Laura said:(nicklebleu) It's usually said in terms of nuclear radiation or fallout that iodine is only good to protect the thyroid. Does it have other protective effects in this regard?
A: Protects all the glandular systems which are your interface with higher densities.
Just stumbled upon an article (actually found it first in Russian) by Gabriel Cousens. He talks in length about the benefits of iodine and also mentions David Brownstein's work. But I found his remark in one of the last paragraphs as interesting, particularly while considering what the C's said above:
Iodine energizes the thyroid gland (associated with the 5 believe to be a spiritual-energetic bridge between the heart (associated with the 4th chakra) and the pineal and pituitary glands (associated with the 6 In this spiritual way it can be considered the master gland rather than the pituitary as the 1954 Drs. Eartly’s and LeBlond’s study found in the physical way. The thyroid in this context is a metaphorical bridge between the heavens (higher chakras) and the earth (lower chakras). Adequate iodine is the critical nutrient that activates and sustains this physical and energetic chakra bridge. It is needed for the chakra system to be optimally functional.
Considering that other elements of the endocrine system, such as adrenal glands, pancreas and gonads also communicate with other areas in the brain, it explains how they could be also a part of the same "bridge". It also explains why Don Juan in Castaneda's books talks about women menstruating becoming or opening a portal between densities (don't remember exactly what was it).