Session 23 September 2023

We live in a completely crazy world, I really like the quote @mantle put in by G.I. Gurdieff.

Joy in spite of everything is super important and you have to work on it, yes or yes. There's no alternative, in my opinion.

Today two old ladies approached me on the street. One was part of a group of old ladies who had an outing and were waiting for the bus. She told me to forget the bad memories of the past, to enjoy the present and have fun. She had such good energy. The other old lady also approached me on the street. She told me she was going to make herself a delicious meal at home after taking a shower and enjoying the day.

These two ladies were in a state of joy. It's not easy, and it doesn't mean that being joyful is running away from reality. But this reality, which is hard and dark, is easier to bear when you're cheerful.
First id like to express my gratitude for another great session.

Q: (Perlou) Did Neil Armstrong take man's first steps on the Moon on July 16, 1969?

A: Yes
Is it splitting hairs? He didnt land on the Moon July 16th, that was blastoff day, first step was July 20.

Q: (JEEP) Is there anything nefarious in the works for the October 4th emergency broadcast test in the USA?

A: Anything in the USA is nefarious these days.

Q: (L) Well, are they going to send some kind of signal out that's going to trigger and activate some people?

A: Yes.
Wish there was more follow up here, will there be mass shootings or something else?

(Ursus Minor) Will the PTB initiate a financial crash to enforce the abolition of cash?

A: Yes.
I know they wont tell us when but maybe a way to prepare?

(Ze Germanz) Does 4D STS have a sense of humor?

A: No. If you have one it is because of STO impulses.
I think I know some people who may be 4D STS.

Q: (Aragorn) Mozart was a musical genius whose compositions are held by many as timeless and sublime. It is said that his compositions just poured into his head. Did Mozart have, as he composed, a connection to a higher density from which he drew his musical ideas?

A: Yes.

Q: (Aragorn) If yes, which density did he connect to?

A: 4, 5, 6.

Q: (Aragorn) Follow up: what was it about Mozart that made these super abilities possible?

A: Genetic fluke.
Fascinating and could explain all prodigies?

(Approaching Infinity) What happened to the F35 that crashed in South Carolina recently?

A: Pilot incompetence.
So many theories out there, had not heard this one...tends to make sense also.

(T.C.) How do the Cs determine what events they will try to prevent by transmitting them to the group? It seems like there are plenty of events that seem horrible to us that they haven't prevented by doing this. Are they determining what is good or bad for humanity by doing this?

A: Depends on the questions!

Q: (T.C.) Can I ask a follow up to that?

(L) Yeah.

(T.C) So that then means that if we do the correct research and ask the right questions, then we can pretty much prevent anything from... well, not anything, but anything that could be preventable, could be prevented by asking the right questions?

A: If there was sufficient awareness generated, yes.
People are waking up, but will it be enough? Have people in my family that hate Trump so much they are willing to suffer, this makes no sense to me.

A: October will be very interesting!! Goodbye.
I hope that means interesting in a good way, we need to have some good news soon.

Please have another session soon... :love:
If that were the case, the towers of the main complex wouldn’t standing like they are doing today. It perhaps could be exactly what happened with Tehotihuacan, Cs said that the first civilization that inhabited the city died because of famine and diseases mainly, so there could have been a biological or climate change that make the area very poor farming wise or something like that, or a virus from comet dust that could have killed millions, it could be a good question!

I was thinking on ask as well if the Lizards beings built that city, how did they did it? Through the grays? Through people manipulation? If the cosmic environment was different in the Atlantis era compare to post younger dryas, I suppose they couldn’t easily create the city directly in 3D as themselves. But I’ll try not to assume anything.
From memory, they have only found 44 skeletons in a city that at its peak could house 40,000+. Hence, the question is, if it were a plague, what happened to all the bodies? The city could have been abandoned en masse due to sudden climate change and lack of water I suppose but the C's said it was built 6,000 years ago and was continually occupied until 3000 years ago. That suggests an occupation which may have lasted around 3,000 years in which timeframe you would expect to find extensive graveyards. In some climates and soils bodies do not preserve well of course and some cultures practice cremation (as Hindus still do to this day in India) rather than burial, which would account for a lack of bodies. If the city and its inhabitants met a violent end as suggested by Davenport, one possibility is the Lizards may have used high energy weapons (rather than nuclear) to destroy the population, as they did when annihilating the large Assyrian army of Sennacherib outside Jerusalem per the Biblical account in 2 Kings as confirmed by the C's here:

Q: What happened to the army of Sennacherib?
A: Destroyed by cosmic rays energy concentration by Lizards.

Alternatively, the Lizards could have used EMP weapons (lasers?) to wipe out the population of Mohenjo Daro, leaving only the odd skeleton by chance in situ that was not incinerated. Finally, there is the mass abduction hypothesis, as mentioned in my previous post.

As you say, it could be a good question to ask the C's in a future session.​
Q: (Alejo) What was it that attacked the Ikitu town in the Amazonian region of Peru a couple of months ago, where villagers claim it was aliens?

(Andromeda) I think that was shown to be miners, illegal miners or something, wasn't it?

(Joe) That's what they said... Spooky.

A: Window fallers! Expect more!
Latest disturbing Peru update: an apparent human mutilation.

(There was another a while ago, but the body was pulled out of the water and it shared features with known piranha attacks.)
Is it splitting hairs? He didnt land on the Moon July 16th, that was blastoff day, first step was July 20.
If I remember correctly, there was a delay before the answer to this one came through. I would think the Cs would just go with the intent of the question on this one, i.e. "Was Armstrong the first to walk on the moon, as claimed?"
(Ursus Minor) Will the PTB initiate a financial crash to enforce the abolition of cash?

A: Yes.


Translated: Moneda digital argentina: de qué se trata la propuesta que anunció Massa y que apoya el FMI

Argentine digital currency: what the proposal that Massa announced and that the IMF supports is about​

During the first presidential debate, Sergio Massa mentioned the intention to create a digital peso or Argentine digital currency. What it is about and what it means to have a "digital peso". Why is this measure of interest to the IMF? What are other countries doing?
If I remember correctly, there was a delay before the answer to this one came through. I would think the Cs would just go with the intent of the question on this one, i.e. "Was Armstrong the first to walk on the moon, as claimed?"
Talk about splitting hairs but where Perlou asked "Did Neil Armstrong take man's first steps on the Moon on July 16, 1969?", the question might have been finessed by asking "Did Neil Armstrong take man's first steps on the Moon in modern times?" The reason for saying this is because the C's have previously told us that the structures seen by anomaly hunters and researchers on the Moon were constructed by the Atlanteans:

Q: (T) Who created the structures on the moon that Richard Hoagland has discovered?

A: Atlanteans.

Q: (T) What did they use these structures for?

A: Energy transfer points for crystalline power/symbolism as in monuments or statuary.

We must assume here that the Atlanteans were as human as we are. Thus, Armstrong's first steps on the Moon represented more a modern return to the Moon rather in the same way that Christopher Columbus and his fellow mariners were certainly not the first Europeans to set foot in the Americas in 1492 as the history books still try to argue but were the first mainstream European adventurers/explorers to return to the Americas.

Indeed, I am certain that NASA was fully aware of these earlier human structures on the Moon before the Apollo flights even occurred. As I said in an earlier post, some of the Apollo Moon missions may have been technology retrieval missions, especially that of Apollo 17. Perhaps one of the most anomalous objects seen among the Apollo 17 imagery was an image of what appears to be an android's head, as spotted in Shorty Crater (see image below). Indeed, Richard Hoagland, who first spotted it while he was studying a photo taken by the Apollo 17 astronauts Schmidt and Cernan, named it 'Data's Head' after the eponymous android hero of that name in the TV series Star Trek the Next Generation. Unfortunately, his article on this particular find no longer seems to be shown on his website, although it is discussed at length in his book Dark Mission – Book One: The Secret History of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, which he co-wrote with Michael Bara. This book was written before Hoagland turned to the dark side and is worth reading.


The image has, of course, been debunked as you would expect (the usual claims of pareidolia and image tampering etc.) but this commentator makes a good case for why we should take it seriously:
Given the obvious artificialities found on Mars, remains of a technologically advanced human civilization, certainly capable of at least interplanetary travel, the artificiality of the head is more than probable.

The civilization on Mars would for certain have been on our moon, and technological remains on the moon is therefore possible.

On this background, the probability for the head being artificial is by this much higher.

See: Hoaglands "head on the moon to be retrieved?

I am happy leave it to Forum members to make up their own minds on the image.

A similar looking head may have been discovered more recently on Mars as well:


Perhaps Neil Armstrong himself wished to draw attention to these Moon anomalies when he cryptically said on the occasion of the
25th anniversary of the Apollo 11 landing:​

"There are unimaginable wonders [out there], for those who
can remove some of Truth's protective layers"

As she says, best scenario is nothing at all happens, but an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. And just to reiterate, approximate start time is 2:20 Eastern Daylight Time.

"The interagency commission is wrapping up its work to find the reasons for the abnormal operation of the Luna-25 automatic station in the lunar orbit. It has been established that Luna-25 most likely crashed due to the abnormal operation of the onboard control system resulting from a failure of the accelerometer unit in the BIUS-L device (the angle velocity measuring instrument) after commands with different priorities of their fulfilment possibly entered into one array of data," Roscosmos said in a statement.

Roscosmos said its preliminary analysis of the August crash showed that "when issuing a corrective pulse to transfer the spacecraft from a circular lunar orbit to an elliptical pre-landing orbit, the Luna-25 propulsion system worked for 127 seconds instead of the planned 84 seconds," Roscosmos said.
It said the most likely cause was that the on-board control system malfunctioned in the spacecraft's angular velocity measuring unit because of incorrect data commands. As a result, the propulsion system was not shut down when needed.

Basically the propulsion failed to shut down at the correct point because the control system received too many commands simultaneously. It crashed as a result. Could EM interference cause this? Another hit for the C's?
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Well, in that particular case, we don’t need the planets to tells us about it, with just paying attention to reality we can see that developing, easily!
Yes it is true and and in fact I thought so too, it is like raining on wet ground. Well, we know it is happening, the issue is the event: where, when and in what way. The symbolic clue of Pluto is that it is overwhelming and merciless, it takes everything from you and the only thing it leaves you with is faith in life, it reminds me of what happened in Maui, (you can see the answer of this session)...and I say clue because those who really pull the strings know this language of communication at different levels that determines another step in their ritual-apocalyptic script (October-pluton). I remember that the Cass. have said that the planets influence physically on living beings; thus exhausting people psychically and spiritually leading them to self-destructive behaviors or programmed reprehensible acts. And if we know this we can protect others from falling into the trap.
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