Session 17 May 2014

Hi some suggestions for those who want to contribute and do not know how: :)

Laura said:
Q: (L) Okay, so the next question is: We have numerous activities that are creative for people to be able to release some of their pent up emotions about all of the things that are happening in the world that make everybody unhappy. They can get on SOTT, they can write commentary, they can work on the forum, they can write things on the forum, they can have exchanges, they can have meetings with other people. There are many things that people could be doing, but it's like the excuse always comes down to, "Oh, the frequency fence. I can't do anything because I'm depressed, or I'm this, or I'm that or the other thing." You're saying that they've won half the battle, but it seems to me that it's harder than that. There is something else. How to get over that initial resistance?

A: Taking the bull by the horns is always fearful in the imagination, but when you approach the beast, he usually lays down and submits.

Q: (L) That doesn't answer my question. Okay, what constitutes "approaching the beast"? Since that seems to be where everybody gets stuck...

A: As Yoda said, no try, just do, if only a little. That will break the logjam. Butterfly wings and all that.

Just stop wondering and start doing something as suggested by the Cs and Laura above. You can do EE or check about your diet and share your experiences in the appropriate threads. Most probably you get feedback and friendly suggestions.

Maybe you want to check these threads:
Becoming a SOTT translator: Help needed
Help with creating (and proofreading) transcripts of SOTT Talk Radio shows
Calling All Aspiring Writers (or just those who have an ax to grind!)

Mr. Premise said:
There are lots of ways to contribute. Being active on the forum, helping people out on the forum, suggesting articles for SOTT, using your experience to help others on the forum, donating, etc.

No reason to draw a blank here! :)

On which step of the ladder you are is just the place where you are. Just start and continue to go on step by step now.

Just my 2 cents - And I am still very low on the ladder if at all. :-[
I thought that this wasn't very serious, like the world will end in 2012.
But, Mexico city has earthquakes every week.

I'm looking for the truth. I had a dream where somebody told me that the C's and the Work is the right way. I never share about the things I know. I thought that was stupid and I was crazy. I feel that this is the moment when I have to do something for other people. Even if they call me weird. But, I'm still learning.
alteroru486 said:
Gold will lose all its value when such a crisis starts. It is better to exchange food with other people as a form of payment.

I think that this might be a faulty reasoning. The Cs, over the past two decades, have on more than one occasion suggested that we acquire some gold. You cannot eat it, but in times of turmoil it has historically been the safe haven simply because of its portability and exchange value the world over.

George Soros, this past week, sold all of his enormous bank share positions and bought gold mining shares... and a position in Herbalife (vitamins). I point this out not because Soros is any type of desirable role model, but because he is an insider whose acts can be clear indicators for those with eyes to see. The countries who are refusing to participate in western central bank/US dollar imperialism are switching from trading in dollars to gold and their own currencies. There is little doubt that the planned new world currency will, if only symbolically, have a partial backing in gold.

Because of its universal fungibility and portability gold and silver will always have a place in the interactions of humans, or so I think. This does not mean that one should ignore all other forms of preparation, as they will all become extremely necessary, but don't sell the precious metals short. A little bit of gold and silver have assisted the survival of many a life in past tumultuous periods. Its just another tool in the preparation toolbox.

The "elites" have long planned the dismantling of all national sovereignty, which implies the destruction of nations' economies and currencies, so that all will gladly accept their global electronic fiat currency and the "new world order". During the time of transition, which will probably take a lot longer than most people think, there will only be one's preparation to fall back on. Try to cover all bases. We all take something like hot water on demand for granted, but just imagine how problematic this could become if infrastructure collapses and climates cool. There are many facets to preparation.

"Gold is the money of kings; silver is the money of gentlemen; barter is the money of peasants; but debt is the money of slaves." … Norm Franz
alteroru486 said:
In time of turmoil you will need to pay a gold ring for a loaf of bread.

Sure. And if you don't have that gold ring, you won't get the bread. And the person with the bread, is interested in the gold ring. Connection?
You can check out the following threads to learn how to prepare.,28712.msg360048.html#msg360048,21375.msg223134.html#msg223134
Natievell said:
I thought that this wasn't very serious, like the world will end in 2012.
But, Mexico city has earthquakes every week.

I'm looking for the truth. I had a dream where somebody told me that the C's and the Work is the right way. I never share about the things I know. I thought that was stupid and I was crazy. I feel that this is the moment when I have to do something for other people. Even if they call me weird. But, I'm still learning.

Make sure that if you share things with others, that they are asking for you to do so. A lot of problems can come up for us when we infringe on others' free will by giving them information that they are not ready for.

If you want to do something for other people, network here, help with translations, or on SOTT, or whatever you can help with. Just posting here, asking for information that can help you with a problem may end up helping someone else who is having that same problem. By sharing, or networking, you help others even if you are not aware of it. :)
There's also this to keep in mind:,
Very well put IMHO : What we miss mentally and emotionally belongs to what we need to give.

Which somehow means that our attitude is of an utmost importance. If we behave poorly, we'll get poor results...

Thanks for sharing !
Natievell said:
I thought that this wasn't very serious, like the world will end in 2012.
But, Mexico city has earthquakes every week.

You dont have to mention, i live there :(
Eos said:
Very well put IMHO : What we miss mentally and emotionally belongs to what we need to give.

Hmm. It's kind of like that reverse logic where your body craves what it has a sensitivity to. Or when we admire the aspects in others that we have a little in ourselves.
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