The Living Force
Altair said:Mikel said:Hi :)
Today was listening podcast with Mr. Orlov. Not finished yet but one idea came to my mind relating to last session 17th May 2014 especially to the part where You were discussing some issues of property due to bank loan. Hey Cs! Were You trying to say something? :)
I have a bank loan in Swiss franks for my flat in Poland. When I heard when Orlov said about possible huge devaluation of USD in near future a thought came to me: "Wow!!! So if I change currency from CHF into USD and wait for collapse... it may work!!!".
I just guess that printing money and fictitious value of money is not only happening in USA. Central banking system somehow cut governments from having direct influence on amount of money on the market although those banks still are supplying money and still we have inflation basically everywhere so creation of money must be greater than demand.
Question is how other currencies will react to collapse of USD? For example what would be exchange rate between PLN and USD in case of hyperinflation in USA? And I guess it will not help people who have loan taken in USD?
What do You think?
If the dollar collapses then the most western currencies will collapse too because we live in a global economic world where everything is interconnected. Perhaps Russia and China will be less affected by that. I guess they will introduce a kind of NWO electronic currency so that they can produce it so much as they want to, not bothering themselves with printing money. It will probably be a cashless society in which people will probably get some implantants (marks of the beast) that they then must use to pay for everything (check the Book of Revealation and corresponding C's sessions about that). So I think that if you won't be able to pay the loan for the flat back after the dollar has been collapsed they will just get your flat back. As simple as that.
Just to quote the session, because I also did think of it when Russia made its big move so suddenly that Russia flipped the coin in a global way!, the session about the 666 apocalypse link below: