M.M.S. Miracle Mineral Solution and Jim Humble

Kniall said:
Kimber said:
I purchased MMS approx two years ago. I tried it on myself and discarded it. It appears the Humble People are doing a Recall the following is an email that I recieved yesterday----

Yup, I got that one too. Something is afoot.

Perhaps 4D STS forces are fighting amongst themselves? Contrary to popular (programed) belief, they are NOT infallible, omnipotent, invincible, etc. They make mistakes...BIG ONES, and at this point their rule is fairly dependent on the "fear of loss" most humans have.

The Stargates do not belong to the Goa'uld just 'cause they say so ;D
Valis said:
but don't worry - i am but one of many sleeper agents of dissent on this site. banning us won't help. taking away forum rights won't help. trusting fellow forum members won't help. we are legion. we have technology. we dedicate our mission to Eris - and Infinite Acetate.
ScottD said:
Eris is also the goddess of dischord. Telling? Perhaps.

Given that last comment of his and his earlier endorsement of Robert Anton Wilson, I would guess (which also explains the reference to "legion") that he is fairly aligned with the ideas of Discordianism, which sees order and disorder as arbitrary ideas and chaos as the only reality. The discord of Discordianism does not seem to mesh well with colinerity. It also does not distinguish between the bringing of order through objective understanding and the imposition of "order" according to subjective ideas, asserting that attempts to bring order of any kind will result in chaos.

Rather than nutjob, I would guess that he is simply a very silly person who acted out having been emotionally triggered, and made that last comment in part to mock what he perceived as paranoia.
Guardian said:
Kniall said:
Kimber said:
I purchased MMS approx two years ago. I tried it on myself and discarded it. It appears the Humble People are doing a Recall the following is an email that I recieved yesterday----

Yup, I got that one too. Something is afoot.

Perhaps MMS is backtracking and/or re-packaging
MMS from too much exposure to the light?
Perhaps we need to wait and see....

Guardian said:
Perhaps 4D STS forces are fighting amongst themselves? Contrary to popular (programed) belief, they are NOT infallible, omnipotent, invincible, etc. They make mistakes...BIG ONES, and at this point their rule is fairly dependent on the "fear of loss" most humans have.

Agreed! Perhaps the MBC (Man behind the curtain) is juggling too
many (oil+MMS+tar+...)balls in the air with too many wishful
thinkings going on, and one of many balls are about to drop...
like one coming in 3 months? As the Cs say: "Wait and SEE"?

Guardian said:
The Stargates do not belong to the Goa'uld just 'cause they say so ;D

Oh, an SG1 fan! (me too!)
dant said:
Guardian said:
Kniall said:
Kimber said:
I purchased MMS approx two years ago. I tried it on myself and discarded it. It appears the Humble People are doing a Recall the following is an email that I recieved yesterday----

Yup, I got that one too. Something is afoot.
Perhaps MMS is backtracking and/or re-packaging
MMS from too much exposure to the light?
Perhaps we need to wait and see....

Guardian said:
Perhaps 4D STS forces are fighting amongst themselves? Contrary to popular (programed) belief, they are NOT infallible, omnipotent, invincible, etc. They make mistakes...BIG ONES, and at this point their rule is fairly dependent on the "fear of loss" most humans have.

Agreed! Perhaps the MBC (Man behind the curtain) is juggling too
many (oil+MMS+tar+...)balls in the air with too many wishful
thinkings going on, and one of many balls are about to drop...
like one coming in 3 months? As the Cs say: "Wait and SEE"?

After this business with the FDA came out, I went to a couple of the sites. What I understood was that some of their customers were calling with concerns. Perhaps they started canceling orders and now all these mms people are attempting damage control to avoid losing money.
I also noticed that Valis' IP points to OZ. Maybe a friend of Duncan Roads...
Perceval said:
I also noticed that Valis' IP points to OZ. Maybe a friend of Duncan Roads...

Speaking of whom, I've recently been informed that the high and mighty Duncan has lowered himself to rubbing shoulders with Vincent Bridges and gang on GLP. Now that's a real comedown! Or, maybe not?
Psalehesost said:
Given that last comment of his and his earlier endorsement of Robert Anton Wilson, I would guess (which also explains the reference to "legion") that he is fairly aligned with the ideas of Discordianism, which sees order and disorder as arbitrary ideas and chaos as the only reality. The discord of Discordianism does not seem to mesh well with colinerity. It also does not distinguish between the bringing of order through objective understanding and the imposition of "order" according to subjective ideas, asserting that attempts to bring order of any kind will result in chaos.

Rather than nutjob, I would guess that he is simply a very silly person who acted out having been emotionally triggered, and made that last comment in part to mock what he perceived as paranoia.

Funny, I just read through the recent posts on this thread and then I saw a advertisement on facebook for a Robert Anton Wilson recording :umm:

Anyways, I think Valis has some issues if he takes anything that Robert Anton Wilson writes (or the rest of the Discordian literature) as anything other than pure fiction.
Laura said:
Perceval said:
I also noticed that Valis' IP points to OZ. Maybe a friend of Duncan Roads...

Speaking of whom, I've recently been informed that the high and mighty Duncan has lowered himself to rubbing shoulders with Vincent Bridges and gang on GLP. Now that's a real comedown! Or, maybe not?

I was going to post today that I'm surprised DCM magazine doesn't have some sort of damage control out yet, with the usual suspects (VB/Humble?) promoting it....I wonder if this is the start of that? Having seen your post now Laura, I wonder if its reasonably predictable to say that VB may start funding/have more to do with Nexus magazine....
Valis may or may not be a nut job, but here is some info regarding this:

[quote author=Valis on Today at 09:06:07]we have technology. we dedicate our mission to Eris - and Infinite Acetate.[/quote]

From _http://www.theoi.com/Daimon/Eris.html:

[quote author=Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology]ERIS (Eris), the goddess who calls forth war and discord. According to the Iliad, she wanders about, at first small and insignificant, but she soon raises her head up to heaven (iv. 441). She is the friend and sister of Ares, and with him she delights in the tumult of war, increasing the moaning of men. (iv. 445, v. 518, xx. 48.) She is insatiable in her desire for bloodshed, and after all the other gods have withdrawn from the battle-field, she still remains rejoicing over the havoc that has been made. (v. 518, xi. 3, &c., 73.) According to Hesiod (Theog. 225, &c.), she was a daughter of Night, and the poet describes her as the mother of a variety of allegorical beings, which are the causes or representatives of man's misfortunes. It was Eris who threw the apple into the assembly of the gods, the cause of so much suffering and war. Virgil introduces Discordia as a being similar to the Homeric Eris; for Discordia appears in company with Mars, Bellona, and the Furies, and Virgil is evidently imitating Homer. (Aen.. viii. 702; Serv. Aen. i. 31, vi. 280.)[/quote]

Eris was the mother of the Kakodaimones, the evil spirits which plagued mankind.

[quote author=Hesiod, Theogony 226 ff (trans. Evelyn-White)] "But abhorred Eris (Strife) bare painful Ponos (Toil), and Lethe (Forgetfulness), and Limos (Starvation), and the Algea (Pains), full of weeping, the Hysminai (Fightings) and the Makhai (Battles), the Phonoi (Murders) and the Androktasiai (Man-slaughters), the Neikea (Quarrels), the Pseudo-Logoi (Lies), the Amphilogiai (Disputes), and Dysnomia (Lawlessness) and Ate (Ruin), who share one another's natures, and Horkos (Oath) who does more damage than any other to earthly men, when anyone, of his knowledge, swears to a false oath."[/quote]

I’m not well informed about infinite acetate, but I know that it is involved in nanotechnology. There have been nanotech applications in cosmetics and vaccines.

The commitment to destruction of the cosmos was also fundamental to Enochian Magic.
RedFox said:
Laura said:
Perceval said:
I also noticed that Valis' IP points to OZ. Maybe a friend of Duncan Roads...

Speaking of whom, I've recently been informed that the high and mighty Duncan has lowered himself to rubbing shoulders with Vincent Bridges and gang on GLP. Now that's a real comedown! Or, maybe not?

I was going to post today that I'm surprised DCM magazine doesn't have some sort of damage control out yet, with the usual suspects (VB/Humble?) promoting it....I wonder if this is the start of that? Having seen your post now Laura, I wonder if its reasonably predictable to say that VB may start funding/have more to do with Nexus magazine....

Vinnie has no money. He has never had a real job as far as I know. He lives off of women, usually. So, if there is any funding going on it will be Duncan funding him (i.e. pouring money down a black hole). However, that may not happen because I have a suspicion that Duncan and gang are the money behind MMS and also the ones collecting the money which is why they are so emotionally involved and reactionary about it. Jim Humble claims over and over again that he "makes no money from MMS" and maybe that's true because Duncan is making it all for him and pays all his expenses. I've heard some interesting stories about trips and events funded by Nexus, all in the interests of promoting Humble and there can be only one reason for that: somebody is making money.

If you think about it, it costs about a dollar to produce each bottle of MMS, so all the rest is profit and they've got a pretty good scam going: selling bleach to people to drink and promising them that it will cure what ails them.
Laura said:
Perceval said:
I also noticed that Valis' IP points to OZ. Maybe a friend of Duncan Roads...

Speaking of whom, I've recently been informed that the high and mighty Duncan has lowered himself to rubbing shoulders with Vincent Bridges and gang on GLP. Now that's a real comedown! Or, maybe not?

Well, if someone who was previously assumed to be civilised suddenly finds common ground among a foul-mouthed rabble, I'd say it's reasonable to assume that they were never truly civilised.
Perceval said:
Laura said:
Speaking of whom, I've recently been informed that the high and mighty Duncan has lowered himself to rubbing shoulders with Vincent Bridges and gang on GLP. Now that's a real comedown! Or, maybe not?

Well, if someone who was previously assumed to be civilised suddenly finds common ground among a foul-mouthed rabble, I'd say it's reasonable to assume that they were never truly civilised.
His obscene, spastic verbal conniption fits about the conference provided ample evidence to me that 'civilized' is not an appropriate adjective for the man. He really showed his true face at that point, so I'm not terribly surprised, considering birds of a feather and all that.
Laura said:
However, that may not happen because I have a suspicion that Duncan and gang are the money behind MMS and also the ones collecting the money which is why they are so emotionally involved and reactionary about it. Jim Humble claims over and over again that he "makes no money from MMS" and maybe that's true because Duncan is making it all for him and pays all his expenses. I've heard some interesting stories about trips and events funded by Nexus, all in the interests of promoting Humble and there can be only one reason for that: somebody is making money.


I had the pleasure of interviewing him again at Thomas Kirschner's house in Southern Germany in January [2010] after Jim had flown to Europe from Africa for a week. Thomas is the editor of the German NEXUS Magaz

From Thomas Kirschner, editor of the German NEXUS Magazine:

Dear Bill,

Our team here spent a few hours analyzing the document, and I made a few calls to other "well-connected" friends.

It's probably too early to make a definite assessment, but my general impression is to be careful.

This document consists of two parts: 95% of it is a fantastic story, and my own judgment is that it isn't more than that. I could be wrong, of course, and some of my friends disagreed with me. Still, I would advise everybody to be extremely cautious. Besides that, this part of the book doesn't really contain much useful information (in the sense that the material could be related to anything in the "real" world).

It does make claims that bear similarity to certain Montauk-concepts (the author talks of a certain chair that can be used for remote viewing etc.) - but anybody could come up with such a story, having read the Montauk books and other far out material.

The physics section is something else, and it seems to me rather unrelated to the rest of the book, which makes it seem to me as if the author just copied it into his own story to gain credibility. But coming back to the physics:

One of my friends is a really, really well informed scientist, who is familiar with the work of Dr. Burkhard Heim. He told me that the material seems to be definitely based on Burkhard Heim's work, and he had the impression that it even goes beyond that - like a practical application. If that's true, then it would be really something.

I asked for my friend's opinion about the rest of the book, but he did not want to go into detail. However, he assured me that it is indeed "something". He also assured me that the Russian video documentary, which I have not seen yet, would be "very revealing".

So, that's really all I can tell you at the moment about this book. But I learned some other interesting things in that phone conversation:

My friend assured me that the information from Henry Deacon and Dan Burisch is absolutely head on, especially the claims regarding T1 and T2 [timeline 1 and timeline 2]. He said that there are two calculations regarding that fork-point: One says that it might come already this year. The other says that it will come right at the end of 2012.

I asked him: "Why do you think that it would come now? Do you think the Mayans made a mistake?" His answer was that the Mayans were surely right, but that our calendar system could be wrong, i.e. the "real" 2012 might be earlier than we think.

Then I asked him for the physical, scientific evidence for this [the timeline split], and he said that it would come from Burkhard Heim and from physicist Kip Thorne. He urged me to Google for "Thorne" and for "Vega".

He also said that for top-ranking scientists who work for the (shadow-) Government, Montauk is absolutely standard knowledge. Whether it happened exactly as in the famous Montauk books would be another question, but T1 and T2, as Dan Burisch describes them, are current topics of discussion.

I asked him about Planet X and if he thought that was a real danger. His comment was that it might only be for those who stayed on T2. Then I asked him how he imagined the transition from our time into T1 or T2, and he said that he imagined that we will go into some kind of tunnel, or enter a short sleep, that might only take seconds, and then we're in the new time.

To conclude: these are all exciting topics. But let's try to not get carried away. Remember, everything that I've just written is just human opinion, and each of us could be wrong.

The only "hard" evidence that can be checked out is that last section of the book, which contains scientific material. Whether that is real has still to be researched. And whether that author came up with it by himself or whether he just copied it from some book, is another unanswered question. I myself would tend to the second conclusion.
Perceval said:
Well, if someone who was previously assumed to be civilised suddenly finds common ground among a foul-mouthed rabble, I'd say it's reasonable to assume that they were never truly civilised.

I really think you're being a little hard on the foul mouthed rabble here...they really don't have much control over who joins their ranks these days ;D
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