Session 22 March 2014

I agree that, in addition to answering the lies with the truth at every appropriate opportunity, laughing at them where possible could be contagious and have an affect like the "quenelle". Now, the PTB attempting to ban laughter would even be funnier. We certainly live in interesting times....
Nienna said:
Laura said:
It was a contagious laugh and made me laugh too.

Me, too. And the look on the reporter's face at the end was fairly comical to me, too.
I'm glad you found the reporter's non reaction funny too coz that was my favourite bit bahahaha
Perceval said:
thorbiorn said:
Foxx said:
Very interesting session. Thanks for sharing!

Laura said:
Q: (Perceval) What about the "five years to go" thing?

A: What do you mean? You is there! Do you not SEE it?

I wonder why they said "is" instead of "are".

I would venture to guess it is because the group at the chateau consists of colliniear souls which though distributed in different bodies act in unison as one.

The impression I had was that they were just being funny and/or emphasizing the fact that it already IS happening, as in right now, all around.
I just seen it as word play too, and I read it with a Black American accent, I thought it was very cute and didn't think anymore of it ..... til now :)
Thank's a lot for the transcription of this session and the two translations
Re-reading the three together on the same screen is a real pleasure.
I understand a lot more and better. Thank's to all. (and also to all commenters)

Q: (Mr. Scott) So if you want to go to 4D, you need a bigger piece of paper so you can write a bigger set. Piece of cake. (L) Okay, are we done? (Pierre) Did the catastrophic events that occurred around 2300 BC modify the axial tilt of our planet?

A: Yes.

Q: (Pierre) How many degrees?

A: 20. Not in an "instant" but quickly enough taking scale into account.

so what that's mean?
4300 years ago, the earth was just some 3° inclined or she was 43° ?

Q: (Mr. Scott) Awesome! (Perceval) Any chance of the Pentagon just going missing?

A: It has a different destiny!

Q: (Chu) A comet?!

A: Wait and see!

A: Being in another time/space "space" is not out of reach of electronic signals, plus there is the time anomaly.

Q: (L) So, ET really can phone home? [laughter]

A: Yes.

it's true that the C's have "fun",
but really all the crew also .. I laugh a lot.. ;)

Q: (L) Okay, I guess the question on a lot of people's minds is: How about that Vladimir Putin, huh?

A: He's not perfect but he's the best your planet has in such a position at this time.

Well, in other words in this matrix he will never receive the nobel price of the peace!
Is just the second dangerous war he stop!
Definitely they understand only the blackmail!
He must to be demonized..

A: You are tired, but tricky. Things are unfolding as they should; you are all doing well and soon others will join your reality. Goodbye.

Sound good,
and on the way I can said I was surprise this last weeks, because a lot of people ask me info about my KD, and one have already started.. after years of raw-vegan diet.. just a trough .
See this image from Friday, March 14 in this timeline.

Seems children are more in synchronicity with the reality.

don´t know how to insert a image but it is amazing. it remembers me the "parallel reality"
On the subject of gas emission, I've found this article.
freesurfer said:
so what that's mean?
4300 years ago, the earth was just some 3° inclined or she was 43° ?
Only if we assume that change in angle was in the same plane in which initial (3° or 43°) tilt was. May not be necessarily the case.
Puma1974 said:
See this image from Friday, March 14 in this timeline.

Seems children are more in synchronicity with the reality.

don´t know how to insert a image but it is amazing. it remembers me the "parallel reality"

Hi Puma1974,

Above the message box in which you write your reply there are three rows of icons.

The middle one is the one you need for several operations like (from left to right) Insert Image, Insert Hyperlink, Insert Email, and so on. Just hover your cursor above the icons and they will show their nature.

Click on the Insert Image icon and you get this (without the spaces): [ img ] [ /img ] and with your cursor flashing in between the middle square brackets.

Then go to the website with the image you need, right click on the image and choose copy image location from the drop down menu.

Return here, check whether your cursor is still flashing between the middle square brackets and if so, right click somewhere in the message box and choose paste from the drop down menu. The image location will show up in the space between the middle brackets.

Hit Enter on your keyboard a couple of times and continue typing your message when needed.

The final result can only be seen when you hit the Preview button or after you have hit the Post button below the message box.

Here it is:


Hope this helps a bit. :)
Thanks for the publication of this latest session.

Looking at recent news, the 4.8 earthquake at Yellowstone - no bigger since 1980. And first it was declared as a 5.0, not 4.8, i'm pretty sure there's something wrong there.

For me, I would say this was another "warning" sent to the PTB ...
The C's remark that "soon others will join your reality" reminded me of my thoughts on the Knowledge and Being videos on the subject of realities, and how it might relate to the C's oft-repeated comment that "help is coming".

The choice of reality and manifestation of one's potential is, in a sense, that potential self being "created". Laura has made the point that she and Ark have, in some way, "created each other", and I began to think that this applies to the network as a whole and those who come in contact with and develop through it. Perhaps "help is coming" by way of the network creating us (contributors), or our selves as we develop. In turn, through our contibutions, we then become co-creators of the future of the network - including but not limited to further "help", in helping others who've joined in.

In connection with this, I've also thought of the idea, related to these questions of realities and the future, that the future (or the future which is chosen) attracts the events in the past that brings it about.
Laura said:
Session Date: March 22nd 2014
A: Happens when bleedthrough causes confusion.
Q: (L) Confusion of what?
A: Realms and all within.

UFO? Mysterious floating lights caught on camera in Cumbest Bluff, Mississippi - Apr 4, 2014

Strange hovering lights were caught on camera the night of February 16.
Mysterious lights that appeared in the sky over the 150 acres that Rainer and Edith Shattles call home in the Cumbest Bluff area of Jackson County.

The timeline of the pictures is clear. At 7:24pm, deer appear and all is normal. At 7:29, a dim light appears. At 7:35, it gets brighter. Then at 7:53, a weird shape appears on the camera.

The deer are lit up brightly, but how? The cameras are infrared and don't emit light. At 7:56, another sharper light appears, then it gets much closer, seemingly focused on the deer. It looks like headlights, but well off the ground and there is no road. It then flies away. read more @

Mysterious floating light caught on camera in Cumbest Bluff
Posted: Apr 03, 2014 12:34 PM PDT
Updated: Apr 04, 2014 3:53 AM PDT


  • ufo mystery Cumbest Bluff Mississippi.jpg
    ufo mystery Cumbest Bluff Mississippi.jpg
    19.3 KB · Views: 424
  • trail cam IR.JPG
    trail cam IR.JPG
    66 KB · Views: 423
Laura said:
Session Date: March 22nd 2014

Q: (Perceval) So, we have that explanation in the transcripts, what's going on with the passengers... Do any of the PTB on the planet know?

A: Of course! Why do you think there was such a comedown vis-a-vis Crimea and Russia?

Q: (L) You mean they had plans to be more aggressive and “in-their-faces”, and they... (Perceval) Why would the disappearance of the plane make them scared or make them back down? Was it "comedown", was that what was said? Like a retreat. So, basically the PTB backed down on Crimea and Russia and that whole situation because the plane disappeared and they were worried about...? (Pierre) So, if you lie too much, if you create too much chaos, like unjustified war, you might increase such a bleedthrough?

A: They have "advisors" and "interpretors" of such things.

Q: (Pierre) Why did those higher entities want the PTB to back down concerning Crimea and Russia?

A: They understand what the consequences are.

Q: (L) Okay, I guess the question on a lot of people's minds is: How about that Vladimir Putin, huh?

A: He's not perfect but he's the best your planet has in such a position at this time.

Q: (L) So, he's not a psychopath?

A: No.

Q: (Perceval) Is there anyone essentially giving him orders? Is what he's doing being controlled directly in that sense?

A: Not in the sense you mean, but yes in the sense of conscience.

Q: (Ark) I think that what is of value is that he has the right team of advisors. When you have your advisors and they are smart and knowledgeable, they are experts in certain areas, and they will say, "If you do this, this will be the result, so I suggest that."

A: Indeed, there are many in Russia who learned in a school of hard reality difficult for Westerners to imagine. On top of this, they are better educated in general.

Q: (PoB) Is there a real threat of Putin being assassinated?

A: Always that, but he wasn't KGB for nothing.

As noted, "(Pierre) Why did those higher entities want the PTB to back down concerning Crimea and Russia?" Looking back the past year or so and headlines of Top Military Naval Brass being demoted or fired under questionable pretenses, the PTB might have placed "a Nuclear Option" on the table and seasoned Military Officer's "wouldn't pull the trigger and obey the Order?" Might be the same situation with the recent demotions of highly specialized personal at certain Missal Silo's under the guise of lax procedures and other demoralizing claims?

In reference to the "comedown" in the session - there's thought's, Flight 370 was used "as a Shot-over-the-Bow" to the Military Industrial Complex at Diego Garcia, which might have been on "Stand-by-Alert" for additional Presidential Order's. Although, Diego Garcia is restricted air space, Malaysia Flight 370 was in a heading - directly in line and within close proximity with Diego Garcia when it disappeared off radar. If the Flight had continued on it's normal intended path, it would have verged on a heading "away from but close to" the restricted air space.

In regards to President Vladimir Putin, I consider him as "one of three" in "a collective energy" to neutralize the smothering effects and complete take over by the PTB via U.S., U.K, Israel and NATO/UN forces.

Several past individuals, of good moral character and governing principals, with the people in mind could be added to this list. Unfortunately, none are from the U.S. or the U.K. for that matter.

Specifically, I'm referring to recent past Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, present Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and now, Russia's President Vladimir Putin. I feel, Ahmadinejad got the ball rolling, Assad has held the collective energy in place and Putin will help steer the tide away from the PTB hegemony and dominance. The crises in Ukraine has been a turning point and game changer on multiple levels. Assassination is a high risk factor in men with moral and conscious undertakings for their fellow brethren.

Many may remember Ahmadinejad's eight and final speech at the U.N. on September 26, 2012 during Yom Kippur, a Jewish Holiday in which the U.S., Canada and Israel were not present during the speech but took it upon themselves to subject Iran to boycotts and sanctions, after the fact.


UNITED NATIONS, Sept 26 (Reuters) - Iran's president said on Wednesday his country was under constant threat of military action from "uncivilized Zionists" and called for a new world order not dominated by Western powers in the service of "the devil."

In his eighth address to the U.N. General Assembly's annual gathering of world leaders, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad painted a gloomy picture of a world driven by greed rather than moral values.

"The current abysmal situation of the world and the bitter incidents of history are due mainly to the wrong management of the world and the self-proclaimed centers of power who have entrusted themselves to the devil," Ahmadinejad said, in what is expected to be his last address to the world body.

Without mentioning the United States by name, Ahmadinejad took aim at Washington's global dominance, asking: "Are we to believe that those who spend hundreds of millions of dollars on election campaigns have the interest of the people of the world at their hearts?"

Representatives of the United States, Canada and Israel chose not to be present in the U.N. auditorium for the speech, which coincided with Yom Kippur, one of the most important Jewish holidays.

Ahmadinejad, whose own second and final term in office ends next year, said authority should be used as a sacred gift, "not a chance to amass power and wealth."

A few months after his U.N. speech, actually a year ago this month (April 2013), Ahmadinejad was abducted, arrested and detained for over seven hours by another powerful group.


Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was arrested and held for seven hours Monday and warned to keep his mouth shut about matters detrimental to the Islamic regime before he was released, according to a source within the Revolutionary Guard’s intelligence unit.

After his visit to Tehran’s 26th international book fair Monday, the source said the head of Ahmadinejad’s security team informed the Iranian president that he had been asked to appear at the supreme leader’s office for an urgent matter.

On the way to the meeting, contact between the security team within the president’s convoy was disconnected while three other cars joined the convoy, instructing the lead car to take a different direction. Ahmadinejad, instead of being taken to the supreme leader’s office, was taken to a secret location in one of the buildings belonging to the Foreign Ministry, which is under the control of the Revolutionary Guards’ intelligence unit.

As soon as Ahmadinejad exited the car, he and his security team were involved in an altercation with Guards’ members in which his team was disarmed and communications equipment confiscated. Ahmadinejad was then forced to enter an office belonging to Hossein Taeb, the head of the Guards’ intelligence, located underneath the building.

As this was happening, the source said, hundreds of other Guards’ members from the intelligence unit sought out Ahmadinejad’s associates throughout Tehran and questioned them on the existence of documents detrimental to the regime.

Ahmadinejad was questioned for hours in a meeting with Taeb; Asghar Hejazi, the head of intelligence at the supreme leader’s office; Mojtaba Khamenei, the supreme leader’s son; and Gholam Hossein Mohseni Ejei, the attorney general. He was warned to back down from his claims against regime officials and given an ultimatum. The source added that Ahmadinejad was released back to his security team at 11:45 p.m. Monday, Tehran time. (Etc....)

In Syria, the same consortium that created problems in Ukraine are active trying to over throw al-Assad. There are many references within this Forum that gives evidence that al-Assad is "for the People "and trying to institute reforms to benefit the whole population. One of the reforms was expanding the Internet and communications platform for the general public. Education is promoted, as well as their ethnic roots and history.

In time, I would imagine, Iran and Syria will join the BRICS Nations to expand their cooperation and economics in a working relationship.

I think, there's "a New World Order" taking shape and it's not what the PTB had envisioned through their greed and narrow mindedness.
I keep thinking about the way Putin/Russia stood up to the global criminals (as they've done in the past). I keep getting the feeling that re-balancing things on the planet by human actions, they are increasing the likelihood that Mother Nature will not need to re-balance things in as violent a way as it could have been necessary to do so without the human efforts....
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