Reference post for Eiriu Eolas effects on the body - heart chakra - energy centers -
important alchemical clue!
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As things got serious last week - after I spent 30 years trying / attempting / working on to build a Hyperdimensional Machine as I told Ark in our email exchanges around~2007 - I'm releasing parts of my recent discovery, as much as possible, bit by bit, as clues.
I'll do a publication, an Applied Research & Development Summary. For personal protection - parts will be redacted / withheld as confidential. The full, unredacted "white paper" might only released on Fellowship Private™, but only after consultation with Forum Owners here. So its possible, the material will never leave the walls of The Chateau.
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Aim is to give enough clues for a good 'Thinking Work' for members, who would like to try something similar.
There are ~8 artists on this forum, to my estimation, who could / may be able to reproduce and possibly/probably beat my results easily.
Requirements are recounted in the videos, but I'll summarize the main prerequisites in my publication. As we are talking about a machine here (
1st Stage started on Sep 22, 2022), and a requirement for repeated & repeated experiment results: when enough results come in, I'll publish my findings here in the future.
Yes what you say lilies has been my experience over about the 1-3/4 years since learning to do the EE practice. Absolutely! Just the last time, different. :(((. Will continue explorations.
Its natural - I think - that people experience tiredness and being drained after [days] doing EE, as it is supposed to fight / subdue / make shrivel the Predator's Mind and False Personality. Naturally then energy starvation sets in the body, as the Predator's Mind starts to become cranky / hurt and hungry after IT experienced the Eiriu Eolas, which must be an exorcism-like torture for demons and spirit parasites and dead dudes clinging 'onto your back' / onto your energy body. IIRC this was discussed exhaustively on this forum.
As Gurdjieff said Centers begin to cannibalize each others energy - when there is not enough / accumulators get drained / refill through insufficient sleep not enough - and this usually results in heart pain - as the Heart / Sexual Chakra is drained and in my case an added feeling of suffocation, so I don't do Pipe Breath after the Ba-Ha ends. As a child my adenoids were removed and this butcher-shop surgery and or other growths caused an always stuffed nose, so I usually breath through the mouth. During and after athletic exercises though it becomes easy to breath through the nose, but I'm digressing..
So Eiriu Eolas has an inevitable drawback: anybody, who fights against 5thD parasites nesting in the body becomes drained. Ask exorcists, or read the book
Hostage to the Devil by Malachi Martin PhD.
Alchemical clue:
Doing Eiriu Eolas twice a week is an absolute necessity for everybody! No exceptions!
For psychics:
1. Type A: who live off their skills by offering their services for money, it is critical to remain on high energy level all the time to be able to make a successful reading, I guess? So a clever psychic with real skills always works to have as much sleep as possible and best food to enhance the nutrient-support of the brain.
2. Type B: Like me - system-hackers - who use ESP for financial gain.
Problem: If anybody attempts to use ESP
after doing EE however, one finds, the energy centers have been drained and psychic skills deaden, it becomes impossible to use them that day! This is entirely normal and should be so, I think.
This is the case for me anyway and I experimented with just doing one EE session per week or none and observed a higher amount of available all-body energy.
The problem with skipping EE:
EE facilitates connection to 4thD - 6thD STO, - I think, also through the FOTCM Crystals and it enhances the users FRV, pushing it / aligning it toward STO. I noticed that reading old C's Sessions and contemplating them / researching them creates the same movement toward STO alignment.
Reading a Mary Balogh Book or
reading Owen also nudges the reader closer to the STO alignment, I observed. Its a very silky, lukewarm feeling inside for me in the heart chakra / spine area, a distinct internal taste of being filled with a kind of etheric Pneuma of God.
So for PSI / ESP users its critical - absolutely essential to do two Eiriu Eolas sessions per week. This pulls the PSI users closer to STO alignment, which enables to see more, as ultimate STO at 6thD sees all. Ultimate STS at 4thD and its reflection for balance at 6thD only sees what they want to see, I think. Becoming a regular PSI / ESP user is a
Divination Profession, so seeing more / as much as possible is essential, pivotal, and is the Prime Directive for psychics:
Not just what you want to see, but see everything. Especially since:
I only mean regards the psychics profession, when I say:
You Are What You See!
So, the solution is simple after this:
1. Abstain from PSI-use as a profession on EE-days. EE facilitates connection & movement toward STO alignment, so you'll be able to see more in the future.
2. Use ESP on days other than Monday or Tuesday.
3. Sleep as much as you can in order to be charged properly through the Heart /Sexual Chakra. This is the ultimate recharging method, as a Merciful Gift from God.
4. Preserve your energy and create new energy via The Work / Self-Observation / Non-identifying / Self-Remembering / using the Work in daily life.
Difficult solution:
5. In addition to 1-4 there are more adept techniques directly connected with the Way of The Fool.
A.: Fulcanelli's remark: "Don't touch me!". [?*]
B: Living as Celibate = no sex.
C: *Keeping yourself insulated from [touching] people, building up your internal energy charge and preserving your
Fine Energy Alignment and taking care to not touch other people as they
will discharge you: T.C. Lethbridge exhaustively discusses energy flow between differing potentials. I figured that
probably alchemist refrained from touching others because of this. Remember, when you got your first FOTCM crystals and unpacked and touched them? There was a discussion about the effects of this: the difference in energy potential / field at the Chateau --versus-- your home / living environment.
Oh, and of course the Cardinal Requirement: use psychic enhancer machines. I'll publish about the one I built. Research. Find what works for you. I
recently gave one [semi] obvious