Session 23 March 2019

A: And notice that it can appear as if "life" exists in the individual organs when in fact it is merely the antenna-like function of the protein. ... Life energy or what you might call "soul" is bound by antenna of a sort.

I wonder if this is related to the brain phenomena that suggests that some 'connections' between brain regions are nonlocal in nature, perhaps through EM resonance, for instance. As for proteins, the proteins of a certain tissue type forming an organ behave in harmony with each other - kind of like the starlings? It's as if the community of proteins is in constant communication with each other. When they are behaving in harmony and acting out their function (which requires harmony), they are under the higher-order influence of a unifying 'soul' or logos. When that organizing/coordinating principle departs, the proteins' behavior becomes disharmonized. Order leaves and chaos takes over, i.e. death.

There are multiple levels of coordination that are required: between proteins within individual cells, between proteins in separate but related cells, between different tissue types and entire physiological systems. Each system has to be internally coordinated and coordinated with all other systems, horizontally and vertically. I wonder if the 'protein-antenna' also have something to do with the higher-level coordinations taking place in the organism, or if there is something more going on over and above protein-level stuff. Maybe it's more like this: all different types of proteins have a different 'signature' - and the unique combination of all those signatures creates a higher-order meta-signature. The individual logos or soul is like a mirror reflection of that signature, coordinating all parts to act as one.

A: Coming to knowledge that is sure by your own efforts locks it in at the belief center, and thus gives added power.

There's an analogy here to the First Sight stuff I've been summarizing in the Carpenter thread. Pre-sensory information is vague and only potentially true, e.g. the vague pre-sensory image of a potentially predatory animal. It must be confirmed by the senses to become knowledge, otherwise it will just remain as a possibility. (This is why it's important to be skeptical of channeled information - it hasn't been made knowledge through experience.) The act of conscious 'cognitive closure' solidifies it as knowledge and contributes to the formation of deeply held beliefs (conscious AND unconscious) about the nature of reality, from simple things like 'things fall down' to complex physical and psychological behaviors and patterns. In the same way, theories and speculations must remain just that: possible explanations of concrete events. But when they are matched with actual data from the real world, this helps to create a deep belief about the nature of objective reality. And the more you KNOW about objective reality, the better you are able to navigate it (i.e., the more 'power' or free will you have). This is why you can trust some channeled information - if your own efforts to gain knowledge lock it in.

(L) The level of engineering, the level of intelligence, I mean... Obviously, there have been experiments. Look at the book, Prehistoric Life. You can SEE minds working on engineering creatures. Then they decide, oh, we don't like that one. They wipe out the whole planet and then a whole new bunch appear. That's engineering. They didn't like the old design. There were some of the old designs that REALLY were bad, I'm tellin' you! [laughter] I swear, you can see in that book. There were some really BAD ideas! Serious design flaws.

I'm not sure they necessarily wipe out the bad designs - that's what natural selection is for. Bad designs will die out on their own given new environmental conditions (climate, chemical, new and better life-forms, etc.) in which they can't fulfill whatever life purpose they are designed for. If an overall design doesn't work, it will die out and won't be used as the basis for new forms. If parts of it seem useful, they can be incorporated into a new design. And if the design works fine as it is, then great - no intervention necessary. That's why the horseshoe crab, the sponge, and certain bacteria are still around hundreds of millions of years later. They still fulfill their function, and the group souls learning in those forms still find them appropriate for their own soul/learning purposes. Later in the session, L mentioned this in regard to the slime world, for example, and how some carries over into the next 'world'. It may even be that there are certain prerequisite stages for later stages. Like, in order to get world B, you have to let world A run its course first. There may be an overall pattern to the development of 2D worlds - especially if 3D forms are relatively stable across worlds.

(L) No, a dog doesn't evolve from anything. A dog is created.

Not necessarily. If families are the taxonomically lowest directly created forms, then genera and species are the results of degradative mutation and natural selection. The Canidae family includes wolves, coyotes, foxes, jackals, dingoes, and dogs. It's still possible dogs are specifically designed, though - Behe seems open to the possibility that some genera and species might be, even if it's rarer than devolution. Plus the taxonomy system isn't necessarily perfect - more of a general approximation perhaps.

(L) That's a bit different because here you're talking about something that's more conscious and you're talking about an organism that's already developed to a very advanced stage. So that particular kind of inducing changes could possibly work. The Cs said that STS took over about 300KYA, and by then, all the major creating and engineering of life forms as we know them now was a done deal. If Love is the power of creation, that’s why 4D STS can’t create; they can only modify or interfere, suppress, etc. So in a real sense, our world was created by Love and is truly, jaw-droppingly amazing.

I love this bit! ;)

(Ark) What I want to know is: Where is the software which is SO powerful and so universal?! It's crash-proof! Where does it come from? Is it in the genes? Or after the butterfly is born, it downloads from somewhere this software? Where is it?

(Pierre) It's the information field [makes patented Pierre Information Field Gesture].

A: As Pierre said, it is information fully and freely given/received via the antenna of the proteins.

I think this last bit is very important, specifically the part about it being freely given AND freely received. One of the problems of the ID camp is that I don't think they give enough credit to the power of organisms themselves - organisms are the playthings of an omnipotent God and not much more than that. That is, they don't give ideas about what the implications might be for what we might call the 2D group souls using all these body plans. What 5D life-plans are they carrying out? What are their general purposes? What is the nature of the evolution of their group consciousness?

Darwinists see the sole push for evolution in random changes to physical forms. Any evolution of consciousness (to the extent that they'd agree such a thing exists) is solely a product or accident of physical evolution.

I haven't heard any ID people talk about their views on the evolution of consciousness. Presumably they could go either way, agreeing with the Darwinists that higher consciousness is a result of the more developed body (designed by God), or that the new consciousness is itself created and 'gifted' by God.

My tentative thoughts on the matter are that physical evolution simply doesn't exist, but that evolution of consciousness does, both in the thoughts of the designers as they learn about life, and in the learning of the organisms and its effects on their own consciousness. Both 'sides' of the exchange are important. New forms engineered from above can only be implemented in the right conditions - in terms of biology and consciousness. Previous forms need to exist, which are the material for new innovations. And the consciousness of the 2D beings themselves needs to be 'ready' for a new experience. I'm not sure how that works yet. In general terms, maybe an experimental life form gains experience over millions of years, learning the ropes of interacting in the world, what works, what doesn't, what is important, what isn't. After all that time, there is an implicit wish and readiness for something new and higher. A 'call' is sent out to the higher densities, at the same time that those higher densities are planning the next form of experience to meet with the developmental needs of the consciousness in question.
Fantastic session!! Brings a lot of recent research together. I was always a believer as knowledge provided by C's have stood the test of time. I have been reading and re-reading Michael Topper of late complemented with Gnosis ie centers and other afterlife material to understand Love better and how that links to the soul progression and role played by physical body. Its the proteins and specifically the type of proteins which create the magic. Below my take.

Its seems, the Christ consciousness described by MT is like an omnipresent field of energy, a medium of sorts via which cosmic love can be tapped into by consciousness units with stronger being to produce highly intelligent designs and perform creative acts. The R&D performed and results are then shared back into the cosmic consciousness to grow the universal library further which is made available to other consciousness units automatically. The creator avails us with Love which is light which is knowledge and we use that to create more life via correct expression of that love.

All of the hard work is done in creating the blueprint, testing/writing the code and uploading it to a super computer of sorts which is connected to the "Information Field" which is present everywhere. Then the proteins are created which carry the blueprint and automatically receive the information from the "Information Field" via the soul. If the soul is not present then the proteins cannot tap into the Information field. If you imagine workload of the R&D alone, one can conclude such to be highly selfless acts done in the service of the creator. And only STO oriented consciousness units are capable to doing such acts. Would it not fill you up with abundant joy seeing a whole planet come alive with flora and fauna of different varieties due to your efforts? That in itself is the biggest reward for such expression of love.

STS oriented consciousness units are incapable of such expression as they hate and detest creativity. They hate the creator for freely making such love available when it ought to be rationed and controlled. Their polarity prevents them from tapping into that cosmic love so, they must steal in order to survive. They must travel to furthest of constellations and solar systems to find 3D/4D planets with beings present and covertly take over their bodies and destroy their souls by making those beings believe in their own lies. During the takeover, they perform experiments of their own though always fail to produce a healthy blueprint hence the bodies co-opted/created by them eventually die. And that's why they are a dying race!!

Much more to ponder and read...
physical evolution simply doesn't exist, but that evolution of consciousness does
Evolution of consciousness perhaps happens within a physical body that has been pre engineered to handle such evolution. So, these DNA we have been activating through this growth in knowledge and evolution of conciousness have been already designed within us, but inactive up to a certain point.
So, perhaps the physical evolution can be called "unlocking a built-in potential"?

And let us not forget that the 4d engineers cannot fully understand the entire mystery of life and soul. Otherwise there would have been no experiments, no trials and errors, no learning, no creation...

I would love to know more about ways soul energy can affect physicality.
Laura and the Team! Thank you very much for this session!
It is truly eye-opening! It is a big event.
It has really summarized a lot of things we have talked about here, and many of my personal findings
(L) It unlocks something. Years ago, the Cs talked about needing to have the wrong locks removed. They also said something about faith… “When you have found something of truth you will receive demonstrations which locks in your faith. “
This session truly unlocked my faith in many things. And the timing is just right: the spring is here, the nature is awakening and we are awakening)

Q: (Joe) To be fair to them, the Cs said years ago that all the power to change reality is contained in the belief center of the mind.
So true. I can actually see with my eyes how my discoveries will manifest in the environment one way or another as a proof that I am on the right path, and that discovery reflected and therefore proven will be distilled into Faith in the "belief center of the mind". And this Faith/realization is very powerful, it does change reality, and at that very moment time is not the same. Some people around can even sense this. It is a very powerful creative force. At this very moment a thought is an action. Maybe close to how it is in 4D.
Approaching Infinity,

Not necessarily. If families are the taxonomically lowest directly created forms, then genera and species are the results of degradative mutation and natural selection. The Canidae family includes wolves, coyotes, foxes, jackals, dingoes, and dogs. It's still possible dogs are specifically designed, though - Behe seems open to the possibility that some genera and species might be, even if it's rarer than devolution. Plus the taxonomy system isn't necessarily perfect - more of a general approximation perhaps.

Your post was really thoughtful and deep as I read it (who would even think about the horseshoe crabs and "the development of 2D worlds"?)

From a computer programming perspective there is also the concept of taxonomy which for me ties in with the whole designer aspect of creation. From a programing perspective alone you are more free to experiment with such designs without limiting them to families and such. Of course you do have to make up your mind for some starting point and where you want to go.

In a programming sense I don't know that it has to be fixed on a "family" or the family has to be any particular set design. We are as mentioned in the session a " smorgasbord parade of all that exists on this planet".

For instance what about "window fallers"?

(L) Well, right there at the very beginning it sounds like classic Mothman almost. Window fallers.

( Artemis) And in a corn field? How creepy!

(L) Children of the Corn! So, what were these people witnessing when these manifestations began?

A: Fourth density window fallers.

Who designed such a creature as Mothman?

I guess it is just the programmed programer in me that thinks of such stuff.

Also, when it comes to how the ID theories play out I think it could go either way as you note. We have a much different take on it here I think. They are not even thinking of such things as 4D that I have noticed yet.

One term we used in the programing world was the term "elegant". This was used to designate a programing code that was compact but so efficient that it seemed, well "elegant".
So many thoughts...

Since there is no Time, and as the C's said before that "The Creator who is also the Created",
Did we create ourselves?
Do I create myself? Or not necessarily?

Another thought: you know how some naturopaths say that since we are created by nature all the healing powers also come from the nature, meaning that it is possible to find everything necessary for healing on this planet. So if we are made of the building blocks that have been proven to work and sustain themselves in a certain environment, there is a logical explanation that there are elements in nature that help us heal.
I am wondering if our 4D engineers have in mind a maximum life span for us? Do they have a good understanding of what can keep us healthy and treat our injuries? I would like to ask them about it, or perhaps ask 4D myself these questions. Is there a certain logic that is still unknown to us and clues that 4d engineers can share with us that we can apply in personal health and medicine?

Also, interesting how no soul beings are different from the souled beings in acting as an antenna.
So many thoughts...

Since there is no Time, and as the C's said before that "The Creator who is also the Created",
Did we create ourselves?
Do I create myself? Or not necessarily?

Another thought: you know how some naturopaths say that since we are created by nature all the healing powers also come from the nature, meaning that it is possible to find everything necessary for healing on this planet. So if we are made of the building blocks that have been proven to work and sustain themselves in a certain environment, there is a logical explanation that there are elements in nature that help us heal.
I am wondering if our 4D engineers have in mind a maximum life span for us? Do they have a good understanding of what can keep us healthy and treat our injuries? I would like to ask them about it, or perhaps ask 4D myself these questions. Is there a certain logic that is still unknown to us and clues that 4d engineers can share with us that we can apply in personal health and medicine?

Also, interesting how no soul beings are different from the souled beings in acting as an antenna.

Thanks, Εἰρήνη.

I learned something from your post that I had been wondering about myself. What is the "illusion"? I was thinking we are all a part of this "illusion" for the purpose of learning as in a school but in the larger scheme of the creation the creator is learning at the same "time".

Session 9 September 1995:
Q: (L) And who put the illusion into place?

A: The Creator who is also the Created. Which is also you and us and all. As we have told you, we are you and vice versa. And so is everything else.

Q: (L) Is the key that it is all illusion?

A: Basically, yes.

I think I have learned more from you than I will try to share with you by searching. I would say yes you could ask a 4D STO entity for health information but we 3D forumites have health threads too.

As for 4D STS entities I would avoid at all costs.

When talking about lifespans the Cs (6D thought forms) have told us 4D lifespans can be:

16 October 1994:
Q: (L) What will be the median lifespan?

A: 400 years

As for OPs or Organic Portals having antenna I just haven't thought about it that much but I suspect they are let't say more limited than a souled being would be.
Thanks for this fascinating new session!

I recently stumbled upon something about protein folding. It seems the process is not entirely just happening due to the amino-acid sequence, but is more like a “guided” process. The problem is called the Levinthal Paradox:

The Levinthal Paradox
Levinthal's paradox is a thought experiment, also constituting a self-reference in the theory of protein folding. In 1969, Cyrus Levinthal noted that, because of the very large number of degrees of freedom in an unfolded polypeptide chain, the molecule has an astronomical number of possible conformations. An estimate of 3300 or 10143 was made in one of his papers.

The Levinthal paradox observes that if a protein were folded by sequentially sampling of all possible conformations, it would take an large amount of time to do so, even if the conformations were sampled at a rapid rate . Based upon the observation that proteins fold much faster than this, Levinthal then proposed that a random conformational search does not occur, and the protein must, therefore, fold through a series of meta-stable intermediate states.

In 1969 Cyrus Levinthal calculated that if a protein were to randomly sample every possible conformation as it folded from the unfolded state to the native state it would take an astronomical amount of time, even if the protein reached 100 billion conformations in one second. Observing that proteins fold in a relatively short amount of time, Levinthal proposed that proteins fold in a fixed and directed process. We now know that while protein folding is not a random process there does not seem to be a single fixed protein folding pathway. This observation came to be known as the Levinthal paradox. This paradox clearly reveals that proteins do not fold by trying every possible conformation. Instead, they must follow at least a partly defined folding pathway made up of intermediates between the fully denatured proteins and its native structure.

And then some more:

In addition, structural experimental data have shown that there are a variety of ways that a protein's internal residues can become compact together in an efficient manner. In an extensive study done by Brian Matthews based on T4 lysozyme, which is produced by bacteriophage T4, it was found that changes in the residues of the T4 lysozyme only affected local shifts and did not result in any global structure change. The following link gives an X-ray view of T4 lysozyme and a brief biochemical description of the structure. Matthews took over 300 different mutants of the 164 residue T4 lysozyme, and compared them with one another. Also, it was observed that the T4 lysozyme could withstand insertions of about 4 residues while still not having any major structural changes to the overall protein structure nor enzyme activity. Furthermore, by using assay techniques it was demonstrated that only 173 of the mutants in T4 of the 2015 single residue substitutions done had significant amounts of enzymatic activity diminished. Through these experiments, it is evident that protein structures are extremely withstanding.

While protein folding is not well understood, what is clear to me is that the whole thing is much more complex that previously thought, and apparently amino-acid sequence, while certainly one of the major factors, is not the whole banana.

Which in my mind renders the whole thing even more mind-boggling!

I found the distiction of the two modes of belief very interesting - belief based on wishful thinking, and belief based on knowledge. But to me it seems that knowledge may not to be enough in a sense. Take most of the ID proponents - like Sanders says in his book Genetic Entropy (non-classroom edition) in his Postlude:

It is my personal belief that Jesus is our hope. I believe that apart from Him there is no hope. He gave us life in the first place, so he can give us new life today. [etc., etc.]

I don’t know, but that comes across as awfully wishfully thinking. Maybe I am wrong and don’t understand the traditional religious mind enough. But Sanders dismantles the materialistic basis of Darwinism for a whole book, and ends at that? What about other alternatives? What about consciousness being the driving force in the universe, creating matter (instead of the other way around)? Sure you can get into a semantic argument that you can replace Jesus with a cosmic mind, but is that really one and the same? What about all the problems associated with the Bible, that Laura so extensively documented and explicated in SHOTW - to a point that the Bible is at best a totally corrupted version of something that initially may have been closer to reality?

Anyway, all I can see at this stage is, that intellectually I have come to the conclusion, that ID is the most appropriate theory of “evolution”, but it seems to me that the ramifications - what that means for life and the universe in general, and for me specifically - has not sunk to a visceral level yet.
I don’t know, but that comes across as awfully wishfully thinking. Maybe I am wrong and don’t understand the traditional religious mind enough. But Sanders dismantles the materialistic basis of Darwinism for a whole book, and ends at that? What about other alternatives? What about consciousness being the driving force in the universe, creating matter (instead of the other way around)? Sure you can get into a semantic argument that you can replace Jesus with a cosmic mind, but is that really one and the same? What about all the problems associated with the Bible, that Laura so extensively documented and explicated in SHOTW - to a point that the Bible is at best a totally corrupted version of something that initially may have been closer to reality?

Thanks for sharing the session!

As for Sanders, he does show quite clearly that the Darwinian theory of evolution cannot be true, and that in itself is a great contribution. It is too bad that he falls back on to religious thinking, but that doesn't have to be the case with the rest of us, we can go further than he did and continue exploring and learning.
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