Session 22 March 2014

alteroru486 said:
I know that the Wave will move both STO and STS people but I doubt that I am STS as I have always been very empathic since I was very young and wanted unconditionally to help out people. Money means very little to me. More likely I shall not be moved and stay in 3D, which the idea I do not like at all.
I think well that all the humanity is STS...
alteroru486 said:
I know that the Wave will move both STO and STS people but I doubt that I am STS as I have always been very empathic since I was very young and wanted unconditionally to help out people. Money means very little to me. More likely I shall not be moved and stay in 3D, which the idea I do not like at all.

Everyone here on this planet, at this time in 3D is STS. If we were STO, we wouldn't be here. We can only strive to be STO candidates.

As the Cs have said, we are here to learn lessons. So hoping to move to 4D is nonproductive. Learning about ourselves and our programs, trying to get some control over them, along with learning about what is really going on in this world is moving in the right direction, or so I think.

Have you read the Wave series? In my first reading of that series, the thing that Laura instilled in me was to be a better person and I've been learning as much as I can, as well as applying that knowledge, to become that ever since. If we already think that we are a better person, there is no way that we can truly become a better person as we don't see any need to improve.

Just my thoughts.
alteroru486 said:
Keeping Laura alive makes too big risk for Reptilians whereas their gain is too little. That is all very peculiar. It seems Reptilians are not "allowed" to do every possible harm to us. But "who" decides what is allowed and what is not? As I have read, killing Laura would direct Reptilians into a more negative timeline. So there are some rules in the universe that we do not know.

Thanks for the session.

And to give you an idea, is like we humans take care of the pigs and any source of food. We don't kill out food just to kill it, we do because we can eat it that way, and we need to be sure they are properly feed or maybe just feed so we produce food for everyone. Though, we are not animals, we have more consciousness and that means the need of a different method. Just like an animal that is sick, to avoid the spread of that virus and avoid the loss of our food, what is needed is to isolate that animal by killing it or separating it from the herd. If the 4D STS eat us energetically that means that you don't need to kill everyone, just feed from that energy produced in psychological pain, just like we kill animals and then we cook it to make it taste better, and when someone shares knowledge and helps to avoid control, is like an animal being sick, but the way to deal with us is not just shooting some light or rocket launchers. :P They break us through the diet (kill us slowly) and then they add some psychological attacks (they cook us) so we produce tasteful food.

Is a spiral of service to self, eat to be eaten.

When I read the cs saying the Consortium won't win, I understand it not as they may not reach their goal to destroy this planet and feed from it entirely, I understand it as they can modify reality and avoid the destiny of those who want to service themselves.
The planet is STS but not everyone is STS. Some people are for example both 80% STS and 20% STO and some are both 10% STS and 90% STO. I myself do not like STS environment at all. I could live in 3D or 4D or 6D but at a higher level of technological development than that in the Earth. So there are at least two reasons for me not to like living in this world. I doubt that if there are many people living here for more than 5000 years (more than 70%). The Standard of living in the Earth is so low that probably many souls pass the exams much earlier and do not have to wait 300 008 years for the next Wave. They graduate once they go to 5D, do not come back to 3D for another life, they go to 4D instead.

I wonder what the wanderers are in the Earth now for? They cannot help anyone nor can they change anything for the better. They suffer without any sensible reason.
alteroru486 said:
The planet is STS but not everyone is STS. Some people are for example both 80% STS and 20% STO and some are both 10% STS and 90% STO.

Where did you get those figures?

alteroru486 said:
I myself do not like STS environment at all. I could live in 3D or 4D or 6D but at a higher level of technological development than that in the Earth. So there are at least two reasons for me not to like living in this world. I doubt that if there are many people living here for more than 5000 years (more than 70%). The Standard of living in the Earth is so low that probably many souls pass the exams much earlier and do not have to wait 300 008 years for the next Wave. They graduate once they go to 5D, do not come back to 3D for another life, they go to 4D instead.

I wonder what the wanderers are in the Earth now for? They cannot help anyone nor can they change anything for the better. They suffer without any sensible reason.

Where did you get all that hooey from?
Laura said:
alteroru486 said:
The planet is STS but not everyone is STS. Some people are for example both 80% STS and 20% STO and some are both 10% STS and 90% STO.

Where did you get those figures?

alteroru486 said:
I myself do not like STS environment at all. I could live in 3D or 4D or 6D but at a higher level of technological development than that in the Earth. So there are at least two reasons for me not to like living in this world. I doubt that if there are many people living here for more than 5000 years (more than 70%). The Standard of living in the Earth is so low that probably many souls pass the exams much earlier and do not have to wait 300 008 years for the next Wave. They graduate once they go to 5D, do not come back to 3D for another life, they go to 4D instead.

I wonder what the wanderers are in the Earth now for? They cannot help anyone nor can they change anything for the better. They suffer without any sensible reason.

Where did you get all that hooey from?

I guess that is what whappen when people read transcripts without context and then mix that information with other sources.
Laura said:
alteroru486 said:
The planet is STS but not everyone is STS. Some people are for example both 80% STS and 20% STO and some are both 10% STS and 90% STO.

Where did you get those figures?

alteroru486 said:
I myself do not like STS environment at all. I could live in 3D or 4D or 6D but at a higher level of technological development than that in the Earth. So there are at least two reasons for me not to like living in this world. I doubt that if there are many people living here for more than 5000 years (more than 70%). The Standard of living in the Earth is so low that probably many souls pass the exams much earlier and do not have to wait 300 008 years for the next Wave. They graduate once they go to 5D, do not come back to 3D for another life, they go to 4D instead.

I wonder what the wanderers are in the Earth now for? They cannot help anyone nor can they change anything for the better. They suffer without any sensible reason.

Where did you get all that hooey from?

Its a known fact that 80% of people who quote statistics just make them up. :P
In one session Cs have told us that we are quickly moving now towards STO and also from Ra channelings it seems pretty clear that people are both STO and STS as those are supposed to graduate who are between 51% and 100% STO and between 0% and 5% STO.

I just make a guess that most souls do not spend here more time than about 5000 years because of the extremely difficult environment. Souls just quickly catch up why they do not like it here. Cs also told in one session that souls did not have to wait for another wave. They can graduate when they go to 5D. There was just one sentence about that in all the texts.

About wanderers there are many texts. Some of them you can find in Ra channelings. There are also Dolores Cannon works via hypnosis that confirm that and I also remember reading that in some other sources.

Cs told in one session that it is an error to believe that all the knowledge comes from one source, so why not read many other sources and among them Ra channelings, compare them, analyse deeply and draw conclusions? Cs can also make mistakes and there also possible mistakes due to that kind of transmissions.
alteroru486 said:
In one session Cs have told us that we are quickly moving now towards STO and also from Ra channelings it seems pretty clear that people are both STO and STS as those are supposed to graduate who are between 51% and 100% STO and between 0% and 5% STO.

I just make a guess that most souls do not spend here more time than about 5000 years because of the extremely difficult environment. Souls just quickly catch up why they do not like it here. Cs also told in one session that souls did not have to wait for another wave. They can graduate when they go to 5D. There was just one sentence about that in all the texts.

About wanderers there are many texts. Some of them you can find in Ra channelings. There are also Dolores Cannon works via hypnosis that confirm that and I also remember reading that in some other sources.

Cs told in one session that it is an error to believe that all the knowledge comes from one source, so why not read many other sources and among them Ra channelings, compare them, analyse deeply and draw conclusions? Cs can also make mistakes and there also possible mistakes due to that kind of transmissions.

Better start reading "The Wave Series" before coming to more "conclusions".

It is called the C's Experiment for a reason. You seem to be firmly invested in just believing stuff you read and creating all sorts of conclusions based on those believes. We are not interested in believing anything here.
While in theory it's a good idea to look though lots of sources, the problem is you first need discernment. The danger is that people often pick and choose those things that support their preconceived notions, like "I'm a Wanderer" or "I don't belong here" or "I'm STO." We need to think like a hammer especially when it concerns ourselves.

Like others said, if we didn't belong here we wouldn't be here.
Laura said:
Session Date: March 22nd 2014

Q: (L) Okay, I guess the question on a lot of people's minds is: How about that Vladimir Putin, huh?

A: He's not perfect but he's the best your planet has in such a position at this time.

Q: (L) So, he's not a psychopath?

A: No.

Today I've watched again the Red Pill Press video about Political Ponerology situated at the end of this article in Sott in spanish:


and I've realized that about minute 1:26 Putin appears as suggesting he is a psychopath. Does anybody think it should be modified?

It is as well in the original english video:

_ (english)

_ (spanish)
miguel said:
Laura said:
Session Date: March 22nd 2014

Q: (L) Okay, I guess the question on a lot of people's minds is: How about that Vladimir Putin, huh?

A: He's not perfect but he's the best your planet has in such a position at this time.

Q: (L) So, he's not a psychopath?

A: No.

Today I've watched again the Red Pill Press video about Political Ponerology situated at the end of this article in Sott in spanish:


and I've realized that about minute 1:26 Putin appears as suggesting he is a psychopath. Does anybody think it should be modified?

It is as well in the original english video:

_ (english)

_ (spanish)

Yes Putin shouldn't be in that video.
The problem with "many sources" is that you can't be comparing and mixing different CHANNELED sources and think you are doing that. You have to do hard research parallel to the channeling. Channeled material can only ever be 10% inspiration that you have to match with 90% work!
Pashalis said:
miguel said:
Laura said:
Session Date: March 22nd 2014

Q: (L) Okay, I guess the question on a lot of people's minds is: How about that Vladimir Putin, huh?

A: He's not perfect but he's the best your planet has in such a position at this time.

Q: (L) So, he's not a psychopath?

A: No.

There is an earlier session July 16, 2007 where the merits of V. Putin were mentioned:

Q: .......(A) I want to know what is the future of the present growing tension between the US and Putin?

A: Most of it is show, but there is also the fact that Putin is a smart man who is leading the tyrant into a trap.

Q: (L) I would say it's not so much because he's a good guy as it is because it's a power struggle.

A: Yes.

Q: (Ailén) Is Putin working with Chavez on that?

A: Sure.

Q: (L) Sure, he'll work with anybody. He's not a stupid man. He's WAY smarter than Bush. I think he's smarter than Sarkozy, and he's definitely smarter than Blair. He's got some neurons firing there.

end quote,

Maybe one should reread some of the previous sessions, as there is a lot of data which. I think, would give some clues as to the potentialities that might be developing in this interesting times.
So maybe the C's observation that "he's the best we've got so far" could mean that Putin may not have the noblest intentions in his strategy, but his actions may still restrain and confound the goals of the Evil Empire. Faust's observation about intending evil and having it work for good may apply here.

I'd still like to think Putin is a decent sort of chap. Time will tell I guess.
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