Session 1 December 2018

I was taken by the psychopathy % talked about in the session..I came across this forum and a video by a Jewish woman and her telling about psychopathy running through her family.
Also the posted in that forum mentions Political Ponerology.

Truth Zone Forum: Jewish Psychopathy (1/1)

Hi Andi,

I've just started watching the video. It's interesting so far - thanks for posting it. Since you are new to the forum, we would appreciate it if you would post a brief introduction about yourself in the Newbies section, telling us how you found this forum, how long you've been reading it and/or the SOTT page, whether or not you've read any of Laura's books yet, etc. You can read other's introductory posts there to get an idea.

Welcome :-)
Thank you for another great session!

I realized how ignorant I was of how our planet even works and needed to research all about the Earth's crust, mantle, and cores along with how lava tubes are created while reading the session. It was a basic lesson and felt like traveling back to geography class in junior high, but it's amazing how vast and complex the Earth is and how there is so much happening below our feet as well as up 'above' in the skies and elsewhere.

That statistic on Ashkenazi Jews though......53% was it? That's over one in two people, psychopaths.:shock:

Yes, it's insane! And like the C's session that @Ant22 posted with the statistics of psychopaths, I always wondered why it was SO high among Jews, and at least in Pierre's question, Ashkenazi Jews. I came across this book Zionism in the Age of the Dictators which the author was heavily criticized for revealing the extent of Zionist collusion with the Nazi's and Fascist regimes in Europe leading up to and during WWII. Even though the author never mentions psychopathy, what becomes apparent was that certain leaders and different factions within Zionism, who were all obsessed with the creation of Israel, saw the Holocaust as a perfect opportunity to turn their machinations into reality. Some, but not all, couldn't stand the majority of normal Jews who wanted to live peacefully in their own countries and who weren't ideologically driven by the Zionist drive to take over Palestine, and as they proclaimed themselves the voice of all Jews around the world, either 1) did nothing to leverage their pull to help rescue 'their people', or 2) actively worked AGAINST putting any sort of rescue or actions plans together, especially if it didn't involve Palestine in it.

One problem being, among other things, was that the immigration quota to Palestine could never be high enough to bring over all the Jews that were suffering and dying under the Nazi regime. And the Zionists/Psychopaths knew this and banked on it. For them, the ends justified the means and there are numerous quotes in the book from people like David Ben-Gurion, Chaim Weizmann and others who basically said in no uncertain terms, it would take the blood of millions of Jews to make Israel a reality and they were only interested in saving a 'chosen' few. Everyone else was expendable and in sacrifice to the aims of Zionism. Those 'chosen few' consisted of anyone who was already ideologically Zionist, their families and friends, anyone who had enough money to pay huge sums to escape and those young enough to be used for labor and fighting in their long term goal to eventually fight the British and Arabs.

One can imagine, considering how unscrupulous they were in literally throwing their own people to the wolves in order to save their skin and further their aims, that many Zionists were probably pathological and/or psychopathic in nature and that most of the people they chose to bring to Palestine weren't too far off either. And that's not to say all Zionists were, at least 70 years ago. Some risked their lives and parachuted into occupied territories and died while trying to start resistance movements, while others tried to mount rescue missions by boat and other means.

But in the end, most normal people who were Ashkenazi Jews had no means of escape or anywhere to go and probably didn't want to leave their families behind and tried to fight as best they could but died in the process. So I think that's why the statistic is so high.
That parting phrase ''Unity to combat a threat will make all of you stronger'' made me think.I don't think they're talking specifically about the forum or the Crew here,I think they're talking about humanity in general.If you recall early sessions Cassies often talked about how humanity would need to unite against fascism.Now we know that the nephilim thing and alien invasion were metaphorical,but phrases like ''America will be destroyed'' from an 09 session and ''America will be hated like Nazi Germany was'' are harder to interpret as metaphors.In fact I'd say it's straight forward.

Combine that with leftist fascism and the fact that they mentioned that the gender bender thing will lead to tragedy and moralistic snap-back and the picture becomes a little more clear. Ofcourse I could be wrong,but I'm just following breadcrumbs here.

Anyway thanks for the session.
Thanks for the session !

Here is something about healing with some kind of gregorian chants :

( google translate of the interesting book Tosha :

french version : )

Malhas took Tosha to the mountains to show him an ancient Georgian rite, practiced to heal madness by singing.
They arrived in a lost village, where some old men still knew how to perform the ritual.
All gathered at dawn and brought the patient to a parade through which a mountain stream ran.
The old men, dressed in their traditional clothes, put themselves in a circle. The patient was placed in the center.
After a prayer, they took each other by the hand and solemnly intoned a seven-voice cannon, with stretched notes.
The sounds of the song, echoing on the walls of the parade, created a unique echo of its kind.
This mixture of voice and echo gave the impression that the mountain was singing with men.

The patient began to tremble and scream in a voice that was not his.
Then he collapsed on the ground and started running quickly on all fours, trying to get out of the circle.
His eyes were rolled up and he had foam on his lips.
Imperturbable, the old men continued to sing, holding hands firmly and preventing the lunatic from coming out of the circle.
At last the patient was silent and lay motionless.
The song stopped, the unfortunate was rolled up in a blanket and carried to the village, where he slept for three days.
After which he awoke, perfectly healed. "

original version:
"Malhas emmena Tosha dans les montagnes pour lui montrer un ancien rite géorgien, pratiqué pour guérir la folie par le chant.
Ils arrivèrent dans un village perdu, où quelques vieillards savaient encore comment accomplir le rituel.
Tous se réunirent à l'aube et l'on amena le malade jusqu'à un défilé où courait un ruisseau de montagne.
Les vieillards, vêtus de leurs habits traditionnels, se mirent en cercle. Le malade fut placé au centre.
Après une prière, ils se prirent par la main et entonnèrent solennellement un canon à sept voix, aux notes étirées.
Les sons du chant, en se répercutant sur les parois du défilé, créaient un écho unique en son genre.
Ce mélange de voix et d'écho donnait l'impression que la montagne chantait avec les hommes.

Le malade se mit à trembler et à hurler d'une voix qui n'était pas la sienne.
Puis il s'écroula par terre et se mit à courir rapidement à quatre pattes, en essayant de sortir du cercle.
Ses yeux étaient révulsés et il avait de l'écume aux lèvres.
Imperturbables, les vieillards continuaient à chanter, se tenant fermement par les mains et empêchant le dément de sortir du cercle.
Enfin, le malade se tut et resta étendu, immobile.
Le chant s'arrêta, on roula le malheureux dans une couverture et on l'emporta au village, où il dormit trois jours.
Après quoi il se réveilla, parfaitement guéri."

edit : russian website of the author :
Thank you for the another fascinating session folks! :flowers:

On the chambers/mantel/dome collapses etc. - (Pierre) "whoa..."

Indeed so...
Quite interesting session, thanks! Hope you had a nice birthday Chu!!

(Pierre) What was the cause of this monochromatic earthquake that lasted 20 minutes last month off the coast of Madagascar?

A: Grand chamber collapse deep underground. Like a deep sinkhole. And extremely large!!!

Q: (Joe) They were saying they thought it was an undersea volcanic eruption.

(L) So what caused it?

A: Combination of factors including crustal slippage and magnetic field anomaly. Check gravity graphic for the region for clues.

Q: (L) That must mean that globey thing they made that shows the shape of the Earth according to its gravity.

(Pierre) I would guess the anomaly shows a weak gravity so there'd be less binding force there.

(L) So it doesn't have anything to do with the sun...

(Andromeda) That trembling was on the 18th, and a week later the sun did the singing.

(L) The sun was singing.

A: Loosely connected by effects of the same general influences in the solar system at present.

Q: (L) And what are those general influences?

A: External and internal.

Q: (L) Well that doesn't help.

(Pierre) Is the external Nemesis?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) Internal is the state of humanity?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Is internal also streams of comet dust?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So, it's basically the same mechanism. And external could also be the wave?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So just the same general malady is affecting everything.

(Andromeda) And that's the same reason we had this big earthquake yesterday.

(L) So they didn't connect to each other, but they were effects of the same general thing. Next?

Found this: said:
By Peter Hess
on March 6, 2018

We foolishly assume some things about the Earth will always be the same. Sure, it’s safe to assume the sky will always be above our heads, but to think that compass needles will always point to the geographic north, for instance, is pure folly. Doing so is what is leading to all the fuss over the South Atlantic Anomaly, a region of the Earth’s magnetic field that, as researchers reported in Geophysical Review Letters, has shifted so much that satellites get disrupted when they fly through it.

In the paper, published in February, the researchers presented evidence gathered from southern Africa that could help us get a better idea of what the heck is going on the South Atlantic Anomaly, which spans from Chile to Zimbabwe. It definitely is weakening, though there are a number of reasons why that might be happening.

The fact is that Earth’s magnetic field reverses polarity relatively often — on average, every couple million years. A million years is a really long time, but when you place these magnetic field reversals in the grand scheme of the Earth’s billions of years of geological history, they’re pretty darn frequent. As the researchers note in their study, that process might be happening again — though the actual make-up of the Earth’s mantle beneath the field may have something to do with it as well.

The Earth’s magnetic field is our first defense against the solar wind, which is full of charged particles that can, in turn, destroy the ozone layer, which protects us from ultraviolet radiation from space. The fact that satellites are getting disrupted by the immense radiation that the South Atlantic Anomaly lets in shows us just how serious magnetic pole reversal is. For one thing, it would definitely affect more than just compass needles. As Inverse previously reported, the potential issues arising from a magnetic field shift are huge:

The Earth’s satellites, power lines, ocean currents, and animal migration patterns are all dependent on the stability of the magnetic field, which envelops the planet and shields it from harmful cosmic rays like a pair of polarized sunglasses. Modern humans have been lucky to take that stability for granted; the Earth hasn’t experienced a full magnetic pole switcheroo for 780,000 years (though it experienced a temporary one 41,000 years ago).

To get a better idea of what’s going on in the South Atlantic Anomaly and whether similar events have happened before, researchers looked to spreading seafloors formed as magma cooled. Crystals in the magma, they surmised, would tell them which direction in the Earth’s magnetic field was polarized. Over thousands and millions of years, these polarized seafloor minerals formed parallel stripes of reversed crystals that give us a record of past reversals.

A similar phenomenon resulted from the activities of Iron Age people living in the northern part of modern-day South Africa. They’d regularly burn their grain bins and mud huts in a ritual meant to alleviate drought conditions, and in doing so, they created the proper conditions for their clay to cool in the same way the seafloor did, with the minerals in the clay pointing in the direction of the magnetic pole.

By examining the archaeological relics from several sites, researchers pieced together the history of the South Atlantic Anomaly from about 425 to 1550 C.E. and found similar anomalies in three different ranges of years: 400 to 450 C.E., 700 to 750 C.E., and 1225 to 1550 C.E.

They conclude that the fluctuations that are happening now are probably not a coincidence or random occurrence but are actually part of a historical trend of magnetic field fluctuations in this region. The reason this region is so prone to fluctuations is also not random. Some 1,800 miles beneath southern Africa is an area called the African Large Low Shear Velocity Province, a heavy region that might be pressing down on the hot liquid iron at the Earth’s core that is responsible for generating the magnetic field in the first place.

“We’re getting stronger evidence that there’s something unusual about the core-mantel boundary under Africa that could be having an important impact on the global magnetic field,” John Tarduno, Ph.D., study co-author and chair of the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of Rochester, said in a statement.

Historical fluctuations and unusual iron flow can’t totally explain the overall trend in Earth’s weakening magnetic field, which geologists also attribute to forces within the Earth’s mantle, but they can help us place what we’re seeing into context. And that context is that the 160-year trend in a weakening magnetic field, which could herald the big flip, seems to be happening alongside these smaller, less frequent fluctuations. While time will tell just how serious it all is, it’s clear now that there’s not much we can do to stop the big flip when it comes.

[/I said:
[/I said:
The Geoid: Why a map of Earth's gravity yields a potato-shaped planet

This video is no April's fool joke: Earth really is shaped like a potato. However, the shape that you see here is, um, slightly exaggerated to highlight its irregularities. Another caveat: what is depicted here is not the shape of the planet, but rather the shape of an idealized sea-level surface extending around the entire globe—a surface that Earth scientists call the geoid.

The video is the most accurate reconstruction of the geoid to date, and was released by the European Space Agency at a scientific meeting in Munich on March 31 (see a video of the related press conference here). It is based on data collected by ESA's Gravity Field and Steady-State Ocean Circulation Explorer (GOCE). The five-meter long, arrowhead-shaped probe has been in a low orbit for almost exactly two years, collecting painstakingly accurate measurements of the gravitational field of Earth.

Alas, many of the Web sites and blogs that reported on GOCE's results so far got it wrong. Contrary to what was stated in these reports, the geoid is not a surface on which the strength of gravity is the same at every point.

The geoid is, in the words of an oceanographer on the GOCE team, a surface such that if you placed a marble anywhere on it, it would stay there rather than rolling in any direction. Another way of saying it is, imagine you were an engineer traveling around the world with a level. Then wherever you go, the level would be exactly parallel to the geoid at that place. Yet another equivalent definition: it is a surface that's everywhere perpendicular to the direction of a plumb-bob, or in other words, to the gravitational field.

Gravity need not have the same strength everywhere on the geoid. In other words, if you could walk on the geoid you would see gravity always pointing exactly downwards, but your weight could slightly change from one region to another.

The misunderstanding may have stemmed from the confusion of two concepts from multivariable calculus: a vector field and its potential. The vector field in this case is the gravity field, and the potential is the gravitational potential (which is essentially the gravitational energy of a unit mass). At any point in space, the gravity field can be seen as the direction in which the gravitational potential rises fastest. Its magnitude, or length, is the rate of change of the potential. The field defined this way is called the gradient vector field of the potential. In general, the gradient of a quantity defined in space is the 3-D version of the derivative of a quantity in the sense of single-variable calculus. (To be pedantic: for historical reasons, the gravity field is defined to be the opposite vector to the gradient of the potential.)

If you were to follow a gravitational field line—a curve which is at every point tangent to the vector field at that point—you would follow a curve of steepest ascent on the gravitational potential. That's why it is called the gradient. (Note that because of inertia, the field lines of the gravitational field are not necessarily the trajectories of a body in free fall. The field won't tell you in which direction you'll be moving—only in which direction you will accelerate.)

Gradient vector fields are difficult to grasp in 3-D, because picturing the potential (to visualize the ascent or descent) would require a fourth dimension. But a 2-D analogy might help. Think of how water trickles down a hilly surface. Neglecting inertia, a droplet of water would follow a curve of steepest descent, which is a vector field made of vectors along the surface. In this analogy, the elevation of the droplet is the analogue of the potential at that point. And the analogue of the geoid is an elevation contour on a topographical map: the potential—the height—is constant along the contour. Obviously, some parts of this contour can be on steep terrain, whereas others can be on mild gradients. (On a topographical map, the slope is steeper where many different contour lines are crowded together.) The magnitude of the gradient vector field—which represents the steepness of a slope—is not the same at all points of the contour.

Thus, gravity does change in strength along the geoid, and so the geoid is not "a shape where the gravity is the same no matter where you stood on it," as one blogger put it. Nor is it "how the Earth would look like if its shape were distorted to make gravity the same everywhere on its surface," as reported by a major news site, which went on to add that "areas of strongest gravity are in yellow and weakest in blue," apparently not noticing the contradiction with the previous sentence.

There are many reasons why the geoid isn't a sphere. First and foremost, the Earth itself isn't a sphere. It is closer to an ellipsoid, being flattened at the poles by the centrifugal force of its own rotation. But the planet isn't an ellipsoid either, because of topography. Mountains and valleys are asymmetrical distributions of mass. That mass distribution affects the gravitational field and makes the geoid asymmetrical too.

Then there is Earth's inner and outer structure. The oceanic crust and the landmasses of the continental shelves are made of different materials that have different densities; and farther down, the mantle is not uniform either, with regions that have slightly different compositions and temperatures, and thus slightly different densities. "The variations," Reiner Rummel, a senior GOCE scientist, told me in an email, "reflect processes in the deep earth mantle such as descending tectonic plates and hot mantle plumes."

All of which affects the strength of the gravitational field, and the GOCE's orbit. The probe measures these effects thus it measures the gravitational field.

The geoid is not to be confused with anomalies due to the topography of the land – although it is affected in part by it. Also—and here is where things get really tricky—it is not to be confused with the actual sea level.

Wait a minute, you say, but isn't the ocean supposed to be at sea level by definition? Except for relatively small perturbations such as waves or tides, you say, shouldn't the surface be exactly horizontal (that is, perpendicular to the gravitational field) everywhere? Isn't that, after all, what "sea level" means? Yes, to some approximation. However, the oceans are not homogenous. Differences of salinity and temperature make them more or less dense. Moreover, the Earth's rotation produces forces that keep the oceans in constant motion.

Just like the water in a river is not all at the same level—after all, it flows to the sea for a reason—the water in the ocean also has differences in height. And by height, it should be clear by now, I mean elevation relative to the geoid, which can be positive or negative. Oceanographers thus speak of the "topography" of the ocean, meaning that it really has hills and valleys. In fact, here is where the "ocean circulation" part of GOCE's name comes into play: one of the main goals of the mission is to measure the oceans' topography and from that deduce the structure of the oceanic currents.

The deviations of the geoid from the simplified, ellipsoidal model of the Earth are substantial: they range from 100 meters below (dark blue in the video) to 80 meters above (yellow), Rummel says.

The surface in the video is the geoid amplified by a factor 7,000, says GOCE mission manager Rune Floberghagen.

Regarding Gregorian chants, I love this one, every time I hear it, it send me to another place, to a romanesque arhitecture style building by night and, at the background native american indians chanting around a fire ... mergers of my imagination :-)

Thank you for an interesting session. It is good to know that the fires were not caused by direct energy weapons. Happy belated birthday Chu!
Speaking of past civilizations that healed with sounds, I recently heard of conspiracy theory at least as large as the alien/UFO cover-up. I did a search on here and couldn't find anything except reference to a mainstream book, but this is a subject that may need some Cassiopaean input on a future session.

Getting the point of my reply, has anyone heard of Tartary, or the Tartarian Empire? Not the mainstream historical Asiatic neighbours of the Mongols, but rather the Aryan/Celtic people of a world-wide empire similar to Atlantis, that was wiped out around 200 years ago?

There is way too much to put into this post about this subject, so I will provide a couple of links that I found on youtube. It is a theory that kind of makes sense and fits with the evidence, and yet it is so insane that it is also virtually unbelievable that no one would know about this or remember what happened to the (allegedly) real Tatars.

Anyway, some links:
- What If...?
- The Death of Great Tattaria
Великая Тартария была стёрта с лица земли ядерными бомбардировками – Новости РуАН (Russian website referenced in the previous youtube video)
- Mud Flood City and Ghost Cities
- Mud Flood Mansions and the Gilded Age Deception

My apologies for the huge banners that seem to automatically attach to the above links when I preview the post, there doesn't seem to be an easy way to disable it.

I welcome any or all feedback on this subject, whether to support or debunk the theory. As previously said, I only discovered this very recently and it's a strange synchronicity that the Cassiopaean group asked about healing sound waves only about 2 days after I'd heard of the same thing along with the Tartarian empire.
Thank you all, at the chateau, for another great session. Happy birthday chu, sending you a big hug via the divine cosming mind.
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Speaking of past civilizations that healed with sounds, I recently heard of conspiracy theory at least as large as the alien/UFO cover-up. I did a search on here and couldn't find anything except reference to a mainstream book, but this is a subject that may need some Cassiopaean input on a future session.

Getting the point of my reply, has anyone heard of Tartary, or the Tartarian Empire? Not the mainstream historical Asiatic neighbours of the Mongols, but rather the Aryan/Celtic people of a world-wide empire similar to Atlantis, that was wiped out around 200 years ago?

There is way too much to put into this post about this subject, so I will provide a couple of links that I found on youtube. It is a theory that kind of makes sense and fits with the evidence, and yet it is so insane that it is also virtually unbelievable that no one would know about this or remember what happened to the (allegedly) real Tatars.

Anyway, some links:
- What If...?
- The Death of Great Tattaria
Великая Тартария была стёрта с лица земли ядерными бомбардировками – Новости РуАН (Russian website referenced in the previous youtube video)
- Mud Flood City and Ghost Cities
- Mud Flood Mansions and the Gilded Age Deception

My apologies for the huge banners that seem to automatically attach to the above links when I preview the post, there doesn't seem to be an easy way to disable it.

I welcome any or all feedback on this subject, whether to support or debunk the theory. As previously said, I only discovered this very recently and it's a strange synchronicity that the Cassiopaean group asked about healing sound waves only about 2 days after I'd heard of the same thing along with the Tartarian empire.

Sounds interesting and I'm going to try to get time to listen/watch, but maybe some others who have some time could watch and synopsize the main points?
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