Session 21 September 2024

Thank you for the session and the transcripts. Laura must have been really tired after that session. I am so grateful for the information conveyed and freely given to all that participated. also freely given to all that participate in the forum.

I recently discovered two most interesting videos by Rupert Sheldrake, today at the time of posting in Western Canada is September 29th. The festival of Michaelmass September 29th in the Eastern orthodox church it on November 8th so the wikki post goes.

I had forgotten this, and what struck me was a recollection from younger days, my father's favourite flower my mother told me was the Michaelmass Daisy, explained in the wikki text.

This from Rupert Sheldarake.

Rupert Sheldrake - Angels and the festival of Michaelmas​

Also this interesting discussion regarding force fields.​

Einstein remarked that there was physics before Maxwell and physics after Maxwell, the difference being the introduction of modern field theory. So what difference did fields make and, more to the point, what are they? In this episode of the Sheldrake-Vernon Dialogues, Rupert Sheldrake and Mark Vernon explore how electromagnetic and gravitational, quantum and morphic fields shape modern science. They ask whether fields are a way that mechanistic understandings of nature have revived Aristotle’s notion of formal and final causes and look at the fact that fields aren’t energetic or material causes. They draw on ancient notions of soul to ask how fields can be part of an expansive notion of science, which has long drawn on entities that aren’t directly detectable to understand nature. Fields as realities in themselves are rarely discussed by scientists, the nature of fields hidden behind a fog of mathematics. But they fascinated figures like Faraday and Maxwell and might fascinate us again.
I think it's PRA- as prefix with analytical as the root word.
Since the word is preanalytical, I also think that the C's spelling it pranalytical was a hint to look into prana (life force) as part of coming up with a mathematical description of consciousness.

This was a great session, thank you! I especially LOVED the way the entire group + on-line members grooved on their own without the C's presence early on. I'd almost want to ask, ok I AM asking: could some future group sessions also start this way, with a list of questions the entire group has been presented with to think about, personally research, and discuss beforehand? Maybe on the "Questions for the C's" thread? It seems like a pretty darn good way to groove not only a channel, but entire groups, to be able to find answers for themselves on their own in the times to come.
That seems to be a very good idea. Networking more about the questions and refining them before asking the C's.

SuspiciousObservers also talks about these cycles and he calls them miconova events. He mentions we are due for the next cycle within the next 10-15yrs,
Ben Davidson's micronova theory has been discussed here in other threads. There was also this in the August 27th 2022 session:

(LQB) Does our Sun micronova about every 12,000 years as suggested by Ben Davidson?

A: No

Q: (LQB) If not, how did fission tracks appear in the glass beads brought back from the moon?

A: Other events can cause this.
Prana is often described as "breath", "vital force" etc. I think it's normally considered to be separate from "consciousness". But there are different views. Some say it's "formless (nondual?) consciousness".
The whole schtick about 'nondual consciousness' reminds me of the following session:

C's Session 29th June 1996 said:
Q: (L) So, if all that exists were like a blown up balloon, and the surface of the balloon represents the static state of gravity, 7th density maybe... and it begins to bump out in different places... and all these little bumps are loci of manifestation of various densities - and this is very simplified, I am just trying to get an image - is this getting, even very simplistically, an idea that I can work with?
A: As long as you have an "anti-balloon" too.
(L) So, can we make the outer surface of the balloon a balloon, and the inner surface or the air the "anti-balloon?"
A: No.
Q: (L) Two balloons next to one another?
A: No. A non-balloon.
(L) A non-balloon? You are making me CRAZY! You are saying that NOTHING exists! We are just not even HERE!
A: No.
Prana, on the other hand, is quite interesting and I think does have some relation to pranalytical math.
Session Date: September 21st 2024

Laura and Andromeda at the board

Niall, Joe, Gaby, Ark, PoB, Chu, Scottie, Princess Leia, Bella, Falkor, The Lunar Module

FOTCM Members attending via Zoom:

3DStudent, A Jay, Adobe US, Aeneas, Aiming, Alana, Alejo, Aliana, Altair, anartist, AndrewMn, Approaching Infinity, Aya, Bluefyre, bobo08, brandon, Breton, cassandra, Cosmos, Deliverance, Dugdeep, Eboard10, Ellipse, fabric, Finduilas495, France, Gawan, Glenn, Gottathink, goyacobol, Harmony99, Herondancer, Hesper, Hesperides, Honzap, iamthatis, IrjO, iscreamsandwish, Jacques, JeanneT, JEEP, Jefferson, Jenn, Joan, Jono, Josi, Keyhole, KJN, Korzik18, Laurentien2, Laurs, Learner, Lilou, loreta, LQB, Luis Miguel, marek760, Mari, Mark, Mark7, Martina, Mike, Mikkael, Mililea, mkrnhr, Mrs. Peel, Natus Videre, Navigator, Nicholas, Nienna, Ollie, Oxajil, Pecha, PopHistorian, Redfox, Redrock12, Regulattor, Ryan, Ryu, Saman, seek10, Stoneboss, sToRmR1dR, Thorbjorn, Timótheos, Tristan, Turgon, Voyageur, whitecoast, Windmill knight, Yas, Ysus

Q: (L) [Looking at list of questions from forum] So I went through some of these questions, or actually I went through ALL of these questions, and... I have to tell you... Did you search the sessions, Niall, for anything about Newgrange?

(Niall) Yeah.

(L) Yeah. And was there anything that was even remotely close?

(Niall) Stonehenge, but that's a different island.

(L) Nothing about Newgrange.

(Niall) No, and there's several millennia between them.

(L) Okay. And seek10, did you search the transcripts on everything about India and the Aryan invasion and all of these other...?

(seek10) Yeah. Yes, Laura, I searched it quite a number of times.

(L) And did you put it all together into a document for easy reading?

(seek10) Actually, I have the thread I've been posting, it's a little bit like a rabbit hole type of thing. There's so many things that, there's so many controversies out there...

(L) Okay. Have you read David Reich's book, Who We Are and How We Got Here?

(seek10) Yes, Laura. I did.

(L) And did you extract the relevant excerpts about so-called Aryan invasions and so forth?

[This was difficult to understand:]

(seek10) Yes, Laura? That question needs a little bit of modification based on what the C's said a couple of sessions back. So the general theory is that around the second millennium BC, Aryans came, but the C's already put that back into the sixth millennium BC (6000 BC). They already said that. But a couple of sessions back, they said that these Aryans started compiling the Vedas in the transit - that is in the BMAC (Bactria–Margiana Archaeological Complex) region - but most of the Vedas were created in Indian region The Vedas contain all Himalayan disasters and comet activity, the tribal warfare, and all that type of stuff. So I have to modify that question. I put it in the chat. My question to them is this. C’s told us that the Aryan invasion happened around 6000 BC. But at the same time, they're saying that it is the Aryans who started compiling the Vedas in 16000 BC. And most of the action is related to North India and the Himalayas. So my question was, did the Aryans come to the Himalayan region, but when the Younger Dryas event happened, they migrated back to Iran? That's where the Aryan religion got split into two parts, the Zoroastrian part and Vedic part. It is this Vedic part that came back at 6000 BC to India. Is that true? That is the question.

(L) Okay. Well, I'm, I'm not going to ask this tonight because I would rather do some research because the C's are always onto us: Can we figure the answer out ourselves? And that's part of it. But the other thing is, is that as you probably can guess by now, after reading everything I've written about the various cataclysms that I've been able to identify, I mean what the 10 or 15-part series of articles on SOTT that was turned into the book about cataclysms, and then the Horns of Moses where I talked about cataclysms and the early Greek philosophers and so forth, and then Pierre's book on Earth Changes... And we dug into all of this stuff for freaking years - and finally came to the conclusion that there have been many, many cataclysms. Some of them have been global, some of them have been local or fairly, not local-local, but there have been local ones and there have been regional and continental ones and so on. And history is so messed up that it's almost impossible to try to sort it out because we tried with the historical database, trying to find out where these peaks were. And we could see from that that things were just going all over the place. And I'll tell you the truth, the honest truth is I lost interest in trying to figure it out because I came to the realization that it goes on all the time. It happens everywhere at some time or another. I mean, you can almost guess when you see some kind of discontinuity in a culture or a history or if you see or you find...

(Niall) A big split.

(L) Yeah, you find splits. And when you find archeological evidence that goes in those directions, that is something that has happened there. And then you also come to the realization from reading David Reich that - and several other books on genetics. I have to recommend Carleton S. Coon, and there's another one that I recommended at some point. It was really good. And he showed how the graph of how the different, so-called ethnicities or races, if we can call 'em races, we understand that it's in the same terms that the French call breeds of dogs "races". That’s the different breeds of people interact together with each other. And there's been so much intermixing. Then, people will isolate themselves and inbreed and create some kinds of definite characteristics of a particular group. And then somewhere along the way, another thousand years go by and they all get messed up. And the problem is that it's one of those things, it's just the nature of our world. And civilizations have come and gone, and come and gone, and you find one buried under another. And there are some things that stand out as particularly catastrophic, such things as the 70 KYA event, which some researchers have attributed to the eruption of the Toba volcano, which just happens to correlate with what the C's called the explosion of the planet Kantek.

Now was the explosion of the planet Kantek and the Toba eruption somehow interrelated? Was there something going on in the solar system as a whole and at large at that time that contributed in some way to the destruction of Kantek? We know for a fact that, oh, beginning some 20 years ago, back when we were reporting and recording these things, that all of these new moons were being discovered on Jupiter and that there were changes in Jupiter's weather and there was global warming on Mars, and there was global warming on Venus, and there was apparently global warming on other planets so that the so-called global warming that was going on on Earth wasn't an isolated event.

So we got some idea that when these things happen in a solar system-wide way, things can happen on Earth, they can happen on another planet. So we got that. So we understood that. But there can be things that give off very large signals like the Toba event and then the 12,000 KYA event, the Younger Dryas event that wiped out the megafauna of, or whatever megafauna was supposedly still wandering around after the alleged destruction of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago, they say. But then of course we have suspicions about that because there are artifacts that depict dinosaurs with human beings. And there are human footprints, I believe, that have been found impressed in larger dinosaur footprints that have been preserved. So... [SIGH] The mess is such that I don't know that it is the best use of our time and energy to pursue these kinds of things endlessly. We did it for years about... We touched on probably every country in the world, and we hit India particularly hard because they had interesting things going on there.

But I don't know that it's the best use of our time. I don't know that it's the best use of my time because frankly, I'm no longer curious about it. I know it's a mess. And I know that so much stuff has happened on this planet, and so much stuff has been messed with on this planet by our evil archon overlords. They have messed with our history. They have messed with our minds. They have messed with our propaganda. They have messed with our archeology. They have done so much against us and to confuse us that I don't think, except in the most general of terms, that it can ever be sorted out. There are some things that can be identified, there are some things that can be nailed down, and there are some things that we have some kind of a written text for plus an archeological or geological context to fit it into. But for the most part we don't - and we won't.

Do you get what I'm saying here? I mean, does everybody understand what I'm saying? I mean, it is not that I wouldn't like to get answers to every single thing on the planet, but I think we know enough about these kinds of things to know that it's all messed up and there are issues and elements of things going on on the planet in the here and now that are of far more interest and import than solving all the historical mysteries. I mean, I went wild trying to do it because there were so many things. I mean, there were the lost civilizations and books full of all these pictures of these ruins and so on and so forth. And I was curious and I was asking questions like crazy. But I ran out of juice on that because I spent so many years, I mean, YEARS...

(Joe) Graham Hancock's doing a good job of it.

(L) Yeah, Graham Hancock's doing a real good job of it.

(Joe) He's got part two on his Netflix series coming out next month. Did you watch the first one?

(L) No.

(Niall) Oh! You should.

(L) Yeah?

(Andromeda) Second one's got Keanu Reeves in it.

(L) Oh yeah? Well... I guess I'll have to watch it. So anyway, I mean, do you have anything to add?

(seek10) Yeah, I got that, Laura. The reason I try to figure it out is, it has a relation to the current political and intellectual battle of ‘left vs right’ in India. That includes the question of Aryans, north India vs south India and all types of other things. That is where my interest came from. I'm fine if we skip those questions.

(L) Well, if you can put together a short two-page document or something for me with what the C's have said, with what you can get from David Reich, from any other sources to show me a really good justification for a question or two in that area, I am open to it. But right now I'm a little sleepy and looking at that question and I just think I can't even rustle up the energy to be interested in it. And I have a feeling that if I'm not interested in it, I don't think we'll get a very good answer.

(seek10) Yeah, no problem.

(L) And I'm also not interested in Niall's question about the megalithic 'passage tombs' and whether or not St. Patrick was a real historical figure. I think you can do some reading and research and be able to draw some kind of a conclusion about that.

(Niall) I can. It'll go against the entire body of work that says he's a real historical person, but I'm sure he isn't because he fits our pattern of someone who arrived on the scene. There's a whole body of work in his name, it becomes a founding document, and then there's two centuries before there's even a commentary on it.

(L) Well, it's like retroactive continuity as they call it. They throw it back. I mean, it's like the Books of Enoch. They were written in an archaic style and they were claimed to be written by Enoch. And of course the claim was also put in there that they were supposed to be hidden for a period of time and only revealed later. And the authors were very careful to not let anything about their own identity slip into it. And people weren't stupid back then. They had pretty good brain power. I mean, even if they didn't have tech search and AI, they still were able to pull these frauds off. And then of course, you have to go through a whole lot of song and dance research to figure out where they got the stuff that went into these documents. And of course, it's been pretty much figured out by researchers that a lot of what went in there was stuff that the Babylonians had in their tablets and in their information banks that was picked up by the Jews during their exile or whatever. And then they created what were political protest documents. So we know that.

(Niall) And then they retrojected it into the past.

(L) Retrojected into the past. And the same thing with the Book of Daniel. The Book of Daniel was another one of those retroactive continuity documents as they call that it was pretended to be written by Daniel who was back in Babylon, but it was actually written around 272 BC during the time of the Maccabees. And there's evidence to prove that point…

(Niall) For pressing political reasons…

(L) For political reasons. So the same thing would probably be true for St. Patrick. And you can find these kinds of similarities. And that's also something you might want to think about, seek10, in those same terms: some of these documents that get written about in various religious things and so forth and histories. I mean, how much of that is retrojected into the past and pretended to be very ancient when in fact it's not. Because of course, when you retroject something into the past and it claims to have been written by an ancient person of high esteem, who apparently in his document has predicted things that really happened. Of course, the person who wrote it knew those things really happened. It’s because he was writing from a point in the future and he knew what had already happened in the past. So he wrote about these things, but he wrote about it from the point of view of somebody saying, "Oh, I predict this and so this and so this." And people say, "Oh my God, he was such a great guy!" And I mean, he's so incredible. He predicted all these things and look, they happened!

(Niall) He must be close to God, so I must stay close to him.

(L) Yeah. Anyway, so…

(Joe) The passage tomb thing is kind of more than just Newgrange in the sense that unlike Stonehenge, you have most of the megalithic sites around Europe are all these maybe a circle around, but in the center of it or part of it is like a passageway that may have been covered at one point and you don't see that at Stonehenge. It may be at Stonehenge, but you don't see that at Stonehenge. But they are well preserved all around Europe and they're all very similar and that they're just like a series of stones. And either they have a cover on them or maybe they've lost the cover, but then just the passage part is left and it's just a series of stones opening into a small or bigger or chamber at the end. And that's it. And they're all called burial tombs, it's where they found bones.

(L) Well, we have the idea they're not burial tombs.

(Joe) Right. What were they? Did they serve a similar function to what they said about Stonehenge? Or were they something else? Because they're all so similar, but not like Stonehenge? It's not extant. It's not existing anymore. Stonehenge is just a circle, right?

(L) Didn't we ask what they were used for?

(Joe) No.

(L) Well you see, that would be an interesting question. Okay... And now Z has a question about the Dinaric race. Have you read David Reich, Z?

(Chu) I don't think he's here.

(L) He's not here?

(Chu) No.

(L) Why is he not here?

(Chu) I don't know.

(Joe) He's here in question form only.

(L) Well, he's not here to clarify. So we'd scratch that one off, too. Next is dugdeep's question about Dr. Joe Dispenza's documentary Source: It's Within You… his book Becoming Supernatural… seemingly miraculous healings. And then well, we'll come to that. And this one is about… Keit, where do you come up with these weird things? I mean, do you just spend your time? I mean, I know it's…

(Chu) She's also not here.

(L) Keit, you're not here? Well, if you're not here to talk to me, okay. We've got some guy I never met before in my life: Hyperdimensional Ape on the Cassiopaean Experiment substack: "Why would the removal of an implant cause death?" I think he should read what Approaching Infinity wrote and do some thinking, or if he hasn't, has he read the Wave, Approaching Infinity?

(Approaching Infinity) I'm not sure that was, so that was a response to the article on alien implants. And he asked two questions. So I threw 'em on the forum just thinking, "Hey, maybe we'd want to answer a couple substack questions to show that we're listening." I think I responded to 'em that the question about why would an implant cause death? Is it, my only speculation was that those questions were probably in reference to implants deep within one's brain. So I think it might just not be physically possible to remove something that's embedded in a central, essential part of your nervous system without making it go kaflooey.

(L) Yeah, I wouldn't want to do that. And then you've got this weird question, which I don't even know why you're asking the question because it's kind of explained in the C's transcript that's provided here about everything living is connected to 5D. "So it sounds like one can literally take an elevator to 5D in such an environment." That's pretty much what the C's said. Yeah... "Is there any other ways to enter five D without dying?" Well, part of you is always there kind of. So I mean that's kind of like self-explanatory in my mind. What about you? I mean, if part of you's always connected there and you can enter there and you can communicate with people there.

(Approaching Infinity) Some of the ideas that we came up with on the forum were like perhaps in dreams and in meditative states, like when you go astral traveling or something, then you can actually visit. And that's an actual entering into a 5D state. I don't know, but that's what I thought

(L) I would think so. So that's a lot of people have written about it and talked about experiences along that line. And here’s another question from Altair... He always gets these questions: "Can some 4D beings enter at will the 5D environment without dying?" Which is similar to the question that you were asking. Well, I guess they can in that way, but they cannot, I would say that they would be restricted from entering it with their full sensorium because that would be prevented because the part of them that is connected to it would be able to enter. They may have the ability to enter some of them. Now, how many of y'all watched that interview that I just did last week? And there I was talking about the spectrum. I was explaining the whole thing to the guy, and Approaching Infinity was with me, so he knows what I was talking about. But I was explaining about the spectrum of creatures on 2D, the animal kingdom. And you can go from a single celled organism right up to the most elaborate 2D beings, like gorillas and apes, dogs and cats, elephants. And then it is not just a spectrum, a unidirectional spectrum, it's like a mosaic spectrum. You have all kinds of creatures, for example, octopi that are pretty darn smart and pretty darn freaky. I mean as far as their physiology goes. And then there's other kinds of creatures. So, 2D has this amazing spectrum of creatures that we look upon and examine and consider in zoological terms, write books about 'em and do experiments.

And people like Jane Goodall spend their lives living in the jungle, watching 'em and observing them so that they can write things about 'em. So there's a spectrum. And then I pointed out that we should imagine that we have a similar spectrum in 3D, so that we have from the lowest level human looking beings that are just barely amoebas, so to speak. They may be without souls or without individuated souls as we consider higher level humans to have. But there's also not just a unidirectional or vertical spectrum, there's also probably a mosaic spectrum, all kinds of different beings and types of beings and levels of beings and abilities of beings and all of the uniqueness of the types and so forth. And the next thing that we should also naturally assume, I mean if we're considering our hermetic maxims being of any use is that 4D similarly has a spectrum - and not just a vertical spectrum, but a mosaic spectrum of all kinds of beings and creatures, and that they can do all kinds of things. Having said that, there is a possibility at some higher level or in some narrow category of 4D beings, there are those who can at least with their inner self - assuming that 4D beings have inner selves - can enter and exit 5D, maybe at will. And a whole bunch of 'em can't, except in the sense that we possibly do…

(Joe) Who would want to?

(L) Yeah, I'm not sure, but I remember what's his name, Michael Topper. And I'm pretty sure, I think I referenced it in my article on stalking - Michael Topper, stalking - that a 5D STS being was incredibly contractile, gravitation… I mean, you would think of it as the laziest thing on the planet because it's so contractile, it doesn't even move. It doesn't even stir… I mean, almost like a black hole, and maybe it's close to a black hole. Maybe that's what black holes are: they are these contractile 5D STS beings floating around in the universe. Maybe the universe is 5D for all we know.

(Joe) So you've got physical existence, human beings, 4D, whatever, semi-physical, whatever. There's a lifespan. We see it as human beings. We see it as pretty short. And then after that, you go with 5D and you spend however long, and then 5D's a contemplation zone. So you get to 5D and do your contemplating for as long as you want, as long as you choose maybe, right?

(L) Or however long you need.

(Joe) Or however long you need. So incarnation is quite limited, quite short, let's say, in that sense and limited.

(L) And it may also be extremely attractive in the sense, and I'm not saying that you look at it and it’s attractive to you, but it may be attractive in the sense of gravitationally attractive, that it attracts... Once certain things have been cleansed from your beingness or have been balanced or whatever, then the attraction, the gravitational pull of 3D existence or 4D existence, depending on the nature of your being, once again pulls you back into incarnation. But on that point, going back to the spectrum of 4D beings, one would have to imagine that at the lower levels, there would be those that are quite physical, quite definitely, and almost perpetually physical. But of course as C's have said, that 4D is where your body is a home and not a prison, that you have some more control and choices over it. Well, things like this Dispenza thing, it sounds like people that are moving to a 4D type of existence and how many of us may or may not be manifesting things. I mean, we've certainly been practicing it with our little SRT expeditions and episodes and practicing working with a hyperdimensional reality and creating it and operating in it to some extent. So, 4D beings have a spectrum from the most physical of 4D, which is probably a lot less physical than what we consider to be physical, to absolutely almost totally ethereal at the higher level, but much beyond that sort of speculation, I don't think we can go there because we simply…

(Joe) Well, it's the contemplation zone, right? Which implies contemplation after your incarnation to go and contemplate, figure things out, learn some stuff, reflect blah, blah, blah. So why would you do that in the middle of the experience in 3D that is necessary for you to go and contemplate? If you go to 5D, you'd be checking out definitively. It doesn't seem like it would make any sense to do. "Hang on, I'm just going to go and check in 5D to see how I've been doing so far in my 3D existence, and then I'll come back to 3D!"

(L) Yeah, it almost seems like it would be precluded. I mean, if you just sit and talk about it and think about it, it seems like going to 5D from 3D or 4D, other than in touching into it through…

(Andromeda) The part of you that's already there…

(L) The part of you that's already there. And momentarily, people who have near-death experiences or people who have encounters with their loved ones while they're dreaming or maybe in a meditative state. And if you've read enough about these near-death experiences, there have been people who have died or having the near death experience where they sort of die and then they go there and they encounter someone who says, no, you can't go beyond this point. You must go back. So that happens often enough to maybe give us the idea that you can't go there fully. You can stand, maybe you can be like Moses and get up on the mountain and see the promised land in a distance, but you can't go there. So having said all that, well, that was the last page of questions. So as you can see, most of these questions, if we would just sit around and discuss them and talk about 'em and think about 'em even there are things that, I mean, if you have a personal, you got a Jones about a certain thing that interests you intensely, and you want to do research on it and compile it and write a document on it, that maybe even a book about it. I don't see why some of y'all aren't. If you have your particular, I mean seek10, you should be writing a book about all this research you've been doing, put everything together!

And so out of all of this… I'm not sure if these are even appropriate questions about Joe Dispenza, who is Joe Dispenza, anyway? I hear that name quite a bit, but…

(Joe) He wrote Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself.

(Gaby) And The Placebo Effect.

(L) Well, I mean, this is dugdeep who's asking this question and he's asking: Are the healings presented in Dispenza's film true as portrayed?" And the C's are going to say "close". And then he asks: "And were these healings a direct result of doing Dr. Joe Dispenza's meditations or were there other factors involved?" And they're going to say, "other factors", and then I ain't gonna have the time or the energy to go through all that. "Are Dispenzas meditations safe to practice?" Well, have you examined them? dugdeep, where are you?

(Chu) They don't have a camera for some reason.

(L) Where are you people? I don't see you, dugdeep. Where are you?

(The Farm) We have technological problems!

(L) How can you be having technological problems when you got techies down there?

(Joe) We don't need to see you. We can hear you.

(L) Okay. dugdeep, have you examined these meditations?

(dugdeep) Somewhat. Not extensively, no.

(L) And is there anything in 'em that raises a red flag in your mind?

(dugdeep) Well, nothing I can necessarily put my finger on. The way he talks to 'em is kind of weird. But beyond that, I can't really say that anything is jumping out as being a super red flag.

(Gaby) I have read some of them. Yeah, there's a red flag. Like I will not use that as a seed. It is too…

(L) So he's using meditation with seed?

(Chu) And Mark7 is saying that he's playing with kundalini, it seems.

(dugdeep) Yeah, one of the meditations does sound like that.

(L) Well, you should have made your question more specific in that way. You're asking such general questions. I mean, you didn't even…

(Niall) He's got people who go to his retreats and they're cured from the long-term cancer. They were terminal. So then he gets on board and they made a documentary of that called The Source. He gets on board a whole bunch of specialists who monitor blood and other brainwave functions during the whole course of the retreat. And they do produce astonishing results. Like there's suddenly no more cancers or byproducts in the blood post retreat. They are indeed cured medically. It doesn't happen to everyone, but it happens to a lot of people.

(Joe) Belief. Same as going to Lourdes.

(Niall) Yeah, it's probably in the ballpark of that.

(Gaby) It's a belief center gets turned on, and people with higher centers that are very stressed and diseased, and then they have…

(L) Well, I would like to see…

(Chu) Okay, Mark7 says he just came back from a week-long Dispenza retreat.

(Joe) Did you get cured?

(Mark7) Hello? Can you hear me?

(L) Yeah.

(Mark7) Yeah, I just got back. I just got back a few hours ago. I mean, my partner, she talked me into going, and she's been a fan of his. He has this breathing exercise where you contract, it's not breathing… You contract your lower top of muscles and your buttocks and stomach all the way up, tighten your chest and then squeeze and arch your back and hold your neck up and just squeeze real hard. And he says that it forces the spinal fluid up and puts pressure on the pineal gland. And the pineal gland, he says is full of crystals. And when you do that, you get this piezoelectric effect that lights up the brain and you can communicate with the quantum field. Everything is science to him. He does have a scientist there. And he showed a lot of bar charts and graphs, heat maps and stuff.

And they do seem to show that meditation has an effect on a lot of people over a week. And he's got some pretty outrageous claims about healing people. I mean, he charges a lot of money. I see a profit motive, and I'm really skeptical having been there. I came in very skeptical. I didn't want to discount what he said, but it would be nice to get, do some research on this idea of the piezoelectric effects on your pineal gland to communicate with what he calls the quantum field. I think there's some truth in it, but I also feel like he's really subjecting people to danger. We were there the other night and they had one of the meditations, his meditations, the longest one was five hours. And he does walking meditation. But anyway, some women started laughing and then half the room started laughing. Just this ridiculous, I don't know, laughing. It sounded like almost satanic to me! And some people will just start screaming and stuff like that. It doesn't sound like they're communing with The One at all or anything like that. It's a little bit disturbing. I think that he does seem like he does want to help people, but I don't know. I think he has some blind spots, but I really don't know. I don't know. I don't really want to go back to another one of those things, but…


(Chu) That says something!

(L) That sounds like being in a charismatic holy roller church.

(Mark7) Well, the placebo comes into play here a lot - or could. People get healed at these holy roller events sometimes I think when they really believe. They get into a suggestive state when you're meditating and he's up there guiding you, you can put people in a state where they're highly suggestible. And they can maybe heal themselves, but I think they could maybe get a spirit attachment too, or just all kinds of things. I think he doesn't have enough knowledge to be teaching what he does. And I'm curious about this theory he has about pressing the spinal fluid up and putting pressure on the pineal gland to create piezoelectric effects. I mean, I saw piezoelectric effects when I was a kid, but I had to bust the rock with a hammer to get it to happen.

(L) Something you just said made me make a little bit of a connection, picking up attachments, because we've discussed, I'm pretty sure, the fact that when people have dissociative identity disorder, that if one identity is in control and it claims certain physiological parameters for its identity… And the example used that I recall was one where one of the identities was diabetic and the other one wasn't. And when the diabetic identity was in control, all of the physiological markers for diabetes were present. I mean, even in the blood and so on and so forth. And then there was the other identity that was blind. And when it was in control, the individual was blind. And I mean, they did the tests with lights and things like that, and there were no reactions from the eyes or from the brain - for the seeing part of the brain. And then when the identity that was able to see took over, then the part of the brain that controls seeing was once again active. So we know that this happens with dissociative identity disorder, and it may just be that this activity could be breaking people into dissociation, into these identities, or they could be, maybe somebody who has, DID has different attachments, and when they are in charge, then their energy prevails and causes the physiological changes. There are a number of explanations for this type of thing.

So that just jumping up and deciding that this is the best thing since sliced bread and marketing it the way he's doing without fully understanding what's going on… And of course, he's got all these scientists, I guess, that are coming in that are trying to back him up, or at least some of 'em. I don't know. I haven't looked into it enough to know. Y'all have to give me the information. But it sounds like he's pulling in, everything's all about science for him and I'm not even sure that I have ever seen any evidence whatsoever that the pineal gland is full of crystals. I mean, has anybody ever seen any such evidence? Have you, Gaby?

(Gaby) No.

(L) I mean, it is just a gland and it produces what…

(Chu) See Gottathinks comment on the chat.

"Piezoelectric effects are commonplace in the fascia. Any fascia work that is clinically effective will induce the parasympathetic nervous system. So that can induce pineal gland activity whilst the person is still in conscious control."

(L) Well, we don't know that it's inducing pineal gland activity. We don't know that piezoelectric actions have any effect on the pineal gland at all.

(Mark7) The C's didn't talk about the pineal gland. It was the pituitary.

(L) Yeah, the C's have talked about the pituitary as being the primary gland that connects with information field or whatever - not the pineal gland. What does the pineal gland produce, growth hormone?

(Gaby) Melatonin.

(L) So anyhow, I think that we should be extremely cautious about this. And you've got red flags and dugdeep says that he got some red flags from these meditations. And you said, Gaby, that you…?

(Gaby) Some of the seeds are really… contractile, in a sense.

(L) So yeah.

(dugdeep) I was just flipping through the book and he apparently has some pictures of the crystals in the pineal gland.

(L) He has pictures of them.

(dugdeep) He says he does.

(L) And where did these pictures come from?

(dugdeep) Calcite crystals in the pineal gland. I think he references it…

(L) So basically calcium.

(dugdeep) I don't know.

(Joe) Which means you've got a clogged pineal gland.

(L) Yeah, it means it's atrophying. [laughter] Okay. So, it probably would be useful to ask these questions maybe in some way or another because - I mean just for the point of getting it into a public format so other people can read it. So we're going to, okay, I'm going to skip through this and we're going to ask a few of these questions. And boy, we just sat around and had such a good time talking about it that, I mean, who are the C's? [laughter]

(Andromeda) They've gone to sleep.

(L) Yeah, they got bored. All right. And poor Scottie is going to have to transcribe all of that discussion! [laughter] He's going to hate us.

(Joe) Don't worry, AI will help him.

(L) You got AI help on that, Scottie?

(Scottie) Yeah.

(L) Wow. You are techno!

(Joe) He's not gonna get the kudos for slaving away. [laughter]

(Chu) Come on now. Correcting all the mistakes from AI?

(L) All right, this is, what is today's date? It's the 21st of September 2024. Tomorrow is the Autumnal Equinox. It'll be about 11:47 in the morning here. So y'all have to figure out where it is in your places. So, okay, today is the 21st of September, 2024. We've got the usual crew: [Review of those present] Is anybody there?

A: Great discussion! True networking! 4D STO is active in all of you tonight! Viconneaeil here of Cassiopaea.

Q: (L) Whatever. All right? So yes, some of the questions will need to be asked, but y'all just hold off a second. Ark told me that he has questions and he always gets left out because we get so tired before he gets to ask his questions that then he says, no, I don't have any. So he gets to ask his questions first.

(Ark) Okay. And we had exercises with remote viewing. And well, they were simple exercises, but I was reading about remote viewing in general. So there are good remote viewers like mediums known from literature of the paranormal. People are not just able to see or to tell you what kind of a picture is in the envelope, but they are able to tell you what is exactly written on the note that is hidden somewhere. And so I started thinking what can be the, let's call it mechanism, of such reading. Yes? And it came to me that there are two evident possibilities. One possibility is a medium, say, is using something like an X-ray vision, right? See with his rays what is inside the particular envelope or a drawer or whatever, right? Or another possibility is that this envelope and whatever is inside is only the address to the information that is there. And since the time when someone wrote it down, the information is already somewhere in the information field or something like that. And so there is no x-ray vision, but there is communication with global things that collects all information about everything that was ever in anybody's thoughts, even thoughts, right? They are not lost. Provided you know the address somehow, once in a while some people can access it. So is this the first possibility or the second?

A: 2nd.

(Ark) Okay, I expected that but now question is, I am thinking: I use the term information field, but 'field' is something that is, when I say temperature field, it means temperature here, temperature there, and so on. Electromagnetic field, it's in space. But I don't think that 'information field' is a good term. It's like 'information' what - space? And what is it, how to describe it, where this information is, what kind of an animal it is?

A: Consciousness of God for lack of a precise term.

Q: (Joe) Now Arky you have to ask the question: Where is consciousness of God - or anybody?

(Chu) And why can't it be a field?

(Ark) Because it has nothing to do with space. It's not located to space.

(L) Right. A field is in space.

(Ark) It has to have something to do with space. Okay? Now, but consciousness, what is it? I don't know. I know the meaning of the word, but there are thousands of views about what consciousness is. Can you kind of make it closer for a physicist?

A: This is unfortunately, where words break down.

Q: (Ark) Okay? Words break down. Maybe mathematical formulas will help?

A: Yes

Q: (Ark) You suggest some part of mathematics. Can you?

A: Pranalytical.

Q: (Ark) Okay, I'll have to ask Grok. Grok will tell me what it means.

(Joe) You need a board with mathematical symbols on it.

(L) Oh lord. Don't give him any ideas! [laughter]

(Ark) No, but you see this is a new term, not existing, pranalytical, right?

(Joe) I don't know.

(Ark) I have to dream on it, sleep on it…

(Ark) But I can ask Grok. Okay? Grok will tell me. [laughter]

The term "pranalytical" interpreted by ChatGPT:

Exploring "pranalytical mathematics" as a phase of mathematical thinking before formal analysis leads us to a fascinating concept: the intuitive, creative process that precedes the structured, rigorous methods of modern mathematics. Here are a few areas where this kind of pre-analytical thinking could be relevant:

1. Mathematical Intuition and Creativity

Mathematical breakthroughs often arise not from pure formalism, but from an intuitive understanding of patterns and relationships. Mathematicians like Ramanujan, for example, are famous for their almost mystical insights into complex mathematical relationships, many of which were later rigorously proven, but began in a highly intuitive and "pre-analytical" way. Pranalytical mathematics could refer to this raw, creative exploration—thinking without yet adhering to strict rules of logic.

2. Historical Development of Mathematics

Before modern analytical methods like calculus or formal set theory were developed, mathematicians worked with rough, approximate ideas. Ancient mathematics, from the Greeks and Babylonians, relied heavily on geometric and visual reasoning rather than the abstract symbolic methods we use today. Pranalytical mathematics could refer to these early forms of problem-solving and discovery that relied more on visual intuition or practical applications.

3. Philosophy of Mathematics

In philosophy, there is a debate about the origin of mathematical knowledge. Some argue that mathematical concepts are discovered, not invented, and that they exist independently of formal systems. In this view, pranalytical mathematics could be the cognitive or metaphysical exploration of these concepts—an attempt to tap into the inherent structures of the universe before codifying them into symbols and formulas.

For instance, imagine a mathematician contemplating the nature of infinity before rigorously defining it. Their early, pre-analytical thoughts might involve broad philosophical musings about endlessness, the universe, or the nature of existence—ideas that are later captured in formal concepts like cardinality and limits.

4. Exploratory Mathematical Play

Pranalytical thinking can also occur when someone is "playing" with mathematical ideas without specific rules in mind. This can be seen in puzzle-solving, where someone might tinker with an idea intuitively, trying different approaches, drawing diagrams, and experimenting before coming to a formal solution. This creative phase can often lead to insights that are later formalized into coherent systems of thought.

5. Learning and Cognitive Development

When we learn mathematics, particularly at an early age, we don't immediately jump into formal systems. Children, for example, develop an understanding of numbers through hands-on activities, visualizations, and intuitive grasping of concepts like "more" or "less" before they are able to manipulate symbols algebraically. Pranalytical mathematics could describe this early stage of learning, where abstract reasoning is not yet dominant, and insights are gained through sensory experiences and conceptual play.

6. Speculative Mathematical Exploration

There are areas of speculative mathematical research where the rigorous proof has not yet caught up with creative ideas. Mathematicians might propose bold conjectures or models (such as in string theory or the multiverse hypothesis) based on intuition, patterns, or partial insights. The speculative, imaginative phase where these ideas take shape but haven’t yet been proven rigorously could be considered "pranalytical."

7. A Bridge Between Art and Mathematics

In many ways, this pre-analytical phase resembles artistic creation. Just as a painter sketches rough forms before refining them into detailed works, mathematicians may sketch "rough" ideas or visual representations. For instance, mathematical models often begin as rough diagrams or intuitive sketches on a board before being fleshed out with precise logic and equations.

How Could This Influence the Study of Mathematics?

Emphasizing pranalytical mathematics in education or research could foster more creativity and innovation. Encouraging students or researchers to dwell in the intuitive, exploratory phase before focusing on strict formalism might lead to new and unconventional insights.

Education: Educators could create environments where students are encouraged to think creatively and explore concepts through experimentation before being taught the rigorous analytical methods. This might involve more emphasis on puzzles, visual reasoning, and open-ended questions.

Research: Mathematicians might benefit from deliberately spending time in a pre-analytical mode, using brainstorming sessions, visual models, and even philosophical reflection as tools to generate new ideas that can later be formalized.

In short, "pranalytical mathematics" could represent an essential but often under-appreciated phase of mathematical thinking—one that bridges the gap between raw intuition and the logical, formal processes that follow.

(Ark) Next time I'll know what it means. Okay, kissy!

(L) Kissy. All right. I want to throw this question in there. I thought it was interesting. seek10 asked:

(seek10) What is the average height of the man during the Atlantean period?

A: 7 feet.

Q: (L) Well, Z asks about the Adriatic race. He wants to know where they came from, the Ilyrians, and they were tall. They're very tall people. Are these Ilyrian peoples that kind of appeared in the Balkan Peninsula, or are they like Atlantean refugees?

A: Descendants.

Q: (L) And we could have figured that out. Okay. Now I do want to ask about the Joe Dispenza thing.

(dugdeep) Are the healings presented in Dispenza's film true as portrayed?

A: Not as portrayed.

Q: (L) What do you mean they're not true as portrayed?

A: The reasons and mechanisms are based on poor science and assumptions.

Q: (L) So was our discussion about it getting closer to some of the things that were going on behind these healings, than what HE claims?

A: Yes.

Q: (dugdeep) All right. Are Dispenza's meditations safe to practice as they are?

A: Not particularly.

Q: (dugdeep) Is there some kind of STS tinkering involved?

A: Indeed. Similar to psychic surgery.

Q: (L) And the Cs already had something to say about psychic surgery. Does anybody remember it? No? Well, we'll have to look it up.

(whitecoast) I remember they said "avoid it at all costs".

Q: (L) We already discussed the issue of pineal gland, but…

(dugdeep) …he says the meditator de-identifies with material reality.

A: Yes!

Q: (L) So you say that because it was something like what I was talking about, "de-identifies" as in "dissociative identity disorder"? [Laughter]

A: Yes.

Q: (dugdeep) The changes made then trickle down into material reality. Is this assessment true?

A: No.

Q: (L) Okay. [Reading Keit's question]. People were getting some kind of mysterious disease in New Brunswick, Canada.

(Gaby) A Zombie disease.

(Andromeda) I remember reading about it a couple of years ago.

(L) Can you tell us anything about the zombie disease?

A: Microbial passage of manipulated genome. Bioweapon. Can be passed by ticks.

Q: (Joe) Stay out of the garden.

(L) Well, and they don't have any cure, right? I don't see anything here saying anything about a cure.

(Joe) No, it wasn't a lot of people.

(Andromeda) Weren't there some animals as well? Animals and people. I can't remember exactly.

(Gaby) Maybe some deer.

(Joe) Yeah, deer.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) There was no mystery illness, they just…

(Joe) They just test the odd bioweapon now and again, on a limited release.

(L) Yeah, I guess so.

(Hyperdimensional Ape on the Cassiopaean Experiment substack) Why would the removal of an implant cause death?

A: Not all implants, only those associated with direct organ function. Most implants are such.

Q: (L) When you say organ function, what organs do you mean in particular?

A: Mainly brain.

Q: (Hyperdimensional Ape on the Cassiopaean Experiment substack) I always thought that the abductions were on a much larger scale, but just 2% and people from the sessions being among them and abducted from young age…

(L) Okay, so this is a very poorly framed question. Let me start with just 2%.

A: 2% of the population is a large number.

Q: (L) Do you mean, global population?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So 2% of 8 billion is how many? All right, you mathematicians, get out your calculators.

(IrjO) 160 million.

(L) That's a lot of people. It's a lot of activity.

(Joe) Like the entire population of a large country like Russia.

(L) Yeah! It's like the entire population of Russia. The US has 300 and some million. So it would be about half the US population.

(Niall) Or a third! We don't know what the US population is. [Laughter]

(Andromeda) Oh yeah, good point.

(L) And I guess you're talking about it being concentrated in some areas, and especially the US, because the US gave permission for it, right? So it would be a lot of people in the US. That's a lot of people! Okay.

(Hyperdimensional Ape on the Cassiopaean Experiment substack) …Abducted them from young age. Why are they being abducted from such a young age?

(Joe) Who is asking that question? That's a super basic question. Has that person not read the sessions?

(Chu) It's a reader on Substack.

(Joe) You answer those questions, Approaching Infinity.

(L) Yeah, answer those questions, Approaching Infinity. "And people having an affinity for this stuff." Well, that's pretty obvious. These are all very basic questions. Okay, so much for that.

(irjO) What is the relationship between the so-called Illuminati with the Rothschild family? Because Laura wondered on the forum if the Rothschilds are even really 'Illuminati'.

A: Front men and red herrings.

Q: (L) Do the Rothschilds know or have any interactions with actual Illuminati family persons?

A: Yes.

Q: (Andromeda) Knowingly?

A: Yes.

Q: (Niall) Do they want to be Illuminati but they can't get in?

A: Yes.

Q: (irjO) Can I ask a follow up question on that? Does the same apply to the other types of families, like the Rockefellers and Soros, and all those?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) They're front men and red herrings.

(Niall) That's why we know about them.

(L) Are they set up by the Illuminati to be front men and red herrings?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) To keep the heat off the real Illuminati?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Well, so I guess it's probably pretty useless for us to ask for any names?

A: Yes. [Laughter]

Q: (Niall) But if we name some names, could we get a yes or no?

A: Violation!

Q: (L) That would be a violation. Okay.

(Ryan) I was wondering… Are any of the Illuminati registered people within governments? Do they have official birth registration papers, or anything like that? Or are they totally off the grid, so to speak?

A: Varies.

Q: (L) What do you mean, varies?

(Chu) Some are, and some aren't.

(Niall) They come in and out as needed.

(L) I bet they can make any kind records about themselves and disappear if they want to.

A: Yes.

Q: (Joe) Or create them.

(L) Or create fake records.

A: Yes.

Q: (Niall) Like Brigitte Macron. [Laughter]

(L) I don't think she's an Illuminati.

(Niall) No, but she might be from a place that's… Well, nah, too many assumptions.

(L) All right. Now we want to ask about these so-called nanobots that are being seen from the Pfizer vaxx, incubated in distilled water for various days of… okay, What are these things?

A: Antennae for future use.

Q: (Joe) And are they coded in the mRNA in the shot to produce these things in bodies?

A: Yes.

Q: (Joe) So we're talking about super, super high tech.

(L) When you say future, how much future do you mean?

A: Future from time of injection.

Q: (L) So some of these nanobots could be doing whatever it is they do now, since so many people have had these injections. Yeah?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And are some of the things that they're used for to generate cancers, or illnesses, or diseases?

A: Some, yes.

Q: (Joe) There was another paper with a claim that this kind of nanotech was in dental anesthetic. I suppose in some cases it was found in dental anesthetic. Is that true?

A: Yes.

Q: (Joe) Was that very widespread?

A: No. Experimental. You should be aware that the extent of this type of experimentation is far more than widespread than you can imagine. Correct error of transmission please.

Q: (Joe) "is far more widespread than you can imagine." Is that what you meant to say?

A: Yes.

Q: (Joe) And so, just on that point, are we talking about in foods as well?

A: Yes.

Q: (Joe) In water supplies?

A: Yes.

Q: (Joe) But this is all experimental, right?

A: Yes.

Q: (Joe) So the experimentation is widespread, but it's not widespread in terms of application.

(L) Right.

A: Yes.

Q: (Joe) Okay, so should we not go to the dentist anymore?

A: No!

Q: (Andromeda) Gaby was right! [Laughter]

(Joe) Gaby was recommending non anesthetic dental treatment the other day.

(Niall) Just take the pain! [Laughter]

A: The human body is not without defenses that can be augmented by physiological and psychological means.

Q: (L) So in other words, we could actually…

(Chu) …fight it off.

(L) I mean, if we're healthy and whatever, we can get macrophages to go in there and eat these things up?

A: Close.

Q: (Joe) In the study that was done showing one of these nano objects or nano bots in anesthetic, they used nicotine and it was observed to destroy them. Was that true?

A: Yes. We have often pointed out the benefits of nicotine. Why do you think there was such a concerted campaign to eradicate its use?

Q: (Joe) How does nicotine do that? What is about nicotine?

A: How does mental blocking work?

Q: (L) Mental blocking is a certain attitude of mind, and whatever. And…

(Joe) …information.

A: Produces acetylcholine

Q: (Joe) So nicotine produces acetylcholine, or mental blocking does?

(L) Mental blocking produces acetylcholine?

A: Yes.

Q: (Joe) So we should be asking, how does acetylcholine…

(L) Well, we know that nicotine increases the production of acetylcholine in the brain.

(Joe) Chemically it's very similar to the structure of acetylcholine.

A: Yes.

Q: (Joe) So then the question is, how would acetylcholine destroy physical artifacts like nanobots, in that sense? It's information?

A: Yes.

Q: (Joe) So it's at that level that it's working.

(Gaby) So nanobots act like anticholinergics, like with paralyzing effects…

(L) Yeah. Okay. Have we had enough of that?

(Joe) Did you hear about 23andMe being sold up?

(All) Yeah.

(Joe) Does the fact that we have submitted our saliva to places like 23andMe, pose any risk to us from whatever quarter?

A: No.

Q: (Joe) Good. I was going to shut down my account and instruct them to destroy my saliva.

(L) Well, we can write to them and ask them to destroy our samples, and to destroy any records.

(Andromeda) That'll just take our records suspicious. They'll put us on a special list. [Laughter]

(Scottie) They won't delete it anyway because no one ever deletes any data anymore.

(Andromeda) They'll be like, "Thank you for highlighting yourself!"

(L) Yeah, maybe we should just be quiet. I mean, they've got so many millions of samples, ours can get lost in the shuffle.

(Niall) Did Trump's latest would-be assassin have any help, or was just a Ukrainian looper?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) He had help.

(Niall) I know it.

(Joe) In the terms of information?

A: Yes.

Q: (Niall) So they're still going for it. They want to still take him out, but they're being blocked.

A: Trying while trying to look innocent. Those free will violations are tricky on this scale.

Q: (Joe) Yeah, for sure. And when you're doing something like that and you're trying to make it look innocent, that really restricts your effectiveness.

(L) All right. I'm tired. Do we have anything that's absolutely urgent?

(Joe) Oh, there's research showing that ivermectin may be a toxin, specifically for reproduction.

(L) Is that true, Gaby?

(Gaby) I don't think so. I think that there are worse things for your reproductive health than ivermectin.

(L) Can it be toxic to reproduction?

A: In high doses.

Q: (Joe) So it was just an attempt to smear ivermectin, probably. It's what they always do.

(L) Like they give too little of something to run a test and say it doesn't work, or they give too much and run a test and say it kills everybody.

(Joe) We gave a mouse two kilos of ivermectin and…

(L) All right. If there's anything we need to ask or should have asked what we didn't ask that's essential to our wellbeing or whatever, please consider it asked.

A: Not now! You have enough for now. Explosive revelations and events coming! Goodbye.

Q: (Joe) Well there have been explosive events all over the place.

(Niall) Israel is getting…

(L) Yeah, I don't know if things can get any weirder than they already are. I should not say that! Please, I take it back! [Laughter] It can always get weirder. Do y'all get the feeling that we are living in a really, really weird reality now? I mean, that things are in this huge transition, that there are ethereal things happening and manifesting, and people are not yet acknowledging that that's what they're seeing? And that people are in denial? It's like the craziest thing I've ever seen!

(Andromeda) And people living in different realities all over the place.

(L) Yeah. So do you all get that feeling? I mean, am I not the only one?

[Many attendees raise their hands.]

(Joe) I got that meme of the guy sitting in his living room, and the living room is on fire. And he's saying, "this is normal".

(Niall) This is fine.

(Joe) This is fine. It's like literally the world is blowing up and burning and psychos are off the leash and most of the world seems to be, "Yeah, it's fine!"

(L) I mean, it's like evil is so blatant and so out there and so in everybody's faces…

(Andromeda) With photographic evidence.

(L) Yeah! It's nuts.


But I don't know that it's the best use of our time. I don't know that it's the best use of my time because frankly, I'm no longer curious about it. I know it's a mess. And I know that so much stuff has happened on this planet, and so much stuff has been messed with on this planet by our evil archon overlords. They have messed with our history. They have messed with our minds. They have messed with our propaganda. They have messed with our archeology. They have done so much against us and to confuse us that I don't think, except in the most general of terms, that it can ever be sorted out. There are some things that can be identified, there are some things that can be nailed down, and there are some things that we have some kind of a written text for plus an archeological or geological context to fit it into. But for the most part we don't - and we won't.
I have more or less come to the same conclusion-stuff has happened, some we may eventually find answers to in the short time we have left, and others not. And does it really matter? We are in the here and now making our own stories together, and that’s what matters.
Reading the first part of the session I felt like a little kid in school getting my knuckles whacked with a ruler for not doing my lessons!
Thank you all for the new session- explosive stuff to come…I wonder if the Cs mean that literally! They take such delight in keeping us guessing and on our toes!
I have more or less come to the same conclusion-stuff has happened, some we may eventually find answers to in the short time we have left, and others not. And does it really matter? We are in the here and now making our own stories together, and that’s what matters.
Reading the first part of the session I felt like a little kid in school getting my knuckles whacked with a ruler for not doing my lessons!
Thank you all for the new session- explosive stuff to come…I wonder if the Cs mean that literally! They take such delight in keeping us guessing and on our toes!
I only meant to post the part above not the whole session! So sorry!
"the struggle to exist"... I note this is not equivalent to, "the struggle to survive".

If you generally have your health and are not living in a hellish situation, then I'd say the sentiment "the struggle to exist" is one borne of comfort and luxury. I think that's the honest truth - I'm not talking about "money" luxury, I'm talking about a luxury that you have that you have come to take for granted and from the point of view of someone without such a luxury, it may come across rather erhmm, arrogant (if I were to use that word). This is if we were to use words to reflect the situation.

Now, this is not to say that words such as these will change how you feel but I don't think that's the intent. I think the intent is to make you realise that you choose to be this way rather than this is something imposed on you - it's a choice.

The day may come when the situation changes that you realise in hindsight what you had and that you had a wonderful opportunity of life - an unimaginable gift.

This world is certainly not paradise but even that, they say that to be in it at this current time with all that is happening is an opportunity not open to many souls. So even from that perspective, you are more lucky than you know or I dare say, seemingly appreciate.

I just think it's worth making you aware of all these so you realise how it looks to feel overburdened about being alive in a situation that is actually okay compared to what others are living. It's like Bill Gates complaining about how much money he has - he shouldn't be surprised if other people don't necessarily feel sorry for him.

I'm not saying any of the above with ill intent... trying to be real and talk straight. 😊

Btw, out of curiosity, are you a man or a woman. This statement "the struggle to exist" seems like one borne from the feminine side with its healthy inclinations inverted upon itself so that it has now become anti-life 😖

I do not take any kind offence to what you say, in fact I like a good whipping into place, so thank you. I’m not looking for sympathy either, just some relation and then observations like ones you have given.

It does appear rather brattish that I seemingly choose to be like this. Today I have had enough sleep and my mood is much better and I’m way better equipped to cope. I’m a mum, so that makes me a woman (depends who you ask though) but extremely detached from my femininity and creative side, another battle I fight.

Truth, my situation is good compared to another, I do not discount anything I have, I feel lucky to be where I am and for what I can see, it sounds so conflicting and it is, how can you feel blessed then depressed from one moment to the next? It’s likely chemical rather than situational.

I have stopped trying to understand why, I was born this way, discontent and restless.. i just try to deal with the feelings as they arise because trying to figure it out and control it has only caused more misery. So go with the flow instead of forcing anything.
Thank you team, very much for all your work! It was amazingly interesting and teaching to follow the discussion and session!

Breo said:
And unfortunately dental anesthetics are also to be chosen carefully, as well as the base of IV solutions (NaCl).
As far as I know, the usage of the solution for intravenous injections (IV) has to be included to be cautious about too.

Previous session, Aug. 17, 2024:
Q: (Breo) Are there any technologies accessible to really protect from harmful frequency technologies?

A: Has been discussed in previous session.

Q: (Joe) Silk!

(Chu) But that's not necessarily a technology...

(L) Yeah, but there was also a discussion about using countering frequencies. You know, find out what the frequency that is coming at you is, and then have a device that emits one that cancels it out. Because you're dealing with waves, right? So you send out a canceling wave. So, canceling waves and silk.

(Niall) And Q-links?

(Joe) Our brains can send out canceling waves....

(Andromeda) Theoretically. (With enough knowledge.)

In this session the topic of countering technologies is continued:
Q: (Joe) In the study that was done showing one of these nano objects or nano bots in anesthetic, they used nicotine and it was observed to destroy them. Was that true?

A: Yes. We have often pointed out the benefits of nicotine. Why do you think there was such a concerted campaign to eradicate its use?

Q: (Joe) How does nicotine do that? What is about nicotine?

A: How does mental blocking work?

Q: (L) Mental blocking is a certain attitude of mind, and whatever. And…

(Joe) …information.

A: Produces acetylcholine

Q: (Joe) So nicotine produces acetylcholine, or mental blocking does?

(L) Mental blocking produces acetylcholine?

A: Yes.

Are the C´s here adding also information on canceling out other harming technologies, like 5G, wifi, etc? Could there be a connection, that through mental blocking/acetylcholine "our brains can send out canceling waves...." maybe as well against such EM technologies "with enough knowledge"?
Why are you up multiple times during the night? It sounds to me like your emotional/mental state is due largely to poor sleep. Is it possible for you to do a sleep test to find out if you have sleep apnea. I did it last December and was prescribed a CPAP machine for apnea. It has really changed my life.

Oh Laura, I don’t want to be, believe me.
My darling 13 month old, Alexandria… holy smokes I was not prepared for this surprise baby. She has strained all of my limits of what I can handle.

From the moment she was born she had been the most needy person I have ever had the displeasure of dealing with. She cried for 8 months straight, we tried every sort of sleep and relaxation aids to help her chill out. Now it’s at the point of just doing what she wants, and hoping she’ll sleep all night, eventually. I was 4 before I slept through the night :(

I get up 3-4 times, she’s still very breasted, has only gotten a few front teeth.
I have conceded defeat because above all things I’ve become very short fused and get angry easily. And let’s not even mention brain function for normal tasks and caring for the rest of the family. I have some support, not enough, she is certainly one of those kids that takes a village to raise.

My 11 year old was a terrible sleeper also, it took me years to recover. So I accept I’m in for the long haul and can only hope and pray that the damage isn’t permanent.

I dreamed a few months ago that we (you and I) were laying around reading and I asked you how do I help my daughter sleep? Your reply was ‘play with her for 3 hours every day’. I was thinking about this last night, how to increase the level of stimulus I offer her, I think she finds me to be boring.
I wonder if supplements Like Alpha GPC, can help people to increase production of Acetylcholine, is there any other ways to increase production Acetylcholine without smoking? There some studies that show that eating grass fed beef and pasture eggs can help as well, and what about NAD supplement?
What do you plan to do about it?

Well at the moment I’m trying to learn the levelled up lessons of temperance, with an added layer of self control and will. It was much easier without these constraint, I’ll say that for sure.

What I plan to do about fear of people dying?
Get over it? Acceptance? What am I supposed to do about it? I trust the universe knows what it’s doing.
@Fluffy, you need to start transitioning your little one to beef/lamb/chicken purees type food asap as that's part of the problem you are experiencing. Babies don't need to stay on breast beyond 6 months as milk is only a growth promoter, its not really food. We transitioned our little one to home made purees at month 5 and he has been great. He is well fed and satisfied, only cries when he is hungry, physically hurt or needs our hugs and comfort. Sleeps really well and we only have to get up once during the night to give him some milk and he is often taking it in half-sleep state, going back to deep sleep right after. For milk, we feed him a home-made formula of coconut milk mixed in with MCT and Ghee.
Below video will help. If you need puree recipes, let me know and I will ask my wife to post a few.

Outside of the above, I do agree its a full-time job looking after a baby and personally between work, home chores and everything else, I get no time to research, post or participate in anything useful on the forum. Its a difficult gig even for 2 working parents and doing it single is very hard. But it is what it is and we are just trying to be the best parents we can be.
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I just went to the dentist like a month ago and they put some local anesthesia for a cleaning! Geesh! As soon as the session was over I was lighting like 3 tobacco pipes that’s night, and smoking more than usual lately! Just in case….
Now we know, we can’t completely trust on anything they can inject to you. Unless is something that it’s really necessary for your health depending on the case! At least we know what can fight those external agents.
In the past 30 years more or less I have only been to the dentist a couple of times for a fractured tooth. My wife on the other hand, kind of lives there.
As a reader, this gives little information at first. If the question with "or" gets a "yes", then either is true. But which one?

I rely on Laura's intuition here, that the first is correct. It would be interesting to learn more about the source of the help. Maybe it is not what we expect. Since I am posting anyway, I hope I am not adding to the noise with a "thank you".
It appears that he is a CIA asset from much that has come out since then. That would explain his smug behavior at the moment (until they Lee Harvey Oswald him).
Thank you for the wonderful session. I agree with everyone here that the preliminary discussion was wonderful to hear and the topics. It never ceases to amaze me of the depravity of the Powers That Be. It is worse than the Nazis nowadays and the closing by the C's "A: Not now! You have enough for now. Explosive revelations and events coming! Goodbye."

Where are we going next?
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