pectin (MCP)
+ Natural Cellular Defense (NCD) - activated Zeolite
+ Inositol 6-Phosphate (IP6)*

Mobilising Agents:

+ Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA), a.k.a. Lipoic Acid
+ Thiamine TetrahydroFufuryl Disulfide (TTFD)*
+ Humic Acid
+ Fulvic Acid
+ Cilantro (a.k.a. Coriander Leaf)
+ Hawthorn Leaf and Berries
+ Chelorex (containing mobilisers Cilantro and ALA*)
+ ThioDox (containing mobilisers ALA* as well as TTFD*)
+ Homeopathic Detoxification Remedies, e.g. Homeopathic Mercury^
+ Allithiamines in crushed garlic
+ (Electromagnetic stimulating treatments/devices)^
+ (Phosphatidyl Choline)^^

Mobilising/Chelating Combination Products:

+ PCA-Rx (containing mobilisers Fulvic acid, Lipoic acid and chelators micronised Chlorella and Peptides)
+ Metal Free (same as above)
+ NDF (contains mobiliser Cilantro and chelator nano-ized Chlorella
+ NDF Plus (same as NDF but also containing Fulvic Acid)
+ Zeotrex (contains mobilser Cilantro and chelator micronised Zeolite
+ Zeolite-AV (contains mobiliser Humic acid and chelator micronised Zeolite
Good article here on Mercury detox:

At the California Center for Functional Medicine, we often see patients with complex medical histories and symptoms that don’t fit inside the usual diagnostic categories of the conventional medical world. As a result, they are often given a prescription for an antidepressant and assured that they are perfectly healthy, or they are otherwise left unaided after multiple physicians just don’t know the cause of their seemingly mysterious complaints. Fortunately, they persist and find their way to our clinic.

In searching for the underlying cause of chronic illness, I’m often surprised by how frequently we find high levels of toxic metals, especially mercury. Mercury is a common environmental contaminant, and many of us are unknowingly predisposed to mercury toxicity.

As this is a fascinating and complex topic that affects many of us, Chris and I will soon be offering a free webinar providing more details about how mercury wreaks havoc in our body, how to test for mercury toxicity, and how to support healthy detoxification. In this article, I want to provide an overview of mercury exposure, explain how we normally move it out of our bodies and why some of us develop toxicity, and provide some clues to see if you might be mercury-toxic.

Mercury 101: Three forms of mercury

There are three major types of mercury:

Elemental mercury: this is the form in “silver” fillings, or dental amalgams. Such fillings are about 50 percent mercury with smaller amounts of silver, tin, and copper (1). Dental amalgams continuously lose trace amounts of mercury, primarily as mercury vapor, or gas, which we inhale. Just as we inhale oxygen and it’s transported from our lungs to all of the tissues in our body, so too is mercury inhaled and transported throughout our body.

Inorganic mercury: you can think of this form of mercury as a result of corrosion. At some point, the elemental mercury in dental amalgams will be inhaled or swallowed, and then it attaches to another compound, forming inorganic mercury.

Organic mercury: also called methylmercury, this is the type of mercury found in seafood. When we eat fish, the methylmercury is delivered directly to our intestines. Somewhat unfortunately, due to a process called molecular mimicry, which can be thought of as a case of mistaken identity, our body sees the organic mercury, thinks it’s a beneficial nutrient, and brings it out of the gut into circulation.

Different individuals, different rates of mercury detox

Based on studies during an outbreak of mercury poisoning from eating mercury-contaminated seeds, the half-life of mercury (meaning the time it takes to decrease the blood level of mercury by half) for most people is 60 days (2). But the range is 40 to 120 days. In someone who only slowly detoxifies mercury, exposure to a constant source, even if small, such as with dental amalgams, leads to significantly greater accumulation and toxicity than would occur in someone who quickly moves it out of the body.

Chronic inflammation can lead to impaired detoxification and mercury accumulation. Are you at risk?

Mercury detox is affected by numerous factors

Mercury is moved out of the body by the glutathione system. Glutathione can be thought of as the master antioxidant. One of its many roles is to attach to metals and other toxins to guide them out of the body.

Genetics and epigenetics clearly have some influence over our rate of detoxification (3). But the story is much more complex, and fortunately, there are a number of pieces of the detoxification process that we can support.

Most notably, there is a complex interplay between inflammation and detoxification, and one cannot be treated without addressing the other.
Chronic inflammation = impaired detoxification. And, mercury = chronic inflammation. A vicious cycle.

Detoxification is essentially an antioxidant system. Inflammation, in contrast, plays the role of “attack and repair.” For example, if you cut yourself, you’ll notice that the skin around that cut becomes red, warm, and a little swollen. This is because inflammatory cells move in to “attack” any potential pathogens (like bad bacteria) that may try to move into your body through the cut (since the skin provides a normal barrier of defense). Inflammation is often protective in the short term, but it is associated with increased oxidative stress, meaning there’s an increase in reactive compounds that can cause damage to our cells and our DNA (4). Chronic inflammation, which is essentially “pro-oxidant,” will decrease detoxification, which is “anti-oxidant.”

In one study looking at fish consumption in children, levels of mercury were compared with inflammatory markers (5). Even though the levels of mercury in these children were low, an association was seen between higher mercury (whether due to slow detoxification and associated accumulation, or due to high consumption) and several inflammatory markers.

One study looking at how the immune system responds to mercury found an increase in the release of pro-inflammatory immune cells (6). This dysregulation in the immune system leads to an unopposed inflammatory response and increased risk for infectious or autoimmune diseases.
Inflammation makes us more susceptible to mercury toxicity

In one study, inflammation due to different causes, including exposure to bacterial endotoxin, which occurs with food poisoning or other GI infection, significantly increased toxicity (7). Another study similarly found that small amounts of bacterial endotoxin exposure substantially increased susceptibility to damage from various toxins, including metals (8). And another study in mice demonstrated that mercury in the presence of bacterial endotoxin caused measurably more kidney damage than mercury alone (9). This means that the same amount of mercury or other toxins will cause more damage in the presence of inflammation.
Mercury affects every cell and system in our body

Because of this, the effects and symptoms of mercury toxicity are different in each individual. While the variety of ways in which mercury affects each of us is too much to cover in this article, here’s a list of some signs and symptoms that mercury is affecting your health:

Anxiety (10)
Depression (11)
Brain fog or decreased concentration
Fatigue (12)
Frequent headaches
Ataxia (decreased control over muscular movements such as with walking or picking up objects)
Sleep disturbance in children (13)
Autoimmune disease (14, 15)
Allergies (16, 17)
Multiple chemical sensitivity (18)
Paresthesias or neuropathy
Hearing loss
Dysarthria (characterized by slurred or slow speech due to weakness or poor control over the muscles used for speech)
Muscle tremor
Movement disorders
Hair loss (19)
Hormonal dysregulation including abnormal menstrual cycles and infertility (20, 21, 22).
Cardiovascular disease including hypertension, coronary heart disease, transient ischemia attacks or stroke, or other vascular diseases (23)
Kidney dysfunction including proteinuria (or “spilling” proteins into the urine)

Our nervous system is particularly vulnerable to mercury toxicity

You can see from this list of symptoms that our brains are especially susceptible to the toxic effects of mercury. Many of these conditions also result from the underlying inflammation and immune dysfunction associated with a high burden of mercury. Fortunately, you can get the mercury out of your body safely!

It’s important to know that if you are considering having your dental amalgams removed, this MUST be done by a biologic or holistic dentist with experience in low emission removal techniques (24). When done incorrectly, removal of amalgams can expose you to a substantial amount of mercury.

In an upcoming webinar (exact date is TBA) Chris and I will talk more about how to test for metal toxicity, including why we don’t recommend provoked mercury tests, what additional tests need to be considered, and how we approach detoxification. The webinar will provide some time for questions and answers, so we’ll look forward to answering your specific questions there!

If you suspect you may be suffering from mercury toxicity, and want to start testing to recover your health, I am currently accepting new patients. To learn more about how to get started, click here.
Perceval said:
Btw, in researching, I've seen repeated mention of "Zeolite". Has anyone heard of it or does anyone have experience of it?

The only thing I know about zeolite is what Klinghardt said in his lecture that was presented on the forum a few months ago.

From memory he says that only the zeolite from "green clay" is beneficial, and that most other formulations are more or less toxic.

However I found a youtube video from him where he specifically talks about zeolite - but I haven't had the time to watch it myself yet.
Thanks Vulcan. I tell ya, the more I read about mercury the more I see it as something spawned from the depths of hell!

In 2002 Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt said:

I have found that mercury in it's different chemical forms has a synergistic amplifying effect with all other neurotoxins. When mercury is removed, the body starts to more effectively eliminate all other neurotoxins, even if they are not addressed.
I know it's mentioned on the forum in several places, but has anyone tried ingesting diatomaceous earth?
Perceval said:
I know it's mentioned on the forum in several places, but has anyone tried ingesting diatomaceous earth?

A couple of months ago, before the Iodine protocol, I got some food grade diatomaceous earth to experiment applying it on our dogs for fleas. I did some reading how diatomaceous earth can be beneficial to humans in killing internal parasites. I drank about a teaspoon in an 8oz glass of water daily for 2 weeks. I would highly recommend drinking LOADS of water afterwards, but that was the only reaction, feeling parched.
I am wondering if Iodine and potassium Iodide protocol can be used for exposure to black mold.

So far I've been trying to dig up information on line and by listening to the interviews that Dr. Mercola has done with a few Dr.'s that talk on mold exposure and the Dr. Brownstein / Dr Mark Sircus talks on Iodine/Iodide and by going to the sited web sites from these.

Does anyone here have any knowledge on this or could direct me to any resources for me to read more on this?

I have done the 'Patch test' and the 'spot' was still notable the next morning.

I started out and am currently doing 1 drop only once a day with a 2 day break. After weeks of this, I tryed to go up two drops a day and the only thing I had occur was that: my thyroid swelled and it became painful to touch, swallow, speak and depending on how I lay to sleep difficult to breathe; so I stopped giving things a break, it took nearly a week for it to feel fine again.

I have to say I do not really find it to be a real "energizing" kick as others seem to feel when taking it. I do feel energized when I take Black Cumin seeds for some reason while sipping a 'oiled' black tea.

As a side question: Just how significant is a persons body weight with respect to how much and how frequently one can take?
Turgon said:
There is some controversy about Chlorella having mercury or metals in it because it comes from the sea, but Dr. Shade said he has done testing on it and that there is about 1 part per billion worth of Mercury in it, and that it usually is well binded to the Chlorella, so there is little to no chance of it leaking into the gut because it's an inorganic form of mercury, not a methyl form.

You can find chlorella cultivated in glass tubes and not coming from the sea. For example -
Hey guys.

I just wanted to share my experience so far, because something important happened.

It's christmas time. You all know what that means - get togethers, lots of food, haha - I really did try to watch what I was eating, opting for meat, cheese and anything else that wasn't a carbohydrate. Although, during snacking on these foods during the get togethers, I don't often think about where the food is coming from. :/

Anyhow, I was with my girlfriend for 2 days, from wednesday morning to friday night, outside of town from where I live (100km away.) I had forgotten to bring my bottle of lugols, and I couldn't just drive home and go get it. TRying to find it in local health stores is near impossible also.

Friday morning, I had woken up with the classic "top-of-mouth-sinus-soreness" that typically comes with a cold virus. By the time friday night had rolled around, it had gotten alot worse.. Aches, pains, and a slight fever developed. I drove home around 9pm, to get a few hours sleep before my 3am-7am early morning job.

I felt like trash. I decided to do this :

10:00pm : Drank saltwater 1/2 teaspoon. (Celtic, Himalayan, Hawaiin mix)
1030pm : 15 Drops Lugols 2% (total 55mg of iodine roughly)
11:00pm : 1 teaspoon magnesium citrate in warm water.
: Sleep.
3:00am : High fever, aches, but sinus soreness was gone.
: Drank 1/2 teaspoon of salt water.
3:45am : Started my paper route, took another 15 drops.
4:00am : Fever spiked, must have been high, maybe 101-102.
7:00am : Got home, 1/4 teaspoon salt in water.
7:30am : 15 drops lugols.
: Took 1/2 teaspoon magnesium (for sleep)
11:30am : Fever gone, aches gone, sinuses soreness gone (All symptoms gone.)
12:30pm : Slept another 4 hrs.

Wow this stuff is crazy effective.

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