Reptilian Encounter Stories

Interestingly enough, that Reptoid face resembles a creature I saw in lucid/paralysis dream state where I was lying on table in what can be described as a medical facility and this reptoid with buggy eyes stares at me as it walks by and I’m staring back - both our eyes locked. Very disturbing to say the least...
Interestingly enough, that Reptoid face resembles a creature I saw in lucid/paralysis dream state where I was lying on table in what can be described as a medical facility and this reptoid with buggy eyes stares at me as it walks by and I’m staring back - both our eyes locked. Very disturbing to say the least...
Ye gods I would never be able to sleep again if I saw something like that staring at me...😳


A CGI dinosaur talking with the voice of fan-favorite actor Jack Black took center stage at the UN’s General Assembly chamber to tell politicians to stop subsidizing fossil fuels and do more to tackle climate change.

The short clip was released by the UN’s Development Programme (UNDP) as the centerpiece of its ‘Don’t Choose Extinction’ public awareness campaign. The polar bear-sized reptilian was shown startling a UN meeting with his impressive appearance and a tough-love lecture on how dying out as a species is a really bad outcome.

“At least we had an asteroid. What’s your excuse?” the dino says, lashing out at government subsidies of fossil fuels, which an accompanying UN report estimates at about $423 billion annually.
Imagine if we had spent hundreds of billions per year subsidizing giant meteors. That’s what you’re doing right now!
The money would be better spent on alleviating poverty and countering climate change, the UN-in-a-CGI-dino-suit argued. “Don’t choose extinction. Save your species before it’s too late. It’s time for you humans to stop making excuses and start making changes,” the message concluded, eliciting a standing ovation from the mammal audience.

While many people said the warning sounded quite convincing, especially with the English version delivered in the voice of beloved actor Jack Black, many others took the opportunity to fire off some punchlines. For some, the humorous takeaway from the video was that lizard people may be “real” and either already rule the world or are planning a takeover.


Others found it a good excuse for China-bashing, based on the country’s current contribution to greenhouse gas emissions. Or to attack both the UN and China in one package, due to Taiwan’s unrecognized status at the UN.

Quite a few found the tongue-in-cheek short film too reductive and silly to land its message properly. One snarky commenter said it reminded them of a scene in the 2006 satirical comedy film ‘Idiocracy’, which saw Americans in the distant future believing that good US dinosaurs defeated bad Nazi dinosaurs in the 20th century, which led to the creation of the UN (pronounced ‘un’).

The video’s producers definitely weren’t aiming for any pretense at scientific accuracy with their ‘Frankie the Dino’ protagonist. The surprise speaker is supposed to be a “70-million-year-old Utahraptor” who doesn’t even have any feathers – which scientists believe the real members of the species likely possessed.

“We wanted to come up with something a little bit different, a little bit engaging, and with a big message that is a message of hope,” UNDP’s communications chief Anjali Kwatra explained to Associated Press. “There is a crisis, we have to act, but we have the solutions. We know what to do and we can do it.”

The complexity of the issue of fossil fuel subsidies was acknowledged by UNDP head Achim Steiner. “Ending financial support for them in a way that is fair and equitable is a critical element of [the advocated] transition,” he admitted.



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The sad thing is people go on here and post their experiences. The universe we experience is a designed hologram. It's designed to imprison humans with our senses. It feeds into our brains ability and desire to create a reality. Most of what we think is a real experience is actually just filled in information by the brain based on what it expects from previous learning.

Anyway, so we come on here to discuss these glitches when we realize something is wrong. Hoping to hear something like, man, I am so glad I am not the only one noticing this. But instead it's people wanting to state their new world order school information like the science says this, and politics says that.

So we have this "veil" hologram universe that is interactive. It quickly adjusts to cover whatever we may have experienced. And on top of that, socially, communication is tightening. It's becoming more difficult to find people who have an open mind. The mentality now seems to be that anyone who doesn't agree with what the government says is somehow racist/homophobic and must be censored for the sake of human rights. These ideas are in reality not connected at all, but the programming has actually made that subconscious connection. It's like the war in Iraq had nothing to do with Afghanistan and Osama, but they made people believe it did.

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The sad thing is people go on here and post their experiences.
There is nothing wrong with it as long as one is not expecting kudo's for every post. We call it networking.
The universe we experience is a designed hologram.
Probably. Illusion, Maya, Hologram and other million words to explain it. It has been that way whether reptilians exist ( do what they do) or not. Universe knows what it does- teach to come out it, if one is open to it.
It's designed to imprison humans with our senses. It feeds into our brains ability and desire to create a reality. Most of what we think is a real experience is actually just filled in information by the brain based on what it expects from previous learning.
Probably, it depends on what is meant by "brain".
Anyway, so we come on here to discuss these glitches when we realize something is wrong. Hoping to hear something like, man, I am so glad I am not the only one noticing this.
If your aim is to get appreciated for what you realized, I am happy for you and glad some body else found it useful. There are not too many people on the planet who realize it and not too many who see that there LOT more to it than that simple realization.
But instead it's people wanting to state their new world order school information like the science says this, and politics says that.

So we have this "veil" hologram universe that is interactive. It quickly adjusts to cover whatever we may have experienced. And on top of that, socially, communication is tightening.
"Matrix" Trilogy movies are made based on that. Probably few billions might have watched it. So people know it, whether they understand and had visceral reaction to it or not is a different story.
It's becoming more difficult to find people who have an open mind. The mentality now seems to be that anyone who doesn't agree with what the government says is somehow racist/homophobic and must be censored for the sake of human rights. These ideas are in reality not connected at all, but the programming has actually made that subconscious connection. It's like the war in Iraq had nothing to do with Afghanistan and Osama, but they made people believe it did.
Probably it is your emotional reaction. Probably you want to reread what is written once emotions are subsided. You are not the first person on the forum who want to share some thing what you thought exciting/sensational/important, when suggested to read a book, feel disappointed. Any way you want Truth, right? You got it.
I think this picture is few hundred years old and depicts different layers of existence. I think the artist is trying to depict densities which are not visible for us. As per C's cosmology, there are 7 densities. By free will choice to be born in 3D, we have limited understanding of upper realms. That is part of the lesson. The concept of 7 ( mountains, gates etc.) comes up in many ancient religions/cultures whose roots may go back realization of those higher densities. That's doesn't mean all is bad or good. It is what it is.
The sad thing is people go on here and post their experiences. The universe we experience is a designed hologram. It's designed to imprison humans with our senses. It feeds into our brains ability and desire to create a reality. Most of what we think is a real experience is actually just filled in information by the brain based on what it expects from previous learning.

Anyway, so we come on here to discuss these glitches when we realize something is wrong. Hoping to hear something like, man, I am so glad I am not the only one noticing this. But instead it's people wanting to state their new world order school information like the science says this, and politics says that.

So we have this "veil" hologram universe that is interactive. It quickly adjusts to cover whatever we may have experienced. And on top of that, socially, communication is tightening. It's becoming more difficult to find people who have an open mind. The mentality now seems to be that anyone who doesn't agree with what the government says is somehow racist/homophobic and must be censored for the sake of human rights. These ideas are in reality not connected at all, but the programming has actually made that subconscious connection. It's like the war in Iraq had nothing to do with Afghanistan and Osama, but they made people believe it did.


The Cs do say there are some holograms (as well as Barbara Marciniak in Bringers of the Dawn) but I do not think that means the universe and all "reality" is necessarily a hologram.

I could find only one session where the Cs themselves answered with "Hologram" although there were some other questions about holograms. This was in answer to how Jesus could do soul replications. Our ideas about who this Jesus was and what he represented are still in progress as Laura does more research and writes more books like From Paul to Mark, Paleochristianity (discussed in this thread) and the thread Was Julius Caesar the real Jesus Christ?

Session 28 October 1994:
Q: (V) Is the Godspark the portion of the Creator that lives within us, the soul, so to speak?

A: Sounds good.

Q: (L) If the godspark is the soul within us, does anybody have godsparks times 2 or 3 or so on? That is more than others?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) What type of person would have more Godspark than anybody else?

A: Jesus has Godsparks ad infinitum.

Q: (L) How does Jesus have Godsparks ad infinitum?

A: Soul replication for communication purposes.

Q: (L) So, every time we call upon Jesus, we are replenishing our Godspark?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Would you describe these soul replications as being more like a template or hologram?

A: Hologram.

Q: (L) And what is his connection to the Creator that enables him to do this soul replication?

A: Volunteered.

Q: (L) Rudolf Steiner called Chirst "The most sublime human principle ever to unfold on earth," is this an accurate statement?

A: One interpretation.

Q: (L) He also said: "The Christ, who in the course of this evolution lived 3 years in the body of Jesus of Nazareth..." Is this a correct statement? Did the Christ statement enter Jesus at age 30?

A: Formed then.

Q: (L) How did this sublime being, the Christ, dwell in a human body?

A: Natural process caused by supremely pure faith and thought.

Q: (L) Yet previously you said that Jesus had sexual relations with women after he was Christed, is that correct?

A: No. Before.

Q: (L) So, after he was Christed he had no sexual relations?

A: Correct.

Q: (L) Did the Christ spirit descend into the body of Jesus in his 30th year?

A: No.

Q: (L) What happened?

A: Formed within him. And it could do thusly in anyone who reaches such levels of service to others plus faith and supreme levels of pure thought.

We do not usually think of holograms having to do with spirituality but maybe sometimes there are connections.

In the Bringers of the Dawn Barbara Marciniak mentions a holographic effect that may be created to influence our choices and free will.

You may think that because you understand or believe in the spiritual realms that every person, as they evolve, will naturally embrace that information. It is not so. It is possible to become a brilliant master of manipulating matter and reality without understanding spiritual connections. It is very important that you learn this.

There will be those who will come from the stars to this planet who will have abilities that will be incredible to the mass consciousness of the people upon Earth. But these beings will not feel, for they will not be connected to any spiritual seeking. The choice to seek, to awaken the spiritual self, is, of course, free to each person upon this planet and to each person in this whole universe. Not everyone is going to realize it.

Just as you have cultivated very powerful individuals upon this planet who are not in touch with their feeling centers—who have no connection to emotional and spiritual consciousness—there are those who exist in space who are extremely powerful space kings or space entities who have nothing to do with spirituality. They are powerful forces. If you met these forces, you would feel like David meeting Goliath. That is why it is important for all of you to learn how to alter your reality so that you can dance between the vibrations of frequency, or flip into the station of the world that you want to experience.

Wanting to have something to worship is the frequency control on Earth. What the planet is headed for is someone or something new to worship. That is the potential holographic insert—a new god to worship. The creator gods, the reptiles, know that their plan has run short, so to speak, and there is an intention of creating a new plan, a new diversion, a new disempowerment. Therefore, beyond anything else, listen to yourselves. Listen to the internal message that comes through to you and begin to dance with it and make friends with it. You, yourselves, are meant to discover reality from inside and to direct your life in this way. This is really the gift that is given in the free-will zone.

Marciniak, Barbara. Bringers of the Dawn: Teachings from the Pleiadians . Inner Traditions/Bear & Company. Kindle Edition.

I think one reason it is good for forum members to share their experiences is to become aware of the potential for "holographic inserts" that may seem like just their own thoughts or ideas.

Another thing I try to keep in mind is that 4D existence does still have that physical component. Crashed 4D crafts and the beings in them are mentioned as being frozen in 3D but also having a previous 4D physicality that is different but real.

Session 12 August 1995:

Q: (L) Well, if these craft emerge into our reality from fourth density, as I assume some of them do, how do they stay here? Do they become absolutely physically material and do they remain here?

A: If they malfunction in third density, they then become frozen in third density. Very simple.

Q: (L) And, does the same hold true for the beings?

A: Precisely.

Q: (L) So, in a very real sense, they are very real and physical...

A: They are very real and physical in fourth density, too. The difference is that fourth density physicality is not the same as third density physicality. But that is not to say that there is no physicality in fourth density. In order to completely remove all attachment to physicality, one must reach sixth density or higher. Everything below that involves some aspect of physicality or attachment to physicality; as in fifth density, the contemplation zone, which is simply a recycling of those from 1st through 4th densities, in the etheric plane. They are brought back down and recycled into one of the physical realms. Each density level one through four, involves lesser and lesser physicality, as you know it, but nevertheless there still is physicality. Third density physicality, however, remains constant on third density when a being or a craft or an instrument of any kind manufactured or conceived in fourth density arrives in third density, it is able to navigate through third density in fourth density reality. However, when it malfunctions, whatever is left of it remains in third density. Those reports of objects or of any physical structure whatsoever, be it a being or a construct, disappearing from third density to fourth density, in each and every case, involves an object or a being, or a construct, which is not in the process of malfunctioning. It is still fully operational at its fourth density realm. It is merely visiting third density which has a limited capacity, as you measure time in its passage, therefore it does, indeed, remove itself naturally, at some point, to fourth density. However, if it malfunctions or is in any way broken or altered, it will remain in third density.

The sad thing is people go on here and post their experiences. The universe we experience is a designed hologram. It's designed to imprison humans with our senses. It feeds into our brains ability and desire to create a reality. Most of what we think is a real experience is actually just filled in information by the brain based on what it expects from previous learning.

The senses you mention are mostly those we ascribe to "physicality" and to many of us now in 3D it does seem like imprisonment.

It probably does have a lot to do with our "filled in information by the brain". Maybe we should use a mantra like "all there is is lessons".

Session 12 August 1995:

Q: (L) Is there any benefit to be obtained through the use of mantras?

A: Especially when the mind says there is. Remember, most all power necessary for altering reality and physicality is contained within the belief center of the mind. This is something you will understand more closely when you reach 4th density reality where physicality is no longer a prison, but is instead, your home, for you to alter as you please. In your current state, you have the misinterpretation of believing that reality is finite and therein lies your difficulty with finite physical existence. We are surprised that you are still not able to completely grasp this concept.

Anyway, so we come on here to discuss these glitches when we realize something is wrong. Hoping to hear something like, man, I am so glad I am not the only one noticing this.

I hope you feel free to share any "glitches" you are noticing. There are many strange things to observe so I would be glad to listen.
The sad thing is people go on here and post their experiences.
Why not and what are we supposed to do?

30 years ago this coming December I saw one of these (image below) when I opened my bedroom door at about 2am. The landing light was on and I could see myself reflected in its eyes. I looked away at my sleeping girlfriend and back again, it was still there, brightly lit and casting shadows just like any 3D object on Earth would. The memory faded, the next day my girlfriend had changed and she finished it shortly after. I couldn't recall much under hypnosis a few years later, I just remember the words 'HE IS ONE OF US!'. They were talking about me to my girlfriend I presume.

Anyway, eventually I really began to resist them in earnest. I think it helped.

I remember and mother remembers too, me as a 2 year old, terrified of the naked mannequins or dummies as we call them in Australian department stores. They bore a passing resemblance to a 2 year old and I absolutely hated Betty Boop and any other cartoon character with large eyes.

What are we supposed to do?

I'm nearing the end of Laura's Interview with Kerry Cassidy, I have watched it a few times before over the years, but I have a poor memory in some ways and I like to revisit old things.

I was just struck when Laura touched upon the agenda to abolish smoking and meat eating to appease the reptilian overlords at the top of the food chain, who are eating us (my sloppy description).... this tract absolutely fascinates me, because the only reason I could think of banning smoking and meat eating in the human cattle is to improve the diet of whatever is eating us :scared:

What other reason could there be? They don't care about our health - they've made that abundantly clear.

But having said that, they've just injected billions of people with mRNA, I haven't even considered the implications of that in this theory yet.

Just random thoughts :-)
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