In the first place, the
Radiant individual who is in this world as a consequence of the “Fall”
should never forget that they only temporarily occupy a territory in the domain of the Lords of Entropy. This sets them apart from all the peoples allied to Thought Centers of Non-being who embrace the concept of ownership...
The Creative Hyperdimensional Wisdom teaches that if man deems himself “owner of the land,” the Powers of Matter can emerge from the land and engulf him, “integrating him to the context and turning him into an object of the Gods”. Attachment to the land and the misguided belief of “freedom” and “peace” within the limits of property render man defenseless against the Power of Illusion of the Thought Center of Non-being. In such a state, man has even greater difficulty conceiving of the necessity to escape from the material prison because he is constantly struggling to preserve those feelings of “freedom” and “peace”.
Those who are familiar with the Parable of the Prodigal Son can understand that
the realization alone that one is “in the pigsty of the foreign country” would serve to produce the state of alert, the condition for the “journey home.” This is crucial since, in the story of the Prodigal son, we also see that when the son went to the “resident of the foreign land” to ask for help, he was sent to live and feed with the pigs. This exemplifies that principle that the Radiant being must understand at all times that the Lords of Entropy – the Powers That Be in this reality – will always try to reclaim them as servants. Additionally, belief in the ownership of the land,
belief in “being at home” in this world, or being “in charge” of this world, can give a false sense of security to the Radiant being leading them to lower their guard and succumb to the Power of Illusion.