Jordan Peterson: Gender Pronouns and Free Speech War

He also fails to mention that his studies showed that women score much higher than men in Agreeableness and Empathy and much lower than men in Assertiveness, so the female in the interview above might indeed be unintelligent and has drunk the woke cool-aid, but her first reaction might be to feel sorry for the grotesque figure in front of her, and she doesn't want to hurt its feelings or insult it in some way while its sure death in Muslim countries hangs above its head.
Besides, those kind of on the spot interviews that prove that "Americans are idiots" or something.. are never truly a good way to measure intelligence level. If anyone, no matter how well read they may be, are confronted with an on the spot question that will be viewed by a lot of people, the pressure of that situation gets to you and your thinking becomes skewed.

It's extremely telling that he'd use both a study and a video of this kind to try to make a point. That is a sure sign of someone looking for "evidence" to suit his theory. Interestingly enough, despite being the, once, champion of people being individuals, he took one video of a particular individual in a specific situation to make a generalized point about an entire gender.. it's just bad science.
A thread on the Jewish origins of the LGBTQ movement as it's known in the West. It's not exhaustive, as it's missing people like Judith Butler, who wrote Gender Trouble, which accelerated the gender studies push in Western Universities.

That reminded me of a video I watched a while ago, which was asking basically, what books were burned in Germany and it was not as it has been portrayed. There was a huge movement in the pre war years that included all the things we are seeing now. Homosexuality, Transgenderism, sex reassignment surgeries etc. So they say that the book burnings were really about destroying all the things connected to that type of research and behavior.

So there really is nothing new under the sun.

White genocide is not the agenda. I think it's a classic form of bringing about revolutions. First comes demoralization, then destabilization, and finally revolution. They teach us to hate and reject our own countries. The solution offered is a union independent of countries or national identities. In short, a form of world government. Where we are all one ''happy family'', only ''nazis'' would want to reject.

The Great Reset agenda talks openly about how breaking away from nationalism is necessary to create a better and unified world. In fact, it is simply a vulgar power grab.

Whites are the main target because they assume they will offer the most resistance since many of them probably do not want to give up the sovereignty of their countries. Hence the demonization of nationalists and patriots.

I think we are now halfway into their plan. That said. I don't think they're going to succeed. But they will set the world on fire.

I'm still not so sure about this. It pops into my head from time to time. The game has changed in the intervening years since this post. World government via the Great Reset no longer is an option. Russia did not fall, Iran is refusing to take Israel's bait and is waiting for them to make a mistake, and China is basically untouched. So what's the Empire going to do? Revolution is still an option on the table, a sort of Great Reset within West.

Revolutions historically speaking can turn demonic, in the sense that the turn into threshing machines of human populations. As you say, demoralization, then destabilization, and finally revolution, yes - but the revolution can entail mass murder, and that includes internal persecution of specific scapegoats. To my eye, if the West continues on the nihilist path its on currently, developing into a fully ponerized regime, there's only one target that seems likely to fulfill that role of scapegoat - white heterosexual males. Maybe anti-vaxxers, but I think they're in second place currently. That may change if we get a new plandemic.

We've already passed the demoralization phase with the roll-out of the woke agenda a while ago. So I'd say we're in the midst of the destabilization phase with the mass increase of illegal immigrants, the ruination of infrastructure, suppression of wages and increases in rent, drugs crises, the destruction of culture, the mutilation of children, corruption of elite, mistrust in institutions, mass money printing, and killing of an estimated 17 million worldwide from the jabs. Etc.

The knife attacks in the UK, the riots, and the crackdown by Starmer - are they a test-run for the revolution phase? Maybe it's just more evidence of the strategy of tension at play, and not the planned lead-up to a true revolution with the white hetero men as targets. One thing thats clear is that many whites are now offering resistance, as you mentioned - though many are doing so 'right on cue'.

A big issue with the PTB fomenting an internal revolution in the West is that the Empire would likely become unable to pursue its foreign policy objectives amidst the chaos. And I think that is actually a huge block on the PTB pulling the trigger on the revolution phase. The C's did say that immigration was, in America at least, mostly a power play to steal elections, and not the setup for increasing the clash of civilizations. So maybe the sort of bloody revolution I'm thinking of isn't in the cards.

It's kinda like what the C's said about there being one group of the cabal who is advocating for global economic collapse, but this group is not in the ascendant, so that plan is dormant. Maybe it's the same for woke revolution - there's one group whose pushing for it, but that group not in the ascendant.

Thinking about it a bit more, there is another category for internal scapegoat, and that's the illegal immigrant. What will happen if Kamal Harris actually wins the election with the help of her millions of brand new voters? Reactionary snapback?

Anyways, I read this warning by Paul Craig Roberts the other day, tho, and part of me still considers it as a real probability:

My advice to young white heterosexual males is to get out of America while you still can. A holocaust is coming your way. You are demonized and reduced to second class citizenship. You can be discriminated against in university admissions, employment and promotion. You are not allowed to defend your self from racist charges, because white self-defense is considered racist, as proof of racism. The position of a white gentile heterosexual male American today is the same as that of a Jew in Nazi Germany and a Palestinian in Gaza.

Just don't tell JP that last part.
Anyways, I read this warning by Paul Craig Roberts the other day, tho, and part of me still considers it as a real probability:

Just don't tell JP that last part.

This calls my attention, since yesterday the Russian Government enabled to provide aid to those who do not accept destructive neo-liberal attitudes in their countries that contradict traditional values:

Russia President Putin signed a decree on providing humanitarian support to people who share traditional Russian spiritual and moral values.

Foreigners and stateless persons will be able to receive a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation in addition to quotas and without confirmation of proficiency in Russian if they want to move because their countries are pursuing "policies that impose destructive neoliberal ideological attitudes."

The government is expected to approve a list of countries imposing such an ideology.

Putin knows what's coming (?)
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