Quinton Plasma/Water, or "percutaneous hydrotomy"

I dont have experience, but as per my understanding you should use hypertonic in the morning/early afternoon, as it can be stimulating. Whereas you would use Isotonic later in the day and before sleep because it stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system and other inhibitory endocrine functions.

My limited understanding is that it all depends on the condition. In the video you posted, I found these lists t be quite useful:

Quinton Isotonic.JPGQuinton Hypertonic.JPG

I don't know whether it is best to combine then as you say (hypertonic in the morning and isotonic in the evening), or to do a cure of isotonic first, and then use hypertonic later. Or, depending on your condition, just one or the other? They also seem to overlap a bit. In the case study based on old experiments, for example, Dr. Quinton used only isotonic for malnurrished babies, and then they used also isotonic for misscarriages with a high rate of success, if I understood correctly. So, isotonic water seems to have the nourrishing and remineralizing properties as well.
My limited understanding is that it all depends on the condition. In the video you posted, I found these lists t be quite useful:

View attachment 27194View attachment 27195

I don't know whether it is best to combine then as you say (hypertonic in the morning and isotonic in the evening), or to do a cure of isotonic first, and then use hypertonic later. Or, depending on your condition, just one or the other? They also seem to overlap a bit. In the case study based on old experiments, for example, Dr. Quinton used only isotonic for malnurrished babies, and then they used also isotonic for misscarriages with a high rate of success, if I understood correctly. So, isotonic water seems to have the nourrishing and remineralizing properties as well.
Yeah I agree. There seems to be a large overlap and it is fairly ambiguous about when to use which one. The impression I got was that isotonic is the "main" form to use, and hypertonic can be used in other circumstances when isotonic is not indicated. I really don't understand that much about the why though. It seems complicated, but worth experimentation to see the effects. I will probably try just the isotonic for two weeks, and then add in the hypertonic and see what happens.
I agree, it is a bit confusing. I had a somewhat confusing email conversation with Pharmonet regarding max dose, combining Hyper and Iso etc. They say "no need to combine" and max for Hyper is 30 ml and Iso is 50 ml…..I think. Maybe it depends on the quality/potency of the product, maybe best to ask the supplier/manufacturer. Is there a specification for this water, some sort of quality norm?

I finish my Hypertonic, taking 45 ml at the moment (feel no difference so far compared to 30 ml), then I'll try Isotonic 45 ml.

Anyone else heard of other max doses or combining/not combining from other sources?
I am very interested in the quinton water idea. Trouble is, I am worried about my right kidney. As some of you may know my right kidney is just complete mush.
So I rely on my left kidney, which thankfully is functioning at 100%.
Any thoughts on if it would be detrimental to drink the sea water?
Any advice appreciated.
I agree, it is a bit confusing. I had a somewhat confusing email conversation with Pharmonet regarding max dose, combining Hyper and Iso etc. They say "no need to combine" and max for Hyper is 30 ml and Iso is 50 ml…..I think. Maybe it depends on the quality/potency of the product, maybe best to ask the supplier/manufacturer. Is there a specification for this water, some sort of quality norm?

From my understanding, the potency of this product is based on the level of dilution. The isotonic version is basically seawater diluted with spring water and the hypertonic is straight up seawater. I'm really not sure about the differences in quality between different brands, however most of the video presentations do note that the production occurs in very strictly controlled environments.

My experience so far with drinking the hypertonic Quinton has been that it feels like an invigorating boost. It's terribly salty the first time around, but I got used to it. I have a low blood pressure issue which is what attracted me to hypertonic in the first place. I'm looking to try the isotonic before bedtime to see if that helps calm any nervous agitation at night, and maybe to see it could help with my pre-bedtime reading as well.

I approached someone at Eau de Mer (Plasma Marin) filtrée selon le protocole de René Quinton ! about worldwide shipping, they do have it, but it is costly. They have the liter bottle versions on sale. Overall it still comes up to be cheaper than the vial form, from my rough calculations, around 30% cheaper with shipping to Malaysia. It's just easier and faster to buy it locally though, and customs won't be an issue. I haven't decided on whether I'll be doing more Quinton yet though.
In the case study based on old experiments, for example, Dr. Quinton used only isotonic for malnurrished babies, and then they used also isotonic for misscarriages with a high rate of success, if I understood correctly.

Yes, Dr. Quinton and Dr. Jean Jarricot (he is the one who was treating babies and their mothers) used only isotonic because that is the form that is preferable when injecting it into the body. But why were they injecting it to all of their patients? Why not just give them to drink? Perhaps because it is more potent that way and they couldn't produce enough of hypertonic for drinking? I'll have to do some more research about that.

Dr. Quinton does mention some production problems:

The difficulties which I had to face, when the Arcachon station could no longer send me the seawater that was treated according to my protocol, have successively interrupted many of my [clinical] trials.

Healing Protocol of R. Quinton
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Yeah I agree. There seems to be a large overlap and it is fairly ambiguous about when to use which one. The impression I got was that isotonic is the "main" form to use, and hypertonic can be used in other circumstances when isotonic is not indicated. I really don't understand that much about the why though. It seems complicated, but worth experimentation to see the effects. I will probably try just the isotonic for two weeks, and then add in the hypertonic and see what happens.

Yeah, I'm a bit confused as well. But just from those lists, I would guess that for most people, Isotonic would be more efficient. Then again, everyone is different!

Yes, Dr. Quinton and Dr. Jean Jarricot (he is the one who was treating babies and their mothers) used only isotonic because that is the form that is preferable when injecting it into the body. But why were they injecting it to all of their patients? Why not just give them to drink? Perhaps because it is more potent that way and they couldn't produce enough of hypertonic for drinking? I'll have to do some more research about that.

Given that he was studying the similarities between blood plasma and that specific sea water, I guess that it makes sense that he'd only do IVs or subcutaneous injections. Also because he was working mainly with people who had cholera, suffered from malnourishment, gastro-enteritis, etc. So, those people may not have been able to ingest much of anything orally. And finally, because IV treatments have a quicker effect in general.

Here is the entire post you linked to. I thought it was very interesting to read it from Quinton's own words:
Healing Protocol of R. Quinton

« The marine treatment which we have practiced in the Parisian hospital services (St. Louis, Beaujon, Hotel-Dieu, Tenon, Maison Dubois, Pitie and the Asylum of Mouleau) consisted of injecting our seawater which we reduced to organic isotonic consistency (see notes at top of this page for full explanation), per dosage for this mixture, to one hundredth to one hundredth and a half of the body weight.

The first injections I practiced (July - August 1897) were intra-venous injections. In my absence, in a desperate case of cirrhosis, death being anticipated for that same day, a temporary intern obtained complete success after a subcutaneous injection of my preparation which he administered without any hope. The patient left the hospital on his own two weeks later.

I don't provide my formula as being final or the best one could use. I thought one had to inject the isotonic way in order to avoid unknown or troublesome factors, however I learned from physicians of the Marine Service who have had excellent results from simply injecting my preparation in its natural form. This practice would have the advantage of reducing by two thirds the volume to inject - a comparative experience would have to be tried. I limited the dosage to one hundredth or one hundredth and a half of the injection volume because it seemed to me that this dosage (same concentration as human plasma) was sufficient to produce the immediate effects of a double or triple dose, however, it is not established that a stronger dose by itself would have any advantages, which I have not had the occasion to observe.

The quality of the liquid to be injected provided more precise observations which could be summarized with finality. It no use to contemplate the composition of an artificial seawater. It must be treated according to my protocol and reduced to approximate organic isotonicity.

Minimal injection dose: This depends on the condition of the patient. Please consult the Success Cases for guidance.

Frequency of injections: When the injections must be repeated: every five days, then every six, seven, eight days etc., according to the readily discernible duration of its effects (see details further down).

Effects from the Injection(s):

When several injection are to be done on the same patient, it is best to inject at the same place. The local pain of the first injection will only be slightly felt during subsequent injections.

An injections is followed by a reaction that lasts about twelve hours. At a certain variable moment (one hour, two hours or three hours after and sometimes even while performing the injection itself if it is done slowly), the patient will feel chilly, sometime violently so, with chattering teeth and more or less intense thirst. Body temperature will rise without interruption during four or five hours (about 1.5 to 2.0 degrees C) and then will come down as it came up to finally stabilize below the initial temperature. The thirsty patient will drink 1 to 3 liters of water. He typically has absolutely no appetite, may have some nausea or slight headaches. The more this reaction is felt the more benefit will be derived from the injection. In any case, it is not to be feared with regardless of the weakness of the patient or his initial temperature. In the case of febrility, when the temperature before the injection is 39.5 degrees C, it can rise to 41.5 C and even remain for six consecutive hours at 41 degrees C without the slightest inconvenience.

Twenty-four hours after the injection, one finds the patient generally down, not only because of the crisis which just happened but also due to the resulting partial insomnia. The improvement is however evident by certain symptoms that begin to clearly show, in favorable cases, around the 36th hour or the latest on the second day. The improvements are constant and are progressive during the 3rd and 4th days. One can witness sometimes a veritable resurrection of the patient. Striking by its suddenness: all pain or uneasiness that may have been present before the injection have left; strength returns; appetite - non-existent before the treatment - becomes exaggerated with sudden hunger and the patient, bedridden for weeks, arises and walks around for several hours.

On the fifth day, in the morning - complete change. The scene is dominated by the same general weakness as prevailed before the treatment, except in acute cases where one injection suffices to produce a definite improvement. A second injection is therefore administered. The described cycle of effects occur once again but with more pronounced improvements.

The injections are spaced out in this natural manner for five, six, seven, eight days - according to the benefits that are obtained.

The difficulties which I had to face, when the Arcachon station could no longer send me the seawater that was treated according to my protocol, have successively interrupted many of my [clinical] trials. As a collective group, my preparations nevertheless seem to have proven to be a powerful adjunctive therapy.

In three particularly grave acute cases, infectious gastro-enteritis of indeterminate nature, oxalic acid poisoning, advanced liver cirrhosis, success was immediate and complete. In the case of syphilis, one early malignant syphillitis and one advanced case, the injection was followed, right from the second day, by very rapid healing of the lesions which covered the patient's body. In one case, healing was mostly complete after seven days. We obtained the same results in cutaneous tuberculosis.

The therapeutic action of seawater is therefore evident. Future trials should measure and evaluate it further. »

Rene Quinton
I started to take hypertonic solution orally. It's this product:


I took already 6 ampoules, noticed any differences so far.

It occured to me recently that when I was a child (I grew up at the coast of the Black Sea) I heard local people saying that bathing in the water of the Black Sea is so good for health because its chemical mixture is very unique and resembles chemical mixture of human blood.
Given that he was studying the similarities between blood plasma and that specific sea water, I guess that it makes sense that he'd only do IVs or subcutaneous injections. Also because he was working mainly with people who had cholera, suffered from malnourishment, gastro-enteritis, etc. So, those people may not have been able to ingest much of anything orally. And finally, because IV treatments have a quicker effect in general.

Yes, it does make sense in many cases. As you can see from that quote, Quinton started with IVs, but then his temporary intern managed to get even better success with subcutaneous injection. So subcutaneous is better than IV, but I'm wondering how does oral route stand compared to subcutaneous.

I managed to translate this excerpt where it is said:

Choice between injection and ingestion. - The results of injection are excellent, but it still has multiple disadvantages. It determines a more or less violent febrile thrust and sometimes the temperature rises from 1.5 to 2'. At one point the patient is caught with shivering teeth and burning thirst. When the thermal rise is missing, hot flashes, headache, insomnia, aches and pains appear, phenomena that are gradually diminishing. Injections at small doses of 10 and 20 cc., such as the Bonnal practice, appeared to J. Carles to lead to almost the same effects as those of 100 and 200 cc. recommended by Quinton.

Ingestion does not cause the same terror to the patient, who accepts the liquid quite well and gets used to it despite its unpleasant taste at first sight. The feverish reaction always seems to be lacking or at least extremely mild. We will gladly repeat the sentence of J. Carles (1): "Easier to administer, better accepted and better tolerated than in the form of injections, sea water taken by the oral route seems to us to have all the results of the injections without having the disadvantages".

But they also say that they found that 50 cc was too little, and 100 cc to be optimal. I'm not sure if that is hyper or isotonic.
Choice between injection and ingestion. - The results of injection are excellent, but it still has multiple disadvantages. It determines a more or less violent febrile thrust and sometimes the temperature rises from 1.5 to 2'. At one point the patient is caught with shivering teeth and burning thirst. When the thermal rise is missing, hot flashes, headache, insomnia, aches and pains appear, phenomena that are gradually diminishing. Injections at small doses of 10 and 20 cc., such as the Bonnal practice, appeared to J. Carles to lead to almost the same effects as those of 100 and 200 cc. recommended by Quinton. .

Well, that certainly explains the general misery I've been experiencing though I don't think my temp goes up. I have insomnia, aches and pains, and then it gradually diminishes just before the next treatment!!!
Well, that certainly explains the general misery I've been experiencing though I don't think my temp goes up. I have insomnia, aches and pains, and then it gradually diminishes just before the next treatment!!!

I'm sorry that you have to go trough more suffering! But I hope that it means that your body is restoring it's internal terrain.

In my case, like others said, I feel nothing so far. Today was my fifth vial of hypertonic.

I am very interested in the quinton water idea. Trouble is, I am worried about my right kidney. As some of you may know my right kidney is just complete mush.
So I rely on my left kidney, which thankfully is functioning at 100%.
Any thoughts on if it would be detrimental to drink the sea water?
Any advice appreciated.

They say that people with kidney problems should drink isotonic. But you can make that yourself by diluting hypertonic with spring water. Just don't take huge amounts of it, so go slowly.

Anyone else heard of other max doses or combining/not combining from other sources?

I think that you can drink a lot if you drink iso forms. In the old oral experiments, they were giving two doses of 50 ml, before luch and dinner. So that's 100 ml per day. Many of us are already drinking salted water for a long time with no side effects. This is how you make iso drink with water and salt:

Making an isotonic saline solution is a precise, but simple, science. The prefix "iso" refers to something that is equal and means that the concentration of saline -- or the amount of salt -- is roughly equal to the salt concentration in body fluids. This amount is about 0.9 percent or 9g per 1000ml of fluid. It is about 1/4 tsp. of salt per 8 oz. of water.

How to Make Isotonic Saline Solution | LEAFtv

Interestingly, this is exactly how much salt I like in my salted water. If I go more or less than that, the taste is not good for me. I guess I am biologically programmed to drink the right water. :-)

It occured to me recently that when I was a child (I grew up at the coast of the Black Sea) I heard local people saying that bathing in the water of the Black Sea is so good for health because its chemical mixture is very unique and resembles chemical mixture of human blood.

My cousin was working at the swimming pool last year and got nail fungus that couldn't be treated with any medicament. But then she went to Crete in Greece and when she came back she was completely cured.

I guess that for skin problems we can just swim in the sea/ocean, but for internal problems we must drink sea water.
So 100 to 200 ml seems optimal, questions is: Hyper or Iso? I've tried to find out where the supplier got these max doses from, but no answer. Maybe it is a "find out yourself" thing...

Ok, since I've done 45 ml a couple of days with no side effect, maybe the first day with 45 ml I felt a little down, maybe feverish, but not sure if it was connected, I'll keep doing 45 ml a while with Hyper and then go to 60 ml and see what happens.
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