Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 Crashes in Ukraine

Found this post on Facebook. I've no idea if it is true or fake

Paul Pienaar
Sat ·
How about these tweets of Carlos the Kiev Air Traffic controller that was on duty when MH17 was shot down. Very interesting is it not............

Here is a series of TWEETS from Carlos the KIEV AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLER throughout the day of July 17th.

Some shocking information here and some you dont expect:He was an eye witness.

Kiev ordered it . It appears as though there is a COUP planned to overthrow Poroshenko.

Spanish Air Controller @ Kiev Borispol Airport: Ukraine Military Shot Down Boeing ‪#‎MH17‬
Eyewitness Accounts July 18, 2014 Comments: 5
Translated from Spanish by Luis Lopez
Source: Tweets by Spanish Air Controller – @spainbuca

10:21 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Autoridades de kiev, intentan hacer que pueda parecer un ataque de los pro-rusos
“Kiev Authorities, trying to make looks like an attack by pro-Russian”

10:24 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Ojo! Que puede ser un derribo B777 Malaysia Airlines en ukraine, 280 pasajeros
“warning! It can be a downing, Malaysia Airlines B777 in ukraine, 280 passengers”

10:25 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Cuidado! Kiev tiene lo que buscaba
“Warning! Kiev have what they wanted”

10:25 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Vuelven a tomar la torre de control en Kiev
“[Miitary] has taken control of ATC in Kiev”

10:27 – 17 de jul. de 2014 El avión B777 de Malaysia Airlines desapareció del radar, no hubo comunicación de ninguna anomalia, confirmado
“The Malaysia Airlines B777 plane disappeared from the radar, there was no communication of any anomaly, confirmed”

10:30 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Avión derribado, derribados, derribado no accidente
“Plane shot down, shot down, shot down, no accident”

10:31 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Kiev, tiene lo que buscaba, lo dije en los primeros tw, kiev es responsable @ActualidadRT
“Kiev have what they wanted, I said in the first tw [Tweets], Kiev is responsible @ ActualidadRT”

10:35 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Un accidente muy normal no es, no están amenazando en la misma torre del aeropuerto de kiev,
“An accident that is not quite normal, they are threatening us in the same tower of Kiev airport”

10:35 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Nos van a quitar, nuestros tlf y demás de un momento a otro
“they will take from our phones and others stuff at any moment”

10:38 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Antes de que me quiten el tlf o me rompan la cabeza, derribado por Kiev
“Before They remove my phone or they break my head, shot down by Kiev”

11:12 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Nosotros tenemos la confirmación. Avión derribado, la autoridad de kiev, ya tiene la información, derribado, estamos tranquilos ahora
“We have confirmation. Plane downed, Kiev authorities already have the information, downed, we are calm now”

11:13 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Que hace personal extranjero con autoridades de kiev en la torre? Recopilando toda la información
“What are doing foreigners with kiev authorities in the tower? Gathering all the information”

11:15 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Cuando sea posible sigo escribiendo
“When possible I´ll keep writing”

11:48 – 17 de jul. de 2014 El avión B 777 voló escoltado por 2 cazas de ukraine hasta minutos antes, de desaparecer de los radares,
The B777 plane flew escorted by Ukraine jet fighter until 2 minutes before disappearing from the radar,

11:54 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Sí las autoridades de kiev, quieren decir la verdad, esta recogido 2 cazas volaron muy cerca minutos antes , no lo derribo un caza
“If kiev authorities want to tell the truth, It´s gathered, 2 jet fighters flew very close minutes before, wasn’t downed by a fighter”

12:00 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Nada más desaparecer el avión B 777 de Malaysia Airlines la autoridad militar de kiev nos informo del derribo, como lo sabían?
“Malaysia Airlines B777 plane just disappeared and Kiev military authority informed us of the downing, How they knew?”

12:00 – 17 de jul. de 2014 A los 7:00 minutos se notificó el derribo, más tarde se tomó la torre nuestra con personal extranjero q siguen aquí
“7:00 minutes after [plane dissapeared], the downing was notified, later our tower was taken with foreigner staff, they still here ”

12:01 – 17 de jul. de 2014 En los radares esta todo recogido, para los incrédulos, derribado por kiev, aquí lo sabemos y control aéreo militar también
“all this is gathered in radars, to the unbelieving, shot down by kiev, here we know it and military air traffic control also”

13:15 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Aquí los mandos militares manejan y admiten que militares a otras órdenes, pudieron ser, pero no, los pro-rusos
“Here the military commanders manage and support it could be military following other orders , but no, the pro-Russian”

13:29 – 17 de jul. de 2014 El ministro del interior si conocía que, hacían los cazas en la zona, el ministro de defensa no, .
“Interior Minister knew what the fighters were doing in the area, the defense minister didn’t.”

13:31 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Militares confirman que fue ukraine, pero se sigue sin saber de donde vino la orden
“Military confirm It was Ukraine, but still does not know where the order came from”

13:36 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Hace dias lo dije aquí, militares de kiev querían alzarse contra el actual presidente, esto puede ser una forma, a las órdenes de timoshenko
“Days ago I said here, kiev military wanted to rise against the current president, this may be a way, ordered by timoshenko [following timishenko orders]”


13:38 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Los cazas volaron cerca del 777, hasta 3 minutos antes de desaparecer de los radares, solo 3 minutos
“The fighters flew close to 777, up to 3 minutes before disappearing from the radar, just 3 minutes”

13:43 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Se cierra el espacio aéreo
“Airspace closed”

13:45 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Se cierra el espacio aéreo, por miedo a más derribos
“Airspace is closed, more downings feared”

15:17 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Control militar entrega ahora mismo de forma oficial que el avión fue derribado por misil
“military control now officially [say] the plane was shot down by missile”

15:23 – 17 de jul. de 2014 El informe oficial firmado por las autoridades militares de control de kiev ya lo tiene el gobierno,,,, , derribado
“Government has the official report signed by the control military authorities in Kiev,,,, [plane] shot down”

15:26 – 17 de jul. de 2014 En el informe se indica de donde abría salido el misil, y se especifica que no proviene de las autodefensa en las zonas rebeldes
“The report indicates where the missile had come out [from], and specified is not from the selfdefence in rebel areas”

15:34 – 17 de jul. de 2014Los radares militares si recogieron los datos del misil lanzado al avión, los radares civiles no
“Military radar collected data from missile fired to the plane, civilian radars didn’t”

15:36 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Los altos mandos militares no ordenaron el lanzamiento del misil, ,,alguien se le fue la mano en nombre de ukraine
“military high command did not gave the order to fire the missile, someone screw it ine the name of ukraine”

15:38 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Para el que no lo sepa, digamos así, hay militares a las órdenes del ministro de defensa y militares a las órdenes del ministro del interior
“For those who do not know, Let’s say, there are military under the orders of the defense minister and military under the orders of Interior Minister”

15:38 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Los militares a las órdenes del ministro del interior conocían en cada momento lo que sucedió, .
“The military under the orders of Interior Minister knew what happened all the time .”

16:06 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Mandos militares aquí (ATC) torre de control, confirman que el misil es del ejercito de ukraine,
“Military commanders here (ATC) control tower, confirm that the missile is from the ukranian army,”

16:07 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Mandos militares que si lo sabían y otros mandos que no,
“military commanders that knew it and others didn´t ,”

16:08 – 17 de jul. de 2014 290 personas inocentes muertas, . Por una guerra inútil, donde el patriotismo se compra con dinero
“290 dead innocent people. What a useless war, where patriotism is bought with money”

16:09 – 17 de jul. de 2014 La forma de tomar la torre de control minutos después sabiendo todo los detalles, rápido nos hizo pensar que habían sido ellos
“Thw way the control tower was taken minutes after & knowing all the details, made us think that they [made it]”

16:10 – 17 de jul. de 2014 La cara de los militares que llegaron más tarde diciendo pero que habéis echo, no dejo dudas
“The face of the soldiers who came later saying [what you just did], no chance for doubts”

16:12 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Es tal la decadencia que los militares acompañados de extranjeros que llegaron primero nos llegaron a pedir que dijéramos su versión
“Such is the decline that military who came first accompanied by foreigners came to us asking us to tell their version”

16:13 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Nuestra respuesta, fue, estos radares no recogen el lanzamiento de misiles, los militares si, ya no quedaban dudas
“Our response was, these radars do not collect the launching of missiles, the military ones does, there were no doubts
3 people like this.
Mieke Heesakkers Ripke say the least..........
1 · Yesterday at 7:05am
By Anthony Cartalucci

The headlines regarding MH17 emanating from the West are the most outrageous,
irresponsible, hate-driven, dangerous propaganda I have ever read.

"Putin's Missile," "Putin Killed My Son," "With Jet’s Fall, War in Ukraine Becomes Global," -
the headlines ... penned with absolutely no evidence at all to back up any of the claims ...
echo the vitriolic war propaganda that inundated the global public when NATO gassed thousands of
Syrians in Damascus in August 2013 - now confirmed to be a false flag.

Remember these headlines? "Bashar al-Assad kills 1,300 in Syrian nerve gas attack,"
"French president accuses Syria’s Assad of gassing his own citizens," and
"Obama: Syria changed when Assad gassed citizens."

When it turned out NATO's regional partners had supplied terrorists with sarin and
they were the ones behind the attack, the incident, despite allegedly killing over a
thousand people and leaving many more ill, disappeared from headlines and is rarely if
ever mentioned again. The "evidence" promised by the West never materialized and the
UN NEVER determined who carried it out.

I will say that right now there is very little evidence to say what happened in Ukraine with
flight MH17 - all I can do is look at what is most probable and wait for real evidence to emerge.
What I am CERTAIN of however, is what the West is claiming - without evidence - are
fabrications, lies, propaganda, and all fitting precisely the same diseased distortions used in
their attempts to justify military intervention in Syria.

Remember how close it came? Imagine if they succeeded in launching an attack on
Syria with what we now know about Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar's involvement in
arming terrorists with sarin to carry out the August 2013 attack...
I just received this on FB. It appears to be pretty compehensively researched with many things we already knew. However it could also be another angle to review re US/Israel likelihood of involvement in all this anyway. They are connecting the two episodes.

MH370: Evidence Suggests a Naval Intelligence / Israeli

...... snip.

There are several different ways that a false flag attack involving two identical Malaysian Airlines 777’s could have been undertaken, but now that the plan has been exposed we will probably never know what was actually being planned. However, one possible scenario is that GAT’s Malaysian 777 in Tel Aviv was undergoing retrofitting for the operation that probably included such things as automated flight systems, Iranian/Russian parts, explosives, etc. The Malaysian Airlines name would be painted back on the plane and it would be used in another 9/11-type attack. MH370 would be disassembled at Diego Garcia and identifying parts would be placed at the crash site of the substitute plane suggesting that it was indeed MH370 and that the Iranians had retrofitted it for the operation.

Naval intelligence’s fingerprints are all over MH370’s disappearance, from it’s likely flight path to Diego Garcia to Abdol Moabery’s possible involvement in the Navy Intelligence. The fact that GAT had an identical Malaysian Airlines 777 sitting in a hangar in Tel Aviv is another long shot coincidence that is too hard to ignore. US and Israeli intelligence do not think inside the box and they were apparently up to some of their old tricks in the case of MH370. With hundreds of one-ton bunker buster bombs sitting in Diego Garcia dying to be used, the temptation of using them and attacking the second most significant oil rich country in the world was apparently too much for the US military and Israel to resist. Now that Plan A has been foiled, we’ll now have to wait awhile to see what Plan B has in store.
I think Putin's reaction is probably the most telling - he did not rule out that the rebels are responsible and did not directly blame Ukraine. If Russia had any radar or satellite proof of Ukrainian involvement, they would have presented it. So it seems that in Moscow they also think the rebels did it.

Also, here is a screenshot of a news story from March 2014 from a clearly pro-Western Ukrainian news site (in Russian):


It shows several Ukrainian "Buk" surface-to-air missiles in the Donezk region already back in March - even though Ukraine denies having any of these missiles in this region.
axj said:
I think Putin's reaction is probably the most telling - he did not rule out that the rebels are responsible and did not directly blame Ukraine. If Russia had any radar or satellite proof of Ukrainian involvement, they would have presented it. So it seems that in Moscow they also think the rebels did it.

Also, here is a screenshot of a news story from March 2014 from a clearly pro-Western Ukrainian news site (in Russian):

It shows several Ukrainian "Buk" surface-to-air missiles in the Donezk region already back in March - even though Ukraine denies having any of these missiles in this region.

well you found, WHAT source to quote! :) - most deceitful, totalitarian and vilest junta online newspaper. ALL Ukrainian mass media belong to Jewish and nazi oligarchs of Ukraine, and practically all their servers are in the USA and Germany.
Here in Bavaria they write that 80 children were on this plane. So sad (if its true). They never had a chance and not much of a life.

About 100 of the 283 passengers were heading to the International AIDS Conference in Melbourne. So 80 children out of 183 other passangers is quite a lot IMO. So there were either a lot of families with children on this flight or there was a group of travelling children (school class/classes?). Those dead children could also be used for PTB propaganda IMO. I could find details about 5 of the children and that there were 3 infants killed but nothing about the others only the number.


Edit: I ask myself if this plane could have met a comet.
Laura said:
In the recently released 1st volume of the Cs' transcripts, annotated, there is this passage and my notes:

Ukraine explosion; chemical or nuclear. [1] Hawaii crash; aviation, possibly involving military. [..]

Earlier in the book I discuss the problems of prophecy, especially prophesying many years in advance coupled with the abstract nature of transdensity communications. But looking now at this new Malaysian (Pacific region as is Hawaii) crash "possibly involving military" for sure, it just makes me wonder.

I do think these are marker events.

You demonstrated life choices in your video and you & Pierre wrote about nodal points using Figure 264: Illustration of diverging personal timelines.

All predictions belonging to any possible potent future are very useful, I think, because the warning can spur people into action, further increasing the distance between us and the future event so it eventually doesn't happen.

Even if we get a prediction that belongs to a future-node that is less likely to happen in this universe, and more likely in one of our parallels.

It would be useful to type in a prediction - coming from persons - into a computer and if it is on the horizon of even the remotest futures - so its valid for any parallels too - a red blip would appear on the radar screen. In case of typing in fake predictions (wishful or just a result of panic / hystery) the machine would remain silent.
Lumiere_du_Code said:
axj said:
I think Putin's reaction is probably the most telling - he did not rule out that the rebels are responsible and did not directly blame Ukraine. If Russia had any radar or satellite proof of Ukrainian involvement, they would have presented it. So it seems that in Moscow they also think the rebels did it.

Also, here is a screenshot of a news story from March 2014 from a clearly pro-Western Ukrainian news site (in Russian):

It shows several Ukrainian "Buk" surface-to-air missiles in the Donezk region already back in March - even though Ukraine denies having any of these missiles in this region.

well you found, WHAT source to quote! :) - most deceitful, totalitarian and vilest junta online newspaper. ALL Ukrainian mass media belong to Jewish and nazi oligarchs of Ukraine, and practically all their servers are in the USA and Germany.

Which just means that THEY admitted it themselves that they had the "Buk" missiles in this area already back in March.
Carlos the Spanish ATC said:
“Interior Minister knew what the fighters were doing in the area, the defense minister didn’t.”

Right here 'Carlos' exposes himself as an agent. There is no way 'some random ATC guy at Kiev airport' could know this.

People are quoting him because he 'presents the alternative view in support of Russia'... but he also supports the assumption (which it still is) that the plane was shot down by a missile.

There is still ZERO evidence that MH17 was taken down by a missile.
Apparently 'Carlos' first popped up in May, giving this interview to RT-Spanish:

Could somebody please translate that article and video interview?
Kniall said:
Apparently 'Carlos' first popped up in May, giving this interview to RT-Spanish:

Could somebody please translate that article and video interview?

This is the translation of the article:

A Spanish in Ukraine receive death threats for his opinion about the crisis.

Expressing yourself about Ukraine might bring along a foreign citizen to be force to run from Kiev to save his life. It is the case of a Spanish air controller that was threaten by Maidan.

Carlos who was speaking with RT under the condition to be anonymous tells that he received threats even if he does not have any interest in being a whistler blower. “I have my opinion and my point of vue like anyone with an independent work ( not attach to) to the media neither to any political party or association.”

He told that he had a death threat, to send him to a “certain battalion”, and throw him out of the country. “They asked for my death because I gave personal opinion quiet different then theirs”.

The air controller worked for 5 years in Ukraine, tells that one day he got a visit from the foreign services from an European embassy, who told him that he had to exit his family from the country within 24 hours. “That’s what I did, I send my wife and daughter right away.”

“I did not do anything wrong. I was born in a free country and I lived all my life in a democracy and I can not understand that a person that express his opinion is threaten”, he told.

Concerning the situation of the Ukrainians Carlos thinks that it is impossible for the West and the East to live peacefully. “People hate too much specially in Kiev.” And he adds: “They do not want the conflict to stop because they don’t have anything else to do.”
axj said:
Which just means that THEY admitted it themselves that they had the "Buk" missiles in this area already back in March.

it yes, only now the junta tells the opposite.
Russian military department from satellites found 27 ukrainian missiles Buk, strapped in that region.
loreta said:
Kniall said:
Apparently 'Carlos' first popped up in May, giving this interview to RT-Spanish:

Could somebody please translate that article and video interview?

This is the translation of the article:

A Spanish in Ukraine receive death threats for his opinion about the crisis.

Expressing yourself about Ukraine might bring along a foreign citizen to be force to run from Kiev to save his life. It is the case of a Spanish air controller that was threaten by Maidan.

Carlos who was speaking with RT under the condition to be anonymous tells that he received threats even if he does not have any interest in being a whistler blower. “I have my opinion and my point of vue like anyone with an independent work ( not attach to) to the media neither to any political party or association.”

He told that he had a death threat, to send him to a “certain battalion”, and throw him out of the country. “They asked for my death because I gave personal opinion quiet different then theirs”.

The air controller worked for 5 years in Ukraine, tells that one day he got a visit from the foreign services from an European embassy, who told him that he had to exit his family from the country within 24 hours. “That’s what I did, I send my wife and daughter right away.”

“I did not do anything wrong. I was born in a free country and I lived all my life in a democracy and I can not understand that a person that express his opinion is threaten”, he told.

Concerning the situation of the Ukrainians Carlos thinks that it is impossible for the West and the East to live peacefully. “People hate too much specially in Kiev.” And he adds: “They do not want the conflict to stop because they don’t have anything else to do.”

Thanks Loreta.

Here's another side to that story:

Full reply from Spanish embassy to The Spain Report via e-mail on the existence of "Carlos, @spainbuca, the Spanish air traffic controller" in Ukraine:

"This is not the first time we have been asked about him. This "Carlos" was also active during the Maidán revolution in Ukraine.

We have no knowledge of "Carlos" having been in Ukraine. There is no record of his passing through the Consulate, and no one from the (relatively small) Spanish colony knows him.

The airport where he supposedly worked for several years told us at the time that all of their air traffic controllers are Ukranian, and that in any case they have never employed any Spaniard for that or any other task.

Furthermore, the last information he was posting before the airline tragedy was of the same sort. He was saying, for example, that he lived in Kiev and had been threatened by radical extreme-right elements. No Spaniard or national of another country - to my knowledge - has ever been threatened in this country."
Use someone else's grief - is unacceptable and despicable

Yesterday the speaker of Council of national defense and safety of Ukraine declared the next scandalous and disgusting lie:
"Fighters" steal personal belongings of victims and withdraw money from their credit cards.

So the junta officially slandered the message on a website of the Netherlands that the Dutch banks closed accounts of victims.
Kiev shows again the demonic essence, turning reality inside out, pursuing the aim to bleach itself and to blacken the opponents - militants.

Here is a video about it in Russian:

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