Questions and reflections relating to the preservation of knowledge


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
The preservation of knowledge is very important
Session 29 July 2023
(thorbiorn) Digitalization makes knowledge formerly written in books more accessible, but also more controllable and volatile, since digital storage mediums are more sensitive to electromagnetic disturbances and digital editing. How important is it for the preservation of knowledge to make efforts to preserve knowledge in books and printed matter?

A: Very!

Q: (L) So it's very important.

(thorbiorn) What is the most reliable way to preserve knowledge?

A: Carved in stone or written on wet clay and then baked.

Q: (Chu) Does anybody feel like transcribing "From Paul to Mark" on stone? Right. [laughter]

(Andromeda) Somewhere in a cave, or a cave wall!

(Scottie) "Secret History"! We're gonna need a big rock.

(L) Yeeeah.... [laughter] Well, it is true that those are the things that have survived for thousands of years.

(Andromeda) Yeah, the only things.

(L) And I guess the second would be the other method, which is writing on paper-like surfaces, you know, like vellum or sheep skin or whatever. And then recopying it at regular intervals. Carefully, because errors always come in when you copy.

(Andromeda) Yeah, so you have to have a trustworthy line of people to do that.

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Well, I'm sure there's probably some modern kind of laser inscribing on stone.

(L) Well, that might work.

(Joe) We could have that done, you know, do one of your books or something.

(L) Yeah, just do it with lasers.

(Joe) That would be a lot of stone, though.

(L) Yeah.
The above could raise questions like:
Which areas of knowledge should be the object of the greatest preservation efforts?
Are there any particular languages that are more essential than others as means for storing knowledge`?
Are there places on the planet that are more safe for storing knowledge?
Is it necessary to establish a line of trustworthy people?

Below is a selection of excerpts, some of which might motivate a discussion of the need to preserve knowledge, as well as efforts in that direction.

About the internet:
We once told you that your computers would overpower you.
Session 13 June 2015
But anyhow, one of the questions that came up was:
Can the internet be seen as a "window of opportunity"/"an experiment in human consciousnesses"?
(L) I don't exactly know what the person means... I guess it would be one or the other. Is it a window of opportunity, or is it an experiment in human consciousness?

A: We once told you that your computers would overpower you. Thus neither question is precisely to the point. Internet was initially manifested for practical purposes, then other applications were developed. It could be said that the "experiment" in consciousness appeared in reaction to more positive uses. At present the internet is more a source of confusion and propaganda than anything else. Thus the opening statement is fulfilled.

Q: (L) In other words, the overpowering of people by their computers would be the use of the internet for confusion and propaganda. Is that what we're getting at here?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So, people being taken over in their minds by disinformation, propaganda, lies and so forth on the computer are literally being taken over by their computers?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Okay, the next part of that question is:
Is the internet likely to end soon?
A: If you consider the ramifications of the previous answer, not likely until the power grid goes down.

Q: (L) In other words, why would they shut down something that so easily enables them to control the masses?

A: Exactly.

Q: (L) Next question:
Is the warning about not sharing too much electronically sound, or is it more a distraction that keeps us from "leaving the [frequency] fence"?
A: Again, we believe that we have addressed this in the past: "Walls have ears".

Q: (L) In other words, there really is no way to keep anything private from those powers that want or need it. If you're worried about privacy, you're only keeping things private from other individuals or from people hacking your password and getting into your bank account. But those are things that should normally be protected anyway. Warning people to get off the grid, to not share, and to not network with each other in order to keep the PTB in the dark seems to me to be offering a false sense of security and is otherwise counterproductive, all things considered.

(Perceval) The opportunity is there to use what the PTB are using - for nefarious purposes - to instead do some good via networking.

(L) Okay, next questions:
Are we going to see machines integrated in the body and a divide between people refusing and people wanting this integration?
(Galatea) Like cyborgs?

(L) I guess so.

(Pierre) Transhumanism.

A: This is already being done to some extent.

Q: (L) What about a divide between people refusing and people wanting this integration?

A: That suggests a state of advancement that will never be achieved.

Q: (L) Why will it never be achieved?

A: We refer you to previous information.

Q: (L) It won't be achieved because humanity is, in a certain sense, going to possibly become extinct. Is that approaching it?

A: Cleansing.

Q: (L) Does that refer to the session when you once said, "Nothing lasts forever, thank goodness"?

A: Yes!
But just because the PTB, do not like to close down the internet, does not mean that it can not happen.

Best plans fail?
Session 23 May 2020
(Artemis) There was the sulfur smell. Then there was also a glow in the sky that people are reporting. What about this glow in the sky?

A: EM energies stirring comet dust.

Q: (L) Well, I was just reading that the Earth's magnetic shield has dropped even lower, and it's causing problems with satellites. Is that going to be a big issue in the days to come?

A: Oh indeed. Best laid plans fail?

Q: (L) So in other words, the powers that be that are running the show aren't really as smart as they think they are...

A: Exactly.

Q: (L) They never counted on their satellites getting fried.

(Pierre) And other electronic equipment through which they monitor, control, and influence populations. It's a failing of the electronic control system.

A: Level playing field eventually. Just wait for the current to begin to flow!

Q: (L) So in other words, we're all going to get electrocuted!

(Pierre) That might be due to the fact that the magnetosphere protects the planet from most high-energy cosmic rays and other radiations. If you have no magnetic shield, the planet is open to any such radiation.

(Joe) Does that refer back to astronomical phenomena and the close passage of a large body that will cause the current to flow?

(Chu) Well, they said phenomena...

A: Close! Think of the grooves on Malta.

Q: (Pierre) They're talking of electromachining of the surface of the planet...

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) Electromachining means basically arcing...

(Joe) Moving lightning along the ground.

(Pierre) Long-lasting moving lightning.

(Joe) Chasing people!

(Andromeda) That's coming soon?

A: Soon enough.

Q: (L) Soon enough, but not right away.

(Pierre) Usually this electromachining occurs between our planet and a highly charge body like a comet. Will a comet be the source of these discharges?

(Joe) That's what I just asked.

A: Wait and see. That is not the only source of such phenomena!

Q: (Andromeda) So with all that stuff going on up in the sky it's probably a good thing there aren't so many people up in airplanes.

(Pierre) For all we know, the source might be even a craft. A big craft.
Another option is that the net continues, but information gets increasingly limited, as is already experienced with some search engines. In the past, children could inherit books from their parents, but they will not inherit an Amazon Kindle account.

On the subject of knowledge worth preserving, do some forms of knowledge become so obsolete they are not worth the trouble?
Session 7 November 1994
Q: (L) Who was Seth, channeled by Jane Roberts?

A: Higher plane earth spirit.

Q: (L) Were the teachings in the Seth material accurate and was that a good source?

A: Yes but rapidly becoming obsolete as you move toward new reality.
After all, we have museums for artefacts no longer in use, they are still a part of our history. Will some obsolete knowledge be stored in museums? Is it worth the effort?

A 1000 year period as 3D transition into 4D
Some say it is not a problem to preserve knowledge, because we will be in 4D, but from what I understand there is a transition phase. And the transition will take some time, meaning there is a gab where there can be more struggles between 4D STS and 4D STO
Session 4 April 2015
Q: (Pierre) Didn't in one session the C's describe the Wave process as what is called in the scriptures as the One Thousand Year period?

(L) No, I don't think so.

(Galatea) Are you saying that for some people this transition will be painful?

A: Yes

(L) I think they said that after the Wave there would be a 1000 year period as 3D transition into 4D.

A: Yes

Q: (L) So in other words, in a sense that is kind of like a 1000 year process of the Wave. The creation of a totally new reality obviously, in cosmic terms, takes that strange process that doesn't exist called time to manifest. But obviously, they are now talking about the breaking down process, the chaos.

A: Yes. Now you begin to see what "time" really is: cosmic processes of almost infinite duration. But do not be complacent because some of these processes can be rather "quick" and devastating from your perspective.
The above1000 year period, may refer to an answer in Session 22 October 1994. As the planet transitions, how are we to be sure that 4DSTS mind programming will not influence some?
Session 11 July 1998
Q: (T) They are monkeying around with that stuff. (L) Do the people in charge of the HAARP project know about all of this and are they constructing this HAARP array to utilize this energy in some way?

A: Those who know are at foundation.

Q: (T) To protect us?

A: HAARP is for mind control. It is hoped it can be successful in 4th density too!
The planet is being reduced to a rather primitive condition in many areas
Session 10 December 2022
A: Transitioning will give those humans with receivership capability "abilities." Also, as you noted the planet is being reduced to a rather primitive condition in many areas. The elite do not realize that this process has a domino effect and their money and "power" will be essentially worthless.
We know there are efforts to suppress knowledge:
Political problems have root in effort to suppress knowledge already gained in limited quarters for purposes of control of civilization.
Session 27 May 1995
(RS) My biggest problem has never been new knowledge, but politics, particularly the politics on Einstein. Is the can of worms mentioned before, can you give me anything on this? As soon as you go beyond Einstein, there are all sorts of problems, political problems in our contemporary society. Any suggestions?

A: Political problems have root in effort to suppress knowledge already gained in limited quarters for purposes of control of civilization.
Remember your "historical records" can be distorted, in order to throw off future inquiries, such as your own.
Session 9 August 1997
Q: Next question: is there any relationship between the fact that Roger de Mortimer, the carrier of the last of the line of the Welsh kings, was the lover of Isabella of France, who was the daughter of Philip the Fair, the destroyer of the Templars, and the murder of Edward II, the first of the English Prince of Wales?

A: Templars are a setup, insofar as persecution is concerned. Remember your "historical records" can be distorted, in order to throw off future inquiries, such as your own.
Traces, mostly gone as it was discovered.
Session 1 April 2007
Q: (Ark) I want to ask if we can have some information about where Lobaczewski got his materials and …

A: Russian and Hungarian. Remember the story about the guy who wanted to publish anonymously in Red Symphony? There were others like him.

Q: (L) I don’t remember the story exactly … (Ark) But are some of these materials still available in a published form that we can go to the sources or did they all disappear?

A: Traces, mostly gone as it was discovered.
479 years added to the record since the birth of Julius Caesar, 100 BC
Session 12 July 2014
Q: (L) And in some cases they're added, and in some cases they're subtracted. It's very strange. Like they can add 10, and then subtract 5. Overall there's a definite, I think that... I think that enough has been added that we're off by 200 or...

(Pierre) Maybe you can ask this question. Caesar was born roughly 2,114 years ago according to our official calendars. In reality, how many years ago was Caesar born?

A: 1635. {Difference of 479 years}

Q: [General oo-ing and ah-ing] (Perceval) The whole thing went so horribly wrong, we were thinking how did it last another 400 or 500 years?

(L) It didn't.

(Perceval) Yeah, it didn't. It lasted maybe 100.

(Pierre) Or, there was a collapse in 400 or 500 AD, and most of the added chunks are between 400-500 AD, and 1000 AD, as Fomenko suggests.

A: Check the artifacts. In some cases there were multiple "emperors" at the same time rather than sequential.
A well-intentioned person saved the letters of Paul and then Mark against all odds, especially against STS will
Session 14 January 2023
(Elohir) After having read your excellent book about Paul, we can easily understand that Mark was inspired by him and then Matthew and Luke made their own histories inspired by Mark, changing some important things to fit in their own agenda. Everything could have been perfect for some people if we had never retrieved the letters of Paul or if Mark had been completely erased/lost. Could we say that a well-intentioned person saved the letters of Paul and then Mark against all odds, especially against STS will?

A: Yes!!

Q: (L) So, some well-intentioned person. I think that Paul and Mark survived in very small communities that were Pauline communities. There was not a vast proliferation of copies, which is why there's so little left.
(L) Okay... Yes, it is a real miracle that Mark and Paul's letters were actually saved. Absolutely.

(Chu) That's it for questions.

(L) Alright then.

(Chu) One more question.

(Elohir) Has Marcion been considered good or smart enough to be provided with the letters of Paul? Has he been part of a group that wanted to save the truth against the Church of Jerusalem?

(L) Yeah, I'm convinced that it was Marcion who got it through that particular dark time and collected as many as he could find and put it together. Alrighty, I'm kind of exhausted here. Are there any questions we should have asked that we didn't ask? Please consider them asked and give us any advice that's available at the present time.
History has been rewritten so many times, it is a wonder you were able to pick out the right pieces and put them together!
Session 4 July 2020
Q: (L) I mean, I made the best argument I could make, but there wasn't a whole helluva lot to work with.

A: History has been rewritten so many times, it is a wonder you were able to pick out the right pieces and put them together! But that was your destiny and task.

Q: (L) Well, I feel a huge relief having done it. There's more work to do, but that's like a major piece of it. Alright, anybody else got questions?
The library in Alexandria, was burned by a secret society with allegiance to 4D STS
Session 22 October 2022
Q: (Joe) Remember you asked years ago about who burned the library at Alexandria? And they said Greek Enforcers. They said they were like our FBI. Who did they work for or pay allegiance to?

A: Secret society with allegiance to 4D STS.
For other examples, see list in the Wiki for destroyed libraries, whether due to human action, natural disasters or fire.
When the Jewish commentators began setting down the teachings, was this the first time this had been put into writing? - No. Not even close.
Session 16 October 1994
Q: (L) Has there been an ongoing relationship between the Cassiopaeans and this quorum for these thousands of years?

A: For some time as you measure it.

Q: (L) What is the origin of the Kaballah?

A: Channeled truths given to early pre-Mosaic Jews to use your terminology.

Q: (L) When the Jewish commentators began setting down the teachings, was this the first time this had been put into writing?

A: No. Not even close.

Q: (L) Is the form that it is in today very close to the original form and can it be relied upon?

A: No. Corrupted.

Q: (L) What is the origin of the books of Enoch?

A: Sanskritian society in area now referred to as India.

Q: (L) What evaluation can we give the books of Enoch as far as level of truth?

A: 50% of area was destroyed in nuclear conflagration in between

Q: (L) In between what?

A: Then and now in the expanded present.

Q: (L) What is the "expanded" present?

A: The real measure of time.
In other words, there have been many occasions where knowledge was written down and many where they were destroyed or corrupted. For knowledge of high quality to be effective, it has to be pure, for knowledge to be o´pure it must be well-preserved over a long period of time.

Should knowledge be preserved as mathematics, considering that:
Mathematics is the one and only true universal language
But who would understand it?

Session 30 November 1996
Q: (L) Okay, crop circles are a language, so to speak. Are they in some way related to mathematics?

A: Mathematics is the one and only true universal language.

Q: (L) Well, I just don't see how they can be decoded.

A: In this room is all the mental power needed, with addition of another "room" in Wroclaw, of course, that is needed to "crack" the code of our circles.

Q: (L) How do we start?

A: All one needs is a foundational point to build a computer program. And we have given you this already.

Q: (L) But nobody wants to hear what we have been saying!

A: Well, the circles are undeniable in their existence, our communication with you is deniable.

Q: (L) Well, if they don't want to hear it as it is channeled, what makes the crop circles different?

A: Not point. If you can crack the code, this becomes an undeniable language that is ongoing, consistent, and demonstrable.

Q: (L) So, you mean that if we can show what they mean, have it make sense, and then interpret others as they come into being, or show others how...

A: Self explanatory and yes.

Q: (L) At one point you mentioned that I needed to learn mathematics, which can be a years long effort. And now, Ark is a mathematician. Was this a clue that Ark was to be part of this?

A: Ark was coming into the picture all along. All is eternal, time is selective. We can see the entire jukebox menu selection at all "times."

[Break, Ark joins group]

Q: (L) Ok, Ark has a question: how does one distinguish an authentic crop circle from a fake one?

A: Authentic ones are intricate in design and meticulously in meticulous in the detail of their construction. The reality is that there have only been a few "fake" crop circles in the entire history of the phenomenon world wide, any way.

Q: (L) Ark asks: to crack the code, is it sufficient to have a collection of pictures? I'm sure he means crop circle pictures.

A: Yes, to start with.

Q: (L) Ark says, to crack the code, we need an example. Can you point some out? (T) Example, as in crop circle pictures? (L) Well, no, how to crack it, or whatever.

A: Please review transcripts.

Q: (L) Can you tell us, I'm curious, too. What is it, is it about the using mathematics, or is it about something else?

A: You asked for interpretation of specific crop circles pictures before. Remember?!?
Who were the Sumerians? A: Study mathematics.
Session 7 May 1995
Q: (L) Okay, let's kick into a couple of our questions here. The first one is: Who were the Sumerians?

A: Study mathematics.

Q: (L) Study mathematics? Is that the answer?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Who should study mathematics?

A: You.

Q: (L) Is there something about mathematics that will tell me who they were?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Well, I have read about the Sumerians, and I have read the Sitchin material...

A: We are not Sitchin!

Q: (L) How did the Sumerians produce their civilization so suddenly and completely, seemingly out of nowhere?

A: Study mathematics for all possible unanswered pieces of the puzzle!!!
Interpolate and use appropriate computer program, learning now increases your power tenfold, when you use some initiative, rather than asking us for all the answers directly!!!

Q: (L) The first thing that comes to my mind is to enter in all the dates that they have given us, create a data-base, for data, not necessarily written matter, dates of comets, civilizations, archaeological dates, findings, and so forth, and see how it crunches. Was that all the answer there? (J) I would like to have some more on crop circles.

A: Do you not want an increase in power?

Q: (L) Absolutely. Is there any underlying significance to the Great Year of 25,920 years, that is the precession of the zodiac?

A: See previous answers.
There will be a need to help ensure the knowledge is preserved beyond our lifetimes, because some forces would wish it was not there:
Session 29 July 2023
(Niall) Yes. We asked about the likelihood of a plague, in the sense of the Black Death. And it was sometime in the mid-teens, they said "in 18 months to two years" or something like that. Well, there has not been a Black Death in that time period.

(L) Right. I don't know! Okay. What's the answer to that?

A: Reality is open and plans change. Sometimes we give answers to prevent calamity. The PTB would not allow such a prediction to manifest as it would draw positive attention to this source and they wish to avoid that at all costs. In the case of the COVID fake pandemic it was already in motion and major plans were in place.

Q: (L) So you're saying that sometimes you tell us some things just to prevent it from happening, because you know they won't let it happen if you say it?

A: Yes

Q: (Andromeda) There have been some things that they've said that have happened in the timeframe too, right?

(L) Yeah, there have been.
For knowledge to have an effect after we are gone, it should be preserved.
In the end, you must be true to your own nature and fear nothing. If you do that you may make a difference after you are gone.
Session 12 July 2014
Q: (Atriedes) If you could give 3 pieces of advice to the world, what would they be?

A: I was wrong to think I could change the masses by example. Humans are fickle and self-centered for the most part. Thus, if you wish to really effect changes, it can only be done by early education, and even then it is fragile and will not last. In the end you must be true to your own nature and fear nothing. If you do that you may make a difference after you are gone. That is not exactly what you are looking for, but there are no 3 pieces of advice that serve all events.
Any input on how to go about this challenge to preserve knowledge in the face of opposition.
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