Session 22 March 2014

herondancer said:
So maybe the C's observation that "he's the best we've got so far" could mean that Putin may not have the noblest intentions in his strategy, but his actions may still restrain and confound the goals of the Evil Empire. Faust's observation about intending evil and having it work for good may apply here.

I'd still like to think Putin is a decent sort of chap. Time will tell I guess.

It's not necessarily so black and white. The impression I've got is that Putin clearly has ideals - he cares for other things than greed. He seems to be quite the nationalist and to see himself in large part as "the solution" to Russia's troubles. So I don't think he intends to do evil, nor that's he's particularly evil. He doesn't necessarily have the whole banana, and from information in older threads, he may have some deep-seated emotional issues. But in comparison to psychopaths, he's the picture of healthy mentality, and he's got the intelligence and resources to present a significant opposition.

He's taking on an awful and tricky situation with competence - perhaps not with the kind of end-goal we would like to see, but definitely with the goal of something that we would also recognize as a better world. The point here is, when things are so screwed up as they are, any realistic vision of something better will make for an improvement if brought competently towards reality. And so, he does good - a hero by contrast with the status quo, if you will. OSIT.
Laura said:
Session Date: March 22nd 2014

Q: (L) Okay, I guess the question on a lot of people's minds is: How about that Vladimir Putin, huh?

A: He's not perfect but he's the best your planet has in such a position at this time.

Q: (L) So, he's not a psychopath?

A: No.

While I keep tabs on the general situation, I don't follow it in detail, however, the part in bold stood out to me as to always be kept in mind when assessing Putin's actions. His position is not simply the president of a country, but the president of one the top most influential, influential and resourceful countries in the world. So while he may not be quite as for-the-people as Gaddaffi was, for example, it's also much much harder for someone of that nature to have such a high standing in a country as influential as Russia, due to the whole NWO scenario, ponerology, etc. And when taking into account the accelerated pace of ponerization over the last two decades as well, at least to me, it seems almost a miracle to have anyone with half a head of common sense "in such a position" at all. Then there's the possibility that the C's are not not referring to his public alone, but perhaps also behind the scenes, i.e. Consortium; the C's have said before that within those circles/pyramids, it's not quite so blanket-STS as one might think because of the influence that comes with the increased knowledge, which can awaken more STO inclinations and tendencies.
With regard to Russia's role in the near "future", I would like to add those mentioned in Olga Kharitidi's book (Entering the Circle), where she wrote the story of Belovodia, the mythical Shambhala of the Altai Mountains, Siberia. During her journey, she'd been given a brochure related to an event which took place in 987, when a group of people were sent to find the best religion for Kiev's tzar. Only one monk came back and told the story some 30 years after. He ended up in the country of Belovodia, the kingdom of pure spirit, full of charming mysteries, joy and knowledge. Here is some of what this monk said:

quote (Page 83)
" In Belovodia people live as long as they want. Time stops for anyone entering the kingdom. They see and hear everything that goes on in the outside world. Nothing is hidden from those in Belovodia."
"As my spirit grew stronger, I was given the opportunity to see beyond my body, to visit different cities and to know and hear everything I wished. I was told about the fate of our people and our country. There's a great future for us".

At the time of her journey, a grave have been opened where a tattooed mummy of a young female was found.

Olga went to a facility where she tried out a construct made to put her into an altered state of consciousness. Therefore she had found out the destiny of these tombs (page 166)..

...""they belong to other dimensions, other evolutionary streams.....the seemingly dead inhabitants actually have alive intentions. They serve as channels of communication with other human dimensions....with the specific purpose of making contact with your people. There are only a few places on earth where this has been done. Altai is one of them."

....."The tomb in Altai was intended to be open only when the coming transformation was ready to be widely visible. The fact that it has already been opened means that the change will be speeded up naturally. It means that more and more people will experience the need for a new existence. many different teachers and schools will emerge, but they will point in the same direction"

(I think we are not quite there yet, as there are as many divergent teaching as one can get...)

Well, this book is and interesting read, quite different from the mainstream description of "shamanic experiences".

Just my mite
For an interesting history of Crimea check out the link below, there is information here that I have not found elsewhere.
Thank you all for this gift of contact. I only can say I feel Putin's intent of goodness. I also feel Jimmy Carter's as well.
I'll tell you something. It was as early as when I was 13 that I discovered that sexual activity was very strange and people did not feel comfortable with it, though in their heart of hearts they did not admit that even to themselves. I have never had sex in my life and feel aversion to that. I probably also feel aversion to physicality. Does that ring a bell? As Cs have said several times (!), the main reason that human souls decided to incarnate in STS Earth had been sexual activity and everybody quickly became addicted to that. Sexual activity is just the same as taking narcotics to feel high. It has no relation at all to love. It is difficult to understand why that issue is not talked about publicly. On the contrary, sexual activity is encouraged to an enormous degree, which is quite understandable as it always releases a negative energy which Reptilians feed on.
alteroru486 said:
I'll tell you something. It was as early as when I was 13 that I discovered that sexual activity was very strange and people did not feel comfortable with it, though in their heart of hearts they did not admit that even to themselves. I have never had sex in my life and feel aversion to that. I probably also feel aversion to physicality. Does that ring a bell? As Cs have said several times (!), the main reason that human souls decided to incarnate in STS Earth had been sexual activity and everybody quickly became addicted to that. Sexual activity is just the same as taking narcotics to feel high. It has no relation at all to love. It is difficult to understand why that issue is not talked about publicly. On the contrary, sexual activity is encouraged to an enormous degree, which is quite understandable as it always releases a negative energy which Reptilians feed on.

Give's a new spin, and understanding to Celibacy does it not? Our thoughts, choices, with regards to the relations we seek, motivations, and knowing the truth with in it.

Love for the body, or love for the soul. One night stand, (3dsts) or a love (4 STO) for life.
lara4unow said:
Thank you all for this gift of contact. I only can say I feel Putin's intent of goodness. I also feel Jimmy Carter's as well.

Carter has some blind spots regarding John Kerry though.
alteroru486 said:
Sexual activity is just the same as taking narcotics to feel high. It has no relation at all to love. It is difficult to understand why that issue is not talked about publicly. On the contrary, sexual activity is encouraged to an enormous degree, which is quite understandable as it always releases a negative energy which Reptilians feed on.

I don’t agree that the above is universally true. Thought there can be aspects of this involved no doubt, I don’t agree that “it has no relation to love” or that it “always releases a negative energy”. Maybe the latter depends on whether one allows anything negative to come near the idea of sex in the first place?

And then there’s intent, if one is ultimately only trying to ‘posses’ / consume / derive pleasure for oneself, that is one thing. But what if the intent is different?
Alada said:
alteroru486 said:
Sexual activity is just the same as taking narcotics to feel high. It has no relation at all to love. It is difficult to understand why that issue is not talked about publicly. On the contrary, sexual activity is encouraged to an enormous degree, which is quite understandable as it always releases a negative energy which Reptilians feed on.

I don’t agree that the above is universally true. Thought there can be aspects of this involved no doubt, I don’t agree that “it has no relation to love” or that it “always releases a negative energy”. Maybe the latter depends on whether one allows anything negative to come near the idea of sex in the first place?

And then there’s intent, if one is ultimately only trying to ‘posses’ / consume / derive pleasure for oneself, that is one thing. But what if the intent is different?

Yes, what if the intent of both participants is the opposite, in knowledge; of growth, bonding, understanding and giving, and not so focused on the orgasmic pay-off and whatever else there may be of motives for self, then the energetically powerful act of sex could have an entirely different outcome... But yes, our ponerized imprints from society would make that a far removed resolve for most, having the necessary knowledge and being, in self and partner, to form sexual bonds that would be productive on a higher level. Relevant threads I can think of are :

Caricature of Love
Cupid's Poisoned Arrow
Or 'sex' is simply 'red-ray' energy production, which the physically oriented like best. It is what it is, adding 'love' to it, might change the experience for the participants but not the energy production in that center. 'Love' could activate higher centers, but at core it is red, unless sex is left out of this equation of 'love'. Either way, one would think that connoiseurs could extract that portion of the spectrum they prefer and ignore the others not to their liking.
alteroru486 said:
I'll tell you something. It was as early as when I was 13 that I discovered that sexual activity was very strange and people did not feel comfortable with it, though in their heart of hearts they did not admit that even to themselves. I have never had sex in my life and feel aversion to that. I probably also feel aversion to physicality. Does that ring a bell? As Cs have said several times (!), the main reason that human souls decided to incarnate in STS Earth had been sexual activity and everybody quickly became addicted to that. Sexual activity is just the same as taking narcotics to feel high. It has no relation at all to love. It is difficult to understand why that issue is not talked about publicly. On the contrary, sexual activity is encouraged to an enormous degree, which is quite understandable as it always releases a negative energy which Reptilians feed on.

Two things I would like to respond to this. The Cs say that we decided to step inside to 3D because of self-aggrandizement. We do many things for self pleasure, sex just being one of them.

The fact that the Cs used sex as an example may be because "Frank" was very against sex, from what I remember from reading the Wave series. That could have had a lot of affect on the answer. I think that the main focus was on pleasuring of the self.

There really are several ways in which to use sex in a negative and purely selfish way. But, there are other ways that are not quite so much for the pleasure of the self only, or so I think.
Nienna said:
alteroru486 said:
I'll tell you something. It was as early as when I was 13 that I discovered that sexual activity was very strange and people did not feel comfortable with it, though in their heart of hearts they did not admit that even to themselves. I have never had sex in my life and feel aversion to that. I probably also feel aversion to physicality. Does that ring a bell? As Cs have said several times (!), the main reason that human souls decided to incarnate in STS Earth had been sexual activity and everybody quickly became addicted to that. Sexual activity is just the same as taking narcotics to feel high. It has no relation at all to love. It is difficult to understand why that issue is not talked about publicly. On the contrary, sexual activity is encouraged to an enormous degree, which is quite understandable as it always releases a negative energy which Reptilians feed on.

Two things I would like to respond to this. The Cs say that we decided to step inside to 3D because of self-aggrandizement. We do many things for self pleasure, sex just being one of them.

The fact that the Cs used sex as an example may be because "Frank" was very against sex, from what I remember from reading the Wave series. That could have had a lot of affect on the answer. I think that the main focus was on pleasuring of the self.

There really are several ways in which to use sex in a negative and purely selfish way. But, there are other ways that are not quite so much for the pleasure of the self only, or so I think.

Yes, I think you're engaged in some black and white thinking in regards to sex, alteroru486. Sex is neither all bad nor all good. It can be nothing but a carnal pleasuring the self for purely selfish reasons or it can be a beautiful expression of love. And I think a desire for sex is a natural human desire and a part of the human experience. It's not something to denigrate or surround in shame or disgust.
PhoenixToEmber and davey72, your posts are 1) violation of privacy and 2)off-topic, and have been put in storage. We redact names for a reason. Just because you think you know who the redacted individual is, doesn't mean everyone does, including casual readers from anywhere.

Plus, we prefer NOT to feed crocodiles.
alteroru486 said:
I'll tell you something. It was as early as when I was 13 that I discovered that sexual activity was very strange and people did not feel comfortable with it, though in their heart of hearts they did not admit that even to themselves. I have never had sex in my life and feel aversion to that. I probably also feel aversion to physicality. Does that ring a bell? As Cs have said several times (!), the main reason that human souls decided to incarnate in STS Earth had been sexual activity and everybody quickly became addicted to that. Sexual activity is just the same as taking narcotics to feel high. It has no relation at all to love. It is difficult to understand why that issue is not talked about publicly. On the contrary, sexual activity is encouraged to an enormous degree, which is quite understandable as it always releases a negative energy which Reptilians feed on.

It's quite possible that you projected your own feelings onto others with the bold part. Especially in that age, when the puberty is ramping up and all sorts of chemical developments within the brain start to affect the thinking process, I suspect there is a good chance that some early traumatic experiences shaping this development and thinking process in a particular way.

Though, this must not necessarily apply to you too, but in combination with the expressed black and white thinking about the negativity of sexual energy, it seems to me that something else is going on within the structure of your personality and the transcripts from the C's gave you some kind of explanation why you feel the way you feel.

I also think that you may tend to idealize the concept of love (from what you wrote, maybe I am wrong) and attribute feelings to it which could very well be caused by other issues that you are not aware of yet.

However that may be, I just felt inclined to point that out.

And I just saw that you didn't introduced yourself in the newbies section yet. It is recommended to do so, because it makes it easier for all to understand what people say if they wrote some kind of Hello and tell a little bit where they come from.
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