,,strategic enclosure,,
Quote: (Citat:)
,,That thread title is so apt!,,
This is what you call freedom of the press. or the freedom to disparage other people, though this falls within the category of insulting members of one people, if not the people.
As you are a good and skilled writer, you are using vile and naive qualifications, because you think so
that the one to whom your comment refers is not smart enough to understand yours
ill hatred of the Russians.
What do you know about people, and especially Russians, ... nothing. While the Russians know everything about you and such, which is why ... they are more literate and smarter than you and those like you.
Make a simple comparison for you.
The first table is the statistics of the Cassopeia forum.
The second table is the statistics of a forum or site in Russia, where among the masses of other people your former Truth Seeker member also writes.
He channeled Light Beings in the 1990s and produced thousands of pages in those sessions.
He used sources as 'Set material' and 'RA material' as the basis for channeling.
These sewers were made, for the most part, in the years between 1993-1996, it is absurd
to imagine that he was transcribing Cassiopeian transcripts or transcribing someone's
,, strategic enclosure ,,
The question for you is how many books you have written, how many books you have sold and how many readers you have had in that business.
The other question is how much you made the channeling page, anyone or anything,
so you consider yourself competent to qualify someone your own way.
Cassiopeia Forum Stats.
Forum statistics
Threads... 42,212
Messages... 848,790
Forum or Site Stats ,, Proza.ru ,,
Works of art
As of 21.04. 2020...
8,902,940 texts were published.
The authors
The portal is published by...
305 579 authors, of which 680 are online
Proza.ru Link Site
Here is an important question to repeat regarding a comment or suggestion in a session:
Quote: (Citat:)
,,A: Laura, my dear, if you really want to reveal "many beautiful and amazing things," all you need to do is remember the triad, the trilogy, the trinity, and look always for the triplicative connecting clue profile. Connect the threes... do not rest until you have found three beautifully balancing meanings!!,,
I think you have to put it first:
Faith, hope and love, you can also perfect it
Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
As for the comments regarding Tesla's key to the Universe or (3, 6 and 9), that is the base code
but it falls within the sphere of the geometry of the Universe.
In my opinion, the comment from the session suggests an answer that intensifies the spiritual plan.
,,strategic enclosure,,
Quote: (Citat:)
,,That thread title is so apt!,,
Kod Vas ovo nazivate sloboda štampe. ili sloboda niopodaštavanja drugih ljudi, mada ovo spada u kategoriju uvrede pripadnika jednog naroda, ako ne i naroda.
Kao ti si dobar i vješt pisac pa se služiš podlim i naivnim kvalifikacijama, jer misliš
da onaj na koga se odnosi tvoj komenar, nema dovoljno pameti da shvati tvoju
bolesnu mržnju prema Rusima.
Šta ti znaš o ljudima, a posebno o Rusima, ...ništa. Dok Rusi o tebi i takvim znaju sve,
zbog čega...pismeniji i pametniji su od tebe i takvih kao ti.
Da ti napravim jedno prosto poređenje.
Prva tabela je statistika foruma Kasipoeja.
Druga tabela je statistika foruma ili sajta u Rusiji, gdje između mase drugih ljudi
piše i vaš bivši član ,,Tragalac za istinom,,.
On je devedestih godina kanalisao Svjetlosna Bića i napravio je na hiljade stranica
u tim sesijama.
Kao osnova za kanalisanje koristio je izvore kao ,,Setov materijal,, i ,,RA materijal,,.
Ta kanalisanja su napravljena, većinom, u godinama izmeđe 1993-1996, apsurd je
da umišljate da je prepisivao Kasiopejske transkripte ili da je prepisivao nečije
,,strategic enclosure,,
Pitanje za tebe, koliko si knjiga napisao, koliko si knjiga prodao i koliko si čitaoca
imao u tom poslu.
Drugo pitanje je koliko si napravio stranica kanalisanja, bilo koga ili bilo čega,
pa sebe smatraš mjerodavnim da nekoga kvalifikuješ na svoj način.
Statistika foruma Kasiopeja.
Forum statistics
Threads... 42,212
Messages... 848,790
Statistika foruma ili sajta ,,Proza.ru,,
Umetnička dela
Od 21. 04. 2020. objavljeno je...
8.902.940 tekstova .
Portal objavljuje...
305 579 autora, od kojih je 680 online
Link sajta ,,Proza.ru,,
Ovdje se ponavlja jedno važno pitanje vezano za komentar ili sugestiju u okviru sesije:
Quote: (Citat:)
,,A: Laura, my dear, if you really want to reveal "many beautiful and amazing things," all you need to do is remember the triad, the trilogy, the trinity, and look always for the triplicative connecting clue profile. Connect the threes... do not rest until you have found three beautifully balancing meanings!!,,
Mislim da na prvo mjesto treba da stavite:
Vjera, nada i ljubav, tu takođe možete apsolvitrate
Otac, Sin i Sveti Duh.
Što se tiče komentara vezano za Teslin ključ Univerzuma ili (3, 6 i 9), to jest osnovni kod
ali spada u sferu geometije Univerzuma.
Po meni komentar iz seanse sugeriše odgovor koji potencira duhovni plan.