Recovering from Arthritis

Well, I don't want to put you off the surgery thing, but long before I learned about diet and autohemotherapy and so forth, I had already had both my wrists operated on, AND my shoulder, the ostensible reason being "arthrosis". My wrists were pretty much ruined by this surgery. The shoulder surgery wasn't so agonizing, but it sure did weaken it a LOT. Now I wish I had known about other therapies before I did those surgeries, because once they get in there and start snipping, scraping, cutting, lasering, there's no going back. The body has an incredible capacity to heal itself if given the right environment and substances.

Since you live in Mexico, perhaps you should look into IV vit C therapy?

I must confess that I have not started hemotherapy for fear that my husband hurt my arm, but days ago I told him to try. My doctor is not currently making IV vitamin C but I am already investigating other places it seems to be expensive.

If there's too much autoimmunity activity affecting the tissues and it's hard to slow down it down despite your best efforts, I would consider mainstream treatment for 3 to 6 months, even if it's just to stop the vicious cycle. If you have a vitamin cocktail in IV, you would have protection from the toxic effects.

Right now I am with Plaquenil 200 mg once a day. I have been 5 months and I have felt good, I have strengthened my legs and my spine with yoga. I have a few days with pain in my knees and a wrist I suspect of some stomach infection because my knees I have felt this before and with kinesiology the doctor told me that it was because of an infection he gave me antibiotics and the pain went away, I'm going to make an appointment with the doctor to see that aspect.

Can you tell us a little bit how your daily life and diet looks like nowadays? We don't have all that much information from your side, especially on recent happenings and developments. Your last post before the above is from 2017. A bit more context would be good. I also think diet could be much more important than you realize.
Can you tell us a little bit how your daily life and diet looks like nowadays? We don't have all that much information from your side, especially on recent happenings and developments. Your last post before the above is from 2017. A bit more context would be good. I also think diet could be much more important than you realize.

Paleo Diet, No eggs because I am intolerant that is why for me breakfast it is difficult. I started to eat meat for breakfast.
I reintroduced rice and potatoes but I started to gain weight so now I am more careful with the food.
I relax with the food because it does not hurt me at all but now I see that I can not do it that much.
Before I could not walk long distances because my feet hurt but since last year I can do it. I did not have muscle tone and now I have strong legs. My physical advances are great for me because now I could do more things. The only thing I can not do is make myself a ponytail, reach high things with my right shoulder. I remember that my greatest achievements physically have been to walk in Madrid for many hours and ride a bike last year. Thanks for making me remember that is good for me.
@ClaudiaYG, you may want to check these threads:

As far as I know, high oxalate diet can mimick arthritis and cause many other symptoms.

I agree with Altair about these two videos he recommends, you may also be eating other foods aside from potatoes that contain Oxolates that may not be helping. And not to overwhelm you but I find this other video to be a great reminder/perspective for how to deal and perceive health issues.

Unlocking the Doors to Natural Healing with Guest Dr. Jeremy

It was very inspiring reading your thread and I hope the best for you, thank you for sharing.
@ClaudiaYG, In the book How to live Longer and Feel Better, by Linus Pauling, there is a small chapter dedicated to arthritis, and I wanted to share a quote with you. It's about the effectiveness of IV vitamin C.
The bestknown example of the effectiveness of vitamin C in controlling an arthritic disorder is the experience of Norman Cousins, the former editor of the Saturday Review, who was suffering intensely from an ailment diagnosed as ankylosing spondylitis, a progresive form of arthritis characterized by inflammation and then the fusing together of adjacent bones, specially of the spine. As described by him in his book, Anatomy of an Illness as Perceived by the Patient, Cousins decided to try the effect of vitamin C and persuaded his physician to give him intravenous infussion of 35 g of sodim ascorbate per day. This treatment, together with the psychosomatic aid of his determination to remain cheerful and to enjoy himself, achived partially by leaving the hospital and receiving the treatment in a hotel room, led to his recovery. He now holds a special professorchip in the University of California Medical School in los Angeles
In the same chapter he also mentions the importance of others vitamins in arthritis treatment like vitamin B3 (Niacin or Niacinamide) and B6 (Pyridoxine).
As Gaby said, It would be worth considering a vitamin and mineral coctail to complement the percutaneous hydrotomy.
I reintroduced rice and potatoes but I started to gain weight so now I am more careful with the food.

Rice contains some special form of gluten and some people don't tolerate it. So I would be very careful about it.

Yes, it might be one to test for - and that goes for potatoes too, being a nightshade and all (as well as high in oxalates), can cause inflammation which could aggravate your arthritis.
Today I went to a doctor who was recommended to me and he told me that it was arthrosis and that I need surgery. Apparently I no longer have 2 tendons. He saw it with ultrasound and sent me to a doctor who specializes in shoulders to do a MRI.

I am sorry you are in pain, Claudia. I hope the MRI will be more specific. If I understand correctly, it sounds that the tendons were damaged because of the arthrosis, so yes, everything you can do to eliminate inflammation and rebuild cartilage/tissue will help. Basically, all the suggestions you received so far. Hang in there :hug2:
Last week I had a magnetic resonance and I have the results. The good news is that I have tendons and a tendon is partially broken. There is a lot of inflammation in the shoulder that indicates that Arthritis is active. Last week I did blood tests and today I went to my functional doctor. He says that my shoulder does not have much movement because of inflammation. And as Gaby suggested doing a few months of conventional treatment.
The treatment that the doctor recommended were supplements such as zinc, omega 3, vitamin k, among others.
Plaquenil 400 mg a day.
Predisone 10 mg a day.
I'm a little scared by the predisone because I've never taken it.
Strict diet
Nistatin 10 days because I have candida.

After a few weeks lower the dose of predisone to 5 mg only.

On Sunday, July 7, I made my first hemotherapy with 5 ml. My husband did a very good job.
From my right arm the extraction is very simple but in my left arm veins are not seen, neither do they feel.
Merci Claudia pour le partage de votre expérience qui peut servir à chacun de nous...
J'espère que votre état de santé va encore s'améliorer rapidement... Tenez nous au courant... Bon courage...

Thank you Claudia for sharing your experience that can be useful to each of us....
I hope that your health will improve even more quickly.... Keep us informed.... Good luck....
Last week I had a magnetic resonance and I have the results. The good news is that I have tendons and a tendon is partially broken. There is a lot of inflammation in the shoulder that indicates that Arthritis is active. Last week I did blood tests and today I went to my functional doctor. He says that my shoulder does not have much movement because of inflammation. And as Gaby suggested doing a few months of conventional treatment.
The treatment that the doctor recommended were supplements such as zinc, omega 3, vitamin k, among others.
Plaquenil 400 mg a day.
Predisone 10 mg a day.
I'm a little scared by the predisone because I've never taken it.
Strict diet
Nistatin 10 days because I have candida.

After a few weeks lower the dose of predisone to 5 mg only.

On Sunday, July 7, I made my first hemotherapy with 5 ml. My husband did a very good job.
From my right arm the extraction is very simple but in my left arm veins are not seen, neither do they feel.

Don't be scared by the prednisone as far as how it will make you feel; it will definitely calm down the inflammation FAST and give you a lot of relief. But don't take this as a sign you should do more!!! NO! The main danger of prednisone is taking it for any significant length of time or taking a lot of it. What you are taking is a VERY low dose.

The autohemotherapy takes about 3 months to really get the job going and it can make you feel a bit worse at first, but maybe not with the other meds that can counteract that. As I've said before, of all the things I've done over the years, hands down, autohemotherapy is on the very short list of the best things.
Hi. A small update.
In my last post I told you that I was taking prednisone 10 mg now I am with 2.5 mg. Since the dose was lowered I have felt pain in the knees, back, left wrist and shoulder blades. My right shoulder doesn't hurt anymore.
I have an appointment with the doctor in 3 weeks.
What my Yoga teacher and I think is that my left side hurts because it is the part that compensates for the movement of my injured shoulder.
In yoga class I am stretching to avoid contracting the back and shoulders.
I have 12 sessions of Autohemotherapy, I do not know exactly if it is working because I was taking 10 mg of prednisona, then 5 mg and now 2.5 mg.
There are days when blood injection hurts more than others. I do not know why.
I have not started IV of vitamin C and myers because where I found it is very expensive. I have the phone number of a doctor who does it, I hope it is not so expensive.
I'm going to start again with Quinton injections for my shoulder, I stopped it until the inflammation went down.
I don't have synovial fluid spilled on any of my joints, I think that's good. The pain that I have right now it is not very strong but it is annoying. I am doing my normal life. One thing I have cravings of carbs the doctor said it is for the prednisona.
Thank you for reading me.
Thanks for the update ClaudiaYG! It sounds like progress overall. Fingers crossed for the Quinton, and the Vitamin C injections if you find some place where it's more affordable.

About Autohaemotherapy, many of us have experienced the same. Some days it doesn't hurt at all, and others it does. We speculated that it may have something to do with your levels of inflammation on each particular day, as well as tiredness and hydration. But not sure.
Have you tried DMSO? It's not expensive and you can put it on your skin.
Frequently Asked Questions About DMSO
Currently, DMSO has been proven to effectively treat inflammation in the body, which includes arthritis
I have personally seen DMSO/Vitamin C IVs eliminate gout in two to three treatments and decrease 20 years of arthritic pain in a few weeks.
I want to share with you an update.

It's been a month since I stopped the prednisone at first. I felt pain but not disabling, I guess it was while my body was adjusting again.
there were a few months that my hip hurt but i think it was an emotional part, now my hip doesn't hurt anymore, i think it was because i had help from my osteopath, my yoga teacher and listen to my body and my emotions and be congruent with what i want and what i don't.

My right shoulder is starting to move a little more, my osteopath started to move it at first it was painful but he always told me "I am not going to do anything to hurt you" and when he told me that my body and my shoulder relaxed.

The osteopath told me that I needed to move the glenohumeral joint more and that is what I have been working on with my yoga teacher. She is very gentle and has helped me a lot and the joint already moves before it didn't look like it was stuck.

I did a round of doxycycline, the doctor does the tests of what medication you need by taking your pulse. After the round I felt better.

A week ago I went to my monthly appointment and told her I had no energy, I was always tired and sleepy, with leg pain as if I had done a lot of exercise, she told me to take DHEA, I'm just going to buy it.

A week ago I finished a course with Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk who wrote the book The body keeps the score. After I finished the training in Family Constellation I did the specialized courses in trauma and during the training we worked with our own adverse experiences from childhood.

I have already been working with my therapist for 5 years on my painful memories but 2 years ago I started with the topic of feeling safe.

Bessel Van Der Kolk says that to recover from trauma your whole being must feel safe again and that is what I have been paying more attention to, how I feel and how my body feels.

Now I see how my shoulder tightens up and protects itself when it feels like it's going to get hurt, and that's a reflection of when I experience some situations that don't make me feel safe, or when I don't agree with something and I shut it up, etc.

I feel more in contact with my body, more conscious of what I feel. When I am in my yoga class and I start to do the shoulder exercises, I breathe deeply and I speak with my body and I say "You are safe, the yoga teacher takes care of you and I am on the alert, relax".

For me, what I have experienced lately has been a great learning experience and I feel happy to be able to feel more present with myself and also with others.

This also helps me in my work with my clients, because I have realized that when I hear the difficult and painful stories of others my body reacts and when that happens what I do is breathe deeply.

Thank you for reading me.
I highly recommend that you read Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk's book.
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