I am so sorry about you all having to experience this horrible episode, and I pray for your speedy recovery. I thank you for your heart and bravery in sharing it with all of us, because the lessons being taught are invaluable.
I feel like I'm imposing, but when I read your first and second posts, Laura, a bunch of questions came to my mind, but I felt that they were on the inconsiderate side, so I've waited a day to see if I can phrase them without being offensive. (I hope it worked!)
I have not spent the proper amount of time in reading all the posts, but in skimming them, I feel the need to ask:
What were the sensations in your bodies when you first became suspicious of Sue's motives? How did these thoughts manifest themselves from your external/physical selves? What were the first sensations that you got when the flu bug first entered you? When you get a psychic feeling, what's it like? Where does it come from? When a suspicious thought does manifest itself, what is the trigger in your mind to discount it and decide to be polite and socially considerate?
The morning before I read this post, on my way up the hill to my office, I got a distinct sensation that I wanted to turn around and go back home. I weighed in on the sensation, and suddenly an energy that I interpreted to be feminine descended from the top of my head and gave me the feeling that everything would be alright, but I felt it with sorrow. I arrived to not only read your post, but I received news of the death from a brain tumor of one of my beloved cousins.
Twice this season I have successfully warded off the flu by sensing its presence on the right side of my throat. As soon as I felt it, I Reikied myself, and the dull ache and scratchiness disappeared. I'm wondering if there is any correlation to your physical manifestations. All of this energy still seems so very subtle; there's no hammer to the head by any outward sign.
I would love to find out if any of your sensations of impending danger is common to us, or does it come from different places, or is there a commonality to the warnings we receive that can make us aware of danger.
Thank you for any of your thoughts.