Session 23 September 2023

As she says, best scenario is nothing at all happens, but an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. And just to reiterate, approximate start time is 2:20 Eastern Daylight Time.
Trying to figure out how to call this one. I remember during the George Floyd protests they said militants would run around. Sort of like something will happen but it won't be too crazy. I want to take the day off but work has been busy and it might look bad. I have an EMF shield laptop bag and a lot fewer devices at home, work being an EMF blanket basically. At the very least, traffic may be bad.

Il y a 50 ans, le premier pas sur la Lune​

Le 16 juillet 1969, les trois astronautes américains de la mission Apollo 11, Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin et Michael Collins, décollaient pour la Lune depuis la Floride, aux Etats-Unis. Ils vont marquer l’Histoire. Le 21 juillet 1969, Neil Armstrong et Buzz Aldrin deviennent les premiers hommes à poser leurs pieds sur l’astre.

Il y a 50 ans, le premier pas sur la Lune
Le 16 juillet 1969, les trois astronautes américains de la mission Apollo 11, Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin et Michael Collins, décollent de Floride, aux États-Unis, pour la Lune. Ils entreront dans l’histoire. Le 21 juillet 1969, Neil Armstrong et Buzz Aldrin sont devenus les premiers hommes à poser le pied sur l’étoile.
I want to take the day off but work has been busy and it might look bad.
I think I might be coming down with something so I am definitely not going into work tomorrow October 4.

A: October will be very interesting!!
US Speaker of the House has been removed and it's only October 3. I believe the Speaker is in line to be President after the Vice President.
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As she says, best scenario is nothing at all happens, but an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. And just to reiterate, approximate start time is 2:20 Eastern Daylight Time.
You dont need Faraday can use aluminum foil, wrap your phones and radios in it till the coast is clear.

Things are getting pretty hairy, McCarthy just removed as Speaker...a lot going on. We need our phones to communicate with each other.

Caution is could well be nothing happens tomorrow...or we can regret not making a small effort.
Just a thought on the eve of 4th of October and how the whole country can be manipulated into panic and chaos basically.

There was a precedent in US (imo, definitely with a green light from intel/PTB - to check if mass media can be used as a ‘weapon of mass destruction/madness’) in 1938. It was a radio broadcast of H.Wells ‘War of the worlds’ on CBS.
During the ‘show’ it was stated many times - that the translation is fiction, but people still took it as a true alien invasion with evacuation panic that followed etc.

Here is some info on the case:
A big thanks to all participated and your consistent efforts in assisting others. This was such a wonderful session to read with so much ground covered.

I was fascinated by the comments about hair and it's receptivity.
A: Jubilee of Cassiopaea. Hair is important for tuning.

Q: (L) So why do you say hair is important for tuning?

A: Andromeda wants to wash hers.

Q: (L) Well I washed mine this afternoon.

A: Yes. Very receptive/perceptive of you!

(Andromeda) I was joking when I said I needed to wash my hair, but now that you mention it...

Q: (L) Yeah, now that you mention it... Yeah. Receptive. Are you saying my hair is receptive, perceptive?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Even with my curls?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Alright. Is that why I'm always driven to have curls? Because it increases the receptive perceptiveness?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Alright.

(Pierre) Because of the spiral.
It reminded me of reading about the rishi knot method of styling the hair practiced by followers of the Sikh religion. Modern day kundalini yoga practitioners also believe that the practice of coiling the hair in this fashion enhances receptivity.

A rishi knot is a method of pulling all the hair to the crown of the head and twisting it into a spiral and then coiling that spiral and securing it.

I found this about the practice:
In Sikhism, kesh (sometimes kes) (Gurmukhi: ਕੇਸ) is the practice of allowing one's hair to grow naturally out of respect for the perfection of God's creation. The practice is one of The Five Kakaars, the outward symbols ordered by Guru Gobind Singh in 1699 as a means to profess the Sikh faith. The hair is combed twice daily with a kanga, another of the five Ks, and tied into a simple knot known as a joora or rishi knot. This knot of hair is usually held in place with the kanga and covered by a turban.

The 52 commands of Guru Gobind Singh written at Hazur Sahib at Nanded in the state of Maharashtra, mention that the kesh (hair) should be revered as the form of the Satguru (eternal guru) whom they consider as the same as god. For this reason by practitioners they are kept with the utmost respect. This includes regular maintenance of hair which includes but is not limited to combing at least twice daily, washing regularly and not allowing for public touching.


In Sanskrit, kesh comes from k, meaning head, and esh, meaning master/supreme, meaning the pinnacle or supreme portion of the head. This matches with Santokh Singh's Suraj Prakash which states,

ਰਚ੍ਯੋ ਸੁ ਈਸ਼ੁਰ ਮਾਨੁਖ ਦੇਹ ॥ ਕਰ੍ਯੋ ਸੁਭਾਇਮਾਨ ਛਬਿ ਗ੍ਰੇਹ ॥
The body is created by Eshvar [The Lord], He has created humans beautiful and respectful.
ਉੱਤਮਾਂਗ ਪਰ ਸੁੰਦਰ ਕਰੇ ॥ ਅਧਿਕ ਰੂਪ ਕੇਸ਼ਨ ਤੇ ਧਰੇ ॥40॥
Out of all parts of the body, the head is the highest, and adorning Kesh [unshorn hair] on top of one's head the body becomes beautiful.[1]
The Mahan Kosh also states, kesh is "the hair on the head". Avatar Singh Vahiria's Khalsa Dharam Shastar (1914), agrees with this stating, "Kesh means the hair on the head and also the beard and mustache."[2]


Painting of Maharaja Sher Singh after a bath with his hair down
Kesh is a symbol of devotion to God, reminding Sikhs that they should obey the will of God.

Bhai Nand Lal, who was a well-respected poet in the court of the 10th Guru, Guru Gobind Singh, wrote in Persian:[3]

Nishān-e-Sikhī ast īn Panj harf-e kāf,
Hargiz na bāshad azīn panj muāf,
Kara, Karad, Kacha, Kanga bidān,
Bina kesh hēch ast jumla nishān.
[These five letters of K are emblems of Sikhism.

These five are most incumbent;

Steel bangle, big knife, shorts and a comb;

Without unshorn hair the other four are of no significance.]

By not cutting it, Sikhs honour God's gift of hair[4] Kesh combined with the combing of hair using a kangha shows respect for God and all of his gifts.

Bhai Desa Singh, a Sikh from the mid 18th century, writes that:

Just like a bird without wings, or like a sheep without wool
Or like a woman without clothes, such is a man without kesh.
When a man adorns Kesh only then does he have full form.
Desa Singh instructs in his Code of Conduct, Rehatnama, text that Singh should wash their Kesh with yogurt every two weeks and then cleanse and infuse it with perfume.[5]

Bhai Daya Singh Rehatnama states that the Kesh as a symbol was given to the Khalsa by Durga at the 1699 Amrit Sanskar, implying the adorning of the kesh as her symbol.[6]

Kesh was such an important symbol of identity that during the persecution of Sikhs under the Mughal Empire, followers were willing to face death rather than shave or cut their hair to disguise themselves. The symbol of long hair for Sikhs was the stamp or insignia of the Guru.

Also this article from a modern day Sikh I would take with a grain of salt, but not to throw the baby out with the bathwater there may be something to the hair picture here:
  • “Human Hair – A Biological Necessity” by Dr. Birendra Kaur.

    Nature (Wahe Guru) put every hair on your body for a reason. The hair of the legs regulates the glandular system and stabilizes a person’s electromagnetic field. The hair under the armpits protects the very sensitive area where the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems come together; this affects the brain and your energy level. Eyebrows protect the eyes from sun and sweat. Facial hair on men covers the moon center on the chin and protects them from excessive moon energy. The hair on top of the head is very long, while the hair on the body is short. If it were only for warmth, the hair on the body would be long also. We only have long hair right over the brain. We are practically the only creatures designed this way. Hair is your antenna to receive a picture of the subtle world around you, to tell when people are lying, to feel things before they happen, etc..
    The natural intelligence of the body is to maintain its hairs. If you allow the hair on the head to grow undisturbed; it will grow to a certain length required by your body and then it will stop. Perhaps you have noticed among Sikhs who do not cut their hair that hair length is different for each person. Each body has its own requirement. The hair also reflects the health of the individual.
    It has been proven scientifically that people who have long hair tend to be less tired, more energetic and less likely to become depressed. People who have long hair also conserve energy and don’t feel the cold of winter the same as people with short hair. A person who has shorn hair wastes his body’s energy. A person who cuts his hair over his lifetime forces the body to grow 22 meters of replacement hair. A person who keeps his hair only produces 1.5 meters of hair over his lifetime.
    Think of the story of Samson and Delilah in the Bible! He lost his strength when she cut his hair! Another example of the power of hair: To humiliate the conquered people of China, Genghis Khan made them cut their hair and wear bangs over the forehead! (Bangs cover the 3rd eye, inhibiting intuition and subtle knowledge.)
    Hair is a conductor of the body’s electromagnetic energy. Ever see how the antenna wire in an AM radio is coiled in a circle? That’s because of something called induction. Induction causes any conductor of electromagnetic energy to induce a current in adjacent conductors. This means that when you coil a conductor, the signal becomes much stronger. Hairs on top of the head act as antennae. They conduct energy into the body. Also, wearing the hair on top of the head protects the top of the head from sun and exposure, as well as channeling solar energy and improving vitamin D absorbtion. Yogis and Sikhs do not cut their hair, they coil or knot it on top of head on their solar center. In men the solar center is on top of the head at the front (anterior fontanel). Women have two solar centers: one is at the center of the crown chakra, the other is on top of the head towards the back (posterior fontanel). For both men and women, coiling or knotting the hair at the solar center channels one’s radiant energy and helps retain a spiritual focus.
    This hair knot is traditionally called the “rishi” knot. In ancient times, a rishi was someone who had the capacity to control the flow of energy and prana in the body. A “maharishi” was someone who could regulate the flow of energy in the body, meditatively and at will. The rishi knot assists in the channeling of energy in meditation (Naam Simran). If one cuts off the hair, there can be no rishi knot. By giving us the rishi knot (and the turban) the Guru gave his Sikhs the blessing to have the capacity of a rishi.

It's interesting to think about how our personal care practices may affect receivership in regards to our hair. It's really making me think about what modern day hair styling products and practices may inhibit hair receivership ability much in the same way that the wrong foods seem to be problematic in the internal environment.

This article may shed some light on the issue:

On Hair Care Physicochemistry: From Structure and Degradation to Novel Biobased Conditioning Agents​

Hair is a fibrous composite biomaterial generated by the hair follicle and composed of proteins, lipids, water, and other minor compounds, such as pigments. Proteins are the main component of hair and can account for ca. 65 to 95% of the total hair weight [4]. The main constituent of hair is keratin, a resistant fibrous protein mainly composed of tyrosine, glycine, and cysteine amino acids. The high content of sulfur-containing cysteine results in the establishment of disulfide bonds between neighboring keratin chains, forming cystine units (Figure 1) [5]. Along with disulfide bonds, peptide bonds are also abundant in the structure of the hair. Consequently, numerous −CO and −NH groups are accessible to form hydrogen bonds between adjacent proteinaceous filaments [6]. The resulting crosslinked structure of keratin is responsible for the shape, structure, and strength of the hair fibers [7,8].
Hair weathering is the chemical or physical deterioration of the hair shaft that results in the removal of some hair components and makes it more susceptible to breakage [3]. The damage is caused, for example, by cosmetic procedures, bad hair care habits, or environmental factors such as prolonged exposure to UV radiation [24]. Some cosmetic treatments are extremely harsh and result in increased structural and chemical damage to the hair fibers. Chemical procedures, such as bleaching, perming, relaxing, and straightening, are known to cause significant damage to hair fibers [16]. Nonetheless, inadequate daily care routines and practices are also a cause of hair deterioration. Physical damage can result from poor brushing or combing or from blow drying at extremely high temperatures [16]. Hair weathering is a progressive process of deterioration where the hair shaft loses the external protection provided by the cuticles and affects the ability of the cortex to retain moisture [24]. In a first stage, this results in loss of gloss and softness, but with further damage, hair may lose its strength and elasticity, and eventually its complete structural integrity, resulting in hair breakage [25]. Hair is constantly exposed to various sources of weathering during its existence. This means that older hair will present a higher degree of damage than the recently formed hair shaft. Consequently, the hair near the scalp presents a more preserved structure than the tips of long hair. In Figure 5, examples of hair samples showing remarkable injuries on the hair shaft along the fiber’s length are presented. Near the scalp, the hair has complete cuticles, and the hair shaft is fully covered by the overlapping scales. As the distance from the scalp increases, the hair becomes more damaged. Some cuticles were partially removed, exposing the cortex of the fiber, and the surface shows a rough appearance. Near the tip (Figure 5, right), no cuticles are visible due to the longer exposure to external insults during its existence, which resulted in the complete removal of the cuticle layers. The degree of damage will differ from person to person, and it is strongly dependent on the daily care habits of each person and the degree of exposure to weathering events.
Cationic conditioners are characterized by the presence of cationic surfactants, also known as quaternary ammonium compounds. Due to their positive charges, this type of conditioning agent neutralizes the negative charges of the hair, promoting a decrease in static electricity [42]. The thin film of conditioner that adsorbs at the hair surface flattens the cuticles, making them smooth and improving the softness and shine of the hair. Cationic surfactants are very effective for the conditioning of chemically treated hair because of their high density of negative charges. Several quaternary ammonium salts are used as conditioning agents in hair care formulations, such as cetrimonium chloride, behentrimonium chloride, stearalkonium chloride, etc. These compounds have a hydrophilic, positively charged group that interacts with the hair shaft through electrostatic interactions and one or more hydrophobic alkyl chains that point towards the outer surface, which enables them to restore some of the lost hydrophobicity (Figure 7). It also helps to improve the compatibility between hair and other compounds in the formulation that synergistically contribute to the conditioning effects (such as oils) by changing the hydrophilic character of the hair’s surface [43].
Film-forming conditioners are prepared from high-molecular-weight polymers that form a thin film, coating the surface of the hair fiber while filling the cuticle defects. This coating smooths the cuticle’s surface and reduces the friction between hair shafts. Consequently, the coated hair will present lower static electricity and reduced frizz. Silicones are one of the most common film-forming agents used in conditioners. There are different types of silicones that show different deposition, adherence, and rinse-out capacities, resulting in conditioners with distinct performances [45]. Dimethicone is the most commonly used within the silicones family [10]. It is a hydrophobic polymer, so it will contribute to restoring the hydrophobicity of the hair and act as a lubricant. However, the adsorption of hydrophobic polymers will be greater in virgin hair with limited damage. To promote the deposition of dimethicone on anionic fibers, additional cationic bridging agents are added to the formulation to increase the affinity between charged hair and silicone [45]. An alternative approach is to add cationically-modified polymers that combine the film-forming action of high molecular weight polymers with the enhanced interactions of cationic surfactants and consequent neutralization of hair’s surface charge. Cationic polymers, such as Polyquaternium-10 (quaternized cellulose) and Polyquaternium-7 (co-polymer of diallyl dimethyl ammonium chloride and acrylamide), are commonly used, but more in shampoo formulations than in conditioners [3].

So what I suspect after reading this article is that modern hair trends as cited above create damaged hair follicles in the destruction of the chemical bonds of the hair, and the products that are widely available bond with the hair altering it's natural electrical function. Therefore inhibiting receivership capacity of the hair.
Extremely damaged hair, especially chemically treated hair, has a lower isoelectric point and, consequently, a higher density of negative sites [49]. Due to this, consumers with damaged hair have difficulties achieving the desired conditioning effect without using cationic conditioners [60]. However, the most common cationic surfactants are mostly derived from petrochemicals, are poorly biodegradable, and have acute aquatic toxicity
Also if cationic conditioners improve compatibility between the hair and other compounds, could it be possible that our hair could be tuned by these products to more undesirable frequencies?

I used to work as a buyer of personal care products for a local health food store. I loved doing product research in this position. During this period I found a couple of brands that had clean ingredient formulations in their hair products:
(they both ship internationally)

I have really straight hair. I have always loved curls, but my hair doesn't hold them well. I typically wear my hair in a rishi knot to keep it out of the way when I'm working and it gives it some wave when I take it out. I'm not sure if it amplifies the receivership ability of my hair, but it's quick and easy in the morning when you're running out the door 🏃‍♀️
Thanks for an interesting assessment based on the information the C's have given us. Do we know roughly when the nuclear war took place between the Celts and the Paranthas?

It is interesting that the city of Mohenjo (meaning in Sindhi 'Mound of the Dead Men'), which stands on the right bank of the Indus River in the northern Sindh province of southern Pakistan, was the largest city of the Indus Valley Civilization until its destruction by what appears to have been a possible nuclear attack. Mainstream archaeologists give a date of circa 1900 BC for the abandonment of the city but the C's have suggested a much earlier date than this:​

Q: Now, you said Mohenjo Daro (was built by the Lizzies directly. Did they occupy this city themselves?

A: No.

Q: When was this city last inhabited continually?

A: 3065 years ago.

Q: When was it built?

A: 6092 years ago.

The famous British archaeologist Sir Mortimer Wheeler, who excavated at Mohenjo Daro in 1950s, believed the inhabitants were victims of a single massacre and suggested that the Indus civilization, whose demise was unexplained, had fallen to an armed invasion by Indo-Aryans; nomadic newcomers. However, the conclusion that many mainstream archaeologists now make is that the ‘massacre’ victims from Mohenjo Daro were simply the victims of the natural tragedy of fatal disease rather than that of human aggression.

There exists, however, a growing number of ‘alternative archaeologists’ and researchers who have not settled for theories that do not satisfactorily explain the conditions of the skeletal remains and who have sought other explanations.

One such individual is David Davenport, British Indian researcher, who spent 12 years studying ancient Hindu scripts and evidence at the site where the great city once stood. In his book Atomic Destruction in 2000 B.C. he reveals some startling findings: the objects found at the site appeared to be fused, glassified by a heat as high as 1500°C, followed by a sudden cooling. Within the city itself there appeared to be an ‘epicenter’ about 50 yards wide, within which everything was crystallized, fused, or melted, and 60 yards from the centre the bricks are melted on one side indicating a blast.

In his book Riddles of Ancient History , A. Gorbovsky reported the discovery of at least one human skeleton in the area with a level of radioactivity approximately 50 times greater than it should have been due to natural radiation. Davenport claimed that what was found at Mohenjo Daro corresponded exactly to what was seen at Nagasaki and Hiroshima in Japan.

Since there was no indication of a volcanic eruption at Mohenjo-Daro, or another disaster that could explain such features, Davenport suggested that the ancient city and its last inhabitants were obliterated by a blast from an ancient weapon, likened to an atomic bomb .

In fairness, mainstream historians and archaeologists have called into question the atomic bomb blast theory arguing that there are no original sources quoted for such claims. Moreover, despite the skeletal remains being extensively studied down to the finest details, not a single scientific paper reports on the discovery of radiation (MJF: such reports could have been blocked by the scientific establishment of course). It has also been argued that that the 15-foot (4.5m) high walls that can be seen in Mohenjo Daro today, would not have survived a nuclear blast, which is a fair point.

Given the dates the C's gave above, it seems unlikely that Mohenjo Daro may have been a victim of the nuclear war between the Celts and the Paranthas, as this would appear to have occurred much earlier in time. How the city met its demise and why there have been so few skeletons discovered still remains a mystery though. Could it have been destroyed by the Lizzies? Could there have been a mass abduction as happened to the Mayans?

Where you say:

Pakistan is, of course, an Islamic state, which was created out of the partition of India in 1947 with the end of British colonial rule. This partition saw millions of people relocating due to ethnic and religious differences. Hence, many Moslems who settled in Pakistan came from other parts of India, including areas where the inhabitants may have been of Dravidian extraction. Did the genetic analysis you mentioned allow for this factor?​
If Mohenjo Daro was last continuously inhabited 3000 years ago, wouldn’t that put it right in line with the Bronze Age collapse? The Bronze Age collapse is usually said to be around the 12th century BC, but if a couple hundred years were added to the calendar, that date of 3000 years would be about the same time.

I tried using the search feature to see what the C’s said about the Bronze Age collapse, but too many answers came up.
Another perspective:

What's really going on with these emergency alerts?
This is what I’m leaning towards. I don’t think this will activate sleeper agents throughout the country on a mass scale or something similar, especially since they are announcing the test on mainstream media stations. Seems too obvious to be sneaky.
Of course it CAN trigger reactions in certain people but that doesn’t mean the emergency test will directly cause the reaction but rather the hype surrounding it might.
Is it splitting hairs? He didnt land on the Moon July 16th, that was blastoff day, first step was July 20.
Thanks for pointing that out, when the session appeared I did a quick CTRL-F 'moon' before going about my morning routine. I always do this, to see if anyone has asked about the moon, I figured there would be something this time as the Moon Landing thread had been re-opened after a 3 year hiatus and a couple of probes went there and one failed. I didn't notice the date was wrong, it's actually the 21st.

Why would you think the moon landing was faked?
Not only are the still images questionable the live TV transmission was pretty ordinary too. In this video you'll see Shepard and Mitchell consummating EVA-2 on Apollo 14. After throwing a 'javelin' they continue their tasks. If you watch from 2.22 you'll see the camera move slightly then at 2.25 an object quickly flash onscreen in the bottom left and vanish. Slow it down to .25 and freeze it, looks like a shoe. It looks like someone has sat down on the platform holding the camera and then crossed their right leg over their left. Try it at home and film it, its a fit! The only two people on the moon at that time are in frame. For context on the right is the camera they used, allegedly, it's not remote controlled nor is there anything that could make such an artifact. The lens cap swings down on a vertical axis not off to the left and sideways.
The only way the camera could move was if the cable was snagged. NASA goes into this with some detail, no mention of the mystery artifact however. Edited video of this segment here on Bitchute, watch at half speed.
The C's were once asked what the stars are. They said 'portals'. All about our world is a lie. Tesla once commented the earth is not a planet but a realm.
If "All about our world is a lie", then that statement, which relates to our world, is also a lie. There is a truth about our planet, and whatever the complete truth is, a portion of that truth is that the world in which we live is a glome.

And I believe that although the material given here will bring people with a soul that resonates with it, it will also attract organic portals.


For the prize in the form of gaining access to the fourth density.
Organic portals almost certainly aren't interested in things like fourth density and STS/STO. They're just learning the basic biological lessons of existence in a human form. Their lives are work, food, sex, families and recreation, with very little exploratory thought beyond those experiences, osit.

Cs said yes to half.
Thanks for this, hlat. I missed this reference.
Their lives are work, food, sex, families and recreation, with very little exploratory thought beyond those experiences, osit.
Yes, but people with soul are around and they are "fascinating." For them (the Organic Portals) those people are people who do strange things that they do not understand.

And to "stop" the seeker, he will have many of these so-called Organic Portals around him, since they will feel an attraction towards him, like insects are attracted to light (this is an example and I do not intend to be derogatory).

Is it possible, however, that what you say is the definitive truth?

Of course.
Yes, but people with soul are around and they are "fascinating." For them (the Organic Portals) those people are people who do strange things that they do not understand.
I think you're conflating the psychopathic perspective with the perspective of an OP. A psychopath sees the emotional spectrum of human experience as something completely strange and not quite conspecific, whereas an OP has emotions, just not to the same 'depth' a "souled" person does. It's unlikely they would find normal human behaviour to be particularly "fascinating".

And to "stop" the seeker, he will have many of these so-called Organic Portals around him, since they will feel an attraction towards him, like insects are attracted to light (this is an example and I do not intend to be derogatory).
Any 'attraction' is more likely to be a reaction to a stimulus made by another entity, such as particular desires or thoughts that the OP, not having any "insight", would be unable to distinguish from their own, osit. In nature, beings tend to be attracted towards their own kind.
I think you're conflating the psychopathic perspective with the perspective of an OP. A psychopath sees the emotional spectrum of human experience as something completely strange and not quite conspecific, whereas an OP has emotions, just not to the same 'depth' a "souled" person does. It's unlikely they would find normal human behaviour to be particularly "fascinating".

Any 'attraction' is more likely to be a reaction to a stimulus made by another entity, such as particular desires or thoughts that the OP, not having any "insight", would be unable to distinguish from their own, osit. In nature, beings tend to be attracted towards their own kind.
Okay, you and I are not going to agree.

No problem.
If Mohenjo Daro was last continuously inhabited 3000 years ago, wouldn’t that put it right in line with the Bronze Age collapse? The Bronze Age collapse is usually said to be around the 12th century BC, but if a couple hundred years were added to the calendar, that date of 3000 years would be about the same time.

I tried using the search feature to see what the C’s said about the Bronze Age collapse, but too many answers came up.
Perhaps. The Bronze Age collapse seems to have picked up steam around the middle of the 14th Century BC (which could in reality be out by as much as 200 years) when the massive eruption of the volcanic island of Thera (modern day Santorini) in the Eastern Mediterranean and the resulting tidal wave led to the destruction of the Minoan civilisation based on Crete. The tidal wave and ash cloud from the eruption devastated Egypt (the major power in the Middle East of that age) and the Levant. Many alternative researchers tie this event into the Biblical plagues of Egypt as described in Genesis and the Exodus account, which would appear to have occurred during the reign of Pharoah Akhenaten (see the transcripts for more on this). However, there is evidence that not long after this event a devastating plague broke out, which swept through Egypt and the whole of the Middle East and the Eastern Mediterranean. This plague would seem to have fatally undermined the Mycenaean civilisation and the Mitanni and Hittite Empires (based in Syria, Iraq and Anatolia), which both went into a steep decline thereafter. No doubt because of trade links between Anatolia/Mesopotamia and the Indus Valley, the plague may well have spread there too. People often associated plague with places rather than with people, who were the real carriers, thus it could have led I suppose to the swift abandonment of cities like Mohenjo Daro. Who knows?

A detailed analysis of the impact on Egypt of Thera's explosion and the plague can be found in my article Abraham, Moses, Akhenaten, Meritaten and the Cassiopaeans


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