Q: (Pierre) What's the percentage of psychopathy among Ashkenazi Jews today?
A: 53.
Thank you for another informative session, great and timely questions!The planet is getting crazier by the minute and it's really useful to have more information about the process.
Gosh, this session really made the truth about the upcoming upheaval hit home. I can't even imagine the how frightening it will be for the unsuspecting masses to go through it with no understanding of what's going on! At least we here know there's a potential light at the end of the tunnel.
Q: (Artemis) Does this hypothetically make it sometimes true for some people that their home country is where they can best get their "mana"?
A: Yes
The woods were silent. The sun's rays passed through the broken branches. The twittering of the birds' song was heard intermittently. Listening to them, he suddenly remembered a very special song. It was not a composition made for the purpose of distracting, but a mystical song composed of sacred syllables. If one went to a particular place and sang this song, then the guardians of the place had to show it to the singer as it had been in the past. Time would be pierced - it was anyway a set of circular layers leaning against each other - and the beauty that once existed would be revealed. It was a bit like wanting water to flow backwards, and that was exactly what that song was doing.
Saihung used it in China. Thus, for him, history had not always consisted in reading books alone, but in an almost direct experience of having had the full vision of them. He had seen poets, warriors, the Seven Sages of Bamboo Grove. He had seen these things as clearly as the trees he had in front of him at that moment. The time, he had been taught, could flow in one direction or the other. He decided to sing this song. He could thus begin to learn from the natural world of this place, to absorb the soft breath of the wind, the immaculate water. He could find the Tao right here.
He sat for a moment in a state of contemplation, inner ablution, return to the sacred. Then he stood up and, with the gestures and movements that accompanied the words, he sang this song. The wind calmed down. The birds stopped. Even the trees trembled in response to his voice.
He waited, full of hope. Nothing.
He reviewed how he had proceeded. It had been a long time since he had sung it, although it was not a melody that was easily forgotten. He sang again. Still no answer.
On the third attempt, he realized that the song would have no effect outside of China.
Discouraged and sad, he returned to his boat.
https://www.amazon.fr/Chroniques-Tao-secrète-maître-taoïste/dp/2911806700Les bois étaient silencieux. Les rayons du soleil passaient à travers les branches rompues. Les gazouillements du chant des oiseaux se faisaient entendre par intermittence. En les écoutant, il se rappela soudain d'un chant très spécial. Il ne s'agissait nullement d'une composition faite dans le but de distraire, mais d'un chant mystique composé de syllabes sacrées. Si l'on se rendait dans un endroit particulier et que l'on y entonnait ce chant, alors les gardiens du lieu se devaient de le montrer au chanteur tel qu'il avait été par le passé. Le temps serait transpercé - il n'était de toute façon qu'un ensemble de couches circulaires appuyées les unes contre les autres - et la beauté qui avait existé autrefois serait révélée. Cela ressemblait un peu à vouloir faire s'écouler de l'eau à rebours, et c'était exactement ce que ce chant faisait.
Saihung y avait recouru en Chine. Ainsi pour lui l'histoire n'avait pas toujours consisté en la seule lecture de livres, mais en une expérience presque directe, celle d'en avoir eu l'entière vision. Il avait vu des poètes, des guerriers, les Sept Sages du Bosque de Bambou. Il avait vu ces choses aussi clairement que les arbres qu'il avait en face de lui à cet instant. Le temps, lui avait-on enseigné, pouvait s'écouler en l'une ou l'autre direction. Il décidé d'entonner ce chant. Il pourrait ainsi commencer à apprendre du monde naturel de ce lieu, à absorber le doux souffle du vent, l'eau immaculée. Il pourrait retrouver le Tao ici même.
Il s'assit un moment en état de contemplation, d'ablution intérieure, de retour au sacré. Puis il se dressa et, avec les gestes et les mouvements qui en accompagnaient les paroles, il entonna ce chant. Le vent se calma. Les oiseaux s'arrêtèrent. Même les arbres se mirent à trembler en réponse à sa voix.
Il attendit, plein d'espérance. Rien.
Il passa en revue la façon dont il avait procédé. Cela faisait longtemps qu'il ne l'avait pas chanté, bien que ce fût pas une mélodie qui s'oubliât facilement. Il chanta à nouveau. Toujours pas de réponse.
A la troisième tentative, il comprit que le chant resterait sans effet hors de Chine.
Découragé et triste, il retourna à son bateau.
Sounds interesting and I'm going to try to get time to listen/watch, but maybe some others who have some time could watch and synopsize the main points?
Great Tartaria was wiped out by nuclear bombardment.
On Earth, there has not always been such a mess as it is now. More recently, almost all the habitable lands on the planet belonged to the Great Tartary - the largest country.
The great Tartary disappeared from the political map of the world about two hundred years ago.
It was erased so thoroughly that for almost two hundred years no one had heard of it. And I did not know. The works of Academician Fomenko on New Chronology [..........]
Turkey many times suffered defeats in battles, lost wars and lost territories, but it did not disappear from the political map of the world.
Unlike the Great Tartary. Which was erased not only from the card. Tartary erased from the face of the Earth. Together with the people who inhabited it ...
This happened in February 1816. Which subsequently received the name "Year without summer". In the United States, it is still called "Eighteen hundred and frozen to death," that is, "one thousand eight hundred and frozen to death." But official science considers the beginning of the “Little Ice Age”, which lasted three years. [..........]
Death of Tartary
The eruption of the volcano Krakatau (1883) [..........]
Fire of Moscow in 1812
Brigadier General Count Philippe de Segur wrote in his memoirs: “Two officers were stationed in one of the Kremlin buildings, from where they had a view of the northern and eastern parts of the city. About midnight, they were awakened by an extraordinary light, and they saw that the flames engulfed the palaces: at first it illuminated the graceful and noble outlines of their architecture, and then it all collapsed ... The information brought by the officers coming from all sides coincided. On the very first night, the 14th to the 15th, a ball of fire descended over the palace of Prince Trubetskoy and set fire to this structure. ”
Very strange fire. To put it mildly. [..........]
And if you do not guess, look at the nuclear test newsreel [..........]
By the way, Napoleon, who is accused of setting fire to Moscow and blowing up the Kremlin, himself barely survived during this fire.
Graf de Segur says: “Then, after a long search, ours found an underground passage near the pile of stones that led to the Moscow River. Through this narrow passage, Napoleon and his officers and guards managed to get out of the Kremlin. ”
All who survived were in a state of shock.
Sounds interesting and I'm going to try to get time to listen/watch, but maybe some others who have some time could watch and synopsize the main points?
I found also interesting to add to your post some quotes:I thought it interesting that the Cs insisted on unity - and it's not the first time - when the common denominator of what we observe on our world at the moment is division, often fueled by hysterical passion: left vs right, east vs west, globalists vs nationalists, gender wars, civil wars, protests, brexiters vs remainers, etc. Divide and conquer on a global level!
A: Loosely connected by effects of the same general influences in the solar system at present.
Q: (L) And what are those general influences?
A: External and internal.
Q: (L) Well that doesn't help.
(Pierre) Is the external Nemesis?
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) Internal is the state of humanity?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Is internal also streams of comet dust?
A: Yes
Q: (L) So, it's basically the same mechanism. And external could also be the wave?
A: Yes
Q: (L) So just the same general malady is affecting everything.
(Andromeda) And that's the same reason we had this big earthquake yesterday.
(L) So they didn't connect to each other, but they were effects of the same general thing. Next?
Q: (L) Well, let me backtrack here... Was the collapse of that underground chamber a harbinger or a trigger that will start some kind of chain reaction of events on the planet that are going to travel around the globe the same way the waves traveled around the globe?
A: Human physiology is designed and tuned to a certain level of gravity and electromagnetism and the chemical elements, being "lazy", utilize those factors for optimal functioning. In the absence of gravity and EM influences the systems are not optimized.