Session 23 September 2023

This seems to be very close to the snippet about Medusa 11. Maybe? I don't know.

So 33 is the result of Gemini (the physical man) and Aquarius (the spiritual man). This is a sort of symbol of the human race using astrology, represented by a number - 33. Here we are, caught between the flesh and the spirit.

The triple goddess is made up of three figures, the mother, the maiden and the crone.

1/3 of the triple goddess is the crone, Medusa, giving us Medusa 11? This may suggest that the triple goddess is another symbol represented by the same number, 33.

Medusa 11 is basically 1/3, or 33%, of the triple goddess. The 66.7% remainder is the mother and the maiden, Cassiopaea and Andromeda.

Perhaps it's no fluke that the number of OPs is said to be 33%, drawing a numeric relation between OPs and the Medusa? As compared to souled humans related to the mother and the maiden, the remainder of normal people?

Interestingly, the Medusa was the only one of the three Gorgons who was mortal and could therefore be killed. As the C's have said, souls (as represented by Cassiopaea and Andromeda) cannot die whereas those of OP's (as represented by Medusa on your analogy) experience a second death after the cessation of this life and are not, therefore, immortal.​
His ideas were the inspiration for the spreadsheet I mentioned. It does work, but you cannot just plug in a random 18 digit number and have it tell you if it is prime or not.
True, it can't tell you directly. But you can index the the base group alone by Z times the Sequential Prime Product so it straddles the number. Then see if that random number is in the list. If not it not prime. If it is in the list it could be prime. I know the basic SPP list can be stripped to leave only the primes. Have not tried to figure out stripping an indexed list but it I think it could be, (that would be and interesting challenge) and see if your random number is in what remains.
Regarding the plane that disappeared over lake Michigan, if it is not a commercial plane, it's perhaps a military plane so it's unlikely to find it in the pubic records. OSIT
Government, corporate, and experimental models of the 777 are listed on Wiki:

Government and corporate​

Versions of the 777 have been acquired by government and private customers. The main purpose has been for VIP transport, including as an air transport for heads of state, although the aircraft has also been proposed for other military applications.
  • 777 Business Jet (777 VIP) – the Boeing Business Jet version of the 777 that is sold to corporate customers. Boeing has received orders for 777 VIP aircraft based on the 777-200LR and 777-300ER passenger models.[217][218] The aircraft are fitted with private jet cabins by third party contractors,[217] and completion may take 3 years.[219]
  • KC-777 – this was a proposed tanker version of the 777. In September 2006, Boeing announced that it would produce the KC-777 if the United States Air Force (USAF) required a larger tanker than the KC-767, able to transport more cargo or personnel.[220][221][222] In April 2007, Boeing offered its 767-based KC-767 Advanced Tanker instead of the KC-777 to replace the smaller Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker under the USAF's KC-X program.[223] Boeing officials have described the KC-777 as suitable for the related KC-Z program to replace the wide-body McDonnell Douglas KC-10 Extender.[224]
  • In 2014, the Japanese government chose to procure two 777-300ERs to serve as the official air transport for the Emperor of Japan and Prime Minister of Japan.[225] The aircraft, operated by the Japan Air Self-Defense Force under the callsign Japanese Air Force One, entered service in 2019 and replaced two 747-400s - the 777-300ER was specifically selected by the Ministry of Defense owing to its similar capabilities to the preceding 747 pair.[226] Besides VIP transport, the 777s are also intended for use in emergency relief missions.[225]
  • 777s are serving or have served as official government transports for nations including Gabon (VIP-configured 777-200ER),[227] Turkmenistan (VIP-configured 777-200LR)[228] and the United Arab Emirates (VIP-configured 777-200ER and 777-300ER operated by Abu Dhabi Amiri Flight).[218] Prior to returning to power as Prime Minister of Lebanon, Rafic Hariri acquired a 777-200ER as an official transport.[229] The Indian government purchased two Air India 777-300ERs and converted them for VVIP transport operated by the Indian Air Force under the callsign Air India One; they entered service in 2021 replacing the Air India-owned 747s.[230][231]
  • In 2014, the USAF examined the possibility of adopting modified 777-300ERs or 777-9Xs to replace the Boeing 747-200 aircraft used as Air Force One.[232] Although the USAF had preferred a four-engine aircraft, this was mainly due to precedent (existing aircraft were purchased when the 767 was just beginning to prove itself with ETOPS; decades later, the 777 and other twin jets established a comparable level of performance to quad-jet aircraft).[232] Ultimately, the air force decided against the 777, and selected the Boeing 747-8 to become the next presidential aircraft.[233]


Boeing has used 777 aircraft in two research and development programs. The first program, the Quiet Technology Demonstrator (QTD) was run in collaboration with Rolls-Royce and General Electric to develop and validate engine intake and exhaust modifications, including the chevrons subsequently used in the 737 MAX, 747-8 and 787 series. The tests were flown in 2001 and 2005.[234]

A further program, the ecoDemonstrator series, is intended to test and develop technologies and techniques to reduce aviation's environmental impact. The program started in 2011, with the first ecoDemonstrator aircraft flying in 2012. Various airframes have been used since to test a wide variety of technologies in collaboration with a range of industrial partners. 777s have been used on three occasions as of 2022. The first of these, a 777F in 2018, performed the world's first commercial airliner flights using 100% sustainable aviation fuel (SAF).[235] In 2022, the testbed is a 777-200ER which is to operate in the role until 2024.[236]
Interesting session. In the spirit of Suomi/Russian UFOs I say kiitos for the session! We're living through quite literally a war of the world's lol. The section on polar opposites hit me a little bit. It hit me when I learned about them while reading Mouravieff and I'm still learning about it through experience.
Regarding this maui fires energy weapon theory, forgive me if somebody has already drew the link but this was another one of these events were there was a hurricane in close proximity.. in this case hurricane Dora. Same like on 9/11 and I'm pretty sure there was something when that russian passenger plane looked to be zapped over Egypt? Where the luggage wasn't burnt but metal burnt to a crisp. So any time there seems to be some funny business like this there always seems to be a hurricane in close proximity...

This appears to be something we missed when discounting the idea of DEWs in the beginning. Looking at the evidence again now, there was some seriously weird shit going on there.

Question is, does this advanced tech rely on close proximity of a storm to feed it in some way, or does it transcend densities and therefore "create" it's own storm when in use? And is there a meaning to the storm?
A big, sincere and massive thank you for the marathon session. Thank you, Laura and Anna, as well for your efforts to get as much knowledge to us here as possible :flowers:

Well October sure does look like its going to be very interesting.

All along the watchtowers, fires are burning, and rebellion is in the air. At most instances around the world all of the Empire‘s plans are facing difficulties. Their bizarro make-believe world with their media control is slowly but surely hitting the brick wall of objective reality – and like a cornered tiger, it seems like the Empire and their lizzie overloads are poised to pounce to overturn the table.

Over in the US; the impeachment hearings are just beginning; and their war against Trump and all that he stands for has only increased his popularity (as the poll numbers indicate). In his own words "the people get it“. James Kunstler sums it up nicely in his latest blog post :
Two-punch -- Puppet Masters --

It looks like the people may just start to "make other arrangements“.

Across the pond in the occupied EU – the recession and energy prices are starting to really bite. The EU economy with economic powerhouse Germany is slowly crumbling and citizens are fed-up. Pepe Escobar sums it up nicely in his latest op-ed:

Europa, a girl from West Asia, raped again by an American bull -- Puppet Masters --

Meanwhile in Ukraine, Russia is slowly but surely grinding the combined arms of the Empire and their foot soldiers the Ukrainian military. From the start Russia and Putin labelled it the SMO – and paced the conflict for as long as possible – as they knew time was on their side. There is probably no great need now for a major Russian offensive anytime soon – as it is the Empire now that is "running out of time". The defeat of the Empire is inevitable – hence more need to change the global focus and turn the tables.

On the global front; the BRICS and SCO are rising, and multipolarity beckons. The recent counter coups in West Africa, aptly potray how helpless the Empire is now against the rising tide of multipolarity. The BRICs and OPEC also have the oil market cornered by regulating supply – and the old petrodollar system is being eroded.

Over in China – the Taiwan questions still remains. The treacherous DPP has been indulging with the Empire in various provocations; but they soon face a presidential election in Jan 2024. The population of Taiwan generally does not favour war, hence the support for the opposition Kuomintang (which prefers peaceful integration and eventual reunification with China) is gaining ground. Poll numbers (MSM) still show the DPP in the lead – but its not going to be a foregone conclusion unless the DPP decides to rig the elections outright. Hence it looks like the window for a major escalation with regards to Taiwan is between now and Jan 2024.

On the question of the instituted economic collapse – i recall an interesting book of fiction by Chan Koon Chung called the "Fat Years“ (spoiler alert).

I can’t recall all the details – but in the book, China is now the global economic superpower after a western global economic crisis. I recall – it was a dollar crisis where overnight the USD devalued by over 30% causing great turmoil across the global markets and in China. There was utter chaos and people struggled to get food and necessacities as there were riots everywhere. During this period the Chinese government (CCP) came up with a novel strategy :

The Fat Years - Wikipedia

"Dongsheng explains that, with growing challenges to the Communist Party's legitimacy and authority, the decision was made in the midst of the financial crisis to enact his "Action Plan for Ruling the Nation and Pacifying the World." For one week, all government services and forces were forbidden to intervene without express permission, with widespread upheaval and rumor mongering only ending with the reentry of the People's Liberation Army and armed police. The restoration of order and ensuing crackdown helped cement the necessity of the Communist Party in the public mind“

So, in the book - the CCP deliberately allowed the chaos to go on in order for the public to "beg“ the government to restore order.

Maybe this could be a strategy the Empire uses later when they institute their economic crisis and CBDCs. I guess we can take a little heart, that in their "trial run“ CBDCs introduction in Nigeria – it failed miserably as people didnt buy-in (there was chaos) and the Nigerian central bank had to revert back to cash.

Big brother may be on the horizon – but something tells me its not going to go according to the Empire’s plans. I guess in these chaotic times, its probably best to follow advice from the C’s – we have to patiently ride out the storms as after that "There will be a level playing field“.

Lets hope that the laws of Karma hold true and STS forces get "re-balanced“
(JGeropoulas) What is the distance from Earth to the closest planet populated by other 3D beings?

(L) I think that's covered in one of the previous sessions from a long time ago. I mean, they didn't give us the distance of the planet, but they told us about there are however many planets and so on.

(Joe) Well, what's the distance of the closest one?

A: 100 lightyears.
I was intrigued by this one as something I wondered about too a while ago. I looked up what's known to us at 100 LY distance and below (TOI 700 d) came up as a potential system hosting a few exoplanets, i.e. planets which could be Earth like and host life. Its not in the direction of the Orion constellation when we view the night sky but overall it might be part of the Orion sector. Some of the large star systems in Orion are much further away e.g. Betleguese is around 429 light years and it would be safe to imagine that there is plenty of 3D life within these systems.


Astronomers using NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) has discovered its first Earth-size planet in its star's habitable zone. That’s crucial because it may mean the planet, called TOI 700 d, has liquid water on its surface. It also appears to have one side of the planet in eternal sunshine and the other in a never-ending night.

What and where is planet TOI 700 d?

It’s orbiting a star called TOI 700, a cool “M dwarf” star about 100 light-years away in the southern constellation of Dorado, the dolphinfish. About 40% of the Sun’s mass and size, and about half its surface temperature, TOI 700 is bright, nearby, and shows no sign of harmful “stellar flares.” That means that any planets in orbit don’t get frequent blasts of deadly radiation that would almost certainly make life impossible.

However, the TOI 700 star system is unlike the solar system in that all three planets detected so far are thought to be tidally locked to their star. That means they show only one face to the star—as the moon does to Earth—but it therefore means that only one side ever gets daylight.

TESS’s first Earth-size planet in its star's habitable zone is nevertheless destined to be a very weird world indeed.

What is an M dwarf star?

It’s a red dwarf, the smallest sort of star and the most common type of star in the Milky Way galaxy. However, they’re too small to see with the naked eye. Cool and stable, most of the potentially habitable exoplanets discovered so far have been around red dwarfs. That’s partly because they’re so numerous and therefore the easiest type of stars to study, but as mentioned already, it’s also because they don’t flare. “In 11 months of data we saw no flares from the star, which improves the chances TOI 700 d is habitable and makes it easier to model its atmospheric and surface conditions,” says Emily Gilbert, a graduate student at the University of Chicago.
Thank you so much for this new session, it was massive and must have required a lot of energy.

The bit about polar opposites being from the same soul was something I've not heard before, I'd read about 2 people sharing the same soul once in Ra transcripts but must have missed it if its been said anywhere else..

Wonder what happens when one of these passes on, what happens to the other soul 'half' who is still alive and what happens to the one in 5D? Like I'm imagining how difficult would it be to have 2 people who share the same soul be parted in this way.
Wondered also if polar opposites are the opposite genders in life as a rule, (that was my assumption), or if they can be the same gender too. It's probably in the forum or transcripts somewhere I imagine. Anyway thank you once again and hope this long session didn't take too much out of you.
Thank you so much for this new session, it was massive and must have required a lot of energy.

The bit about polar opposites being from the same soul was something I've not heard before, I'd read about 2 people sharing the same soul once in Ra transcripts but must have missed it if its been said anywhere else..

Wonder what happens when one of these passes on, what happens to the other soul 'half' who is still alive and what happens to the one in 5D? Like I'm imagining how difficult would it be to have 2 people who share the same soul be parted in this way.
Wondered also if polar opposites are the opposite genders in life as a rule, (that was my assumption), or if they can be the same gender too. It's probably in the forum or transcripts somewhere I imagine. Anyway thank you once again and hope this long session didn't take too much out of you.
this are concept developing in Mouravieff trilogie Gnosis.
An emerging sign of what may make October very interesting - Robert Kennedy Jr. is on the verge of announcing his run as an independent as it's clear the Democratic Party has no use for him including Joe denying Secret Service protection - from theguardian:
Robert F Kennedy Jr is reported to be ending his challenge to Joe Biden for the Democratic presidential nomination and run instead as an independent candidate, in a move that could upset the 2024 race for the White House.

Kennedy, 69 and a scion of a famous political dynasty – a son of the former US attorney general and New York senator Robert F Kennedy, and a nephew of the former president John F Kennedy – will announce his run in Pennsylvania on 9 October, according to Mediaite.

“Bobby feels that the Democratic National Committee is changing the rules to exclude his candidacy so an independent run is the only way to go,” the website quoted a “Kennedy campaign insider” as saying.

And the next possibility with the demise of Sen. Diane Feinstein, is that Gov Newsom will appoint VP Kamala as her replacement, and he will step in as the new VP - and if when Joe steps down, it will be Newsom running for President against Trump and Kennedy.

Well, all that should really shake things up!
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