Session 23 September 2023

Here below there is a list of cosmic phenomenon that will take place in October:

Astronomical events in October 2023​

Event dates are listed in GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). For your location, they may differ due to different time zones. To find out the exact time and date of an event in your city, use the Sky Tonight app.

*The highlighted events are the most spectacular events of the month.
There will be 7 meteor showers during October, which is curious.
Why would you think the moon landing was faked?
Up until 2018 I still believed in the official story. It's the photos for me and as I've said before, if they went it was unlikely the photos were taken there. The quality is often terrible, especially when you look at the original scans before they were photoshopped for public consumption. NASA also has the occasional problem with the narrative regarding it's images including the most famous space image of all time, the Wayback Machine comes in very handy.

Masons: like my organization, NASA appears to be infested with them. They cause a bit of trouble in my job and finally their shenanigans are becoming common knowledge amongst my normie colleagues. I'd be very surprised if the NASA Masons and NASA Nazis were above board in their dealings. Maybe he wasn't Mason but it's known that at least one of them, Jack Parsons was a Satan worshipper. It seems that every institution in the western world has its fair share of grifters, paedos, perverts and predators; don't see why NASA would be an exception.

Aldrin is a 33rd degree Mason, he even took a masonic flag with him to the moon! According my Mason friend in the fire brigade to get to that level you have to do some pretty unsavory stuff to prove yourself. I cannot confirm this but in this film from 1974 he looks and sounds like crap, they say it was from the stress of the missions but perhaps one of his fellow 33rd degree Masons made an offer he couldn't refuse.

NASA's official narrative: Been looking at their technical database. There's interesting documents but some of those you'd most expect to be there are not for public viewing. I was surprised to find out that each individual spacecraft wasn't tested under space conditions in a vacuum chamber so any problems wouldn't become apparent until you were in space. Only takes one component to outgas and you're in a lot of trouble. Imagine sailing the North Atlantic in a vessel that had not undergone rigorous sea trials beforehand.

Then there's these feel good stories, reinforcing the western narrative on many levels. Grrrrrlll Power!
Judith Love Cohen, who helped create the Abort-Guidance System which rescued the Apollo 13 astronauts, went to work on the day she was in labor. She took a printout of a problem she was working on to the hospital. She called her boss and said she finished the problem and gave birth to Jack Black.
In 1966 NASA took on an unemployed insurance salesman who couldn't code but eventually he wrote the software for the LM guidance computer. During the final approach error codes 1201 & 1202 flashed but few knew what it meant despite running such a code in a simulator 11 days before the mission! Memos anyone? Should've left the job to Jack Black's mom. Another version of this story claims it wasn't an untrained young man but a highly qualified young woman who'd one day be awarded a medal by Obama for her services in keeping the astronauts safe. She doesn't appear in the Lunar Surface Journal landing account but the insurance salesman does. Contradicting various other articles on the subject. Rubbery history or the Mandela effect?

I went to NASA's site to read up on her medal and got this
Along with your credibility NASA!
(Two-tents) What was the cause of the recent fire that destroyed the town of Lahaina on Maui Island in Hawaii?

A: Beam weapons.

Q: (L) What kind of beam? Does anybody know?

(Pierre) Laser.

A: Yes

It seems others are alive to this realisation too. Indeed, some are even blaming it on the Chinese. I attach links to a couple of insightful articles by Dr Joseph Farrell from his Giza Death Star website on the recent Maui fires in Hawaii plus links to two other articles, which present the argument for the use of directed energy weapons:​

Quoting directly from Farrell's analysis and speculation:

(3) Mechanisms of Ignition: (b) Potential indicators of possible energy weapon use

Many surviving residents of Lahaina are raising the question of directed energy weapons, and as with the California fires, pictures quickly emerged on the internet of alleged "laser shots" into the foliage from space. Unfortunately, absent eye-witness on-site testimony of people actually seeing such things, pictures cannot constitute proof of anything other than that such allegations are out there. Pictures can be faked, and at best are corroborative of eyewitness testimony. Additionally, people can and do lie, so in the case of directed energy weapons claims, it is important to try to find several witnesses and to interview them individually and separately. In one instance, as we saw in yesterday's roundup, some residents are reporting the ignition of fires in trees from the ground up rather than from the top down, as would be expected from a laser fired from an aircraft or from space. Such a phenomenon seems to suggest that perhaps, if a directed energy weapon was involved, then rather than a laser system one might be looking at a "Tesla" system where the Earth itself is used as a broadcast antenna, in this case directing high amounts of ground electricity.

(5) The Odd Space Force Connection and the Odd Timing of the Chinese Laser Announcement

A final factor that cannot at this juncture be dismissed as having possible relevance is the presence on Maui of US Space Force military installations, including a military observatory. The fires also occurred more or less in the same time frame as the Chinese announcement that it had perfected a method of the cooling of military-grade lasers, allowing them to fire continuously without heat buildup.
Regarding the start time of the Oct. 4 Emergency Broadcast Test:

Please note that the stated start time is approximately at 2:20 p.m. ET.

Thanks to the inquiry of another forum member, I found the following:

Is the time zone ET or EST?

The time zone on the east coast is called Eastern Time (ET), divided into: Eastern Standard Time (EST), which is used during autumn/winter and is five hours behind UTC. Eastern Daylight Time (EDT), which is used during spring/summer and is four hours behind UTC.

Based on the above, then 2:20 EDT is meant although it seems very curious that ET was used instead of EDT particularly since the change back to EST doesn't happen until Nov. 5. I did say it seemed odd and it is.

So 2:20 p.m. EDT and not 3:20 after all - unless . . .

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Regarding this maui fires energy weapon theory, forgive me if somebody has already drew the link but this was another one of these events were there was a hurricane in close proximity.. in this case hurricane Dora. Same like on 9/11 and I'm pretty sure there was something when that russian passenger plane looked to be zapped over Egypt? Where the luggage wasn't burnt but metal burnt to a crisp. So any time there seems to be some funny business like this there always seems to be a hurricane in close proximity...
This appears to be something we missed when discounting the idea of DEWs in the beginning. Looking at the evidence again now, there was some seriously weird shit going on there.

Question is, does this advanced tech rely on close proximity of a storm to feed it in some way, or does it transcend densities and therefore "create" it's own storm when in use? And is there a meaning to the storm?
Something related I'd like to comment on..

The winds reached hurricane levels during the 2020 Labor Day wildfires here in the Pacific NW. I remember that day looking out my window and seeing a thick wall of smoke heading in from the Northeast..Pretty eerie as it suddenly turned day into night. I watched the following Dutchsinse video some time after, about a DEW beam shooting from California to Oregon. I didn't give it a lot of weight, partly because of what was said about DEW and the California fires in Session 1 December 2018 and partly because I thought the winds were a dominant factor. I now question again if there is a link. What is it that Dutchsinse saw in the following video and could the beam he saw be the type of laser weapon used in the Maui fires, or is that maybe reaching?:

About the hurricane level winds that year:
Labor Day (Sept. 7) 2020 came in with hot, dry, easterly winds that reached hurricane levels. These gusts fanned wildfires across California, Oregon, and Washington into record-breaking megafires that threatened suburbs and compromised air quality in cities like Portland Oregon, shown here.
Article about DEWs and the wildfires in California and Oregon:
This was published on another thread, but it is related to Oct 4th discussion here. This site may be helpful to in estimating the intensity of exposure to various 'G' frequencies in your local area - wherever you are:

3G / 4G / 5G coverage in United States - which can report 5G + 4,3,2G coverage globally - just select your country.

You can use the site to check if you are on top of some likely high-intensity areas. You have to manually switch between local carriers to get a more complete idea.

Here's a shot near where I live, I know cell reception certainly exits outside the lines showing coverage, but perhaps it still gives one an idea of whether a particular place is likely to be beamed fairly hard. Zoom in and out function is good.


A good EE session before the start may be beneficial.
Regarding the Oct. 4 test, this was posted in another thread, but I feel it warrants getting as much exposure as possible:

View attachment 82470

Can we get this on the questions for the Cs list? Obviously we can’t get it in before the 4th, but can we get a more thoughtfully defined inquiry regarding the issue?
Thank you for the session.

Any way, OP population is 33% of the whole. i.e. 67% are souled beings and this can only happen to souled beings.
Where did you get these numbers? I thought that they mentioned the that amount of souled beings and OPs are around 50/50 on the planet!
I too thought it was 50/50. See this post.
Cs said yes to half.
Q: (L) The question came up about the remark as to the numbers of OPs and you said something about encountering half as many OP's as souled humans. It was pointed out that, in mathematical terms, that would work out to encountering or interacting with more souled humans than OPs. So, you said the population was evenly distributed, when you say the population was evenly distributed does that mean that there are half organic portals and half souled humans, more or less?

A: Yes


I suspect the more important fourth density relationships are between complementary-souls, aka polar opposites.
few polar opposites who also are generally the same soul.
Seems to me polar opposites are generally not complementary souls but the same soul.
True, it can't tell you directly. But you can index the the base group alone by Z times the Sequential Prime Product so it straddles the number. Then see if that random number is in the list. If not it not prime. If it is in the list it could be prime. I know the basic SPP list can be stripped to leave only the primes. Have not tried to figure out stripping an indexed list but it I think it could be, (that would be and interesting challenge) and see if your random number is in what remains.
I like it. If I get time to, I will work on it again.
Thank you for another interesting and informative session. A sense of humor indicates a souled person......! What a revelation! This has given me much thought. George Carlin came to mind first then what an unusual and mysterious expression laughing is, especially those deep body laughs that go on and on when something is especially funny. My father would laugh like that until he cried.

We're seeing more and more the true nature of the beings who conquered this planet. The planet itself is exquisite, the living library its been called. "It would be a pretty nice place except for the psychopaths," as Laura once said. That sums it up well I think.

I've had a fascination with hair for a good part of my life especially as a child when Rapunzel was a favorite story. Here are Victorian women with their most extraordinary hair. I never knew all this hair was there before I saw these pictures. What where they tuning into so well I wonder.


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I found something interesting, I think, that has not been mentioned before in the session comments and it is related to the "activations" and the "Interesting October ".

At the present session Laura asked if they intend to trigger and activate some people with the October 4 emergency broadcast. The Cs answered yes.

Eight years ago (2015) we knew nothing about something called COVID let alone the vaccine, or the 5G network (since it was until 2016 that the ITU declared that 5G had officially arrived) but in January 2015, Laura and the crew were talking about frequencies and discussing the possibility of volcanoes erupting simultaneously.

Then it was said that the programmed people would become shooters when activated by certain natural frequencies which would cause some surprise to TPTB. The Cs replied: Indeed! Won't that be interesting?

Q: (L) Well, there were two things that actually have been said in previous sessions. One thing was when we were talking about volcanic eruptions, and the remark was made that what happens if all the volcanoes go off at once. Is this something like what's coming up?

A: Very warm! [Ha-ha!]
Q: (L) And it was also said that programmed people, who were programmed to go off and become shooters upon certain signals, were all going to go off at once at some point. I guess what we're seeing now is something like that part, and...
(Perceval) Is it possible that these mind-controlled, programmed people like you're talking about, that they could be activated by some natural frequencies when it's not expected?

A: Indeed! Won't that be interesting?

Q: (Pierre) Shootings everywhere?
(Perceval) Not just shootings, but these people are kept in close proximity to their handlers, or their handlers keep an eye on them. They don't know that they're mind-programmed assassins. You could end up having one of them suddenly offing presidents and other officials.

(Pierre) Like Frankenstein's monster killing off its creator!

Let's imagine that they activate the signal in the hope of controlling and turning the inoculated people into drones or zombies, but they become rebellious and later start a revolution against them.
Surprise! :rotfl:

But it is only the beginning, while we are in revolutions behind the stage the fat lady prepares to sing "ice age is coming".​

Q: (JEEP) Will the turmoil surrounding the Trump persecution lead to civil war / revolution?

A: It is certainly heading in that direction.
Galaxia was wanting to know, is there going to be a revolution? Are people actually going to wake up and start... (Galaxia) And do something about it?

A: Oh indeed!
(L) I would say that if there were crop failures, economic collapse, and so on, that those things would bring about a revolution and while you're in the middle of the revolution THEN everything goes kaflooey. That would be my guess.

A: Yes
A: October will be very interesting!! Goodbye.
I found something interesting, I think, that has not been mentioned before in the session comments and it is related to the "activations" and the "Interesting October ".

At the present session Laura asked if they intend to trigger and activate some people with the October 4 emergency broadcast. The Cs answered yes.

Eight years ago (2015) we knew nothing about something called COVID let alone the vaccine, or the 5G network (since it was until 2016 that the ITU declared that 5G had officially arrived) but in January 2015, Laura and the crew were talking about frequencies and discussing the possibility of volcanoes erupting simultaneously.

Then it was said that the programmed people would become shooters when activated by certain natural frequencies which would cause some surprise to TPTB. The Cs replied: Indeed! Won't that be interesting?

Let's imagine that they activate the signal in the hope of controlling and turning the inoculated people into drones or zombies, but they become rebellious and later start a revolution against them.
Surprise! :rotfl:

But it is only the beginning, while we are in revolutions behind the stage the fat lady prepares to sing "ice age is coming".​
It's funny because the other day I was wondering what could happen something really big, like 9/11 but even bigger, something that would block the whole planet and the image came to me that in one day all the heads of state would be attacked.

Chaos would ensue, of course, and then lockdown again, and who knows what else.

On the subject of volcanoes, there's the one in Naples, which seems to be waking up, and the experts say that if it does, it could cause serious problems throughout Europe.

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