M.M.S. Miracle Mineral Solution and Jim Humble

Re: Miracle Mineral Solution-Chlorine Dioxide

Psyche said:
See original source for tables and more links: http://www.nutritionj.com/content/8/1/23

Effect of a supplement rich in alkaline minerals on acid-base balance in humans

Daniel König email, Klaus Muser email, Hans-Hermann Dickhuth email, Aloys Berg email and Peter Deibert email

University Hospital Freiburg, Centre for Internal Medicine, Department of Rehabilitation, Prevention and Sports Medicine, Germany



Western diets are considered acidogenic due to the high dietary acid load and a low intake of base-forming dietary minerals such as potassium, magnesium or calcium. In the present study we investigated the effect of a multimineral supplement (MMS) rich in alkaline minerals on acute and chronic regulation of acid-base balance with the pH of blood, urine and saliva as potential surrogate markers.

Psyche, there is an error with your reply no. 41:

What was tested there is not MMS as discussed here but a multi mineral supplement with the name Basis Balance. In the article they use MMS just as an abbreviation for multi mineral supplement.
Re: Miracle Mineral Solution-Chlorine Dioxide

Psyche: Thanks for all the info! I agree with broken.english about that article not referring to the MMS here under discussion, and that is disappointing because that seemed to be more rigorous scientifically than most of the other info I've read.

Iconoclast: You may be interested to know that Jim Humble now seems to be recommending a regimen that is somewhat different from the book. I saw this while doing more research a couple of weeks ago. I will post this for reference in this thread below.
Re: Miracle Mineral Solution-Chlorine Dioxide

Standard Method for Activating and using MMS
(this is updated info newer than the book)

Note: When following the suggestions below, keep this sentence in mind: Always activate one MMS drop with five drops of one of the food acids, either unfiltered vinegar, fresh lemon or lime juice, or citric acid solution (10% strength).

To make citric acid solution use a clean pint bottle with screw-on lid. Add 1 level tablespoon of citric acid powder and 9 tablespoons of water. Repeat that again if the bottle will hold it. Shake and store it in a capped jar. Refrigerate for longer life and to prevent thickening. Citric acid powder is available in most drug stores, enabling you to mix your own 10% liquid for storage.

In a cup or small glass always mix 5 drops of one of those food acids to each one drop of MMS. Swirl and wait at least 3 minutes, then add 1/3 to 2/3 to a full glass of water or thinned juice (but without any vitamin C) - then drink it. (You can expand the 3 minutes out to 10 minutes but no longer.) After adding the juice or water it is best if you drink immediately, but you can drink some, then wait as long as 30 minutes before drinking the second half without losing a lot too much of the beneficial ClO2 gas.

1. All methods for taking MMS in the Americas starts with one or two drops. Never start with more than one or two drops. People who are very sick and/or sensitive should start with ½ drop (drink only half the glass of a one drop dose). Activate the MMS drops as given above.

2. If you proceed OK with no nausea on the first dose, increase by one drop for the second dose. If you notice nausea reduce the amount of MMS for the next dose. It is important to understand that the chlorine dioxide (not the same as chlorine) that does all the good in your body only lasts a little more than one hour and then it is gone. Therefore to really do any good against the pathogens you are trying to kill, you need to keep giving the MMS to your body continuously to the extent possible. Every two hours is usually OK. However, some people may prefer a morning and evening dose at first, then adding in a noon time dose while getting acclimated to the process. Some people want to ramp up faster than others, so proceed at your own speed.

Increase the number of drops taken each two hours very slowly and if you begin to feel sick (or feel nausea or diarrhea) reduce the number of drops you take. Do not make yourself feel worse. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO VALUE IN EXPERIENCING NAUSEA. You always take the maximum amount of MMS that you can possibly take without getting nauseous or having diarrhea.

Note: If you notice diarrhea, or even vomiting, that is not a bad sign. You are killing pathogens faster than your liver can process them for elimination. Therefore slow down the killing process. The body is simply throwing off poisons and cleaning itself out. Everyone says that they feel much better after the diarrhea. You do not have to take any medicine for the diarrhea. It will go away as fast as it came. It will not last. It is not real diarrhea as the body is just cleaning out, and it is not caused by bacteria or virus. When the poison is gone, the diarrhea will be gone.

You must not continue to take so much MMS that it causes continued diarrhea or nausea. If diarrhea continues more than two days, keep reducing the dose and putting more hours between doses until there is no diarrhea. You lose too much water, minerals, and vitamins with continued diarrhea. That will slow your desired improvements or recovery from illness.

During the Diarrhea stage watch for possible and unexpected parasites dropping into the toilet. There are dozens of types and varieties. Watch for small eggs which were going to hatch into parasites. If you see them, you should not assume that this is the last of them because if you skip days of MMS benefits, the parasites can reappear a month later unless you continue with more complete detoxification. Avoid time gaps and keep a small amount of MMS circulating day and night to the extent possible. With parasites you will want to achieve complete clearance.

3. Continue to follow the procedure given in 2 above until you reach 12 drops taken every 2 or 3 hours - if possible - ALWAYS STAYING JUST UNDER THE NAUSEA BARRIER. Continue at three or more doses per day for at least one week and then reduce the drops to 4 to 6 drops a day for older people and 4 to 6 drops twice a week for younger people - known as "maintenance" mode.

If nausea does occur, please read the article "How to avoid Nausea Completely." It describes the signals that let you predict where the nausea barrier may be. It offers two ways to stop nausea if you missed the signals, and how to control it at _http://MMS-articles.com

Note: Once you have completed step 3 above most of the viral, bacteria, mold, and yeast load will be gone from your body. Your body will be clean and cleared of the pathogens you picked up and hosted since childhood. You no longer have to worry about feeding the microorganism load. You can base your diet on nutrition, rather than not feeding the load.

Diabetes often goes away as inflammation of the pancreas diminishes. Your body will be able to easily absorb vitamins and minerals and many other nutrients it might have been missing up to this time. You should feel better as time goes by. Do not quit taking the MMS, Be sure to take vitamins and minerals and other nutrients that you know are good. MMS supplies no nutrients, so your normal program of nutrition should be maintained between doses or at night.

For Children the protocol is essentially the same. One should usually start at 1/2 drop. Just make a one drop drink and pour out 1/2 of the drink before giving it to the child. Then increase from 1 to 2 to 3 drops as given above, but do not go beyond 3 drops for each 25 pounds (11.4 kg) of body weight. With a baby start with 1/2 drop every 2 or 3 hours and stop when the baby is well.

If the baby or child should become nauseous wait an extra hour or two before giving another dose and also give a smaller dose. Give smaller doses until the baby or child can tolerate more, but do not stop giving doses until they are well. Children that are sick with the flu or other diseases should have 1/2 drop every hour during most of the day.

CONTACT INFO: Before writing to the MMS Institute about specific disease questions you should visit the knowledge base and click on various diseases that may be of interest. Click here: [ _http://MMSanswers.com ]
Re: Miracle Mineral Solution-Chlorine Dioxide

Fundamentals of Using MMS
(this is updated information newer than the book)

Fundamental One:
Repeated small doses are more effective than large morning and evening doses. It has been demonstrated more than 1000 times that small doses administered often, up to once each hour, are more effective than large doses administered once or twice a day.

We now know that the chlorine dioxide chemical generated by MMS does not remain in the body more than one or two hours at most. The size of the dose does not seem to make a great deal of difference to the amount of time that MMS remains active in the body. That basically is because it doesn't matter if it is a large amount or small amount it still deteriorates into mostly just table salt in an hour or two.

So in reading the various methods of using MMS elsewhere on this web site, keep in mind - it is going to be much more effective to take MMS either each hour, or each two hours, and with smaller doses that will be equal to - or maybe larger than - one large dose.

If you are in the habit of taking larger MMS doses only in the morning and evening as was suggested in the past, MMS will still cleanse the body of microbes and pathogens. However, new research clearly reveals that a smaller-but-continuous circulation of ClO2 prevents regrouping and reproduction of pathogens, especially in situations where you are fighting a specific health issue - whether a cold or herpes or hepatitis.

Fundamental Two:
Put as much MMS into the body as you can without causing an increase in sickness, nausea, or diarrhea. Always start out with a one drop dose at first and increase the drops every time you feel you can. That means, of course, that you activate each MMS drop with 5 drops of citric acid or vinegar and wait the 3 minutes and add juice or water as always.

So, on the second dose you could increase to two drops if the first drop didn't seem to increase sickness (in most cases it won't). Generally, that would be in two hours after taking the first dose. Then keep increasing each one or two hours until you feel that you have reached maximum or until you notice a slight nausea. Generally two or three or four drops each time is all that is needed.

However, you could increase the drops up to 10 drops per hour if there is no increase in nausea and if you feel that more is needed. I would put a limit on 10 drop doses and normally you would never need to go to 10 drops doses if you are doing 5 to 10 doses a day.

You stop when you are well. Or if you are just trying to clean yourself out then you could try the 15 drops dose three times a day as that has always been the standard. If you can take 15 drops three times a day for a week without nausea or diarrhea or other negative effects, then most likely the majority of the infections and pathogens and parasites are gone.

After you are cleaned out a maintenance dose is still the same as always, 6 drops a day of MMS along with the citric or other acids required for activation. That's for older people and 6 drops twice a week for younger people, older people being over 60.

Fundamental Three:
Decrease the number of drops as needed if diarrhea or nausea occur, but do not stop taking MMS. Nausea and diarrhea are both good indicator signs that MMS is working. Diarrhea lasting for an hour or two is very good, but to keep it up for days at a time can cause more harm than good. So always decrease the drops when these temporary barriers arise - they are temporary in most cases.

Fundamental Four:
Avoid all forms of Vitamin C for two hours before and after use of MMS. This is a temporary requirement, necessary during the significant weeks of your ramping up to the level of drops where you can be considered to be "Cleaned Out." If you are taking Vitamin C capsules marked as "12 hour" type, you will have to discontinue their use and only take capsules or tablets that do not indicate a timed action and take them only at night after MMS hours. See more information at http://JimHumble.biz/biz-normal.htm

Fundamental Five:
Thoughtfully maintain a nutrition program adequate to maintain your immune system. MMS takes unwanted pathogens and parasites out of your body with great efficiency but it provides no nutritional minerals or vitamins. Maintain intake of friendly micro-organisms (acidophilus, and other flora). MMS itself does not kill intestinal friendly micro-organisms but forceful diarrhea can sometimes reduce their numbers. Similarly, maintain intake of minerals - especially calcium and magnesium.

Nutritional intake is critical to the immune system. Daily sunshine on the skin will maintain your vitamin D or, if you rarely see the sun, you must maintain "D" with supplements - - essential for maintaining the immune system. While MMS is the most potent germicidal agent on the planet, only the immune system produces healing and maintenance of health. Read my books on this topic, available at http://MiracleMineral.org/book.php

The five fundamentals above are basic to all the various methods and protocols that are explained on this Web Site. Be sure to click through to the various specific protocols that are highlighted below.

Six proven ways to move MMS into your body.

1. Drink it. Swallow activated MMS with any amount of water or juice flavoring added. This is the most common method. Adding water or limited juice to the mix after the three minute wait enables you to drink the mixture. The amount of water matters very little provided that you drink it all - typically one half to a full glass of water. If you drink the entire amount you will get all of the MMS benefit. Diluted little or much it will still do the same cleansing within in your body.

After the three minute wait, when you add water or juice, no more chlorine dioxide is generated. It is locked into the water or juice. After drinking the mix with the water added, the ClO2 gas will circulate in the body for less than two hours as described above. Insignificant amounts of ClO2 are generated after the water is added, but not enough to consider.

You could repeat any MMS dose every two hours (or less) without harm provided you observe the temporary barriers created by diarrhea or nausea. Important additional information is here: http://JimHumble.biz/biz-normal.htm .

2. You can spray activated MMS on skin anywhere. It is effective against localized skin sores or diseases. The mixture must have a small amount of water added to make the liquid ready for spraying. It does not bleach hair and does not harm the skin. If you have open sores or cuts, it may cause sensations of burning but it promotes rapid germ-free closure of wounds. See http://jimhumble.biz/biz-skin.htm .

3. MMS retention enemas are effective in cleansing intestinal walls. They also cause the ClO2 to be absorbed and mixed with the plasma of the blood - the blood liquid. MMS benefits are more available to more parts of the body more quickly when the ClO2 is carried in the plasma. Further information is here: http://JimHumble.biz/biz-enema.htm .

4. Hot tub baths with activated MMS in the water expose the entire skin surface to ClO2 ions. Add hot water continually while sitting in the tub. Skin pores open and the ClO2 ions pass deep below the skin and into muscles. Since blood is always present in muscles, the ClO2 ions merge into the plasma of the blood providing greater concentration of detoxifying action against parasites, yeast, fungus and other pathogens. Further information is here: http://JimHumble.biz/biz-tubbath.htm .

5. Some people briefly breath the ClO2 gas into the nose, head, and sinuses. DO NOT DEEPLY BREATH the ClO2 gas into the lungs because of possible damage to the lungs and unexpected depletion of oxygen.

Sitting with your mouth or nose over a cup of activated 2 drop mixture (definitely no more than 4 drops), and with no water added, draw the odorous ClO2 gas into the nostrils or mouth. Approach this with caution. If it seems too strong move the cup further away or prepare a weaker mixture. This has proven effective in killing germs in the sinuses that are often the cause of post-nasal drip. One or two brief nasal breathing session have been reported to eliminate post-nasal drip after all other medicines had failed to stop it.

Caution: If you have any history of asthma, use low doses and stop immediately if you have any sensation of an asthma attack. Never exceed the 4 drop maximum. This method is effective in situations where sinuses, vocal cords, or ear infections are retaining germs or pathogens.

Remember, it is the ClO2 Ion - the gas that you can smell - that is the germicidal agent. Use a 2 to 4 drop dose activated with 5 drops of citric acid or vinegar for each drop of MMS that you use. There's no need to add water since you won't be drinking it. Germs live and thrive in MUCUS and PHLEHM. The odor of ClO2 can kill them and prevent further production of mucus.

CAUTION: DO NOT EXCEED the 4 drop maximum mixture and take periodic breaks often by breathing normal air to assure replenishment of oxygen to the lungs. You can always mix a second dose later if you want more time span. Bird cages and free-flying house birds should be kept in another room because of their sensitivity to various gases. HEED THESE CAUTIONS. You are responsible for avoiding harm to your lungs so avoid prolonged deep breathing of the ClO2 gas.

6. DMSO can sometimes be added to the MMS activated mix in special or life-threatening situations. Special DMSO instructions are provided under the topic "Life Threatening Diseases" at this address: _http://JimHumble.biz/biz-life-threatening.htm . Always test yourself first with a small DMSO spot on your arm. People who have a damaged or weakened liver should reduce the use of DMSO if any aching or pain is felt in the liver area. Put 5 drops of MMS on your arm and rub it in. Wait for several hours. If there is no liver pain, you are probably safe in using DMSO.

One tablespoon of DMSO with two or more tablespoons of water can be taken internally by drinking it once or twice a day while fighting a severe disease. Normally use juice and dilute the DMSO much more. A 50-50 dilution will burn most people's throat. It's best to dilute DMSO with at least 2 parts water or juice to 1 part DMSO. Important additional DMSO information is at the Web address just above.

Caution One: DO NOT ATTEMPT any experimental intravenous injections in your home. There are health clinics that can administer such therapies. Seek qualified professionals who can take responsibility for proper dosage, administration, and predictable outcomes from any IV process. Health clinics may charge up to $100 per intravenous treatment. Intravenous provides about the same benefits as methods 4 and 5 above, but at a high cost.

Caution Two: It is unnecessary to put activated MMS into a dehumidifier or room fogger. People have written asking about this. They wanted to do it because ClO2 is a powerful deodorizer and air purifier. The proper way to rid a room of mold, odors, or germs is to set a 10 drop mix of activated MMS in the middle of a closed room in a cup or saucer and let the ClO2 arise out of the liquid naturally. Do not add any water. Do not exceed the 10 drop suggestion. It's more effective and safer to do several repeated room cleansings every hour than to release too much ClO2 at one time into a closed room.

The ClO2 gas is a powerful deodorizer and germicidal agent. Drifting through the air, it will eventually kill all germs in the air and in furniture fabrics. After about one hour, the ClO2 gas disappears. It deteriorates into two molecules of water vapor. Activated MMS can restore lawn chairs thought to be ruined by skunk spray. Scrub the MMS mixture into car carpets, smelly shoes, and under arms. Will the whole house start to smell like Chlorine? No. Not possible.

When using MMS as a room deodorizer or fungus eliminator, close the room doors and remove all pets and birds from the room for one or two hours.

Caution Three: Regarding Citric Acid: It is unusual to experience any nausea when starting MMS with a one drop dose. if you experience nausea after taking the first one-drop dose of MMS, it's rare, but you may be allergic to citric acid at the 10% solution strength. To quickly stop the nausea, wait ten minutes, then counter it with a teaspoon of baking soda in water if the nausea persists. Also eat an apple if you can keep it down. Wait overnight, then try a one-drop dose again, but use unfiltered and unpasteurized apple cider vinegar as the acid instead of citric acid.

It is very rare, but a few people are allergic to 10% citric acid in water, even though they may easily tolerate weak forms of it as in lemonade. The solution is to adopt unfiltered vinegar as the acid of choice because it is non-allergenic. Therefore try MMS again using unfiltered unpasteurized vinegar as the activating acid and slowly ramp upward in the number of drops as is described in the normal process at _http://JimHumble.biz/biz-normal.htm .

A list of MMS educational web sites (no sales) is at _http://MMSadvancedstudies.com

CONTACT INFO: Before writing to the MMS Institute about specific disease questions you should visit the knowledge base and click on various diseases that may be of interest. Click here: _http://MMSanswers.com An E-mail contact address is provided there.
Re: Miracle Mineral Solution-Chlorine Dioxide

gaman said:
Psyche: Thanks for all the info! I agree with broken.english about that article not referring to the MMS here under discussion, and that is disappointing because that seemed to be more rigorous scientifically than most of the other info I've read.

Yeah, disappointing!
Re: Miracle Mineral Solution-Chlorine Dioxide

I actually ordered and tried MMS several months ago, and followed the enclosed directions until the first day the dose got high enough to make me throw up as well as giving me diarrhea. I unfortunately have no way to know for sure how much my system got cleaned out along the way.

There is an article by Walter Last which was just published in the most recent NEXUS magazine, and is also accessible on his home site here: http://www.health-science-spirit.com/miracle.htm

It is interesting reading, the gist of which is that MMS needs to be contextualized within a program that also involves antioxidant protection and first attempting intestinal sanitation. He only recommends large doses of MMS only in the case of acute infection, in which case he says you should make peace with the fact that you will eventually be vomiting afterward.
Re: Miracle Mineral Solution-Chlorine Dioxide

I've been taking the MMS for a couple of months now. I started with the original method going up to about 13 drops, and now I just take 5 or 6 drop mixtures two or three times a week. I'm not sure how effective it is but there is one thing I have noticed recently: I think my sense of smell has been improving.

I started buying bottled water a few months ago, but I still drink some tap water when I run out. One day someone filled the pitcher with tap water without me knowing it and when I took it out and it passed under my nose, I was surprised by the heavy chemical smell that I detected, something I had never noticed before. I knew it was not bottled water immediately. That may be simply because I'm getting used to the clean smell of bottled mineral water, except that I noticed something else.

When I first started using the MMS I only noticed the distinct odor it makes upon activation when I smelled it up close and when I drank it. But now, for only a 5 drop solution, I can smell it clear across the room after just a few seconds of activation. I don't know if my sense of smell is getting better, but it sure seems that way. And I don't see any reason to think that's impossible.

The only thing I find unfortunate about the MMS is the need to avoid antioxidants when taking it. Not only have I discovered how important antioxidants are for our health, but they seem to be found in all the fruits and vegetables, the things I'm trying to eat the most! It is for this reason that I only take it two or three times a week. But if the nose thing is any indication, I think it is enough to be having a positive effect.
Re: Miracle Mineral Solution-Chlorine Dioxide

I had the same problem with the anti-oxidents. But Humble says somewhere that if you take them at different times of the day, it is OK. This method is somewhat problematic because he now says that taking a small number of drops (2-4) every two hours is more effective than taking a morning and evening large dose of 12 drops. But large doses such as these are only done for a short period. When it is over, the dosage is 6 drops once a week for people under 60.
Re: Miracle Mineral Solution-Chlorine Dioxide

Galahad said:
I had the same problem with the anti-oxidents. But Humble says somewhere that if you take them at different times of the day, it is OK. This method is somewhat problematic because he now says that taking a small number of drops (2-4) every two hours is more effective than taking a morning and evening large dose of 12 drops. But large doses such as these are only done for a short period. When it is over, the dosage is 6 drops once a week for people under 60.

Jim Humble says that MMS is active in the body for about 1 hour and half. After that, it is less active. This is why he now recommends to take only a couple of drops every two hours. Doing that, the product is working for a longer period in your body. And it solves the problem for those who does not like the taste of the product. May i say that when i was taking 15 drops 3 times a day, that it was difficult. The taste is so awful.

You can take vitamin C while taking MMS but not at the same time. You must leave some time between the two products.
Re: Miracle Mineral Solution-Chlorine Dioxide

The way I understand it you have to avoid anti-oxidants for about an hour and a half before and after you take it, otherwise it looses its effectiveness. What I try to do is have an anti-oxidant free lunch, that way it opens up all the hours between breakfast and supper. And then suppertime is the time I load up on veggies and then fruit for desert. But it sure knocks the hell out of any snacks because I have a habit of reaching for fruit whenever I'm feeling a might peckish. And I don't like the feeling of having to say no, I can't eat fruit right now.

I imagine there are a number of solutions to this and that it just takes a bit of creativity.
Re: Miracle Mineral Solution-Chlorine Dioxide

there is a few threads mentioning montmorillo clay (mods please move to a more appropriate place if necessary)
I picked this one to report my results with the stuff
I at long last found some bentonite clay...at the agricultural produce store and the smallest bag they sold was 25 kg granulated sodium bentonite
...but at 10 dollars a bag the cheapest supplement i have bought so far :)
at the moment I am still trying to disolve the teaspoon of clay in a glass of water
smearing it with the spoon against the inside of the glass....I;m on the third glass of water already and there seems still a spoonful to go
the water goes milky white and still tastes pleasant
a good way to drink lots of water :D :D :D
maybe I;ll try it as a soup thickener
will keep you posted
Re: Miracle Mineral Solution-Chlorine Dioxide

Having investigated MMS, a few years ago, when it became the darling panacea cure-all of the internet, I found no, none, zero credible science to back any of Humble's somewhat extravagant claims.

As an enthusiastic proponent for nano-catalytic silver hydrosols, which already accomplish everything that Humble claims MMS will, but has reams of credible, independent science supporting its safety, non-toxicity and efficacy, I was astonished to find my inbox clogged with inquiries about MMS, from people who should know better.

MMS may do what Humble claims that it does, but until I see some safety studies and clinical research, I grudgingly have to concede that this is probably one example where the quackbusters may have it right. Chlorine, in any form, is best not put into our bodies.

For those in this thread who commented on their dental/gum problems responding to MMS, I would suggest trying a teaspoon full of pure elemental nano-silver sol as a post brushing mouthwash, gargle and swallow. It will eliminate pathogenic bacteria in the mouth. Gum problems will clear in a few days and bad breath, cankers, as well as dental carries will become a thing of the past.

This brand of silver was also EPA approved for sterilization of dental clinic water lines (one of four EPA approvals to date). That is the dentist's water that you rinse your mouth with during and after oral procedures. This approval was not issued without verification of the volumes of safety studies which were included in the original application.

This product is made by American Biotech Labs (ABL). It is sold by numerous private label concerns under a variety of brand names and multi-level marketing programs, but ASAP and Silver Biotics are the original ABL brandings. Silver Biotics is the label intended for brick and mortar retail, and can be found in vitamin and health food stores everywhere. Our website educates about and distributes the original ASAP branding. Our compilation of summaries of the numerous safety studies can be found here: _http://www.lifesilver.com/safety.htm

Until Humble, et al, can produce any credible, independent research, aside from anecdotal stories, to support their MMS claims, I remain open, but somewhat skeptical about both the safety and efficacy of their creation. The fact that MMS has been available for a few years now, and has yet to attract the interest of the legitimate medical research community does not bode well. It would certainly be reassuring to see some corroboration of Humble's claims coming from somewhere other than sources with a vested financial interest, which is all I have been able to find to date.
Re: Miracle Mineral Solution-Chlorine Dioxide

Rabelais said:
Having investigated MMS, a few years ago, when it became the darling panacea cure-all of the internet, I found no, none, zero credible science to back any of Humble's somewhat extravagant claims.

I think it is interesting that this is exactly what is said by those who oppose the use of colloidal silver. Just pointing out that any and all alternative medicinal products are described as you've described MMS above.

r said:
As an enthusiastic proponent for nano-catalytic silver hydrosols, which already accomplish everything that Humble claims MMS will, but has reams of credible, independent science supporting its safety, non-toxicity and efficacy, I was astonished to find my inbox clogged with inquiries about MMS, from people who should know better.

Yes, and your emotional investment is apparent. It's also odd that you seem to be suggesting an 'either or' situation - as if the fact that colloidal silver IS effective means that MMS is not. That's illogical - but when one is emotionally invested, illogical is usually the result.

r said:
MMS may do what Humble claims that it does, but until I see some safety studies and clinical research, I grudgingly have to concede that this is probably one example where the quackbusters may have it right. Chlorine, in any form, is best not put into our bodies.

Could you provide some clinical research to prove this? ;) I'm just curious because your thinking seems to be a bit emotionally weighted in this post and I'm wondering why.

r said:
For those in this thread who commented on their dental/gum problems responding to MMS, I would suggest trying a teaspoon full of pure elemental nano-silver sol as a post brushing mouthwash, gargle and swallow. It will eliminate pathogenic bacteria in the mouth. Gum problems will clear in a few days and bad breath, cankers, as well as dental carries will become a thing of the past.

Again - why are you proposing that it's 'either or'???

r said:
This brand of silver was also EPA approved for sterilization of dental clinic water lines (one of four EPA approvals to date). That is the dentist's water that you rinse your mouth with during and after oral procedures. This approval was not issued without verification of the volumes of safety studies which were included in the original application.

This product is made by American Biotech Labs (ABL). It is sold by numerous private label concerns under a variety of brand names and multi-level marketing programs, but ASAP and Silver Biotics are the original ABL brandings. Silver Biotics is the label intended for brick and mortar retail, and can be found in vitamin and health food stores everywhere. Our website educates about and distributes the original ASAP branding. Our compilation of summaries of the numerous safety studies can be found here: _http://www.lifesilver.com/safety.htm[/qutoe]

The above is basically an advertisement. Now, in this particular situation, it's commonly known that the product you are pitching is a good product - so not sure why you feel the need to 'pitch it' as if MMS is a major competitor or something (perhaps it is?). Also, considering the reputation and history of the EPA, not sure I'd really tout that as proof of anything - but, then again, I think silver biotics stands on its own merit - as does MMS, for certain, very specific, applications. Silver Biotics, to my understanding is certainly more applicable in a wide variety of situations.

r said:
Until Humble, et al, can produce any credible, independent research, aside from anecdotal stories, to support their MMS claims, I remain open, but somewhat skeptical about both the safety and efficacy of their creation. The fact that MMS has been available for a few years now, and has yet to attract the interest of the legitimate medical research community does not bode well. It would certainly be reassuring to see some corroboration of Humble's claims coming from somewhere other than sources with a vested financial interest, which is all I have been able to find to date.
I hate to point out the obvious, but the above paragraph could have been written about colloidal silver - just replace MMS with colloidal silver and you'd have what 90-95% of all Westerners on this planet say about colloidal silver. I realize you're 'in the business' so you might not realize that - but, just in case you didn't know, MMS and any form of colloidal sliver (even the effective silver biotics) have pretty much exactly the same reputation 'on the street'. Hopefully that will change.

Again, just pointing out that it is not an 'either or' situation, as you seem to be suggesting in several places, and I don't mean to be harsh, but this post sounds like a pitch that basically reads, 'if you use MMS, stop and use my product instead!'. I just don't think it's necessarily an either or situation - or that the 'anecdotal' evidence that MMS is effective in certain situations should be dismissed out of hand.

I'd like to note that I've warned several times on this forum to be very careful using MMS due to its possible side effects, and due to the fact that it is a very, very strong remedy (I use colloidal silver and not MMS). However, since my boss's son survived severe dysentery in very rural Chile this past Spring due to MMS, I can't really say that the anecdotal evidence is not convincing. Would he have survived if he had silver biotics handy? Probably! But - again, I don't think it's an either or situation and I think your investment (emotional and financial) in silver biotics might be influencing your thinking on this. fwiw.
Re: Miracle Mineral Solution-Chlorine Dioxide

Rabelais said:
MMS may do what Humble claims that it does, but until I see some safety studies and clinical research, I grudgingly have to concede that this is probably one example where the quackbusters may have it right. Chlorine, in any form, is best not put into our bodies.

I have read the two books of Jim Humble and he would like very much that some studies and clinical research be done on MMS but he says that he does not have the money to do it and that the Big Pharma will not pay for it because if it is true they are going to loose a lot of money.

Moreover, according to his books and to his website, he seems to have very good results in Africa where he is working and curing people of Malaria.

I see MMS and colloidal silver as two ways to help us in keeping our health. Is one better than the other one? I do not know?. Is the saw more useful that the hammer? I guess it depends of what you want to do.
Re: Miracle Mineral Solution-Chlorine Dioxide

Rabelais said:
Having investigated MMS, a few years ago, when it became the darling panacea cure-all of the internet, I found no, none, zero credible science to back any of Humble's somewhat extravagant claims.
Can you post what you found in your research?

MMS is good for some things and Silver is too. It's not an either/or situation as Anart pointed out. Your post really sounds like a sales job, Rabelais. Have you read Jim Humble's books?

As far as research in support of MMS, Humble wrote the following:

Jim Humble said:
Chapter 19- Research Needed

Of course research is need, billions of dollars worth of research. This is the most effective medicine
that has ever been invented up to this time. We must know what is the maximum dose for every
kind of disease that exists. We must know when to use it intravenously and when not to. We must
know when it will cure cancer and when it will not. We must know if there are any bacterial diseases or virus diseases that it is not effective against and why. We only know, at this point, that it cures many things. The amount of knowledge is a tiny bit of what we should know.

Anyone interested in research should contact me. Up to this point I have the most experience with the MMS, however, there is no doubt that many medical men will know more about it than me after I describe what I know to them. Medical men and alternate medicine people need to begin working with it, as many lives can be saved and much suffering can be alleviated. I am definitely willing to tell all I can to anyone doing research.

The drug companies have a great deal of technology that could be used with the MMS. One important research would be to develop carriers that can carry the chlorine dioxide deeper into the body before it is released. Thus possibly getting to some of those incurable diseases that have not been touched so far (as far as we know). However, the chances of getting the drug companies to do such a thing are very slim. Their thinking has always been to make the patient feel more comfortable by eliminate some or most of the symptoms, because that will never cure the patient and thus you can continue to sell the drug for a long time. I suppose we couldn’t keep them from improving the formula if they decided to do so. But they don’t deserve to do so because they will sell the results as some sort of drugs for hundreds or thousands of dollars.

We’ll see how that works out. I know that there are those who are doing a certain amount of research at this
time. I hope they will keep it up and maybe help inform the public. If you have read Chapter 13 you do know that there is some research going on or maybe by the time this book is published that phase of the research will be completed.
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