Q source / Qanon

Rhythmik said:
This has gone beyond the point of someone just playing games.

It seems to me that if there was really someone trying to leak info, they wouldn't take the time to make a bunch of codes and puzzles, they'd just get to the freakin' point!

The same could be asked of the C's. Why don't they just give us all the direct answers right now? Why do they tell us to learn?

It's a valid question, but perhaps not a fair comparison. The difference is that the C's are an experiment started by Laura - she made the contact, she initiated the conversation, and that already means it's not reasonable to have "expectations" for what you will get back. It's like if you showed up at my house and rang the doorbell, I'd expect a clear and concise explanation for what you want, but I'm under no such obligation. If I showed up at your house and rang your doorbell, it's not your responsibility to give me exactly what I want and how I want it.

The other part is that we're talking about a less "nuts and bolts" subject matter with the C's. They are "separated" from our reality/3d perspective by several layers (densities) of abstraction. As they have said before, information has to travel "down" through 5th and 4th densities and finally makes it to 3rd, also passing through our subconscious mind on its way to the board. So this presents a unique challenge, it's like you trying to explain something to a dog who then has to pass it along to the leaf, which passes it to a rock. A lot of such information takes the form of symbolism and gross simplification for our consumption, and we're lucky it's decipherable at all!

I understand what you're saying, but humans can talk to each other frankly and directly pretty easily. We gotta ask the question - what's the purpose of being cryptic? Usually code is used to hide the message from those it is not meant for, but can be easily unlocked by the intended audience. If the general public is the intended audience, why make people jump through hoops? And as Joe says, if it has multiple interpretations, is it useful? If the code is consistently decipherable, and anyone can reliably convert it into plain English with no possibility for multiple meanings, then why bother with a code?

The only thing I can think of us that the communicator creates multiple possible interpretations of his clues, and therefore can't be accused of explicitly "revealing" secrets because he can plausibly deny ever actually saying anything particular - it was simply "interpreted". And if that's the case, we're back to "but how do we know what was really meant" problem - and whether any given interpretation is right, or any future event only coincidentally matches a specific interpretation. This also keeps it out of "mainstream" attention - because it's so obfuscated you can't ever be sure anyone is actually leaking anything, it may as well be just a prank, and everyone is chasing rainbows and seeing what they wanna see.

As it stands, it's a curiosity. But I think too many people are already taking it on faith as "truth" due to wishful thinking, and would be served by being more critical and impartial. Their conviction that Trump and his posse are on their side makes them more likely to get excited, intrigued, and invested. And who knows, maybe that's the point. The PTB are known to tell the truth when it suits them, especially if it's little crumbs just to keep people hopeful. Reminds me of the NESARA thing.
SAO said:
... it may as well be just a prank, and everyone is chasing rainbows and seeing what they wanna see.

This could be the case of a confirmation bias playing out here.

I can see the dynamic as "puzzles" thrown out there so people can then interpret them as they want, with the downside of furthering an eco-chamber. And it could just prevent looking at any other possibility as plausible or reasonable.
Joe said:
I don't think we do know what's going on there.
The Storm Is the New Pizzagate — Only Worse

That article seems to be a good summary of the situation.

Do you consider Pizzagate/Pedogate a hoax? I thought that it was accepted by most of us here that it was a legitimate scandal based on the rituals of abuse by the elites. The MSM cover-up was also quite obvious. Joe I deeply respect your opinions and research, and if you've taken an honest, objective look at Q's messages/predictions and still consider it a load of hogwash then I can understand that too. But I also do my research and think critically and I would not have brought this up if it was some random LARPer. Even if it is, this Q has created a movement which is inspiring more people to wake up and most importantly to start using their brains and to do their own research.

SAO said:
As it stands, it's a curiosity. But I think too many people are already taking it on faith as "truth" due to wishful thinking, and would be served by being more critical and impartial. Their conviction that Trump and his posse are on their side makes them more likely to get excited, intrigued, and invested. And who knows, maybe that's the point. The PTB are known to tell the truth when it suits them, especially if it's little crumbs just to keep people hopeful. Reminds me of the NESARA thing.

What if it's true? Could we be missing some important information? His messages have definitely caused me to think of possibilities that I hadn't previously. I agree that too many people have gone "all in" with this but I am definitely going to follow along and listen to what he has to say, especially considering the predictions that he has made that have come to fruition. This source has made a lot of very intelligent people take notice for better or for worse.

I would be profoundly appreciative if you could take the time to ask the C's for what they think about all this.
Rhythmik said:
I would be profoundly appreciative if you could take the time to ask the C's for what they think about all this.

I think it's way more interesting to trawl through the stuff and find interesting things.

Look what turned up today:


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Indeed. There's enough info there, with and without all of the decoding, that it takes some digestion to even begin to properly formulate a C's question other than just asking, "Who/what is Q?"

Quite a few people who've spent time looking into it have dismissed the idea that it's a LARP (Live Action Role Player, i.e. "hoax", someone having fun or messing around). Setting that possibility aside for the moment leaves the possibility that it is indeed a person/group/AI with access to high-level info, releasing it to the public for a purpose with a desired outcome. Whatever that outcome is, if it's as big as it's claimed to be, it could very much relate to the highly anticipated, currently propagating Wave.
meta-agnostic said:
Indeed. There's enough info there, with and without all of the decoding, that it takes some digestion to even begin to properly formulate a C's question other than just asking, "Who/what is Q?"

Quite a few people who've spent time looking into it have dismissed the idea that it's a LARP (Live Action Role Player, i.e. "hoax", someone having fun or messing around). Setting that possibility aside for the moment leaves the possibility that it is indeed a person/group/AI with access to high-level info, releasing it to the public for a purpose with a desired outcome. Whatever that outcome is, if it's as big as it's claimed to be, it could very much relate to the highly anticipated, currently propagating Wave.

One upside is people are doing all kinds of research as a result, and connecting all kinds of dots. They may not always be right, but there's a serious group effort being made to dig up all kinds of data and see how it fits. I think pizzagate is probably true (psychopaths do this stuff routinely), though the pizzagate evidence itself just wasn't solid or a smoking gun, although it was really weird and interesting.

The possibility that it's an AI seems to be largely promoted by this guy:

I've seen several videos and it just doesn't seem convincing - he's being very sly about not giving actual evidence of this Tyler AI thing, holding that carrot on a stick stringing people along. I'm not sold on that theory.

One nagging thought I had about this whole situation, is that Trump appears to have given in to the deep state based on some of his actions. The C's did indicate at some point that he's just giving the wolf a piece of meat and playing along and biding his time, although they've also more recently indicated that he's been co-opted. But again, I do wonder to what degree. Another possibility is that he had no "choice" but to give in, in order to keep things stable (no assassination, etc), and tasked others to continue the behind the scenes fight with his more passive support. Clearly all kinds of things are happening behind the scenes, and it's really hard to know who is really doing what and why, considering there are layers of motivations and disguises and "spy vs spy" scenarios, etc.

We have psychopaths pretending to be good guys (mask of sanity), good guys pretending to be psychopaths, and lots of other scenarios. It seems that often we won't really know the good guys except in retrospect, like when Seth Rich (probably) leaked the Podesta emails, etc. So I'd imagine any other good guys would be pretty well hidden and disguised - strategic enclosure and all that, so they can accomplish whatever they're doing. And that also means if one of them decided to leak stuff, it would probably be plausibly deniable, but also provide evidence of not being just another troll, but subtly enough that it isn't proof - or it would garner too much unwanted attention (the MSM would take interest then). And nothing that would get you suicided. It would require some finesse for sure.

So yeah, we live in interesting times.
The C's have said, "help is on the way". Do we know what "help" would look like? Will we recognize it when it arrives? I hope it isn't only coming from comets. It isn't going to be Jesus, or some other savior, but it might be other humans getting people to research and think. I don't know what is going on behind the scenes :/ - I think the Q thing is interesting, so I am just going to watch and see how it unfolds.
Laura said:
I think it's way more interesting to trawl through the stuff and find interesting things.

Yes definitely, and the posts are becoming increasingly interesting (and hectic)
From today:

[quote author=Q]The light will reveal those on the team and those pretending to be.
This is not a game.
They want us divided.
Last posts [self destruction] will immediately show the world the TRUTH.
Instructions will be sent on how to preserve offline.
You didn’t think this was simply about words did you?
We have it all.
Coming soon to a theater near you.Q[/quote]

Implying an imminent, highly-incriminating data dump (pictures/videos?)

also https://qcodefag.github.io/data/images/4941f16fc9d343311d7837e8692c3cd5e41384239e3449839715e05004b636b8.png

So I'm not really concerned with the actual identity of the source, just more so if they are at the level that they claim to be, and what are the broader ramifications of these messages and subsequent movement. We may find out soon.
Interesting how the Russian dossier seems to have been a key piece of the puzzle that set in motion massively corrupt actions that are only now beginning to unravel and be exposed. A good overview:


What the C’s said in March:

Q: (L) Okay, there is something I want to ask. You made the remark last session about 40 days between then and Trump's inauguration, including that we should expect shocking things or stuff that would give us chills up our spine. Rock and roll, and so forth... A number of people have complained that there was nothing so dramatically shocking.

(Galatea) Yeah, you guys are all talk and no show! [laughter]

(L) Well, I find that to be a little bit naive because there were some extremely shocking things. For me, the most shocking thing was for the intelligence services to come right out and DIRECTLY, in PUBLIC, frontally attack a president-elect before his inauguration with that dodgy dossier about the Russian hotel. I mean, those things are like evidence of something very deep and very ugly that is now emerging into plain view: the evil that has stayed in the shadows doesn’t fear exposure anymore. THAT gave me chills! It's like there is open warfare in the halls of the psychopaths and they don’t care who sees it or knows it because they are convinced that the programming of the public is complete.

A: Yes. Implications are serious and dramatic beyond what is immediately apparent. From our perspective, the import is indeed chilling. Watch how it all plays out. The irresistible force has met the immovable object. Who is more clever?

A year ago it just looked ugly and dirty, but the details are now starting to come out, and nobody knew just how bad the implications will be, especially since the dossier talk kinda dies down for most of the year, and now it’s back with a vengeance. At the current trajectory, especially if that memo is released and more details come out, it’s only about to get even crazier.

I mean it’s not surprising what was going on, but the fact that it’s now coming out is surprising to me. And that sure qualifies as another hit for the C’s.
angelburst29 said:
I'm also curious on the possible (identit(ies) of Q.

I need to apologize for the statement above!

Curiosity can be a good thing but it also has a down side. I also broke one of my "Golden Rules" - do unto others as you would want done unto you.

It's like "killing the messenger" when the focus should really be on the message and information it contains and if there is factual documentation to back it up?

Apparently, Q is in a sensitive position and for unknown reasons, has chosen a platform and the use of cryptic messages to alert the public to possible political developments. If this person or group "is on the level" and the messages turn out to hold substance and factual information, to "rat-out" the identity of the person or group - is to place them in possible danger? Considering the present political environment and some of the players involved, getting wiped out is a strong possibility, even for the slightest infraction, if it doesn't toll the line of the Deep State.
1/25/2018: Discussion on Q's POSTS FROM JAN 24th & 25th. Guest: Dr. Jerome Corsi

Corsi: All of these things that we're going through to try to decipher this, decode it, figure it out, they say "why doesn't Qanon just come out and say it?". Because if he came out and said it nobody would believe it, you've gotta go through this process he calls "redpilling", going through enough knowledge, enough information that your mind opens up and you begin to see things differently.

CBTS: I feel like it's almost a process of Q almost literally in a sense opening our eyes in a very very very gradual manner, and it has to be done that way because if our eyes just snap open we will be blinded. It's not something that you can just snap your eyes open and take it all in, you'll immediately flinch and look away, you can't stare at something so bright without adjusting/acclimating to it.

Corsi: Qanon is military intelligence. Whoever's writing Qanon has an advanced background in military intelligence, this is a military intelligence operation, and Q has said before and it's true - this much intelligence has never been shared with the American people ever before. I've read a lot of intelligence in my years of different kinds of projects and clearances, and I can tell you this is military intelligence at work at the highest level. Raw intelligence is not very useful, what intelligence is all about is the ablity to see the pattern, to do the analysis, to put the raw intelligence into a structure where a conclusion can be drawn and actions can be taken. That's what the Qanon is doing, and is being done masterfully by someone who is trained in the art, who was brilliant at it to begin with.

[quote author=Q]
Read slowly and carefully.
Will become critically important in coming weeks.
Continue to track those who are resigning across all platforms.
Where there was once darkness, there will now be LIGHT.
I think we should keep tracking and archiving the more interesting Q posts and pay attention to what is happening to see if there are validations. It sure is interesting!
From a few days ago:

[quote author=Q]TODAY, former President Barack HUSSEIN Obama formally retained counsel (9/WW).

A British anon asked if they could also clean up the UK and Q replied:
[quote author=Q]>>175603
May is neutralized.
MI6/SIS undergoing house cleaning.
Queen/monarchs seeking shelter.
These people are stupid.

Some of Q's claims/hints I found the most interesting:
Military intelligence is listening in on and thwarting/overthrowing the deep state.
NK is a shell country run by the CIA. Elon Musk of all people has been one aiding them with their rocket tech, which is why they now have ICBMs that can strike anywhere on the US mainland (the US would not have allowed NK to progress if they legit opposed it).
Hinted that a missile fired at Hawaii was intercepted.
Debbie Wasserman-Schulz had two MS-13 gangsters assassinate Seth Rich, who were then murdered to tie up loose ends.
7/10 plane crashes are not accidents.
Multiple planes that been turned back recently have been related to people fleeing the country.
The massive number of CEOs resigning is related to Trump's EO signed 12/21/17
"Estimated 4-6% we consider ‘hopeless' and forever brainwashed." :/
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