Recovering from Arthritis

angelburst29 said:
You mentioned you were diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, ClaudiaYG. Have you ever been tested for Lyme disease? Your symptoms seem to follow a similar pattern: numbness and problems on one side of the body, inflammation flare ups, knee and joint pain and swelling, weakness, fatigue and muscle pain.

The protocols you have been following, diet and chelation, including antibiotics, also help Lyme patients to recover. It seems that you are doing everything to help relieve the symptoms and clear your body of toxins. Maybe the next 3 IV sessions of chelation will help to reduce and eliminate much of inflammation?

Wishing you a speedy recovery.

I 've never done the test for lyme disease, but is a strong evidence that arthritis is caused by a similar infection to lyme. Have you ever read the thread "AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES CAUSED BY AN INFECTION?" here in the forum?

Thank you for you wishes.
Alada said:
Thanks for sharing your story, the results are remarkable. Especially when compared to where you might be if still following mainstream medical practices. It must have been difficult to convine your parents at times, but hopefully now that they can see the results for themselves it may help them reconsider the way they think about dealing with health issues.

People find it very difficult to get past the idea that 'doctor knows best', it's certainly like that with my parents, and I've seen it many others who would rather take extraordinary risks with their health by foolowing the conventional wisdom without question, rather than make the effort to study, find out alternatives and assess the various risks for themselves. Very sad state of affaris, but it makes your story all the more inspiring.

It has not been easy these years, I must confess there were days I told my husband I'm going to see a rheumatologist and I do not care to take strong medicine, but inside of me I knew it was not the solution, so I needed to have patience, faith and trust.

Laura said:
It is very good news to hear that you are proactively taking your life and health back into your own hands successfully! Reading this has made my day!

Thank you Llaura, I dont know if the antibiotic protocol is the last step to recovery but if not I'm not afraid to keep trying.
Thank you, ClaudiaYG for sharing your healing process, which you are taking care of on every level. It takes much strength and endurance to go through so many years of debilitating pains and succeed to heal.
Wishing you all the best for what's ahead !!!
Thank you ClaudiaYG for allowing us to follow your journey to health and wellbeing. It is a terrific story of perseverance, will and the commitment to recovery. May you continue on your journey, getting better day-by-day.
Thank you posting about your journey ClaudiaYG, it was really inspirational to read. It's amazing how many younger people are being affected by what used to be diseases of older age- inflammatory conditions, autoimmune diseases, cancer, macular degeneration to name a few.

I wish you continued success on your path to wellness :flowers:
Thank you Claudia for sharing your health experience, it's very inspiring and helpful. Wish you speedy recovery and looking forward to your updates. :flowers:
A very moving and inspiring account ClaudiaYG. Our minds really are "everything" aren't they? I wish you the best of times in your future life with your husband.

Your comments brought to mind the actions of my mother when I was a child and goes to show how parents are convinced they are doing the best for their children but are actually causing them harm. My mother staunchly believed that cod liver oil was the very best product she could give to her children to aid in their health and development. That may well be the case but the required desert spoonful a day made me physically sick. I couldn't, and still can't, abide the taste or smell of cod liver oil. I don't think the capsules were available in those days. It wasn't until my very sensible aunt asked her why she was giving me something which made me sick that she realised what she was doing and joy of joys the torture ceased. My mother was a very practical and sensible woman but she could not see past the belief that various highly regarded authorities had said how beneficial cod liver oil was for children and therefore we would be administered it, come hell or high water. My mother, who is now 93, was forgiven for this lapse many years ago I am glad to say.
I want to share with you the news I got 4 days ago.

I have been complaining about my right shoulder since 2016 and at the time it was only pain and I ran some tests and everything was fine.
It's been 1 year since my shoulder worsened and my range of motion became limited.
I had x-rays taken and there was wear and tear, but the doctors didn't tell me how serious it was.

Today I went to a doctor who was recommended to me and he told me that it was arthrosis and that I need surgery. Apparently I no longer have 2 tendons. He saw it with ultrasound and sent me to a doctor who specializes in shoulders to do a MRI.

I feel sad, frustrated, angry and even guilty. I had a very aggressive relapse in 2014 from which it took me 3 years to recover by changing my diet, doing the protocols that the forum recommended, and working on my emotional state that I believe was what accelerated my recovery. Don't misunderstand me, I am extremely grateful for the information you share here but it is inevitable to ask myself if this would have happened to me if I had gone to a rheumatologist. And my other thought is that there’s something I did not do well. But then I remember how I was before and how I am now and that not everything was wrong and toxic medications were not necessary. My other thought is that not going to a rheumatologist and doing it in another way had a cost. For example that my hands and feet suffered changes and a shoulder that has to be operated. This subject makes me sensitive because I thought I was going to save myself from surgery due to arthritis. I am afraid of having a surgery.

This shoulder news comes in a period of my life where I am being productive professionally, in something that I am passionate about and that allows me to put my sensitivity and skills at the service of others. Ever since I started studying Family Constellations, I have increased the sensitivity that I have since I was a child. I realized that I was afraid of my potential coming out because of beliefs that I have seen in therapy. From the moment I recognized that sensitivity, I have had dreams with messages for myself. I don't know if my shoulder and potential are related but I wanted to mention it.

I have been praying to the divine cosmic mind and to my ancestors of good life to show me the path I must take to recover, and I have had dreams where my shoulder is normal. Now I am doing the treatment with Quinton, Yoga and Physiotherapy and I ask to Yas If she can doing to me reiki more often.

Thank you for reading me and Thanks to Yas for helping me with the traslate.
The problem is inflamation. If it is ignored for too long it cause irreparable damages. That is why corticosteroid are often prescribed.

I have a little story of mine, probably irrelevant but take it for what it worth. I have been in pain in articulation for years and it were constantly agravating with time passing. Incredible pain in shoulder associated with neck vertebras. Morning stifness in fingers that were sign of rheumatoid arthritis and foot pain. The lame doctors I saw were not even bright enough to prescribe me anti-inflammation meds, just pain killer...

Time passed and one day I decided to test a theory that I "knew" was probably not the cause since the symptoms were not in the official list. Maybe it is accumulation of uric acid (gouts) that cause inflamation but for bizarre reason my body does not react the way it should officially react like toffy... For sure I was a perfect candidate, lots of beer, lots of meat, and symptoms associated with cold weathers. By the way uric acid precipitate in cold area and is VERY inflamating.

So bye bye beer, but not meat, minimized fructose and discovered Malic Acid (apple). The result, no more problem! Now when pain begin in foot or neck, I swallow couples caps of Malic Acid and the pain dissipate within 2 or 3 days instead of taking hold for weeks or month.

I call this pseudo-gout...
Well, I don't want to put you off the surgery thing, but long before I learned about diet and autohemotherapy and so forth, I had already had both my wrists operated on, AND my shoulder, the ostensible reason being "arthrosis". My wrists were pretty much ruined by this surgery. The shoulder surgery wasn't so agonizing, but it sure did weaken it a LOT. Now I wish I had known about other therapies before I did those surgeries, because once they get in there and start snipping, scraping, cutting, lasering, there's no going back. The body has an incredible capacity to heal itself if given the right environment and substances.

Since you live in Mexico, perhaps you should look into IV vit C therapy?
This shoulder news comes in a period of my life where I am being productive professionally, in something that I am passionate about and that allows me to put my sensitivity and skills at the service of others. Ever since I started studying Family Constellations, I have increased the sensitivity that I have since I was a child. I realized that I was afraid of my potential coming out because of beliefs that I have seen in therapy. From the moment I recognized that sensitivity, I have had dreams with messages for myself. I don't know if my shoulder and potential are related but I wanted to mention it.

I think that sometimes the body takes a bit long to "catch up" with changes. When there is a pscyhological component and it is manifested in an ailment, once you learn to deal much better with the cause, the body may have a hard time adjusting. It is, after all, what it is used to, and has been for years. So, my approach, FWIW, is to persist until I can be at least a bit more sure that subconsciously, I'm not wishing for the old type of suffering to be back.

This subject makes me sensitive because I thought I was going to save myself from surgery due to arthritis. I am afraid of having a surgery.

Understandable! On the one hand, mechanical solutions such as surgery can be effective, but as you know, they treat the symptom, not the cause. Perhaps the trick is to embrace (the arm is related!) life, rather than do things in order to avoid something (surgery), or to fix something for ever. It is a subtle change in perspective. You fight FOR your destiny while accepting your reality/life lessons, not against a particular problem or anticipating a specific outcome.

I feel sad, frustrated, angry and even guilty. I had a very aggressive relapse in 2014 from which it took me 3 years to recover by changing my diet, doing the protocols that the forum recommended, and working on my emotional state that I believe was what accelerated my recovery. Don't misunderstand me, I am extremely grateful for the information you share here but it is inevitable to ask myself if this would have happened to me if I had gone to a rheumatologist.

Yes, those are legitimate questions. But what is done is done, yes? So when you think hard about it, what do you really think you should do? What could be missing in your attitude or approach or beliefs, what haven't you tried that may be helpful? What does your inner voice tell you if you leave aside guilt and what could have been? What you have is what IS. So what is the best approach NOW? That may or may not involve a surgery, I don't know.

My 2 cents! I'm very sorry to hear this, but I have a feeling that this is an opportunity for you to have a positive breakthrough. :hug2:
This subject makes me sensitive because I thought I was going to save myself from surgery due to arthritis. I am afraid of having a surgery.

And who wouldn't be afraid of surgery? The MRI should give a more detailed analysis. Ultrasound of the shoulder is difficult and it depends a lot on each examiner and her/his experience. As long as there is tissue without a metallic prostheses, the percutanous hydrotomy and Quinton can have better results.

If there's too much autoimmunity activity affecting the tissues and it's hard to slow down it down despite your best efforts, I would consider mainstream treatment for 3 to 6 months, even if it's just to stop the vicious cycle. If you have a vitamin cocktail in IV, you would have protection from the toxic effects.

I think you're doing a good job facing your condition and your life. Remember there's added environmental stress nowadays and you can be doing everything perfectly that this environmental stress will still have its toll on you. As for the physical aspects, I would also consider a vitamin and mineral cocktail in IV to complement the percutaneous hydrotomy. I would also drink Quinton water orally.
@ClaudiaYG, you may want to check these threads:

As far as I know, high oxalate diet can mimick arthritis and cause many other symptoms.
I feel sad, frustrated, angry and even guilty. I had a very aggressive relapse in 2014 from which it took me 3 years to recover by changing my diet, doing the protocols that the forum recommended, and working on my emotional state that I believe was what accelerated my recovery.

Can you tell us a little bit how your daily life and diet looks like nowadays? We don't have all that much information from your side, especially on recent happenings and developments. Your last post before the above is from 2017. A bit more context would be good. I also think diet could be much more important than you realize.
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