Anxiety and the restlessness can be like a personal hell at times, if it is really extreme, but the affects of mental health drugs can feel and be even worse if a person has an adverse reaction or tries to come off of them, even with the help and direction of psychological and medical professionals. I've experienced both and wouldn't wish those experiences on anyone.
I'm glad you were able to overcome, Mike.
There surly is nothing like the inner turmoil of the mind that a person goes through and then the delicate process to heal. This is not helped in the main by overcompensating ones ability in thinking they understand mind and can attempt to fix it with these many classes of drugs, and some are helped and others, not least their families, are ruined.
My wife worked for many years for a physician; it's a small area so many people are known, and many people were prescribed in willy-nilly fashion drugs of these types for the most ridiculous of reasons. In a number of these cases (over prescribed use, mixed use, coming off them) resulted in horrific suicides.
General practitioners are faced with a patient: anxiety et cetera. The have little to no understanding of neurotransmitters and the overall chemical factory of mind, so it is the the reference bible they go, index 'anxiety' page 659, column B (below preamble). Ah, benzodiazepine at x, y and z milligram dose. Done.
Patient is off to the pharmacy. The family is grateful that dad, mom or child will get fixed.
It does not happen, it gets worse and they don't understand. Outcomes vary to extremes.
The impression of JBP's understandings is different in the material and medical sense of mind and drugs, and you can hear him discuss in detail the world of mind chemistry far more than can be explained here in a few brief lines, and this includes the world of drug interactions to help correct mind chemistry (contraindications is not explained). Jordan has helped people overcome their conditions with drugs, and he, obviously, has relied upon them to help himself with knowledge far superior to that of the average general practitioner.
Clearly, JBP has been through a harrowing experience that came on the back of a grueling schedule with non stop attacks that culminated in extreme worries over his wife, Tammy.
I do not know what lesson is here for Jordan, and he has a long way to go to recover, yet my thoughts and prayers go out to him and his family as he is indeed a rare light in our times.