Session 17 May 2014

Bear said:
The two things I can think of that could cause:
C's said:
A: Very good in fact because there will soon be no money. Notice that banks are already making gestures toward confiscating funds.
is the cashless system mentioned by Altair above or some kind of major disruption to societies that is planet wide. The most likely candidates for the major disruption would be cosmic catastrophe (ie meteor or comet fragment bombardments) or some kind of major shift in climate (ie an ice age). The C's comment above makes it seem like it is a monetary event, but the past few sessions have also had the topic of being safe in terms of cosmic catastrophe. Maybe we will get a bit of both at the same time?

Hi Mikel,
Personally I don't see now or the future as a time to try to beat the system or use the system's possible weaknesses in terms of exchange rates and the such. Things could get out of control fast with unpredictable results and I'd want to have a position that is secure before any of it starts. That's just me and I'm conservative when it comes to taking risk with financial matters. I'd be looking for ways to be outside the system as much as possible.

Thanks Bear, you put in words what was on my mind. I was thinking about those latest hints by the C's re "no money soon" and the earth changes stuff, and it seems like one is going to be the direct outcome of the other. I mean, what else can result in the total collapse of the world financial system if not the major natural (cosmic?) disaster?

Dollar and stocks bubble can explode without any "external" interference, but what can make the whole world refuse money system in general? Barter cannot efficiently substitute money system. Gold and silver are also less convenient than money. Electronic money is still money in essence, whatever we may call it. So, if the money system in its entirety will totally collapse soon, the most probable reason for this can be force major (acts of nature).

Another option is a global nuclear war, but it seems unlikely to me, despite the current international tension.

I also agree with you that it's better to stay outside the money system as much as possible (both in terms of debts and deposits) and invest in "needful things" instead.

And thanks everyone for another fascinating session. What an excellent learning experience for all of us again!
"But be careful not to stop interacting on the forum, networking is important too. :)". I will do my best, Oxajil. And thank you for the below Laura's qoute, especially this one:

"We have neither the right nor the means to change the world of choice for the majority; we can only continue to manifest that world WE choose, as much as possible, in our own lives and behawior".
So far as at least 80% of all world population are satisfied with their lives, they do not see at all why there should be any changes. Only when changes in the environment start to become terrifying and currencies collapses, some people shall grasp the truth about our situation and as in the Cs prediction, they will change a little towards STO just enough to advance to 4D. That is why Cs have never told how many people approximately will be moved to 4D. So it seems we need to wait at least a year for a total breakdown of the social system and only then it will make some sense to explain people what is going on. It is going to be a challenge to live through the coming turmoil. I suppose we need to prepare a supply of food and other goods required to survive for a period of at least three months. Gold will lose all its value when such a crisis starts. It is better to exchange food with other people as a form of payment.
Concerning the C's reply "no money soon" would be interesting to understand if will be like that cause of the end of the actual financial system, cause of the "cosmic" disaster or both (so the timing is the same).
Concerning the cooperation between us to improve the network, would be nice to find somebody in Central Europe to create a group. Anybody there?
alteroru486 said:
So far as at least 80% of all world population are satisfied with their lives, they do not see at all why there should be any changes.
Hi alteroru486, are You sure about this 80%? :) Where You get this number from?

Bear said:
Hi Mikel,
Personally I don't see now or the future as a time to try to beat the system or use the system's possible weaknesses in terms of exchange rates and the such. Things could get out of control fast with unpredictable results and I'd want to have a position that is secure before any of it starts. That's just me and I'm conservative when it comes to taking risk with financial matters. I'd be looking for ways to be outside the system as much as possible.

Hi Bear, well I wish I was free from debt but I am not. I am not that far from paying it off but there is still a lot to be paid. I have counted that if everything goes according to MY assumptions means no changes to my work situation I should be ready to pay my bank loan within 2 years or so. Original loan was for 30years and I have 22 still to go.

What was I thinking that when collapse of the financial system comes it need not to be a simultaneous event. Maybe it will be quick but it needs to start with something.
Possible triggers for monetary crisis what I can think of are:
1. China and/or Russia claims their due debt from USA
2. Other countries not in US block follow China and/or Russia.
3. Countries try to change their own currency reserves I guess still kept in USD for other currencies (maybe CHF as officially marketed as the most stable which it is obviously not)
5. Division of financial system due to break in thrust.
6. US-block countries ??? Do not know what will they do? I guess that governments if not completely driven by US will be trying to do something to save at least the elite. For sure foreign trade may be stopped for awhile so for countries which have most of their budget generated by export and contracted in USD this maybe bigger problem than in countries with mostly internal revenues. Also countries heavily dependant on import of energy may suffer if those contracts are paid in USD.
In a fact I cannot imagine immediate collapse scenario. This must have meant that USD is the foundation block for whole world monetary/banking system. But is it?

Anyway FOREX will not be closed I guess during one day.
For example money stock will get info that for example Russia/China are selling their reserves or China claiming it's dept from USA. I guess USD goes down. People are selling it and try to buy something different. There will come a moment that will be panic - like in 1929 maybe. Then people, institutions, countries will realize that what actually they own in USD is peanuts is nothing.
As it comes to national or country treasury I think that usually it must be diversified - I am not sure but I think that there is some international guidance on that. So reserves should be kept in gold, silver, gems, currency and maybe some other countries bonds and something like this.
If country looses all USD reserves I think it will depend on how much those it had. According to (the one and only :)) Wikipedia _ looks like the share is 3/4 in USD and 1/4 in EUR is normal for currency reserves. Others are marginal. I do not think that EUR may be stable when USD falls and in addition finance bubble is present everywhere in our modern banking system if I take as true info from Zeitgeist the movie that 10 times more money are allowed to be borrowed by any bank than this bank's deposits/ real money stocked.

You see I am not even close to this matters and I am afraid that I may mess some terms and concepts here but this is what I think right or wrong.

So, USD collapses and people will try to get rid of it as soon as possible. But in some time no one will be willing to buy USD anymore because everyone will try to sell it basically. So it is sure then that we will have global losers and a lot of USD on market no one wants.

Now what I think is that some banks borrow internationally some are local players. International players are easily affected by such crisis that they are not able to exchange their major operating currency. But local ones...??? I do not know how exactly shall small local bank be affected. I mean this will not be immediate effect.

I can see that now I mean in the moment people from central banks/ governments realize that part of their treasury is out they may start to impose draconian rules to steal peoples money from commercial banks.

But before that there is also a problem of countries debts like for example now Ukraine towards IMF. If the loan is taken in USD by Ukraine or any other country and USD is falling it means that those countries are winners. USD looses on value and their own currency if not fixed to USD by central bank shall be doing better.

But still there are a lot of players in this market and it is hard for me to imagine now how it may go down in one day.
My 2 cents.
The beginning of this session harks back to the session of 22 June 2002.
It should be noted that the STS system can only be penetrated by becoming "wise as serpents and gentle as doves." There is nothing negative about networking. Details of a network include the necessity for those who are involved to invest "energy" in the exchange. If the individual comes upon the life work of another and expects to benefit and gain by that work, they will naturally wish to have their own position balanced by putting forth a commensurate amount of energy. Otherwise there will be an imbalance of energy. This then leads to an STS pyramid. An example of this principle in reverse is a teacher who demands payment for no real work on their own part.
The fact that both of you have devoted yourselves to this work for not just a short time, but literally your entire lives, and have not asked for the support that this intensive labor earns has, in effect, created an imbalance for those who are benefiting. Many of those who are experiencing blocks in their own lives would find those blockages dissolved by the action of opening the flow of energy in the exchange. In your world, money equals energy!!!
Q: (A) I would like a bit of advice about our upcoming meeting. Should we have a fixed schedule, or try to keep everything spontaneous?

A: How about somewhere in between? The main focus should be on networking according to STO principles.
Notice carefully how the STS domination has been created and maintained. It is not done with the objective of promoting knowledge. As you know, it is done with the intent of hiding truth. What is wrong with pointing the door to greater potential knowledge out for those in Darkness? You can shine the light on the door. The choice of opening it and passing within is up to the seeker.

Then there is this from Bringers of the Dawn where I believe the same point is being put forth albeit allegorically.
Love is the key. Love is what makes up the universe. The present technology on Earth will only develop to a certain extent because mankind does not yet understand that love is necessary. Energy can take all forms of creativity, but when one is dealing with greed or hatred or any emotion that is not working toward light, one is only allowed to go so far. There is only so much information that is available to that sort of vibration. Love is the basic building block, so when one has love, all possibilities exist. Bringing back the concepts of light, which are information and love - which is creativity - is the plan. It takes renegades like the Family of Light to come into a system that has been primarily dark for eons and change it.

And can we speculate that it was the Wetiko Virus expressing itself to great extremes in Frank Scott? (Of "Frank would have killed you with his STS draining rather soon otherwise" fame. See here, here and here.)
Q: What hole do you mean?

A: Suicidal thoughts; since he does not have the STO motivation to help others without an agenda, which gives staying power to those of the STO persuasion to survive great troubles.

A Cass group member addressing Frank
You are indeed, creating your own reality, and it is the very one you dreaded - rejection and contempt from others.

Frank Scott, did you ever think that people reacted to you negatively because of who and what you are?

The recent sessions took my breath away with their probing of this domain of the individual's character and conduct. I would love to see future sessions apportion more to such "humanistic" matters, given that it is the work on, and development of, our emotions that is pivotal to this existence.

eternusphoenix said:
Felipe4 said:
A: The blocks will reflect what it is that they are unable to give. If a person cannot be sincere, they will experience people in their personal lives who are not sincere with them. If a person devalues another's efforts, they will find their own efforts devalued. If you need to unblock a certain area of your life, make the effort to give what you want or need yourself.
If life mirrors onto us, like we get what we give, anytime people feel lost we should keeps this in mind.

maybe trying to meditate about this will, help us understand what we lack, what each of us should shine light on, on our personal lives, what we are not giving, and what we are.

a question for everyone me included, to answer to ourselves or on our free time,
What blockages do I have?
That, should tell us what we need to work on and give in return.

Felipe4, I like the way that you re-phrased the message. I'm learning to think of life and interaction in a similar way.

If you feel like people don't listen to you, learn to listen to others.

If you feel like people don't love you, learn to love others.

If you feel like people are not sincere with you, learn to be sincere with others.

If you feel like you don't have enough of ______, learn to give ______.

Enjoy the ride! :cool2:
Yeah! And I think it goes with this that the C's said:
The next time you feel yourself slipping into despair, just tell others how you are feeling and think of something you can do for another to prevent them from suffering the same feelings. Thus you will witness the birth of true empathy.
Thank you for another insightful session.

About the the answers the C's have given recently about money/the economy, it raises questions in my mind about how to prepare when most everyone in my family is not preparing. We live in the US and they have retirement accounts and a mortgage on a house that is decades off from being paid. Feel like I am missing something here in a way, because of all the questions it raises for me. What has been said about building tribe like communities and investing in them does resonate with me. The word synergy comes to mind when I think about the affect of contributing and networking in this way. Been reflecting on how I can give back to the network.

Richard S said:
Starshine said:
Thank you very much for those last sessions, as always. :)

I feel pretty stuck at this level, I follow Sott since a while now, and I never really engaged myself in being more active on the forum. What holds me back, mostly ? I'm thinking : not yet. I still have to read and understand before participating.

In the biggest picture, I also have reflected on the fear and anger about life in general. And a lack of self-esteem, for not being the Ideal Me. I'm not and I have to accept it. There's always some guilt when I'm consciously not doing the right things to myself. But, over time, this happens less and less, I learned/am still learning here how to do the right things for my body and apply it much more. Still not enough, but it will strengthen over time and recapitulation. This is mostly what I need to participate more too. Time and recapitulation.

I'm kind of stuck in my intellect and I'm loosing a lot of energy in daydreaming instead of being active. I fear to share here because it seems like you're way ahead of me. I do value those lifetimes of work. A lot. It may be linked actually because I feel like I have no words to say compared to what you're able to share. And also, when I post, as this is the case here, it's mostly about me.

Still, you have posted something that might resonate with others who feel pretty much the same as you do. This IS a contribution to the network because it may help someone else who feels intimidated as they also feel they have little or nothing to contribute.

As the C's have mentioned, it is the burden of those who have made some progress in the Work to assist those who are on a 'lower rung' of the ladder, because until they do they will be stuck where they are at and unable to advance further. For those of you who are hesitant, please remember that you are in a sense doing them a favor because of their need to assist others so as to be able to advance further themselves. In order to be able to help anyone it is really necessary to have some idea of where they are, what they are feeling and what they are going through. Everyone is different and each specific case needs a response to that particular area.

One thing you will find to be true is that if you ask for help with anything at all there will almost certainly be someone(s) here who will respond with whatever assistance they can give. If you don't let anyone know your situation, how can anyone help you?

I have had similar thoughts Starshine so I'm glad that you shared and your response Richard S has been encouraging. Helps to understand what it means to network with others who are co-linear.
Mr. Premise said:
Teresa said:
This is something that has been on my mind lately because I'm very aware of all the work that has been done and How much I get out of this forum. I've been trying to think of ways that to can contribute but came up with a blank. But one thing I can do is donate a little, so that's what I did. I'm hoping to be able to give more in the future.
As Laura said in the session,

Okay, so you were saying that you don't how to interact with the Work because you're not physically present. And they said, "There are many ways..." and I would assume that means on the forum and with giving and doing and working on projects and so forth. Whatever's available in small ways, I think, for the moment. And then that opens the door for more direct interaction with others on “the path”, I would think.

There are lots of ways to contribute. Being active on the forum, helping people out on the forum, suggesting articles for SOTT, using your experience to help others on the forum, donating, etc.

No reason to draw a blank here! :)

Thank you Mr. Premise. And you are right, there are other ways to participate, I just have to get over being afraid to speak out. It's probably a program instilled into me when I was a child. But it really kicks in on this forum so I'm going to have to work on that. ;)
alteroru486 said:
It is going to be a challenge to live through the coming turmoil. I suppose we need to prepare a supply of food and other goods required to survive for a period of at least three months. Gold will lose all its value when such a crisis starts. It is better to exchange food with other people as a form of payment.

Yep, I agree it's going to be a pretty tough ride. When you consider that probably 99% of Americans are completely reliant on corporations to feed them, and have no winter pantry or anything as far as food storage goes or any knowledge or means of growing/raising their own food, things will be very tough here when the economy goes kaplowee and earth changes get really awful. We'll most likely be dealing with various catastrophes so I think food stores should be greater than three months. Laura has suggested something more like two years. When you consider what we're up against along with the lack of basic knowledge of basic homesteading skills, we've got our work cut out!

If any haven't read it, here's a good thread on Preparedness.
Many thanks for sharing. These last few sessions have really had an impact.

Interesting views on forming communities. I happen to live very close to a christian community called the Bruderhof. Never really took much notice of them, as they tend to keep to themselves for the most part. Some people I know have used their medical and dental services and found them to be excellent.

They have a website Interesting to read how their community functions, especially how they provide products/services for themselves, as well as to the general public which generates an income.

Regarding finances, what would be wise items to purchase before money becomes valueless? By this I mean larger or more expensive items, if you don't have a house to invest in or a loan to pay off and assuming you have bought the basics for being prepared. Would it be safe enough to withdraw stocks and keep them in cash until needs arise?
Laura said:
A: More than that, it means that total engagement in energy exchange with the network. If a person benefits from the efforts of others and there is no return energy, there will be blocks of all sorts in their lives.

Q: (L) Okay, when you say, "There will be blocks of all sorts in their lives"... Blocks of what kind?

A: The blocks will reflect what it is that they are unable to give. If a person cannot be sincere, they will experience people in their personal lives who are not sincere with them. If a person devalues another's efforts, they will find their own efforts devalued. If you need to unblock a certain area of your life, make the effort to give what you want or need yourself.

Q: (L) But are you talking particularly about people engaged in the Work, or just anybody in general?

A: Anybody, but double in the work.

Q: (L) Okay, does this line of questioning inspire any questions in ya'll? Can you think of anything else to ask on this topic?

(Nicolas) This applies in the forum more than it would personally since we're not really interacting with too many people with the Work physically?

A: There are many avenues to interact in the work!!!

Thank you for sharing. This is very valuable information. I know that I have been popping on the forum and benefiting from others' efforts and not returning the energy. This session reiterates the need for the energy exchange in the network. I am very inspired.
bosy said:
What does it mean there will be no money?

It means collapse of US dollar and probably Euro. They will be devaluated to zero in the worst case. In the best case the US dollar will just cease to be world reserve currency with all possible repercussions. Probably they will introduce some new NWO electronic currency but it's just a speculation so far.
Thank you for sharing the session.

I also feel I struggle with not knowing how to contribute, as I feel far down the ladder. I have tried to contribute by sharing some experiences, but perhaps feel I don't interpret them well enough to add meaningful feedback for others.

However reading much of the feedback on these sessions has been helpful - maybe in a sense of putting less pressure on myself to meet my own high expectations, and actually trying to 'give back', and by taking feedback on myself to learn rather than being afraid to expose the faults I know I have.

I wish my current circumstances allowed me to contribute more financially, and I would so love to join a community in person and dedicate my whole person to supporting others - however I 'can' contribute more by participating rather than just reading the forums, so I shall endeavour to try harder.
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