Session 23 September 2023

Regarding the Oct. 4 test, this was posted in another thread, but I feel it warrants getting as much exposure as possible:

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Yesterday, as I watched and studied people in the street, I said to myself that what happened with the bloody Covid19 was indeed a trial, just as (and the C's said it) what happened in Germany during the Second World War was a trial. I looked at the people around me and I thought what a pity that all this was happening, and why we're here going through all this, and how difficult and hard it is to go through all this because if it's imperative that humanity has to suffer in order to progress and evolve, we who are informed are suffering and perhaps even suffering for those who don't realize anything, automatons walking down the street, whom I look at with compassion.

Fortunately we have this forum, this group, this team to make us feel less desperate about all this.
What a wonderful session, thank you so much for your work and generosity in sharing.

When the lockdowns came my husband and I started growing our hair and then we couldn't find a hairdresser who didn't believe all this nonsense so we just let our hair grow wild.

We both have curly hair and having grown it for a while now I remember how good it was to have big curly hair back in the 80's - bigger the better.

My husband looks like a real life Fabio, my very own character from a romance novel but now I see him in a different light with those long curly locks :rotfl:

I will never ask him to cut his hair again!!
Les réponses des Cassiopéens peuvent elles être mises en doute ?...
Peuvent elles être faussées ?
Ou sont elles toujours la vérité ?...

Can the answers of the Cassiopaeans be doubted?...
Can they be distorted?
Or are they still the truth?...
Your conjecture about a new secret underground base in Cyprus is certainly very interesting.

For those who may not be aware, the British still maintain a large military air base (RAF Akrotiri) and an army base (Dhekelia) in Cyprus but these to all intents and purposes are now effectively NATO bases, so there will definitely be a more western international flavour to operations conducted out of these bases. In addition, there is now an increasingly heavy US involvement in Cyprus, which started in the 1970's:​

In the early 1970s the U.S. built an over-the-horizon radar named Cobra Shoe, which could observe aeroplane operations and missile tests in southern Russia. This was operated by the RAF on behalf of the USAF. This augmented an earlier British system built in the early 1960s named Project Sandra. The U.S. use of the base was hidden from the Cypriot government due to their sensitivities.

In 1974, the British government decided that British forces would be entirely withdrawn from Cyprus, because the sprawling bases had become undefendable in the light of increasing troop demands in Northern Ireland, and because of pressure on the defence budget. The U.S. very strongly objected to any British withdrawal that would result in the United States losing access to GCHQ signals intelligence from Cyprus, since it had lost access to its many signals intelligence bases in Turkey due to its political dispute with Turkey following the invasion of Cyprus. The U.S. agreed to contribute to base costs, and the British cancelled the closure plan. U.S. use of the base increased, such as Lockheed U-2 spy flights on Syria, though flights were generally at night "to avoid local curiosity".

Ayios Nikolaos Station, in the ESBA, is an ELINT (electronic intelligence) listening station of the UKUSA Agreement intelligence network. The UKUSA signals intelligence system is sometimes known as "ECHELON".

We are seeing more and more how NATO is being used as a tool of the New World Order, which we know is ultimately controlled by the Orions. Hence, it is entirely feasible that a new large scale underground base (a DUMB) could have been constructed there without anyone (especially the Cypriots) being aware.

With the mention of the deaths of two senior NATO generals in the Ukraine in this session, it is increasingly obvious that NATO is already at war with Russia in all but name. Given that the US and British use their intelligence gathering facilities in Cyprus to monitor Russian aeroplane movements and missile firings in southern Russia (including no doubt the Crimea and Donbas too), one can see how the military bases in Cyprus will be key NATO assets in any war with Russia, whether declared or undeclared.
Turkiye has been talking about building a new naval harbour in the Karpaz.
Russia has commenced consular services now in the TRNC for its many citizens here.
Maria Zakharova said during a regular weekly press briefing in Moscow on Wednesday that staff from the Russian Embassy in South Cyprus began providing consular services in Lefkosa on September 21.
The plans were first confirmed in August, and were reportedly discussed between Erdogan and Putin during a meeting in Sochi earlier this month......
The total number of people who have already received consular services in TRNC or have signed up is approaching 1000 people.
Tourists arriving in the TRNC has risen 110% from Russia since last year. 16,101 Russians arrived in TNC in Jan - Aug 2022 and that number has risen to 33,748 in the same period of 2023.
After Turkish citizens, Russians now represent the biggest source of foreign tourist arrivals, ahead of Iranians, Germans and Brits.
Work is underway to establish direct flights between the TRNC and Russia in the near future.
Earlier this year the Greek Cypriot authorities shut down thousands of bank accounts held by Russains, while anumber of Greek Cypriot individuals and entities were placed on UK-US sanctions lists for aiding oligarchs Roman Abramovich and Alisher Usmanov.
President Tatar has praised the role of the Russian community in North Cyprus. Speaking recently to the Russian news agency Tass, Tatar said: 'There is a significant Russian community living in the TRNC and also there are many inter-marriages between Russians and Turkish Cypriots'.
'As far as I have observed, these people have successfully adapted to the social life in the TRNC and many have already learned, or are learning the Turkish language and culture.
Therefore it is natural that they are becoming part of the TRNC and contributing to the development of the island in every aspect'

My comments: Cypriots, Turks and many locals have always been pro Russia, especially now. We know that the coperation has increased with Turkey and Russia, despite all the crazy double dealing and breaking promises to Putin by Erdogan. (forever gaffs on gaffs!).
The last few years Russia has only been paying lip service to the West regarding recognition of the TRNC etc. Also there are more opportunities and recognition of TRNC now opening up regionally. Turkey connected the water pipeline from Turkey to TRNC and now is planning to connect electric cables both ways too - with an offer of sharing to South Cyprus and possibly Israel I believe.

It is a very good standard of living here for foreigners and most locals. Also much healthier - climatewise plus only just rolling out 4.5G but there are many places where you can live where there is no wifi or EMF waves locally.
I have also noticed in the last 20 years the skies are totally clear of contrails, and aircarft movements for that matter. Wne flying from TRNC to UK at 30,000 feet the skies were clear above the clouds until I left Istanbul. After that, over the whole of Europe there is a filthy brownish tier of dirty 'clouds'. Can only think of pollution or some sort of spraying (aluminium?) going on.
Here below there is a list of cosmic phenomenon that will take place in October:
There will be 7 meteor showers during October, which is curious.
October, since a few years ago marks the beginning of the financial year (digital currencies) where crooked plans are initiated and things happen.
Here is my favorite Astrologer, ☺️ I found him in Covid's time, he is very accurate and explains very well everything that has to do with the stars, their influence, their symbology and the incidence on the planet, although I warn that some of his personal opinions are misguided, anyway here is his introduction on the eclipse of October 14:
"I think it is one of the high points at the astrological level of this year...I think the time has come to say that we are entering the eye of the hurricane, the calm weather is over, this was coming, but there is a radical change of astrological atmosphere with this eclipse.... Because these are moments in which something new comes out, in which something new is born, in which something old is buried, it is the sun that is hidden by the moon... the light that we had before is turned off... It has to do with figures of power that are solar figures that are turning off and that with this eclipse will suffer a major blackout....

We hope for a bit of balance. Jose Millan is Spanish so if you want to see it you can put the YouT translator for the English language which is an acceptable translation.
I suspect the more important fourth density relationships are between complementary-souls, aka polar opposites. Thus the purpose of these relationships is unique to this couple in the course of their lives. What they are capable of achieving results from the unification of their female and male talents in 4d.
The Cs also said in one of the 1994 sessions something about being hemaphrodites in 4d. So this could also mean the coming together in a relationship the two people that make up the hemaphrodite soul—male and female.
Duo - The greatest passion between two individuals IS STILL NOT a well constituted evolutionary duo.
Energetic Springtime - is a fairly long-lasting personal condition characterized by maximally healthy and constructive consciential energies.
Duo - Energetic springtime for two is the energetic springtime of the evolutionary duo, who truly love each other and have mastered the applications of healthy consciential energies with complete lucidity, building their existential program through consciential gestations.
Evolutionary duo - Two consciousnesses that inteeract positively in joint evolution, existential condition of cooperative evolutionality by two individuals.
Existential Progam Manual - Waldo Viera, M.D.
And furthermore, I believe that it also depends on what the consciences involved in the process need.

The lesson profile adapts the events to the needs of these consciences.

Somewhere I read something to the effect that the facts will be toned down in favor of the chosen ones (probably the C's), which I believe actually means that those who have almost completed their lessons will have the necessary opportunities to complete them (timelines and else).

It's all fascinating.
The Existential Moratorium is an extension added to compllement one's human life, granted to the deserving human consciousness for fraternal efforts and perfomance.
Objective: is to offer conditions that allow a consciousness to clear up omission or seek to reasonably execute unfinished tasks.
Postponement: The existential moratorium represents a positive postponement of the deactivation of the human body
Gaps: When an individual examines the directives of his or her existential program in greater detail, they might discover gaps or fundamental omissions in the entire framework of the tasks' execution. At this point, they may receive and existential moratorium.
Trophy: If existential completism is the diploma of human life, existential moratorium is the intraphysical consciousness' trophy.
Intraphysical Euphoria: (generated by intraphysical completism) is the ideal condition that predisposes the acquisitioin of a positive existential moratorium.
Existential moratorium presents 2 logically distinct categories:
Mini-Moratorium and Maxi Moratorium
MIni -
Definition. The existential moratorium can be deficiency-based - and existential mini-moratorium specific to existential incompletism.
The incompletist intraphysical consciousness is mostly being aided, as they receive a complementary period of human existence in order to complete (100%) what they had left undone.
Deficit. This denotes an opportunity to compensate for one's holo karmic deficit (deficiency-base) or to achieve the condition of existential completism regarding one's existential program, the finishing of an incomplete intraphysical mandate.
Oversight. Incompletism, in this case, occurs throughpersonal oversight or lack of an overall perception of one's own actions during the decades of human life.


Existential Maxi-Moratorium
Definition. Existential moratorium can be based on greatly positive net balance - an existential maxi-program having a wholesale approach, specific to existential completism, or the concession of honor to the merit of existential completism.
Synonymy. These 4 expressions are equivalent to existential maxi-moratorium:
A Honor due to existential merit
B Existential mega-moratorium
C Full existential moratorium
D. Greatly positive net balance existential moratorium

Poly-karmality. The existential maxi moratorium is a healthy addition in terms of the results of one's life program, in the practice of universalism and maxi fraternity, and has a poly-karmic foundation.
Needs. Every intraphysical consciousnness needs others, but an intraphysical-consciousness-leader needs many more, according to the talents of each one.
Hetero-help. In an existential maxi-moratorium, which is superior to an existential mini-moratorium in all sense, an intraphysical consciousness who is a completist helps more that he or she is helped.
Positive net balance. In an existential maxi moratorium, and intraphysical consciousness receives a complementary period of human existence in order to expand upon what they have already accomplished well and completely (holo-karmic positive net balance).
Evolutionologist. In either of its 2 categories, and existential moratorium is the result of the direct, cosmoethic intercession of the evotutionologist or evolutionary orientor of the intraphysical consciousnesses' karmic group.
Recycling. Two or three existential moratoriums can occur, and can include the physiological recycling of the moratoriumist's soma.

For further important teachings please order the book from the International Institute of Projectiology ad Conscientiology (IIPC)

Turkiye has been talking about building a new naval harbour in the Karpaz.
Russia has commenced consular services now in the TRNC for its many citizens here.
Maria Zakharova said during a regular weekly press briefing in Moscow on Wednesday that staff from the Russian Embassy in South Cyprus began providing consular services in Lefkosa on September 21.
The plans were first confirmed in August, and were reportedly discussed between Erdogan and Putin during a meeting in Sochi earlier this month......
The total number of people who have already received consular services in TRNC or have signed up is approaching 1000 people.
Tourists arriving in the TRNC has risen 110% from Russia since last year. 16,101 Russians arrived in TNC in Jan - Aug 2022 and that number has risen to 33,748 in the same period of 2023.
After Turkish citizens, Russians now represent the biggest source of foreign tourist arrivals, ahead of Iranians, Germans and Brits.
Work is underway to establish direct flights between the TRNC and Russia in the near future.
Earlier this year the Greek Cypriot authorities shut down thousands of bank accounts held by Russains, while anumber of Greek Cypriot individuals and entities were placed on UK-US sanctions lists for aiding oligarchs Roman Abramovich and Alisher Usmanov.
President Tatar has praised the role of the Russian community in North Cyprus. Speaking recently to the Russian news agency Tass, Tatar said: 'There is a significant Russian community living in the TRNC and also there are many inter-marriages between Russians and Turkish Cypriots'.
'As far as I have observed, these people have successfully adapted to the social life in the TRNC and many have already learned, or are learning the Turkish language and culture.
Therefore it is natural that they are becoming part of the TRNC and contributing to the development of the island in every aspect'

My comments: Cypriots, Turks and many locals have always been pro Russia, especially now. We know that the coperation has increased with Turkey and Russia, despite all the crazy double dealing and breaking promises to Putin by Erdogan. (forever gaffs on gaffs!).
The last few years Russia has only been paying lip service to the West regarding recognition of the TRNC etc. Also there are more opportunities and recognition of TRNC now opening up regionally. Turkey connected the water pipeline from Turkey to TRNC and now is planning to connect electric cables both ways too - with an offer of sharing to South Cyprus and possibly Israel I believe.

It is a very good standard of living here for foreigners and most locals. Also much healthier - climatewise plus only just rolling out 4.5G but there are many places where you can live where there is no wifi or EMF waves locally.
I have also noticed in the last 20 years the skies are totally clear of contrails, and aircarft movements for that matter. Wne flying from TRNC to UK at 30,000 feet the skies were clear above the clouds until I left Istanbul. After that, over the whole of Europe there is a filthy brownish tier of dirty 'clouds'. Can only think of pollution or some sort of spraying (aluminium?) going on.
This does not surprise me. Since the fall of communism in Russia, Cyprus has been a major banking and investment centre for Russian individuals and companies. It has no doubt been used as a major hub for money laundering by the Russian Mafia too.

Turkey's relationship with Russia has always been an odd one. Historically, they have been natural enemies for centuries but trade and real politik make for strange bedfellows. Since the demise of the Ottoman Empire in 1918, Turkey has striven to be accepted by the West and would like to become a member of the EU. However, history weighs heavily, especially in the Balkans, so EU membership is not going to happen anytime soon. More importantly at the present time is Turkey's membership of NATO. In the current uneasy stand of between Russia and NATO, Turkey's position is becoming more and more awkward politically speaking. If all-out war should break out between NATO and Russia, one has to wonder what will Turkey do since NATO's doctrine of collective defence would commit her to side with her NATO allies in such an event.

As to all-out war breaking out with NATO, the British have been steadily ramping up their provocations on Russia more and more lately. The latest such move by the numpty who is Britain's new Secretary of Defence (a man who until recently believed the Royal Navy's two aircraft carriers were owned by the RAF) is to propose that British troops should be sent to the Ukraine to train Ukrainian military personnel in situ - see: British troops could deploy to Ukraine for first time to train soldiers

Let me be quite clear here by saying that it is almost certain that British and other NATO troops have been clandestinely on the ground in the Ukraine for a long time now, as evidenced by the deaths of the two NATO generals referred to in this session. However, to send troops openly to the Ukraine for the purposes of training Ukrainian soldiers and acting as military advisors is tantamount to an act of war. This was exactly the method by which US forces were drawn into the Vietnam War.

Someone should tell Whitehall that the days of the 'Great Game' are long over and this is not the Crimean War (1853-1856) mark 2.​
Here are Victorian women with their most extraordinary hair. I never knew all this hair was there before I saw these pictures. What where they tuning into so well I wonder.
Oh my! Would you believe I just saw an episode about the women in your pictures - seven sisters who made a fortune due to their extraordinary hair:

Untangling the Tale of the Seven Sutherland Sisters and Their 37 Feet of Hair

In the late 19th century, though, the most startling, erotic thing you could do as a stage performer is let down your Rapunzel-esque floor-length hair. In fact, according to their biographer, the first real celebrity models in the United States were known as the Seven Sutherland Sisters, who had 37 feet of hair among them. Sarah, Victoria, Isabella, Grace, Naomi, Dora, and Mary Sutherland sang and played instruments—but no one really cared about that. No, the crowd came to ogle their magical, mythical, uber-feminine hair.

As I recall, the mother died and the father decided having the sisters perform was the best way to earn needed money. Unfortunately, their singing was so-so, but it was soon realized their real "talent" was their hair - at the conclusion of their performance, the sisters would turn and release their bountiful hair like living waterfalls. The public couldn't get enough!
Everywhere they went, audiences would audibly gasp when the young women unleashed their locks, shimmering under the gaslights.
Flaunting all that awesome hair onstage wasn’t quite enough to launch the Sutherlands from abject poverty to riches, so the sisters’ father, the Rev. Fletcher Sutherland, concocted a patent hair-growing tonic. Because Victorian women coveted the sister’s luscious locks, the cash came flooding in. The family grew rich beyond its wildest imaginations, as the sisters knocked serious political issues off the newspapers’ front page with their outrageous celebrity antics. By the mid-1880s, none of the sisters could walk down the street, their flowing tresses dragging behind them like dress trains, without being mobbed by starstruck fans.


An ad boasting a Seven Sutherland Sisters performance may have exaggerated the collective length of their hair. (Images via Sideshow World)

The marketing of the hair tonic soon expanded to a whole line of hair products and cosmetics.
Even though they were raking in millions at the turn of the century, the women’s spending on such extravagances—servants, clothes, fine jewelry, seconds homes, globe-trotting, booze, and lovers—was out of control.

Long story short, the new "bob" hairstyle dealt a death knell to their fame and fortune and the two remaining sisters ended up destitute - one died in an insane asylum and the other was buried in an unmarked grave. The article gives way more details than the tv episode did.
Oh my! Would you believe I just saw an episode about the women in your pictures - seven sisters who made a fortune due to their extraordinary hair:

Untangling the Tale of the Seven Sutherland Sisters and Their 37 Feet of Hair

As I recall, the mother died and the father decided having the sisters perform was the best way to earn needed money. Unfortunately, their singing was so-so, but it was soon realized their real "talent" was their hair - at the conclusion of their performance, the sisters would turn and release their bountiful hair like living waterfalls. The public couldn't get enough!


An ad boasting a Seven Sutherland Sisters performance may have exaggerated the collective length of their hair. (Images via Sideshow World)

The marketing of the hair tonic soon expanded to a whole line of hair products and cosmetics.

Long story short, the new "bob" hairstyle dealt a death knell to their fame and fortune and the two remaining sisters ended up destitute - one died in an insane asylum and the other was buried in an unmarked grave. The article gives way more details than the tv episode did.
Sadly their beautiful long locks seemed only to lead them into a life of STS orientated hedonism.

Although it has been mentioned before on the Forum, another group of early 20th Century women who kept their extremely long hair (at a time when the short bob was in fashion among western women) was the strange group of female mediums who provided their services to the German Thule Society and the Vril Society. This group was supposedly led by the beautiful Maria Orsic:​

Maria Orsic

Maria Orsitsch or Orsic (born in 1895 in Zagreb Croatia or Vienna depending on which version of her life story you consult) was an accomplished trance medium who became associated with the Vril Society in Munich. Maria became a follower of the German National Socialist Movement, which was active in the early years after the First World War. In 1919, Maria moved to Munich and came into contact with the Thule Society.

Maria joined with another young woman, Traute A, also from Munich, and several other female friends, who formed an inner circle of “Alldeutsche Gesellschaft für Metaphysik”, better known as the Vril Society. They were all young ladies with very long hair. Maria was blond and Traute was brown-haired. They had long horse tails, a very uncommon hairstyle at that time, which became a distinctive characteristic in all of the women who joined the Vril Society. They believed that their long hair acted as cosmic antennae to receive alien communications from beyond. They claimed to have received psychic communications from Aryan aliens living on Alpha Centauri in the Aldebaran star system. Allegedly, these aliens had visited Earth in ancient times and settled in Sumeria, and the word Vril was formed from the ancient Sumerian word "Vri-Il" (meaning "like god or God-like").

In the interests of fairness, I ought to add that there are many researchers who believe the whole story is fabricated and there is no hard evidence to prove the existence of Maria Orsic and her fellow Vril maidens. However, the operations of the Thule Society and the Vril Society are not well documented and it looks as if they were deliberately kept well under the radar (probably because of the occult connections). So, I would not readily dismiss the story out of hand for lack of hard evidence.​

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