The Living Force
Pido disculpas por el mensaje enviado. Es incorrecto citar una fuente de manera irónica o como una broma que podría afectar a otros de alguna manera. Creo que será mejor que lo hagas a través del hilo para principiantes. No me manejo correctamente en un foro, de hecho es la primera vez y mis 78 años no ayudan. Este es un momento muy caótico en mi ciudad, así que les pido un tiempo.
No sé dónde ubicar este mensaje, si en Informe o en respuesta, por si acaso lo haré en ambos.
Hi Oli, i've translated your message below using
I apologize for the message sent. It is incorrect to quote a source ironically or as a joke that might affect others in some way. I think you'd better do it through the thread for beginners. I don't handle myself properly on a forum, in fact this is my first time and my 78 years don't help. This is a very chaotic time in my city, so I ask for some time.
I don't know where to place this message, if in Report or reply, just in case I will do it in both.
Your message has been received

As Ant22 says, please feel free to introduce yourself in the 'Newbies' section of the forum. You can tell us a bit about yourself, how you found the forum, your city, and so on.
If it helps, you can translate your introduction into English using DeepL, and include the Spanish version below it.