Session 17 May 2014

Altair said:
Mikel said:
Hi :)
Today was listening podcast with Mr. Orlov. Not finished yet but one idea came to my mind relating to last session 17th May 2014 especially to the part where You were discussing some issues of property due to bank loan. Hey Cs! Were You trying to say something? :)

I have a bank loan in Swiss franks for my flat in Poland. When I heard when Orlov said about possible huge devaluation of USD in near future a thought came to me: "Wow!!! So if I change currency from CHF into USD and wait for collapse... it may work!!!".

I just guess that printing money and fictitious value of money is not only happening in USA. Central banking system somehow cut governments from having direct influence on amount of money on the market although those banks still are supplying money and still we have inflation basically everywhere so creation of money must be greater than demand.

Question is how other currencies will react to collapse of USD? For example what would be exchange rate between PLN and USD in case of hyperinflation in USA? And I guess it will not help people who have loan taken in USD?

What do You think?

If the dollar collapses then the most western currencies will collapse too because we live in a global economic world where everything is interconnected. Perhaps Russia and China will be less affected by that. I guess they will introduce a kind of NWO electronic currency so that they can produce it so much as they want to, not bothering themselves with printing money. It will probably be a cashless society in which people will probably get some implantants (marks of the beast) that they then must use to pay for everything (check the Book of Revealation and corresponding C's sessions about that). So I think that if you won't be able to pay the loan for the flat back after the dollar has been collapsed they will just get your flat back. As simple as that.

Just to quote the session, because I also did think of it when Russia made its big move so suddenly that Russia flipped the coin in a global way!, the session about the 666 apocalypse link below:
A: Very good in fact because there will soon be no money. Notice that banks are already making gestures toward confiscating funds.

Tens of thousands of Belgian savers see money disappear from their bank.
And also:

Kenneth Rogoff, the professor of Economics at Harvard, writing in Financial Times, poses the question “Is it time to consider the phasing out of paper money?”

And yet another session shortly after the previous one. Fantastic! Thanks, thanks, thanks. :)
Now to try and digest it, since there is always more than there seems to be on the first reading.
Scribblenauts said:
what I was trying to say is something like :
in a STO case if someone didn't put another on the step that shouldn't stop any other one from developing, someone else will put them on the step and everyone will develop as STO with no troubles (except those who didn't give because they either chose to develop as STS or to not develop at all or whatever)

Ultimately, an STO individual is giving freely of themselves to the group and so will be sharing his or her knowledge. In such a situation, those further down the ladder would be benefiting from the knowledge and developing themselves further. I think the point is that no one can develop in an STO manner in a vacuum. One has to be OF SERVICE to others, not off by themselves contemplating their navel. If you are truly being of service you will be putting others on the ladder behind you. If you're not, you won't and will likely find yourself blocked. Saying "someone else will do it" means you're not actually being of service and therefore, not developing. OSIT.

dugdeep said:
I see what you're saying, but again, I think there's a distinction to be made. There's a difference between taking on the prepper mentality out of fear and acting upon the knowledge that you've gained. Knowing what we know about the likelihood of societal collapse, it would be foolish not to prepare in some way, OSIT.
This is a really confusing point for me, because I think the right intentions with proper choices then actions basen on them will create the future, so choosing to survive will properly lead to survival, do you see what I'm trying to get at here?

I think I understand what you're getting at. But what are "proper choices and actions based on them"? It's working with the knowledge that we have and acting upon that knowledge. It's not enough to only have right intentions. Who doesn't have the intention to survive? If you know there is an ice age coming, then moving out of Northern countries is acting upon that knowledge. Staying put and saying "I'll be alright because I have the right intentions" would likely lead to a chilly future ;)

dugdeep said:
Not sure, I guess it depends on what you think it implies ;) I think the original quote was saying Laura's descendents will seed other 3rd density planets, not specifically Earth, but I could be wrong (can't find the quote ATM).
sorry about that, what I thought about it was :
is the creating and/or the seeding of a 3D universe an act of 4D STS or STO or both? I mean seeding 3D earth doesn't sound like a good deed (thinking of the suffering and how some see the Annunaki and all this stuff)
also is the population of the 3D earth will totally cease to exist at some point? (as in all dimensions at once, can this be?)

Well, just speculation here, but seeding a planet would seem to mean propagating intelligence and creativity throughout the universe, allowing other beings to learn lessons and develop towards union with the all. Sounds pretty STO to me :)
Thanks so much for the session. I haven't posted on a while and my contribution so far during theses last months have been of a different nature. I have been unloadind baggage and lots of it in material form to make way for a more sane and productive life.

Moving from a place I spent my life in, and doing by myself was just exhausting and cathartic. My plans abruptly changed, and am now heading way north instead of the far south . I went through a very scary time, breathing all the way, EE, of course. My thoughts of finding the type of community that cares to live free or die actually came true. I did nothing except the work and the work worked me. My POTS is on my winshield due to the fear I had of driving by myself for so long a trip to my new state. Thank POTS for relieving anxiety about Moose danger. Don't ask,lol.

I wasn't able to contribute much monetarily, but that will change. And all the questions that I pour over about right use of funds were basically answered in a lot of the ways I was, and was not planning. Silver will be recognized and utilized I think even more importantly than gold for many of us I think, and I plan on investing in it and cementing it to my cash bought house. There will finally be no more debt. Carrying around a house where you are going paycheck to paycheck is an albatross no one needs, a good lesson nonetheless. It was alien to me, homeowning that is, and I learned much.

This forum and everone in it are priceless, and I think Laura already IS in conscious 4Th density. So much of what was said here years ago are common words NOW because of this forum and its work. Even though psychopath gets thrown around a lot, it started here. The melding of us all, meaning me especially since I alone am responsible for my own participation, is why I came or am here.I did not have courage alone, and many of you have had such integral parts in my life, however blocked it can be and will be again. Slow and steady is something I have to really keep on top of, and breathe.

This session was like it read my mind and timed it exactly to synchronize at these moments. I will finally be able to donate actual funds. You are themain folk that mirror me, thank the Universe, no matter how my ego responds. Everyone of you sitting with tired hands and shoulders, you and we are changing this world for the better however it may seem to the contrary. Thanks for letting me go on. I've been caged a bit, sorry.
dugdeep said:
Well, just speculation here, but seeding a planet would seem to mean propagating intelligence and creativity throughout the universe, allowing other beings to learn lessons and develop towards union with the all. Sounds pretty STO to me :)
Well, seeding a planet seems STO but that is not the point. The point is why after so many billions of years there are _still_ beings at 3D STS?? That is what I tried to explain, which the explanation seemed scary.
alteroru486 said:
dugdeep said:
Well, just speculation here, but seeding a planet would seem to mean propagating intelligence and creativity throughout the universe, allowing other beings to learn lessons and develop towards union with the all. Sounds pretty STO to me :)
Well, seeding a planet seems STO but that is not the point. The point is why after so many billions of years there are _still_ beings at 3D STS?? That is what I tried to explain, which the explanation seemed scary.
Why wouldn't there still be 3D STS beings? They are needed for balance. For the universe to be in balance there has to be equal amounts of STS and STO.
Mr. Premise said:
alteroru486 said:
dugdeep said:
Well, just speculation here, but seeding a planet would seem to mean propagating intelligence and creativity throughout the universe, allowing other beings to learn lessons and develop towards union with the all. Sounds pretty STO to me :)
Well, seeding a planet seems STO but that is not the point. The point is why after so many billions of years there are _still_ beings at 3D STS?? That is what I tried to explain, which the explanation seemed scary.
Why wouldn't there still be 3D STS beings? They are needed for balance. For the universe to be in balance there has to be equal amounts of STS and STO.

Plus, "after so many billions of years", isn't time an illusion? It's all cycles on top of cycles that keep repeating over and over.
meta-agnostic said:
Mr. Premise said:
alteroru486 said:
dugdeep said:
Well, just speculation here, but seeding a planet would seem to mean propagating intelligence and creativity throughout the universe, allowing other beings to learn lessons and develop towards union with the all. Sounds pretty STO to me :)
Well, seeding a planet seems STO but that is not the point. The point is why after so many billions of years there are _still_ beings at 3D STS?? That is what I tried to explain, which the explanation seemed scary.
Why wouldn't there still be 3D STS beings? They are needed for balance. For the universe to be in balance there has to be equal amounts of STS and STO.

Plus, "after so many billions of years", isn't time an illusion? It's all cycles on top of cycles that keep repeating over and over.

Yeah and adding to that, everything is occurring simultaneously. You're just in a certain point of linear time due to your choices and awareness. Remember the slide projector analogy: you're on one slide now, but all the other slides exist simultaneously.
It does not count whether events go simultaneously or not, there is no difference.

You do not understand the ramifications of the present universe construction.

First, there is no progress. We can only go up and down, up and down, unavoidably, because 7D then returns to 1D, got it?. Second, STO and STS are only temporarily separated. After some (long) time one cannot avoid moving from STO to STS. That is what appears from the Cs channelings, which is a disaster. It seems that even the most advanced souls have no control over that situation. There is no way for a particular soul not to move back to a lower level of development and so we suffer. Why can anybody not change that?
alteroru486 said:
It does not count whether events go simultaneously or not, there is no difference.

You do not understand the ramifications of the present universe construction.

First, there is no progress. We can only go up and down, up and down, unavoidably, because 7D then returns to 1D, got it?. Second, STO and STS are only temporarily separated. After some (long) time one cannot avoid moving from STO to STS. That is what appears from the Cs channelings, which is a disaster. It seems that even the most advanced souls have no control over that situation. There is no way for a particular soul not to move back to a lower level of development and so we suffer. Why can anybody not change that?

Taking into consideration the necessity for balance in the universe I actually see this as progress. If all is lessons then these lessons are continually expanding whether it is STO or STS. IOW the DCM experiences itself through the creativity and knowledge and being of all that exists. This means with the billions of years of learning - whether STO or STS - that this learning could be multiplying, maybe even exponentially?

So perhaps what is happening is STO learning expands/increases - all that is, and STS learning expands/increases, all that is - though on a contractile level perhaps? Gravity and Unstable gravity, matter and ant-matter.

I could be very wrong but my current thought is that this 'expansion' of knowledge IS progress - for the benefit of all. Expansion of Consciousness. Universal consciousness.

If everything in the universe is just lessons then MAYBE 7D (if indeed they do actually begin the cycle again and not blend into universal consciousness as opposed to being individual units ie unified consciousness), then perhaps the lesson here is to experience the new 'level' of consciousness achieved since their 'last cycle'? Don't forget that at 7th Density (and 5th and 6th, and to a certain extent 4th), they do NOT experience PHYSICALITY. So MAYBE they have to RE-EXPERIENCE physicality in order to 'grow' into the new 'higher' level of consciousness of the expanded consciousness of the universe since their last 'cycle'.

To give another analogy: If you understand the Tarot - (especially the Jungian version of the Tarot - Karen Hamaker Zondag - The Way of the Tarot - A Jungian approach for working more deeply with the Tarot), you will understand that all experience is in cycles. That the Major Arcana is all about archetypes. So these cycles are repeated throughout all the archetypes and you can actually assess where you are in a current cycle (if you have knowledge of all archetypes and where they stand in relation to each other - essential). By following this closely you actually notice new cycle from a previous cycle, or a decline in your progress from a previous 'higher' archetype.

FWIW this is just my opinion and current view on 'consciousness and cycles' so in itself could be wrong. But perhaps being wrong could become a foundation upon formulating the truth re progress, cycles, consciousness and the Universe. Perhaps the Law of 7, Octaves in development (plus intervals and shocks) itself goes full circle again?
alteroru486 said:
You do not understand the ramifications of the present universe construction.

I'm sure I don't, in full, with my current mind and thinking. But I will explain how I understand it currently.

alteroru486 said:
First, there is no progress. We can only go up and down, up and down, unavoidably, because 7D then returns to 1D, got it?.

I'm not sure that the return to 1st from 7th implies no progress. Like happyliza said, there is learning that may be carried over into the next cycle. It may be that that's just the way it is, that ultimately you do it all over again.

alteroru486 said:
Second, STO and STS are only temporarily separated. After some (long) time one cannot avoid moving from STO to STS. That is what appears from the Cs channelings, which is a disaster.

Yeah, true. You can't avoid the changing of polarity, you will be both along the cycle. I don't think that's necessarily a disaster, as it is about balance.

alteroru486 said:
It seems that even the most advanced souls have no control over that situation. There is no way for a particular soul not to move back to a lower level of development and so we suffer. Why can anybody not change that?

I'm not sure that it's impossible to change that. Perhaps you can? The C's say that we are the Prime Creator. And that you can create universes to dwell within if you wish and know how. Maybe it's possible to make one where the rules are different.

You have some similar thoughts to mine. It seems that the linear mind gets in the way of understanding these things. With our 3D mind we perceive it very differently than other beings with more information would perceive it. And we can get fixed on the idea of some kind of "completion".

Like, "What happens after the cycle?" "Surely the cycle must complete with all knowledge and possibilities having been made." But again, it seems the linear time thing limits our thoughts and understanding here. What if there is in fact Infinity? Existence cannot end. It must be, and always. (And I guess so too with non-existence, but I'm not addressing that here.) And so, the cycle from 7D to 1D is just a part of that infinity.

That's how I'm able to "rationalize" or understand it at the moment. It sounded much better in my head, there's always some entropic loss on its way to the keyboard. But as always, with more data and Being, we will understand it even more. Fwiw.

Edits: Hit space bar and posted prematurely, completed post thereafter.
Thanks a lot for the session. I've been thinking a lot about different things and for some reason, this session has given clues to answer those questions. Like the importance of the group, and giving back, or the blocks the cs' mentioned.

Lately I've been feeling weird, I have my family that runs in circles, I mean, they don't change, neither my friends, is like everything is the same for them in terms of perception of the world and such. I can't relate to them at all ! but then I come, read the sessions or read some forum comments, and feel totally related, like the thoughts I've been having are shared here with a different perspective or greater. Funny, as before all of this happened I thought leaving the work and all that, I felt it was too much for me to handle while I had to deal with my daily common life so to speak.

My question is, in my position, where I still need to learn tons and read even more, and I still haven't finished college, how can I contribute to the group? to the community? I've been thinking about giving funds but I still need to buy some books, and some things to express my creativity like a digital tablet for example. Maybe patience is required, eventually all of this may be of some benefit.

:lol: I have a crazy dream of becoming a screenwriter or filmmmaker and getting in the business of cinematography or videogame design in the future, gain a bunch of money and then give it to the funds of the group. Not only that, but the material shared in this forum and the books are just such an original material, that can be shown to people through their addiction of visual entertainment. But looking at the picture, the future doesn't seem promising to fulfill that plan. As a psychologist I'd be able to help, but damn, I think I learn more about psychology here than in college. What do you think, how should I approach my situation?
alteroru486 said:
It does not count whether events go simultaneously or not, there is no difference.

You do not understand the ramifications of the present universe construction.

First, there is no progress. We can only go up and down, up and down, unavoidably, because 7D then returns to 1D, got it?. Second, STO and STS are only temporarily separated. After some (long) time one cannot avoid moving from STO to STS. That is what appears from the Cs channelings, which is a disaster. It seems that even the most advanced souls have no control over that situation. There is no way for a particular soul not to move back to a lower level of development and so we suffer. Why can anybody not change that?

Hi alteroru486,

Can you provide a source for "7D then returns to 1D"?

From my understanding '7D' permeates and 'is all' of 1D, 2D, 3D, 4D, 5D, & 6D both STO & STS, no need to return 'as' it all ready 'is'. I think maybe you are confusing "7D then returns to 1D" with the STS's pathway of energy flow to "Reflection regenerates as primal atoms".

"Why can anybody not change that?" Not sure were you got this. By ascending the STO pathway up to 6D you have total free will and can choose not to return to 1D or any other D. :D

Once all lessons are learned you become 'one with all' 7D. Returned to the unseparated "all that ever was or will be", no longer an individual consciousness unit. ('no longer an individual consciousness unit' may or may not be the case at 6D STO also.)

OSIT Hmm... individual = in divided duality :cool2:

Hopefully these session quotes will help.,21613.msg226768.html#msg226768
Q: (L) How can Prime Creator lose any part of him or itself?

A: Prime Creator does not "lose" anything.

Q: (L) Well, then, how would you describe this energy that was in existence and then is no longer in existence because it has become or gone into a Black Hole?

A: Reflection is regenerated at level 1.

Q: (L) So, this energy goes into a Black Hole and... does it come out on the other side?

A: No.

Q: (L) Does it become like a primal atom?

A: No.

Q: (T) Does it go back into the cycle?

A: No. Reflection regenerates as primal atoms.

Q: (L) So, this energy that is sucked into the Black Holes... what (T) When we put out energy as positive or negative energy, and there are beings on other levels that feed on this energy, is this true?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) Okay, and you said that the Lizzies feed on the negative energy?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) Who feeds on the positive energy?

A: You do.

Q: (T) How do we feed on the positive energy?

A: Progression toward union with the one, I.E. level 7.

Q: (L) In other words, you fuel your own generator instead of fueling someone else's. (T) You are at level 6, what do you feed on?

A: You have the wrong concept. We give to others and receive from others of the STO. We feed each other.

Q: (L) So, by feeding each other you move forward and grow but those of the STS path do not feed each other so must feed off of others. (T) Now, you are talking to us now. This is considered STO?

A: Yes.,21619.msg226785.html#msg226785
A: Life is religion.

Q: (L) What does that mean?

A: Life experiences reflect how one interacts with God. Those who are asleep are those of little faith in terms of their interaction with the creation. Some people think that the world exists for them to overcome or ignore or shut out. For those individuals, the worlds will cease. They will become exactly what they give to life. They will become merely a dream in the "past." People who pay strict attention to objective reality right and left, become the reality of the "Future."
(Ark) But, the question is, whether we learn to understand the world around us. Some people don't care about understanding the world. They are effectively saying: "it's holier to not care about the world, it's your business - we just want to ignore it."

(L) And they become the memory of the past - primal matter - they recycle. The very fact that we ARE in this realm means that this is where we fit. And it seems that the only way to move to the next level is to grow. And that means to take full cognizance of the medium of growth, to learn about the realm, learn how to be spiritual in the realm where you are. Grow where you are planted, but always toward the light.

A: Home is where the heart is.,13716.0.html
Q: (Joe) What was your theory? (L) She was talking about Illion's Darkness over Tibet and the descending spiral and that it's a choice and you have to...

A: We couldn't have explained it any better!

Q: (Scottie) Did you write about this on the forum? (Keit) Yeah. (Scottie) How did I miss that?? (A***) Yeah. (Keit) I have some more to say about this. (Joe) So that was about trying to smash all these souls back into primal matter, was that it?

A: Yes

Q: (Allen) Could you just explain it, because I didn't read it. (Keit) What I said is that... I brought this in quotes and quoted from Darkness Over Tibet. The author mentions that there are two possibilities in development: upward and downward. And there is a possibility of losing one's soul, but it should be a conscious decision, it's a choice. And it can't be taken by force. (L) But they can make you choose by wearing you out. (Keit) Exactly, and I gave my personal example where I felt that traumatic experiences in our lives kind of manipulates us into choosing the downward development. And we basically choose something that is against our own level of being. And it's so traumatic for the soul, that it twists the soul and puts it in a downward position. The eventual outcome of this event is basically smashing the soul, even if the final smashing event is relative small. And that's why there is so much suffering and pathology in the world, where they force and manipulate souls into choosing. (L) Against their own nature. (PL) And Illion said that the worse thing for a human being is the sin against their own soul. (Keit) And sinning against the soul is going against your own level or nature of being. So, like narcissistic tendencies and everything, that's why for our own sake we need to clean ourselves. (DD) Is this why they've injected so many drugs into the culture to just weaken people?

A: Yes and remember also transmarginal inhibition principles.

Q: (L) One of those principles is that even strong dogs that could not be broken in ordinary ways, if they subjected them to physical trauma like surgery, or illness, or something like that, that that would weaken them to the point where they could be turned. So torture is also part of this process.

A: Yes

Q: (L) And we live now in a culture of torture which is basically a soul-smashing culture.

A: Yes
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