Superman Returns: WING TV repels Pathological Pirates AKA Rense & Co
Once again, some good answers were given, so I am wondering if it is useful to even post this. Anyway, just my own thoughts on the matter.
Lisa said:
Unimpeded movement of these people into all parts of the U.S. is going to alleviate this situation or worsen it?
The whole thing is out of control, and I guess that's exactly what it was designed to be.
America is being reduced to third world nation status. And as Laura commented to me earlier (and I agree), this is not simply due to illegal immigration, but also due to outsourcing.
What is to be done?
I do not have ready solutions to this issue. I believe that solutions can only be approached through using the extensive computing power of many networked human minds, provided those minds approach the problem with the right attitude.
As such, I would simply like to express some thoughts on the problem to point out some ways of addressing it through which solutions may eventually emerge.
The immigration issue is an example of a legitimate problem used by disinformation shills to manipulate people's awareness. The problem is real, but it is just not examined in a manner thorough enough to allow for even the hope of a real solution.
When there is no deeper examination and understanding of such an issue in a historic context, the only obvious solutions are those that endlessly perpetuate the problem.
On the other hand, deep examination can be resisted because people may be afraid of their own inevitable conclusions. So afraid, that knee-jerk violence often may seem a more acceptable option.
Right now this issue is one of those wonderful levers the PTB appreciate as means to get populations to hand complete power over to them. That, in my opinion, is the REAL problem. And it is presented no just to the U.S.American people, but versions of it are evident everywhere in the world.
We can see the PTB as our wake-up call as members of humanity: No more shoving things under the rug. Deal with problems as old as humanity or they (and the PTB) will deal with us. Period. The PTB is, after all, OUR shadow.
The world over throughout the millennia, we see the same pattern. Population A, in search of survival resources (and out of greed) eliminates population B from a geographic area. After a time, population B regroups and pushes population A back, eliminating them from the area. Population A retaliates, and so on.
This is a kind of perpetual oscillation of death, misery and hatred. The only way to resolve the problem is to put a stop to the oscillation, because just pushing back again only keeps driving it. That is a fact proven by history.
My own parents were immigrants to the US (back in the mid 60's). My mother at some point worked in a home for the elderly as a nurse's assistant. She still had a green card, and worked with citizens and other immigrants with green cards.
She got the same wages as the citizens, while the Phillipino and Latino aids got half her wages. She asked the head nurse about this, and was told: "if they don't like it, let them go back where they came from".
If this attitude was pure greed, I don't think white immigrants would be excluded from the injustice. I think the nurse based her response on a fear of being overrun by people "other" than "us". It is this fear that makes people of any given population group willing accomplices in atrocities instigated by their rulers.
And in this day and age, the rulers are not representing a given population, but collaborating across population boundaries to create chaos and gain complete control of their true enemy: the people.
Of course, this was already mentioned, but I just want to lay it out.
So far, there are five things that are evident:
1) We cannot blame the immigrants. If we were they under the same conditions, the majority of us (U.S.American citizens of any race or creed) would do the same thing.
2) We cannot just push them back, eliminate them or control them. That would only make them push harder. The PTB would love for this to happen. The camps are waiting for this to happen.
3) The fear of being assimilated by "ways" other than our own, and the corresponding drive to assimilate those who are not like us, is at the root of the problem.
4) Although the cause is in the people, exacerbated by a history of one population traumatizing another, the trigger and stimulus originate in the PTB, because they have set up conditions favourable to chaos and the perpetuation of trauma.
5) We cannot blame ourselves. If the immigrants were in our shoes they would most likely tend to act the same way. The fear of assimilation by a foreign group is universal in humanity.
Both Mexico and the US are countries with ample resources. The resources just never get to the masses in Mexico, and the same is happening in the US. What I find interesting is that for decades U.S.Americans had a generally condescending attitude to third world poverty.
"Patriotic" voices like Frosty Woolridge flippantly shout: "those people can't manage their countries", while refusing to admit that NOBODY but the PTB are really doing any managing in any country. Those like him just want the politicians (and if not them the people themselves) to make the problem go away.
When I hear people ask for solutions, in fact, what registers in my brain is: "How do we make the problem go away?" So the attitude is not to untangle the knot and save the thread, but to cut it out like a tumour. When the problem is engrained in us, such a strategy can only make matters worse.
U.S.Americans cry out against outsourcing, while most are avid, even fanatical supporters of "free enterprise" as the source of American prosperity.
So really nobody gave a hoot (more than the occasional donation) about starving masses in the world, whose misery fed the American economy for decades. From the point of view of those masses, corporations are a godsend, and U.S.Americans find themselves the victims of the free enterprise most still support.
From literal starvation third worlders can now actually EARN a whole Euro in one day, sometimes more! So, if you look at the big picture the people of the US are simply reaping what they have allowed to be sown, by supporting a system that is now striking back at them. They refuse to see that the very "American Way" is their ruin.
The problems facing us are not limited to any one country. We are global civilization, whether we like it or not. We are challenged to insure that this global civilization does not turn into a new world order.
So we have to face the fact that local solutions will not work. Desperate people resort to desperate measures, including crime. I have never starved, but I've known people who have. Even though they may have eventually escaped starvation, memories of it always bring a haunted look in their eyes.
All over the world, mostly prompted by their PTB supported religious leaders, impoverished peoples are applying strategies of "reconquest" in the only way they know how, rampant reproduction.
What can stop this is a better way of life for those people, coupled with independence from cultural and religious bondage. Given the depth of the conditionings, and the extensive powers of the PTB, this will not be happening any time soon.
So then back to the question: What do we do?
To paraphrase Sherlock Holms:
In searching to solve a problem, you first eliminate those avenues that are NOT viable solutions. Those which remain, however difficult, are the most probable avenues of resolution to the problem.
I will stop my rambling here. This problem, and others like it, cannot have solutions provided by any one person. Only a network, and very likely a series of networks can begin to approach such issues in solidarity and colinearity.
That is because these are not just social problems, but deeply rooted in human conditioning. A better way to describe them (although a bit outside convention) would be as collective
karma. They are issues of human family reflected in each of us, and the greater the network addressing them, the higher the creative focus toward resolution.
So we need the right attitude. We need to put fear on the shelf, and we need to examine the problem from all angles. In my little exposition above, I have barely scratched the surface.
We need to see what drives the trauma oscillation, and how the word can get out to all groups involved that the problem is objectively not one of lack of resources, but of manipulation and control of resources.
We need to admit that the simplest solutions (violence and "proper channels") are not solutions. And we need to reach a frame of mind that is not limited to those two options.
And I sincerely believe that the only way to approach such issues are through a networking organism extending through the cultural, religious and ideological boundaries imposed by our own conditionings and the PTB.
So no, I don't have a solution. I have the conviction, however, that this problem cannot go away, or be elliminated. It's Gordian knot cannot be cut. It must be carefully and painstakingly untied, and for that many cooperating fingers are necessary.
In short, to resolve the problem we must first learn how to approach it. IMO, most current methods have proven to be futile, at least if we look at what history has to teach us.